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4 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/><meta name="copyright" content="(C) Copyright 2009"/><meta name="DC.rights.owner" content="(C) Copyright 2009"/><meta name="DC.Type" content="concept"/><meta name="DC.Title" content="Change history"/><meta name="abstract" content="This topic describes the information that has been added to each version of the Web Developer's Library."/><meta name="description" content="This topic describes the information that has been added to each version of the Web Developer's Library."/><meta name="DC.Relation" scheme="URI" content="GUID-56D42F03-F3C2-4977-AC32-772760AE1D4D"/><meta name="DC.Relation" scheme="URI" content="GUID-E0223DD8-CB25-4990-A369-F2B0A67193B2"/><meta name="DC.Format" content="XHTML"/><meta name="DC.Identifier" content="GUID-43F2AB31-124B-4654-8AB0-AEEBB6E0447B"/><title>Change history </title><script type="text/javascript"> |
5 function initPage() {} |
6 </script><link href="../PRODUCT_PLUGIN/book.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/><link href="css/s60/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"/></head><body onload="initPage();"><div class="body"><div class="contentLeft prTxt"><h1 class="pageHeading" id="GUID-43F2AB31-124B-4654-8AB0-AEEBB6E0447B">Change history</h1><div><p>This topic describes the information that has been added to each |
7 version of the Web Developer's Library.</p> |
8 <div><h3>Web Developer's Library 1.4</h3><ul> |
9 <li><div class="p">Added information on home screen widgets to the following |
10 topics:<ul> |
11 <li><p><a href="GUID-DA3E6868-F769-4576-A0C3-6776BF358B44.html#GUID-DA3E6868-F769-4576-A0C3-6776BF358B44">Introduction to home screen widgets</a>—An overview |
12 of home screen widgets.</p></li> |
13 <li><p><a href="GUID-63F4E17E-8895-4054-82AD-762B90610B30.html#GUID-63F4E17E-8895-4054-82AD-762B90610B30">Developing home screen widgets</a>—Instructions |
14 for enabling widgets for the home screen.</p></li> |
15 <li><p><a href="GUID-4F4EE10B-BC2C-4046-ADDB-AD4B67DB2A11.html#GUID-4F4EE10B-BC2C-4046-ADDB-AD4B67DB2A11">Managing widgets on the home screen</a>—Information |
16 about adding, editing, and removing home screen widgets.</p></li> |
17 </ul> </div></li> |
18 <li><p>Added examples of designing and developing widgets to the section <a href="GUID-775005BC-2FF8-45A9-BBA6-6CED6B5780A2.html#GUID-775005BC-2FF8-45A9-BBA6-6CED6B5780A2">Example widgets</a>.</p></li> |
19 </ul></div> |
20 <div><h3>Web Developer's Library 1.3</h3><ul> |
21 <li><p>Added guidelines for developing usable widgets to the section <a href="GUID-D54DEFE7-E878-4530-B707-A5388DFE1D9D.html#GUID-D54DEFE7-E878-4530-B707-A5388DFE1D9D">Designing widgets</a>:</p><ul> |
22 <li><p><a href="GUID-5949FE0C-207D-4B15-8C03-96AE48986973.html#GUID-5949FE0C-207D-4B15-8C03-96AE48986973">Laying out pages</a>—Guidelines |
23 for developing widgets for specific audiences with a simple and clear design |
24 that helps make the most important content obvious.</p></li> |
25 <li><p><a href="GUID-9E0EC12F-EF50-4831-B0F4-C588590871D8.html#GUID-9E0EC12F-EF50-4831-B0F4-C588590871D8">Designing for mobile devices</a>—Guidelines |
26 for designing widgets that look good on small screens and on different screen |
27 sizes and that adapt when the screen orientation changes from portrait to |
28 landscape.</p></li> |
29 <li><p><a href="GUID-2D87333D-5475-4A8F-9E98-1EBF8035EF96.html#GUID-2D87333D-5475-4A8F-9E98-1EBF8035EF96">Porting widgets</a>—Summary |
30 of changes that you need to make manually when porting a widget from a desktop |
31 environment to the Web Runtime (WRT) environment of S60 mobile devices.</p></li> |
32 <li><p><a href="GUID-6DD2B3D2-BA3B-4936-BBC9-F61B6757B6F8.html#GUID-6DD2B3D2-BA3B-4936-BBC9-F61B6757B6F8">Managing user interaction</a>—Guidelines |
33 for designing user interaction methods for devices with the five way navigation |
