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     8 and managing information about landmarks</h1><div>
     9 <p>The <a href="GUID-B8845FF1-D7F6-476A-8651-8B9C12D8789F.html#GUID-B8845FF1-D7F6-476A-8651-8B9C12D8789F">Landmarks
    10 Service API</a> allows <span>widgets</span> to access and manage information
    11 about landmarks and landmark categories. This information is stored in one
    12 or more landmark databases on a device. You can use the Landmarks Service
    13 to create <span>widgets</span> that:</p>
    14 <ul>
    15 <li><p>Retrieve information about landmarks, landmark categories,
    16 and landmark databases</p></li>
    17 <li><p>Create, edit, and delete landmarks and landmark categories</p>
    18 </li>
    19 <li><p>Import and export landmarks</p></li>
    20 <li><p>Organize landmarks into landmark categories</p></li>
    21 </ul>
    22 <p>The Landmarks Service involves the following concepts:</p>
    23 <ul>
    24 <li><p><strong>Landmark</strong> is defined as a location with a name. The
    25 location of a landmark is expressed as a set of geographical coordinates accompanied
    26 by either coordinate measurement accuracy information or a textual description,
    27 such as an address. A landmark can be used as Point of Interest (POI). Each
    28 landmark has a unique ID that distinguishes it from other landmarks in the
    29 same database. The ID is assigned when the landmark is added to the database.</p>
    31 <p>For detailed information about landmark objects, see section <a href="GUID-2B3FD0AF-2552-46AB-83B5-F404506D16EE.html#GUID-2B3FD0AF-2552-46AB-83B5-F404506D16EE">Landmark</a>.</p>
    33 </li>
    34 <li><p><strong>Landmark category</strong> groups landmarks according to type
    35 and interest. For example, a category can denote geographical or architectural
    36 interest, or it can relate to a particular type of attraction or activity.
    37 Each category has a unique name and ID that distinguish it from other categories
    38 in the same database. The ID is assigned when the category is added to the
    39 database.</p>
    41 <p>Landmark categories are further classified as follows:</p>
    43 <ul>
    44 <li><p><strong>Local categories</strong> are created by the user for a specific
    45 database. A local category is only valid for landmarks in the same database
    46 for which the category was created.</p></li>
    47 <li><p><strong>Global categories</strong> exist across all databases and have
    48 unique global IDs associated with them. Global categories are valid for all
    49 landmarks in all databases. Accommodation, Businesses, and Education, for
    50 example, are global categories.</p></li>
    51 </ul>
    53 <p>For detailed information about landmark category objects, see section <a href="GUID-40EAD781-6B30-406E-B05F-0BE932EFE86A.html#GUID-40EAD781-6B30-406E-B05F-0BE932EFE86A">Landmark category</a>.</p>
    55 </li>
    56 <li><p><strong>Landmark database</strong> stores landmarks and landmark categories.
    57 Each database has a unique URI that identifies the database.</p>
    59 <p>Landmark databases are further classified as follows:</p>
    61 <ul>
    62 <li><p><strong>Local databases</strong> reside on the device or on some device
    63 mapped to the device's file system. The default database is <code>file://c:eposlm.ldb</code>.
    64 If the device does not contain the default database, it is created when it
    65 is called for the first time by a service request.</p>
    67 <p>The URI of a local landmark database consists of a protocol specifier
    68 and the database location: <code>file://&lt;location&gt;</code>. If no
    69 protocol is specified, <code>file://</code> is used by default. The
    70 location consists of the drive and the database file name, for example <code>c:landmarks.ldb</code>.
    71 The path to the file cannot be specified. The extension of the database file
    72 name must be <code>ldb</code>.</p>
    74 </li>
    75 <li><p><strong>Remote databases</strong> reside in third-party servers and
    76 are accessed using a specific protocol. Creating or deleting remote databases
    77 results in adding or removing a bookmark on the device, respectively.</p>
    78 <div class="note"><p><strong class="note_title">Note: </strong>Remote databases and associated operations are not currently supported.</p>
    79 </div>
    80 </li>
    81 </ul>
    83 <p>For detailed information about landmark database objects, see section <a href="GUID-5A23A9AC-2BC4-4D05-82FF-980986CFF4F6.html#GUID-5A23A9AC-2BC4-4D05-82FF-980986CFF4F6">Landmark database</a>.</p>
    85 </li>
    86 </ul>
    87 <div><h3>Accessing the API and supported methods</h3>
    88 <p>To create a <a href="GUID-04095E9A-50E7-4E5F-BD6F-71DA281A0080.html#GUID-04095E9A-50E7-4E5F-BD6F-71DA281A0080">service
    89 object</a> for the Landmarks Service API, use <code>Service.Landmarks</code> to
    90 identify the service provider and <code>IDataSource</code> to identify
    91 the supported interface:</p>
