dsdp/tm/tcf_0_3_x/org.eclipse.tm.tcf.docs/TCF Agent Porting Guide.html
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     4     <title>TCF Agent Porting Guide</title>
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     9     <h1>TCF Agent Porting Guide</h1>
    11     <p>
    12         Copyright (c) 2009 Wind River Systems, Inc. Made available under the EPL v1.0
    13     </p>
    14     <p>
    15         Direct comments, questions to the <a href="mailto:dsdp-tcf-dev@eclipse.org">dsdp-tcf-dev@eclipse.org</a> mailing list
    16     </p>
    18     <h2>Table of Contents</h2>
    19     <ul>
    20         <li>
    21             <a href='#Introduction'>Introduction</a>
    22         </li>
    23         <li>
    24             <a href='#Customizing'>Customizing and Porting TCF Agent</a>
    25         </li>
    26         <li>
    27             <a href='#NewOS'>Porting TCF Agent to a New OS Platform</a>
    28         </li>
    29         <li>
    30             <a href='#NewCPU'>Porting TCF Agent to a New CPU Type</a>
    31         </li>
    32         <li>
    33             <a href='#NewExeFile'>Adding Support For a New Executable File Format</a>
    34         </li>
    35         <li>
    36             <a href='#NewDebugData'>Adding Support For a New Debug Data Format</a>
    37         </li>
    38         <li>
    39             <a href='#NewTransport'>Adding Support For a New Communication Trasport</a>
    40         </li>
    41     </ul>
    43     <h2>
    44         <a name='Introduction'>Introduction</a>
    45     </h2>
    47     <p>
    48         TCF Agent is a lightweight reference implementation of TCF protocol that supports basic debugging and other TCF services.
    49         It is written in C and can be used for remote debugging of software written for Linux, Windows XP or VxWorks.
    50         See <a href='TCF Getting Started.html'>TCF Getting Started</a> for instructions on how to get the source code and build the agent.
    51     </p>
    54     <h2>
    55         <a name='Customizing'>Customizing and Porting TCF Agent</a>
    56     </h2>
    58     <p>
    59         It is important to know concurrency model used by the agent code before making any changes.
    60         Most of the agent code is event driven: it has a main loop that retrieves events from an event queue and executes them sequentially by calling event handlers by a single thread.
    61         Single threaded event driven design provides good level of concurrency (equivalent to cooperative multithreading), while greatly reduces need for synchronization -
    62         each event dispatch cycle can be viewed as fully synchronized atomic operation.
    63     </p>
    65     <p>
    66         Event driven code should avoid long running or potentially blocking operations in event handlers since they can stop all event processing for indefinite time.
    67         Such operations should use asynchronous APIs (like POSIX Asynchronous I/O), or should be performed by background threads.
    68         Treat background threads with extreme caution - agent data structures are not intended for multithreaded access.
    69         Background thread scope should be limited to a single module and it should not call agent public APIs.
    70         Instead they should communicate with the rest of the code by posting events.
    71     </p>
    73     <p>
    74         An event is essentially a function pointer (a call-back) that points to event handler, plus a data pointer.
    75         Call-backs are also used throughout the agent code to subscribe listeners for various state change notifications.
    76         Using events and call-backs, as a design principle, is also known as inversion of control.
    77         Note that, in general, inversion of control is not compatible with traditional multithreaded programming model that used mutexes to protect shared data from racing conditions.
    78     </p>
    80     <p>
    81         Most of TCF agent configuration is done at compile time.
    82         Conditional compilation statements in the source code assume that both the agent and inferior code will run on same OS platform and
    83         on same CPU type that were used to build the agent.
    84         Building an agent that can run on one machine while controlling execution of code on another machine might be possible, but not fully supported at this time.
    85     </p>
    87     <p>
    88         Header file <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/agent/config.h'>config.h</a> contains macro definitions that control agent configuration.
    89         All C files in the agent code include <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/agent/config.h'>config.h</a> before other header files.
    90         Individual services or features can be enabled or disabled by changing definitions in the file.
    91         Also, macro values can be overwritten by using -D option in C compiler command line.
    92         Agent <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/agent/Makefile'>Makefile</a> contains additional logic that makes it even more convenient to build different agent configurations.
