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7 <p><strong>Syntax:</strong></p> |
8 <pre class="codeblock" id="GUID-30D42D54-E708-4704-8897-3356E0EF9133">[int] sysinfo.drivefree(String drivename)</pre> |
9 <p><strong>Description:</strong></p> |
10 <p>The <code>drivefree</code> method can be used to detect the space available for memory storage on a device.</p> |
11 <p><strong>Argument:</strong></p> |
12 <ul> |
13 <li><p><code>drivename</code>:</p> |
14 |
15 <p>Specifies the name of a drive to be examined.</p> |
16 |
17 </li> |
18 </ul> |
19 <p><strong>Return value:</strong></p> |
20 <p>If the drive exists, this method returns an integer value indicating the available space on the specified drive, measured in bytes.</p> |
21 <p><strong>Example code:</strong></p> |
22 <pre class="codeblock" id="GUID-B6522445-704B-4521-9A80-DBF635EA7526">function checkDrivesInformation() { |
23 var space = 0; |
24 // get existing user's drives |
25 var allDrives = sysinfo.drivelist; |
26 var drives = allDrives.split(" "); |
27 // read and print all drives’ name and information |
28 for (var i=0; i<drives.length; i++) { |
29 space = sysinfo.drivesize(drives[i]); |
30 space /=1024; // convert from bytes to kB |
31 alert("Total space of drive "+drives[i]+" ="+space+"kB"; |
32 space = sysinfo.drivefree(drives[i]); |
33 space /=1024; // convert from bytes to kB |
34 alert("Free space of drive "+drives[i]+" ="+space+"kB"; |
35 } |
36 }</pre> |
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