    93 <pre class="codeblock" id="GUID-3B84DF19-5D49-49E6-9A22-A97066C3FF8C">var so = device.getServiceObject("Service.Landmarks", "IDataSource");</pre>
    97 <p/>
    98 <p>The <code>IDataSource</code> interface provides the following
    99 methods:</p>
   100 <ul>
   101 <li><p><a href="GUID-E138B464-2086-4E74-B356-ACF8687BBB5A.html#GUID-E138B464-2086-4E74-B356-ACF8687BBB5A"><code>New()</code></a></p>
   103 <p>Use the <code>New()</code> method to create an empty landmark
   104 or landmark category item. You can use this item as a template.</p>
   106 </li>
   107 <li><p><a href="GUID-55591BBC-49F8-407D-98F5-1D2FCD5DFB34.html#GUID-55591BBC-49F8-407D-98F5-1D2FCD5DFB34"><code>GetList()</code></a></p>
   109 <p>Use the <code>GetList()</code> method to retrieve information
   110 about landmarks, landmark categories, or landmark databases.</p>
   112 </li>
   113 <li><p><a href="GUID-D85C2567-F041-42A1-A2B5-650FCAAD60A9.html#GUID-D85C2567-F041-42A1-A2B5-650FCAAD60A9"><code>Add()</code></a></p>
   115 <p>Use the <code>Add()</code> method to add a new landmark or landmark
   116 category to a landmark database. You can also use this method to edit an existing
   117 landmark or landmark category.</p>
   119 </li>
   120 <li><p><a href="GUID-2B13380C-37C8-473F-B0A7-564439312DA3.html#GUID-2B13380C-37C8-473F-B0A7-564439312DA3"><code>Delete()</code></a></p>
   122 <p>Use the <code>Delete()</code> method to delete a landmark or
   123 landmark category from a landmark database.</p>
   124 <div class="note"><p><strong class="note_title">Note: </strong>You cannot delete landmark databases.</p>
   125 </div>
   127 </li>
   128 <li><p><a href="GUID-4D4E5B3E-ABC4-43CA-A7E8-027C46BD1FE6.html#GUID-4D4E5B3E-ABC4-43CA-A7E8-027C46BD1FE6"><code>Import()</code></a></p>
   130 <p>Use the <code>Import()</code> method to import landmarks to
   131 a landmark database.</p>
   133 </li>
   134 <li><p><a href="GUID-A9024277-4FA2-429D-9C54-A155ED658B32.html#GUID-A9024277-4FA2-429D-9C54-A155ED658B32"><code>Export()</code></a></p>
   136 <p>Use the <code>Export()</code> method to export landmarks from
   137 a landmark database.</p>
   139 </li>
   140 <li><p><a href="GUID-B8869924-0E95-4543-954E-5A4246922CB4.html#GUID-B8869924-0E95-4543-954E-5A4246922CB4"><code>Organise()</code></a></p>
   142 <p>Use the <code>Organise()</code> method to add landmarks to a
   143 landmark category or to remove landmarks from a landmark category.</p>
   145 </li>
   146 <li><p><a href="GUID-6D7228E7-8E06-495D-85F7-A4B1716D4CDE.html#GUID-6D7228E7-8E06-495D-85F7-A4B1716D4CDE"><code>Cancel()</code></a></p>
   148 <p>Use the <code>Cancel()</code> method to cancel an ongoing asynchronous
   149 call. This method is valid for any asynchronous call made through the Landmarks
   150 Service API.</p>
   152 </li>
   153 </ul>
   154 </div>
   155 <div><h3>Using the service in a widget</h3>
   156 <p>To access and manage landmark information using the Landmarks Service
   157 API:</p>
   158 <ol>
   159 <li id="GUID-E8ECDB2F-00C4-488F-A253-87FABDA66CA6-GENIDd0e7896"><a name="GUID-E8ECDB2F-00C4-488F-A253-87FABDA66CA6-GENIDd0e7896"><!----></a><p>Create a service
   160 object for the API using <a href="GUID-04095E9A-50E7-4E5F-BD6F-71DA281A0080.html#GUID-04095E9A-50E7-4E5F-BD6F-71DA281A0080"><code>device.getServiceObject()</code></a>.</p>
   161 </li>
   162 <li id="GUID-0625B45D-A5C9-4ADA-BC21-07963F957A7C-GENIDd0e7905"><a name="GUID-0625B45D-A5C9-4ADA-BC21-07963F957A7C-GENIDd0e7905"><!----></a><p>Define the
   163 tasks you want to perform and choose the correct methods for them.</p>
   164 </li>
   165 <li id="GUID-DBD9997B-CD51-45F9-9ED0-38A98AF08A12-GENIDd0e7910"><a name="GUID-DBD9997B-CD51-45F9-9ED0-38A98AF08A12-GENIDd0e7910"><!----></a><p>Optionally,
   166 define how you want the results filtered.</p></li>
   167 <li id="GUID-AAB5C193-F848-4B0A-AF03-6BA7425BD10B-GENIDd0e7914"><a name="GUID-AAB5C193-F848-4B0A-AF03-6BA7425BD10B-GENIDd0e7914"><!----></a><p>Define methods
   168 to process the results.</p></li>
   169 <li id="GUID-F0C3D20F-6F77-4C88-AF35-39DA70DE701B-GENIDd0e7918"><a name="GUID-F0C3D20F-6F77-4C88-AF35-39DA70DE701B-GENIDd0e7918"><!----></a><p>Retrieve the
   170 results using the methods from step 2. Use asynchronous methods together with <a href="GUID-C7C3B541-8D28-4DC6-9003-ECF57F26C608.html#GUID-C7C3B541-8D28-4DC6-9003-ECF57F26C608"><code>callback()</code></a>.</p>
   171 </li>
   172 <li id="GUID-0ABE0CB0-D76C-444B-AE53-0D435B3C6E74-GENIDd0e7927"><a name="GUID-0ABE0CB0-D76C-444B-AE53-0D435B3C6E74-GENIDd0e7927"><!----></a><p>Process the
   173 results using the methods defined in step 4.</p></li>
   174 </ol>
   175 <p>For the complete source of a sample widget that demonstrates how to
   176 use this service, see <a href="GUID-11D59F76-EC4C-4297-B262-D5174E826B43.html#GUID-11D59F76-EC4C-4297-B262-D5174E826B43">the
   177 full example</a>.</p>
   178 </div>
   179 </div></div></div><div class="footer"><hr/><div class="copy">© Nokia 2009.</div></div></body></html>