    93     </p>
    95     <p>
    96         It should be much easier to port the agent if you don't need all TCF services.
    97         For example, for RSE integration you only need File System, System Monitor and Processes services,
    98         so you can disable all other services by editing <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/agent/config.h'>config.h</a>.
    99     </p>
   101     <p>
   102         It is better to create a separate directory with alternative versions of
   103         <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/agent/config.h'>config.h</a>,
   104         <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/agent/context.h'>context.h,</a>
   105         <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/agent/context.c'>context.c,</a>
   106         <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/agent/Makefile'>Makefile,</a>
   107         etc., instead of editing original files.
   108         The idea is that Makefile will search that directory first, and if a file not found there, it will search original agent sources.
   109         See <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/examples/org.eclipse.tm.tcf.examples.daytime.agent'>examples/org.eclipse.tm.tcf.examples.daytime.agent</a>
   110         for an example of a custom TCF agent.
   111         Of course, if changes are generic enough to be useful for other ports, then it is better to change code in the main directory.
   112     </p>
   114     <p>
   115         Please, consider contributing your changes of the source code back to eclipse.org.
   116     </p>
   118     <h2>
   119         <a name='NewOS'>Porting TCF Agent to a New OS Platform</a>
   120     </h2>
   122     <p>
   123         In order to improve portability, instead of using non-portable native OS calls, agent code uses POSIX APIs whenever possible.
   124         When a POSIX API is not available for particular platform, and it can be easily emulated, it is done in mdep.h/mdep.c files.
   125         For example, mdep.h/mdep.c contains emulation of POSIX Threads for Win32, since the API is not available with Microsoft C compiler.
   126         API emulation does not have to be complete, it only needs to implement functionality that is used by the agent.
   127     </p>
   129     <p>
   130         When it is not possible or not feasible to use portable POSIX APIs, the agent code contains conditional compilation statements that
   131         use well known macros like WIN32, __CYGWIN__, __MINGW32__, etc. Such places might require editing when porting to a new OS.
   132     </p>
   134     <h2>
   135         <a name='NewCPU'>Porting TCF Agent to a New CPU Type</a>
   136     </h2>
   138     <p>
   139                 Searching TCF agent source code for __i386__ is a good way to find all places where the source code depends on CPU type.
   140         </p>
   142         <p>
   143                 There are several files in the code that might need changes in order to support a new CPU type:
   144         </p>
   146     <dl>
   147         <dt>
   148             <b>
   149                 <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/agent/context.c'>context.c</a>
   150             </b>
   151         </dt>
   152         <dd>
   153             The module provides low level debugger functionality: attach/detach, suspend/resume, single step, memory read/write.
   154             It uses OS debug APIs to do its job. Most of the code does not depend on CPU type, however, single stepping is not always directly
   155             supported by OS, and its implementation needs to be reviewed and changed to support new CPU type.
   156         </dd>
   157         <dt>
   158             <b>
   159                 <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/agent/dwarfexpr.c'>dwarfexpr.c</a>
   160             </b>
   161         </dt>
   162         <dd>
   163             The module implements evaluation of <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DWARF'>DWARF</a> expressions.
   164             The module is used only if the agent is built to support
   165             <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format'>ELF</a> executable file format and
   166             <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DWARF'>DWARF</a> debugging data format.
   167             No need to change the module if <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format'>ELF</a> or
   168             <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DWARF'>DWARF</a> support is not required.
   169             <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DWARF'>DWARF</a> expressions can have references to CPU registers.
   170             Register access code needs to be changed to support new CPU type.
   171             Note that different compilers can use different numbers to identify same registers of same CPU.
   172         </dd>
   173         <dt>
   174             <b>
   175                 <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/agent/registers.c'>registers.c</a>
   176             </b>
   177         </dt>
   178         <dd>
   179             The module implements <a href='TCF Service - Registers.html'>Registers service</a>. The code has static variable "regs_index" that contains a table of CPU registers.
   180             The table holds names, offsets and sizes of CPU registers. Offset and size define location of register data in REG_SET structure,
   181             which represents snapshot of register values of an execution context. Definition of the variable needs to be changed to support new CPU type.
