changeset 229 716254ccbcc0
equal deleted inserted replaced
228:913c9751c067 229:716254ccbcc0
     3 /**
     4  * Test is some array member is equal (===) to tested value.
     5  *
     6  * @param arr array to test
     7  * @param value value to test
     8  * @type Boolean
     9  */
    10 function inArray(arr, value) {
    11 	for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    12 		if (arr[i] === value) {
    13 			return true;
    14 		}
    15 	}
    16 	return false;
    17 }
    22 /**
    23  * Get relative URL.
    24  *
    25  * @param url URL string
    26  * @return relative part of the URL
    27  * @type String
    28  */ 
    29 function getRelativeUrl(url, baseUrl) {
    30     if (baseUrl === undefined) {
    31         var i = url.lastIndexOf("/");
    32         if (i != -1) {
    33             return url.substring(i + 1);
    34         } else {
    35             return url;
    36         }
    37     } else {
    38         if (url.substring(0, baseUrl.length) === baseUrl) {
    39             return url.substring(baseUrl.length);
    40         } else {
    41             return undefined;
    42         }
    43     }
    44 }
    46 /**
    47  * Fix file scheme URLs generated by IE.
    48  *
    49  * @param url file scheme URL to fix
    50  */
    51 /* 
    52 function fixUrl(url) {
    53   var _url;
    54   if (pathFileUrl.test(url)) {
    55     _url = url.replace(pathFileUrl, "file:///$1/$2");
    56   } else {
    57     _url = url;
    58   }
    59   return _url.replace("\\", "/");
    61 }
    62 var pathFileUrl = new RegExp("^file://([a-zA-Z]:)[\\\\/](.+)$");
    63 */
    65 /**
    66  * Get string value for array where list is in prose.
    67  *
    68  * @param array array to get the string value for
    69  * @type String
    70  * @return array string value in prose
    71  */
    72 function toProseString(array) {
    73 	switch (array.length) {
    74 	case 0:
    75 		return "";
    76 	case 1:
    77 		return array[0];
    78 	case 2:
    79 		return array[0] + " and " + array[1];
    80 	default:
    81 		var t = "";
    82 		for (var i = 0; i < array.length - 1; i++) {
    83 			t += array[i] + ", ";
    84 		}
    85 		return t + "and " + array[array.length - 1];
    86 	}
    87 }
    92 /**
    93  * Stop event.
    94  *
    95  * @param event event to stop
    96  */
    97 function stopEvent(event) {
    98     if (event.stopPropagation) {
    99         event.stopPropagation();
   100     } else {
   101         event.cancelBubble = true;
   102     }
   103     if (event.preventDefault) {
   104         event.preventDefault();
   105     } else {
   106         event.returnValue = false;
   107     }
   108 }
   110 /**
   111  * Return target node of an event.
   112  *
   113  * @return target node of the event
   114  * @type Node
   115  */
   116 function getTargetNode(event) {
   117 	if ( {
   118 		return;
   119 	} else if (event.srcElement) {
   120 		return event.srcElement;	
   121 	} else {
   122 		return null;	
   123 	}
   124 }
   126 /**
   127  * Attach event listener to a DOM node.
   128  *
   129  * @param node DOM node to attach lister to
   130  * @param type Type of event to catch
   131  * @param func Function to act as the handler 
   132  */
   133 function attachEventListener(node, type, func) {
   134     if (node.addEventListener) {
   135         node.addEventListener(type, func, false);
   136     } else if (node.attachEvent) {
   137         node.attachEvent("on" + type, function() {, event); } );
   138     }
   139 }
   145 /**
   146  * Switch class of an element.
   147  *
   148  * @param n Element node to change the class of
   149  * @param f Class to change from
   150  * @param t Class to change to
   151  * @param arr Class array (optional)
   152  */
   153 function switchClass(n, f, t, arr) {
   154     if (arr === undefined) {
   155         arr = getClassArray(n.className);
   156     }
   157     for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
   158         if (arr[i] == f) {
   159             arr[i] = t;
   160         } else if (arr[i] == t) {
   161             arr[i] = f;
   162         }
   163     }
   164     n.className = arr.join(" "); 
   165 }
   167 /**
   168  * Test if element is of class.
   169  *
   170  * @param n Element node to test
   171  * @param c Class to test for
   172  * @param arr Class array (optional)
   173  * @return boolean value if element is of the tested class
   174  */
   175 function isClass(n, c, arr) {
   176     if (arr === undefined) {
   177         arr = getClassArray(n.className);
   178     }
   179     for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
   180         if (arr[i] == c) {
   181             return true;
   182         }
   183     }
   184     return false;
   185 }
   187 /**
   188  * Add class to an element.