34 keys or touch screens.</p></li> |
35 <li><p><a href="GUID-C359CC7E-B8BA-491B-A0C4-0FF1D3C4110C.html#GUID-C359CC7E-B8BA-491B-A0C4-0FF1D3C4110C">Moving within widgets</a>—Guidelines |
36 for choosing navigation methods.</p></li> |
37 <li><p><a href="GUID-1C067AC7-2B92-4EEB-896B-814B4064590F.html#GUID-1C067AC7-2B92-4EEB-896B-814B4064590F">Designing for limited resources</a>—Guidelines |
38 for using images and scripting effectively, keeping response times short, |
39 saving battery time, dealing with network issues, coping with the processing |
40 limits of the devices, and retrieving data.</p></li> |
41 </ul></li> |
42 <li><p>Updated information on the following <a href="GUID-46EABDC1-37CB-412A-ACAD-1A1A9466BB68.html#GUID-46EABDC1-37CB-412A-ACAD-1A1A9466BB68">S60 |
43 Platform Services</a> and added the corresponding <a href="GUID-65AAF569-D347-462B-B59A-9D7CA184AB9C.html#GUID-65AAF569-D347-462B-B59A-9D7CA184AB9C">JavaScript |
44 Service API</a> references:</p><ul> |
45 <li><p>The <a href="GUID-D581028C-06ED-422D-866E-AE6C93075084.html#GUID-D581028C-06ED-422D-866E-AE6C93075084">S60 Landmarks |
46 Service</a> allows developers to create widgets that can access and manage |
47 information about landmarks and landmark categories. This service is accessed |
48 using the <a href="GUID-B8845FF1-D7F6-476A-8651-8B9C12D8789F.html#GUID-B8845FF1-D7F6-476A-8651-8B9C12D8789F">JavaScript |
49 Landmarks Service API</a>.</p></li> |
50 <li><p>The <a href="GUID-6FBE64B7-0949-4AAE-B835-52B276540A59.html#GUID-6FBE64B7-0949-4AAE-B835-52B276540A59">S60 Sensors |
51 Service</a> allows developers to create widgets that can access data provided |
52 by the physical sensors of a device. This service is accessed using the <a href="GUID-B77C2006-879F-4AC6-B7BF-04B25B563A29.html#GUID-B77C2006-879F-4AC6-B7BF-04B25B563A29">JavaScript Sensor Service |
53 API</a>.</p></li> |
54 <li><p>The <a href="GUID-E0ED671A-BBDA-4C07-828F-BD35782D9B36.html#GUID-E0ED671A-BBDA-4C07-828F-BD35782D9B36">S60 SystemInfo |
55 Service</a> supported by WRT 1.1 allows developers to create widgets that |
56 can access and modify system information on a device. This service is accessed |
57 using the <a href="GUID-AEB26A58-1DE2-46CB-81EC-6DB3A477B7A3.html#GUID-AEB26A58-1DE2-46CB-81EC-6DB3A477B7A3">JavaScript |
58 SystemInfo Service API (WRT 1.1)</a>.</p></li> |
59 </ul></li> |
60 </ul></div> |
61 <div><h3>Web Developer's Library 1.2</h3><ul> |
62 <li><p>Updated <a href="GUID-F7A8BF61-042E-4B80-9959-DEDF65BD9153.html#GUID-F7A8BF61-042E-4B80-9959-DEDF65BD9153">widget |
63 security information</a> for WRT 1.1 and the Service APIs.</p></li> |
64 <li><p>Added information on the following <a href="GUID-46EABDC1-37CB-412A-ACAD-1A1A9466BB68.html#GUID-46EABDC1-37CB-412A-ACAD-1A1A9466BB68">S60 |
65 Platform Services</a> and the corresponding <a href="GUID-65AAF569-D347-462B-B59A-9D7CA184AB9C.html#GUID-65AAF569-D347-462B-B59A-9D7CA184AB9C">JavaScript |
66 Service APIs</a>:</p><ul> |
67 <li><p>The <a href="GUID-E092BF10-C076-4476-9E80-87919940201B.html#GUID-E092BF10-C076-4476-9E80-87919940201B">S60 AppManager |
68 Service</a> allows developers to create widgets that can access and launch |
69 applications on an S60 device. This service is accessed using the <a href="GUID-2D651505-F68C-4053-B565-9FF826C5B897.html#GUID-2D651505-F68C-4053-B565-9FF826C5B897">JavaScript |
70 AppManager Service API</a>.</p></li> |
71 <li><p>The <a href="GUID-AE9A928B-F938-49B5-BC9E-72CB42046571.html#GUID-AE9A928B-F938-49B5-BC9E-72CB42046571">S60 Calendar |
72 Service</a> allows developers to create widgets that can access, create, |
73 and manage calendars and calendar entries stored on an S60 device. This service |
74 is accessed using the <a href="GUID-CABB28B8-D2B1-496B-BD7E-34FF496E60B4.html#GUID-CABB28B8-D2B1-496B-BD7E-34FF496E60B4">JavaScript |
75 Calendar Service API</a>.</p></li> |