   182         </dd>
   183         <dt>
   184             <b>
   185                 <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/agent/stacktrace.c'>stacktrace.c</a>
   186             </b>
   187         </dt>
   188         <dd>
   189             The module implements <a href='TCF Service - Stack Trace.html'>Stack Trace service</a>.
   190             The module contains "trace_stack" function that creates stack trace by walking a stack of an executable context.
   191             Stack trace data format is defined by two struct declarations: StackTrace and StackFrame.
   192             The data structure is generic, however the code that created the data structure is CPU dependand.
   193             Alternative version of "trace_stack" function needs to be provided to support new CPU type.
   194         </dd>
   195     </dl>
   197     <h2>
   198         <a name='NewExeFile'>Adding Support For a New Executable File Format</a>
   199     </h2>
   201     <p>
   202         For source level debugging TCF agent needs to understand executable file format.
   203         Source level debugging is supported by providing two services: Symbols and Line Numbers.
   204         The services are optional, and if they are disabled no support for executable file format is needed.
   205         At this time the agent supports <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format'>ELF (Executable and Linking Format)</a>
   206         and <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Executable'>PE (Portable Executable)</a> files.
   207         ELF is very popular format in Unix-like and embedded systems, and PE is used in Windows operating systems.
   208     </p>
   210     <p>
   211         ELF supported in the agent is developed from scratch, has no external dependences, and is available in source form as part of the agent source code.
   212         The code might require changes to support a particular flavor of ELF.
   213         Probably the most tricky part of the code is interface to the system loader.
   214         The agent needs to know when an ELF file is loaded into or removed from target memory so it can update symbol tables and breakpoints.
   215         For that it plants an internal (not visible to clients) breakpoint (aka eventpoint) inside system loader code.
   216         The breakpoint allows agent to intercept control every time an ELF file is loaded or unloaded.
   217     </p>
   219     <p>
   220         PE support in the agent is implemented by using DBGHELP.DLL. This DLL is included in Windows operating system.
   221         However, older versions of the DLL might not provide all necessary functionality.
   222         To obtain the latest version of DBGHELP.DLL, go to <a href='http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/default.mspx'>
   223         http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/default.mspx</a> and download Debugging Tools for Windows.
   224     </p>
   226     <p>
   227         Support for a completely new file format would require to develop alternative versions of symbols_xxx.c and linenumbers_xxx.c files.
   228         See <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/agent/symbols_elf.c'>symbols_elf.c</a>
   229         and <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/agent/linenumbers_elf.c'>linenumbers_elf.c</a>
   230         as example implementation of the services.
   231     </p>
   233     <h2>
   234         <a name='NewDebugData'>Adding Support For a New Debug Data Format</a>
   235     </h2>
   237     <p>
   238         For source level debugging TCF agent needs to understand debug data format.
   239                 Debug data is usually reside in a section of an executable file, so the file format should be supported, see <a href='#NewExeFile'>Adding Support For a New Executable File Format</a>.
   240                 At this time the agent supports <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DWARF'>DWARF</a> and
   241                 <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Executable'>PE (Portable Executable)</a> debug data formats.
   242                 <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DWARF'>DWARF</a> support is implemented as part of the agent source code,
   243                 and <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Executable'>PE</a> data is accessed using DBGHELP.DLL, which is included in Windows operating system.
   244     </p>
   246     <h2>
   247         <a name='NewTransport'>Adding Support For a New Communication Transport</a>
   248     </h2>
   250     <p>
   251         Current agent code uses TCP/IP as the transport protocol to open communication channels.
   252         The agent code can be easily modified to support other transport protocols, like UDP, USB, etc.
   253     </p>
   255         <p>
   256             Files <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/agent/channel_tcp.h'>channel_tcp.h</a>
   257         and <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/agent/channel_tcp.c'>channel_tcp.c</a> provide support for TCP/IP transport.
   258         To support another protocol one would need to develop similar code using TCP support as an example.
   259         </p>
   261         <p>
   262         Adding new transport would also require to modify functions channel_server() and channel_connect() in
   263         <a href='http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/agent/channel.c'>channel.c</a>.
   264         </p>
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