   189  *
   190  * @param n Element node to add the class to
   191  * @param c Class to add
   192  * @param arr Class array (optional)
   193  */
   194 function addClass(n, c, arr) {
   195     if (arr === undefined) {
   196         arr = getClassArray(n.className);
   197     }
   198     if (!isClass(n, c, arr)) {
   199         n.className = n.className + " " + c;
   200     }
   201 }
   203 /**
   204  * Remove class
   205  *
   206  * @param n Element node to remove the class from
   207  * @param c Class to remove
   208  * @param arr Class array (optional)
   209  */
   210 function removeClass(n, c, arr) {
   211     if (arr === undefined) {
   212         arr = getClassArray(n.className);
   213     }
   214     if (isClass(n, c, arr)) {
   215         var ret = [];
   216         for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
   217             if (arr[i] != c) {
   218                 ret.push(arr[i]);
   219             }
   220         }
   221         n.className = ret.join(" ");
   222     }
   223 }
   225 /**
   226  * Get class names as an array
   227  *
   228  * @param c class name
   229  * @return array of class members
   230  * @type Array
   231  */
   232 function getClassArray(c) {
   233     return String(c).split(" ");
   234 }
   240 /**
   241  * Multi value Map.
   242  *
   243  * Usage:
   244  *
   245  * >> var m = new Map();
   246  * >> m.put("a", "first");
   247  * >> m.put("a", "second");
   248  * >> m.size();
   249  * 1
   250  * >> m.get("a");
   251  * ["first", "second"]
   252  *
   253  * @constructor
   254  * @param {Boolean} multi Boolean to define whether map will store dublicate values into an array
   255  */
   256 function Map(multi) {
   257     this.keys = [];
   258     this.values = [];
   259     this.multi = (multi === undefined ? false : multi); 
   260 }
   261 Map.prototype.toString = function() {
   262     var val = "[Object Map";
   263     if (this.keys.length !== 0) {
   264         val += ": {";
   265         for (var i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i++) {
   266         	if (i !== 0) {
   267         		val += "; ";
   268         	}
   269         	val += this.keys[i] + ":";
   270 	        for (var j = 0; j < this.values[i].length; j++) {
   271 	        	if (j !== 0) {
   272 	        		val += ",";
   273 	        	}
   274 	        	val += " " + this.values[i][j].toString();
   275 	        }
   277         }
   278         val += "}";
   279     }
   280     val += "]";
   281     return val;
   282 };
   283 /**
   284  * @param {String} key
   285  * @param {Object} value
   286  */
   287 Map.prototype.put = function(key, value) {
   288     var index = this._find(key);
   289     var a;
   290     if (index != -1 ) {
   291         a = this.values[index];   
   292     } else {
   293         index = this.keys.length;
   294         this.keys[index] = key;
   295         a = [];
   296     }
   297     if (this.multi) {
   298         a[a.length] = value;
   299     } else {
   300         a[0] = value;
   301     }
   302     this.values[index] = a;
   303 };
   304 /**
   305  * @param {String} key
   306  * @type Object
   307  */
   308 Map.prototype.get = function(key) {
   309     var index = this._find(key);
   310     if (index != -1) {
   311         if (this.multi) {
   312             return this.values[index];
   313         } else {
   314             return this.values[index][0];
   315         }   
   316     } else {
   317         return null;
   318     }
   319 };
   320 /**
   321  * Iterator for the value set.
   322  *
   323  * @return Iterator for the values
   324  * @type ArrayIterator
   325  */
   326 Map.prototype.iterator = function(key) {
   327     var index = this._find(key);
   328     var val;
   329     if (index != -1) {
   330         val = this.values[index];
   331     } else {
   332         val = [];
   333     }
   334     return new ArrayIterator(val);
   335 };
   336 /**
   337  * @type Number
   338  */
   339 Map.prototype.size = function() {
   340 	return this.keys.length;
   341 };
   342 /**
   343  * @param {String} key
   344  * @type Number
   345  */
   346 Map.prototype._find = function(key) {
   347     var index = -1;
   348     for (var i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i++) {
   349         if (this.keys[i] == key) {
   350             index = i;
   351             break;
   352         }
   353     }
   354     return index;
   355 };
   357 /**
   358  * Map.
