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     8 retrieving contact information</h1><div>
     9 <p>The <code>criteria</code> object specifies what contact
    10 information is returned and how the returned information is sorted.</p>
    11 <p>Each <a href="GUID-37C9E5F0-BEA9-4E0B-A40D-B953B3551007.html#GUID-37C9E5F0-BEA9-4E0B-A40D-B953B3551007"><code>GetList</code></a> call
    12 targets one type of contact information:</p>
    13 <ul>
    14 <li><p><strong>Contacts</strong> are individual contact entries in a contacts
    15 database. You can retrieve a specific contact or a list of contacts depending
    16 on the filtering <span>criteria</span>.</p></li>
    17 <li><p><strong>Contact groups</strong> are associations that group individual
    18 contacts together by ID. You can retrieve a specific group or a list of groups
    19 depending on the filtering <span>criteria</span>.</p></li>
    20 <li><p><strong>Contacts databases</strong> are databases that store information
    21 about contacts and contact groups. You can retrieve a list of all the open
    22 databases.</p></li>
    23 </ul>
    24 <p>The <code>criteria</code> object has three main properties: <code>Type</code>, <code>Filter</code>,
    25 and <code>Sort</code>. These are described in the following table.
    26 Properties enclosed in brackets are optional.</p>
    27 <div class="note"><p><strong class="note_title">Note: </strong>All string values in the object are Unicode.</p>
    28 </div>
    29 <div class="tablenoborder"><a name="GUID-B67A6220-91E1-4928-8B1C-1D0B291ECFD5"><!----></a><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" id="GUID-B67A6220-91E1-4928-8B1C-1D0B291ECFD5" frame="border" border="1" rules="all"><caption><strong>Table: </strong><span>Criteria</span> object properties</caption>
    31 <thead align="left">
    32 <tr class="title "><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" id="d0e30899">
    33 <p>Property</p>
    34 </th><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" id="d0e30904">
    35 <p>Description</p>
    36 </th><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" id="d0e30909">
    37 <p>Type</p>
    38 </th><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" id="d0e30914">
    39 <p>Value</p>
    40 </th></tr>
    41 </thead>
    42 <tbody>
    43 <tr class="">
    44 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30899 ">
    45 <p><code>criteria.Type</code></p>
    46 </td>
    47 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30904 ">
    48 <p>Specifies the type of contact information to retrieve.</p>
    49 <div class="note"><p><strong class="note_title">Note: </strong>If this property is set to <code>"Database"</code>, the call
    50 automatically retrieves a list of all available databases. No <code>Filter</code> <span>criteria</span> are
    51 used.</p>
    52 </div>
    53 </td>
    54 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30909 ">
    55 <p>string</p>
    56 </td>
    57 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30914 ">
    58 <p>Possible values:</p>
    59 <ul>
    60 <li><p><code>"Contact"</code></p></li>
    61 <li><p><code>"Group"</code></p></li>
    62 <li><p><code>"Database"</code></p></li>
    63 </ul>
    64 </td>
    65 </tr>
    66 <tr class="bg ">
    67 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30899 ">
    68 <p><code>[criteria.Filter]</code></p>
    69 </td>
    70 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30904 ">
    71 <p>Specifies how the information to be retrieved is filtered.</p>
    72 <p>This property is valid only if <code>Type</code> is <code>"Contact"</code> or <code>"Group"</code>.</p>
    73 <p>If this property is not specified and <code>Type</code> is <code>"Contact"</code>,
    74 then all contacts are retrieved from the default database.</p>
    75 <p>If this property is not specified and <code>Type</code> is <code>"Group"</code>,
    76 then all contact groups are retrieved from the default database.</p>
    77 </td>
    78 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30909 ">
    79 <p>object</p>
    80 </td>
    81 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30914 ">
    82 <p>Object with the properties specified below</p>
    83 </td>
    84 </tr>
    85 <tr class="">
    86 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30899 ">
    87 <p><code>[criteria.Filter.DBUri]</code></p>
    88 </td>
    89 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30904 ">
    90 <p>Specifies the contacts database from which to retrieve the information.</p>
    91 <p>If this property is not specified, the default database is used.</p>
    92 </td>
    93 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30909 ">
    94 <p>string</p>
    95 </td>
    96 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30914 ">&nbsp;</td>
    97 </tr>
    98 <tr class="bg ">
    99 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30899 ">
   100 <p><code>[]</code></p>
   101 </td>
   102 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30904 ">
   103 <p>Specifies the unique identifier of the contact or contact group to retrieve.</p>
   104 <p>If this property is specified, <code>Filter.DBUri</code> and <code>Filter.SearchVal</code> are
   105 ignored.</p>
   106 </td>
   107 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30909 ">
   108 <p>string</p>
   109 </td>
   110 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30914 ">&nbsp;</td>
   111 </tr>
   112 <tr class="">
   113 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30899 ">
   114 <p><code>[criteria.Filter.SearchVal]</code></p>
   115 </td>
   116 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30904 ">
   117 <p>Specifies a text string by which to search for contacts. The search
   118 is based on first name and last name. Any contact whose first name or last
   119 name contains this string is retrieved.</p>
   120 <p>If this property is not specified, all contacts are retrieved from the
   121 database.</p>
   122 <div class="note"><p><strong class="note_title">Note: </strong>This property is valid only if <code>Type</code> is <code>"Contact"</code>.</p>
   123 </div>
   124 </td>
   125 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30909 ">
   126 <p>string</p>
   127 </td>
   128 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30914 ">
   129 <p>The string cannot exceed 255 characters.</p>
   130 </td>
   131 </tr>
   132 <tr class="bg ">
   133 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30899 ">
   134 <p><code>[criteria.Sort]</code></p>
   135 </td>
   136 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30904 ">
   137 <p>Specifies how the returned list of information is sorted.</p>
   138 <p>Sorting is based on last name and first name, in that order of priority.
   139 By default, sorting is done in ascending order.</p>
   140 <div class="note"><p><strong class="note_title">Note: </strong>Sorting is done only if <code>Type</code> is <code>"Contact"</code>.
   141 Sorting is not supported for calls whose <code>Type</code> is <code>"Group"</code> or <code>"Database"</code>.</p>
   142 </div>
   143 </td>
   144 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30909 ">
   145 <p>object</p>
   146 </td>
   147 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30914 ">
   148 <p>Object with the properties specified below</p>
   149 </td>
   150 </tr>
   151 <tr class="">
   152 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30899 ">
   153 <p><code>[criteria.Sort.Order]</code></p>
   154 </td>
   155 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30904 ">
   156 <p>Specifies the sort order.</p>
   157 </td>
   158 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30909 ">
   159 <p>string</p>
   160 </td>
   161 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="25%" headers="d0e30914 ">
   162 <p>Possible values:</p>
   163 <ul>
   164 <li><p><code>"Ascending"</code></p></li>
   165 <li><p><code>"Descending"</code></p></li>
   166 </ul>
   167 </td>
   168 </tr>
   169 </tbody>
   170 </table></div></div></div></div><div class="footer"><hr/><div class="copy">© Nokia 2009.</div></div></body></html>