76 <li><p>The <a href="GUID-662F2E2E-9538-42E5-9B5A-5664F1C11A9E.html#GUID-662F2E2E-9538-42E5-9B5A-5664F1C11A9E">S60 Contacts |
77 Service</a> allows developers to create widgets that can access and manage |
78 information about contacts. This service is accessed using the <a href="GUID-A5853293-7B83-4CCE-9C29-B2B8F0CD8A18.html#GUID-A5853293-7B83-4CCE-9C29-B2B8F0CD8A18">JavaScript |
79 Contacts Service API</a>.</p></li> |
80 <li><p>The <a href="GUID-CF55DBA3-2D4C-4FD0-8A06-862E6128F4E7.html#GUID-CF55DBA3-2D4C-4FD0-8A06-862E6128F4E7">S60 Logging |
81 Service</a> allows developers to create widgets that can access mobile |
82 device logging events such as call logs, messaging logs, and data logs. This |
83 service is accessed using the <a href="GUID-F003B7DD-E450-49AD-B447-C5132FE47D3C.html#GUID-F003B7DD-E450-49AD-B447-C5132FE47D3C">JavaScript |
84 Logging Service API</a>.</p></li> |
85 </ul></li> |
86 <li><p>Added information on the following <a href="GUID-46EABDC1-37CB-412A-ACAD-1A1A9466BB68.html#GUID-46EABDC1-37CB-412A-ACAD-1A1A9466BB68">S60 |
87 Platform Services</a>:</p><ul> |
88 <li><p>The <a href="GUID-D581028C-06ED-422D-866E-AE6C93075084.html#GUID-D581028C-06ED-422D-866E-AE6C93075084">S60 Landmarks |
89 Service</a> allows developers to create widgets that can access and manage |
90 information about landmarks and landmark categories.</p></li> |
91 <li><p>The <a href="GUID-6FBE64B7-0949-4AAE-B835-52B276540A59.html#GUID-6FBE64B7-0949-4AAE-B835-52B276540A59">S60 Sensors |
92 Service</a> allows developers to create widgets that can access data provided |
93 by the physical sensors of a device.</p></li> |
94 <li><p>The <a href="GUID-E0ED671A-BBDA-4C07-828F-BD35782D9B36.html#GUID-E0ED671A-BBDA-4C07-828F-BD35782D9B36">S60 SystemInfo |
95 Service</a> supported by WRT 1.1 allows developers to create widgets that |
96 can access and modify system information on a device.</p></li> |
97 </ul></li> |
98 </ul></div> |
99 <div><h3>Web Developer's Library 1.1</h3><ul> |
100 <li><p>Added information on the following <a href="GUID-46EABDC1-37CB-412A-ACAD-1A1A9466BB68.html#GUID-46EABDC1-37CB-412A-ACAD-1A1A9466BB68">S60 |
101 Platform Services</a> and the corresponding <a href="GUID-65AAF569-D347-462B-B59A-9D7CA184AB9C.html#GUID-65AAF569-D347-462B-B59A-9D7CA184AB9C">JavaScript |
102 Service APIs</a>:</p><ul> |
103 <li><p>The <a href="GUID-4DDE31C7-EC0D-4EEC-BC3A-A0B0351154F8.html#GUID-4DDE31C7-EC0D-4EEC-BC3A-A0B0351154F8">S60 Location |
104 Service</a> allows developers to create widgets that can retrieve information |
105 about the physical location of an S60 device and to perform calculations based |
106 on location information. This service is accessed using the <a href="GUID-53CE4DE6-F065-4339-8C18-5C30A9540053.html#GUID-53CE4DE6-F065-4339-8C18-5C30A9540053">JavaScript |
107 Location Service API</a>.</p></li> |
108 <li><p>The <a href="GUID-E3D26890-581A-427F-8AFF-16081528A8B8.html#GUID-E3D26890-581A-427F-8AFF-16081528A8B8">S60 Media |
109 Management Service</a> allows developers to create widgets that can retrieve |
110 information (metadata) about the media files stored in the Media Gallery of |
111 an S60 device. This service is accessed using the <a href="GUID-E5684FF0-28C9-4721-9421-6B9432087086.html#GUID-E5684FF0-28C9-4721-9421-6B9432087086">JavaScript |
112 Media Management Service API</a>.</p></li> |
113 <li><p>The <a href="GUID-2240F5BE-97BD-4CB3-8DB3-B5CF7C23BF54.html#GUID-2240F5BE-97BD-4CB3-8DB3-B5CF7C23BF54">S60 Messaging |
114 Service</a> allows developers to create widgets that can use the Messaging |
115 Center of an S60 device to send, retrieve, and manage messages. This service |
116 is accessed using the <a href="GUID-91579EE5-A608-401C-82B4-DCF1723EC7B5.html#GUID-91579EE5-A608-401C-82B4-DCF1723EC7B5">JavaScript |
117 Messaging Service API</a>.</p></li> |
118 </ul></li> |
119 </ul></div> |
120 </div></div></div><div class="footer"><hr/><div class="copy">© Nokia 2009.</div></div></body></html> |