   359  *
   360  * Usage:
   361  *
   362  * >> var m = new SingleValueMap();
   363  * >> m.put("a", "first");
   364  * >> m.put("a", "second");
   365  * >> m.size();
   366  * 1
   367  * >> m.get("a");
   368  * "second"
   369  *
   370  * @constructor
   371  */
   372 function SingleValueMap() {
   373     this.keys = [];
   374     this.values = [];
   375     this.multi = false; 
   376 }
   377 SingleValueMap.prototype = new Map(false);
   378 SingleValueMap.prototype.toString = function() {
   379     return "[Object SingleValueMap]";
   380 };
   382 /**
   383  * Set.
   384  *
   385  * @constructor
   386  */
   387 function Set() {
   388 	this.keys = [];
   389 }
   390 Set.prototype.toString = function() {
   391 	var val = "[object Set";
   392 	if (this.keys.length > 0) {
   393 		val += ":";
   394 		for (var i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i++) {
   395 			if (i !== 0) {
   396 				val += ",";
   397 			}
   398 			val += " " + this.keys[i];
   399 		}
   400 	}
   401 	val += "]";
   402 	return val;
   403 };
   404 Set.prototype.add = function(value) {
   405 	var i = this.m_find(value);
   406 	if (i == -1) {
   407 		this.keys[this.keys.length] = value;
   408 	}
   409 };
   410 Set.prototype.iterator = function() {
   411 	return new ArrayIterator(this.keys);
   412 };
   413 Set.prototype.size = Map.prototype.size;
   414 Set.prototype.m_find = Map.prototype._find;
   416 /**
   417  * Array Iterator
   418  *
   419  * Usage:
   420  *
   421  * >> var arr = new Array("a", "b", "c");
   422  * >> for (var itr = new ArrayIterator(arr); itr.hasNext();) {
   423  * >>    alert(;
   424  * >> }
   425  * "a"
   426  * "b"
   427  * "c"
   428  *
   429  * @constructor
   430  * @param {Array} arrayLike array to iterate through
   431  */
   432 function ArrayIterator(arrayLike) {
   433     this.arrayLike = arrayLike;
   434     this.i = 0;
   435     NoSuchElementException = function() {};
   436     NoSuchElementException.prototype = new Error();
   437 = 'NoSuchElementException';
   438     NoSuchElementException.prototype.message = 'Iteration has no more elements';
   439 }
   440 /**
   441  * String value of the object.
   442  *
   443  * @type String
   444  */
   445 ArrayIterator.prototype.toString = function() {
   446   return "[Object ArrayIterator]";
   447 };
   448 /**
   449  * @type Object
   450  */
   451 = function() {
   452     if (!this.hasNext()) {
   453         throw new NoSuchElementException();
   454     }
   455     if (this.arrayLike.item) {
   456     	return this.arrayLike.item(this.i++);
   457     } else {
   458     	return this.arrayLike[this.i++];
   459     }
   460 };
   461 /*/
   462  * @type Boolean
   463  */
   464 ArrayIterator.prototype.hasNext = function() {
   465     return this.i < this.arrayLike.length;
   466 };
   472 /**
   473  * Get next sibling by element name
   474  *
   475  * @param n current element
   476  * @param t element name of the desired sibling
   477  * @return next sibling element with a given name or null if not found
   478  * @type Element
   479  */
   480 function getNextSiblingByTagName(n, t) {
   481     if (n != null) {
   482         var tag = t.toLowerCase();
   483     	var i = n;
   484     	while (true) {
   485     		if (i.nodeType == 1 && i.nodeName.toLowerCase() == tag) {
   486     		    return i;
   487     		}
   488     		if (i.nextSibling != null) {
   489     			i = i.nextSibling;
   490     		} else {
   491     			return null;
   492     		}
   493     	}
   494 	}
   495 	return null;
   496 }
   498 /**
   499  * Get child elements by element name.
   500  *
   501  * @param node parent element
   502  * @param name element name of the desired child elements
   503  * @return array of child elements
   504  * @type Array
   505  */
   506 function getChildElementsByTagName(node, name) {
   507 	var buf = [];
   508 	var tag = undefined;
   509     if (name !== undefined) {
   510         tag = name.toLowerCase();
   511     }
   512 	for (var n = node.firstChild; n != null; n = n.nextSibling) {
   513 		if (n.nodeType == 1 && (name === undefined || n.nodeName.toLowerCase() == tag)) {
   514 			buf[buf.length] = n;
   515 		}
   516 	}
   517 	return buf;
   518 }
   520 /**
   521  * Get first child element by element name.
