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     7 <p><strong>Description:</strong></p>
     8 <p>The <code>Add</code> method adds an event (entry) to the event
     9 log database.</p>
    10 <p>This method can be called both synchronously and asynchronously.</p>
    11 <p><strong>Syntax:</strong></p>
    12 <p>For synchronous calls:</p>
    13 <pre class="codeblock" id="GUID-7CD9AD3A-D065-4F76-A3FF-D524249CBF65-GENIDd0e51563">result = so.IDataSource.Add(criteria);</pre>
    15 <p>For asynchronous calls:</p>
    16 <pre class="codeblock" id="GUID-F1140A2E-9B60-4953-8C6E-1A6C47461241-GENIDd0e51569">result = so.IDataSource.Add(criteria, callback);</pre>
    18 <p><strong>Arguments:</strong></p>
    19 <ul>
    20 <li><p><code>criteria</code>:</p>
    22 <p>This is an object that specifies what type of device log entries are
    23 added to the event database and details about the entry. For more information
    24 about the object properties and how to define them, see section <a href="GUID-DDF5BDA7-E0DA-40EB-94E7-30824B0F4365.html#GUID-DDF5BDA7-E0DA-40EB-94E7-30824B0F4365">Criteria for adding a log entry</a>.</p>
    26 </li>
    27 <li><p><code>callback</code>:</p>
    29 <p>The <code>callback</code> argument is the name of the method
    30 that is executed when an asynchronous <code>Add</code> call has results
    31 or status information to return. You must define this method separately. Follow
    32 the instructions in section <a href="GUID-C7C3B541-8D28-4DC6-9003-ECF57F26C608.html#GUID-C7C3B541-8D28-4DC6-9003-ECF57F26C608">Defining the callback handler for an asynchronous method</a> to
    33 define the <code>callback</code> method.</p>
    34 <p>This argument is used only with an asynchronous <code>Add</code> call.</p>
    36 </li>
    37 </ul>
    38 <p><strong>Return value:</strong></p>
    39 <p>If synchronous, the <code>Add</code> method returns an object
    40 that contains a unique identifier for the log entry, an error code, and an
    41 error message.</p>
    42 <div class="tablenoborder"><a name="GUID-92F92E86-799C-4BE8-A23E-6A2BC57F0E63"><!----></a><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" id="GUID-92F92E86-799C-4BE8-A23E-6A2BC57F0E63" frame="border" border="1" rules="all"><caption><strong>Table: </strong>Return value
    43 properties for a synchronous Add</caption>
    44 <thead align="left">
    45 <tr class="title "><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" id="d0e50963">
    46 <p>Property</p>
    47 </th><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" id="d0e50968">
    48 <p>Description</p>
    49 </th><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" id="d0e50973">
    50 <p>Value</p>
    51 </th></tr>
    52 </thead>
    53 <tbody>
    54 <tr class="">
    55 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" headers="d0e50963 ">
    56 <p><code>result.ReturnValue</code></p>
    57 </td>
    58 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" headers="d0e50968 ">
    59 <p>This is a text string that contains the unique identifier of the log
    60 entry that was added to the event log database.</p>
    61 </td>
    62 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" headers="d0e50973 ">&nbsp;</td>
    63 </tr>
    64 <tr class="bg ">
    65 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" headers="d0e50963 ">
    66 <p><code>result.ErrorCode</code></p>
    67 </td>
    68 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" headers="d0e50968 ">
    69 <p>This is a number that specifies a predefined error code.</p>
    70 </td>
    71 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" headers="d0e50973 ">
    72 <p>See <a href="GUID-0A215AF3-59F0-4158-842C-0D7B030E5EA4.html#GUID-0A215AF3-59F0-4158-842C-0D7B030E5EA4">Service API error codes</a> .</p>
    73 </td>
    74 </tr>
    75 <tr class="">
    76 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" headers="d0e50963 ">
    77 <p><code>result.ErrorMessage</code></p>
    78 </td>
    79 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" headers="d0e50968 ">
    80 <p>This is a text string that describes the error.</p>
    81 </td>
    82 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" headers="d0e50973 ">
    83 <p>See <a href="GUID-6C3D58CA-CA4F-432B-898B-4020064E3CE6.html#GUID-6C3D58CA-CA4F-432B-898B-4020064E3CE6">Logging Service API error messages</a>.</p>
    84 </td>
    85 </tr>
    86 </tbody>
    87 </table></div>
    88 <p>If asynchronous, the <code>Add</code> method returns an object
    89 that contains the initial return value from the asynchronous call that it
    90 started (see the following table). The actual logging information is returned
    91 by the <a href="GUID-C7C3B541-8D28-4DC6-9003-ECF57F26C608.html#GUID-C7C3B541-8D28-4DC6-9003-ECF57F26C608"><code>callback</code></a> method
    92 in the <code>ReturnValue</code> property of its result object. The
    93 returned information is described in the preceding table.</p>
    94 <div class="tablenoborder"><a name="GUID-0FFA0367-477E-464F-8602-1BD41CBE9D4E"><!----></a><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" id="GUID-0FFA0367-477E-464F-8602-1BD41CBE9D4E" frame="border" border="1" rules="all"><caption><strong>Table: </strong>Return value
    95 properties for an asynchronous Add</caption>
    97 <thead align="left">
    98 <tr class="title "><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="33.33333333333333%" id="d0e51077">
    99 <p>Property</p>
   100 </th><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="33.33333333333333%" id="d0e51082">
   101 <p>Description</p>
   102 </th><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="33.33333333333333%" id="d0e51087">
   103 <p>Value</p>
   104 </th></tr>
   105 </thead>
   106 <tbody>
   107 <tr class="">
   108 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="33.33333333333333%" headers="d0e51077 ">
   109 <p><code>result.TransactionID</code></p>
   110 </td>
   111 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="33.33333333333333%" headers="d0e51082 ">
   112 <p>This is a number used as an identification to match transactions started
   113 with the asynchronous <code>Add</code> call to one or more calls it
   114 generates to <code>callback</code>.</p>
   115 <p>This property is only valid for asynchronous calls.</p>
   116 </td>
   117 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="33.33333333333333%" headers="d0e51087 ">&nbsp;</td>
   118 </tr>
   119 <tr class="bg ">
   120 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="33.33333333333333%" headers="d0e51077 ">
   121 <p><code>result.ErrorCode</code></p>
   122 </td>
   123 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="33.33333333333333%" headers="d0e51082 ">
   124 <p>This is a number that specifies a predefined error code.</p>
   125 </td>
   126 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="33.33333333333333%" headers="d0e51087 ">
   127 <p>See <a href="GUID-0A215AF3-59F0-4158-842C-0D7B030E5EA4.html#GUID-0A215AF3-59F0-4158-842C-0D7B030E5EA4">Service API error codes</a>.</p>
   128 </td>
   129 </tr>
   130 <tr class="">
   131 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="33.33333333333333%" headers="d0e51077 ">
   132 <p><code>result.ErrorMessage</code></p>
   133 </td>
   134 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="33.33333333333333%" headers="d0e51082 ">
   135 <p>This is a text string that describes the error.</p>
   136 </td>
   137 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="33.33333333333333%" headers="d0e51087 ">
   138 <p>See <a href="GUID-6C3D58CA-CA4F-432B-898B-4020064E3CE6.html#GUID-6C3D58CA-CA4F-432B-898B-4020064E3CE6">Logging Service API error messages</a>.</p>
   139 </td>
   140 </tr>
   141 </tbody>
   142 </table></div>
   143 <p><strong>Example code:</strong></p>
   144 <p/>
   145 <p>For the complete source of a sample widget
   146 that demonstrates how to use this Service API, see <a href="GUID-9C85B403-6CFC-4E17-A2B2-AD1AD2F7794D.html#GUID-9C85B403-6CFC-4E17-A2B2-AD1AD2F7794D">the
   147 full example</a>.</p>
   152 </div></div></div><div class="footer"><hr/><div class="copy">© Nokia 2009.</div></div></body></html>