   522  *
   523  * @param node parent element
   524  * @param name element name of the desired child elements
   525  * @return DOM Element, null if none found
   526  * @type Object
   527  */
   528 function getFirstChildElementByTagName(node, name) {
   529 	var tag = undefined;
   530     if (name !== undefined) {
   531         tag = name.toLowerCase();
   532     }
   533 	for (var n = node.firstChild; n != null; n = n.nextSibling) {
   534 		if (n.nodeType == 1 && (name === undefined || n.nodeName.toLowerCase() == tag)) {
   535 		  return n;
   536 		}
   537 	}
   538 	return null;
   539 }
   542 /**
   543  * Wrap child nodes of an element to wrapper element.
   544  *
   545  * @param parent element whose child nodes to wrapper
   546  * @param wrapper wrapper element 
   547  */
   548 function wrapChildElements(parent, wrapper) {
   549 	for (var c = parent.firstChild, n = null; c != null; c = parent.firstChild) {
   550 		n = parent.removeChild(c);
   551 		wrapper.appendChild(n);
   552 	}
   553 	parent.appendChild(wrapper);
   554 }
   556 /**
   557  * Get elements by class name.
   558  *
   559  * @param node DOM node whose descendants select
   560  * @param cls class name
   561  * @param elem element name (optional)
   562  * @return array of DOM nodes
   563  * @type Array
   564  */
   565 function getElementsByClassName(node, cls, elem) {
   566 	if (elem === undefined) {
   567 		elem = "*";
   568 	}
   569 	var res = [];
   570 	for (var el = document.getElementsByTagName(elem), i = 0; i < el.length; i++) {
   571 	  	if (isClass(el[i], cls)) {
   572 	    	res[res.length] = el[i];
   573 		}
   574 	}
   575 	return res;
   576 }
   578 /**
   579  * Get first element by class name.
   580  *
   581  * @param node DOM node whose descendants select
   582  * @param cls class name
   583  * @param elem element name (optional)
   584  * @return DOM Element, null if none found
   585  * @type Object
   586  */
   587 function getFirstElementByClassName(node, cls, elem) {
   588   	if (elem === undefined) {
   589   		elem = "*";
   590   	}
   591   	for (var el = document.getElementsByTagName(elem), i = 0; i < el.length; i++) {
   592   	  	if (isClass(el[i], cls)) {
   593   	  	    return el[i];
   594         }
   595   	}
   596   	return null;
   597 }
   601 function formSubmitHandler(event) {
   602     var f = getTargetNode(event);
   603     if (!validateForm(f)) {
   604         stopEvent(event);
   605     }
   606 }
   608 /**
   609  * Validate form
   610  *
   611  * @param form form to validate
   612  * @type Boolean
   613  * @return boolean value whether validation was successful
   614  */
   615 function validateForm(form) {
   616     var isValid = true;
   617     var labels;
   618     var r = [];
   619     var missing;
   620     var col = form.elements;
   621     elements: for (var i = 0; i < col.length; i++) {
   622         if (isClass(col[i], "required") && !col[i].disabled) {
   623             var f = col[col[i].name];
   624             var valid = false;
   625             if (col[i].type === "checkbox" || col[i].type === "radio") {            
   626                 if (col[i].value != f[0].value) { // test only the first
   627                     continue;
   628                 }
   629                 for (var j = 0; j < f.length; j++) {
   630                     if (f[j].checked && f[j].className.indexOf("nonrequired") == -1) {
   631                         continue elements;
   632                     }
   633                 }
   634             } else if (col[i].type === "select-one") {
   635                 if (!isClass(col[i][col[i].selectedIndex], "nonvalue")) {
   636                     continue;
   637                 }
   638             } else {
   639                 if (f.value !== "") {
   640                     continue;
   641                 }
   642             }
   644             if (labels === undefined) {
   645             	labels = form.getElementsByTagName("label");
   646             }
   647             var label;
   648             for (j = 0; j < labels.length; j++) {
   649                 if (labels[j].htmlFor == col[i].name) {
   650                 	label = labels[j];
   651                 }
   652             }
   653             if (!valid) {
   654             	isValid = false;
   655                 if (missing === undefined) {
   656                 	missing = [];
   657                 }
   658                 missing[missing.length] =;
   659                 addClass(label, "form_invalid");
   660             } else {
   661             	removeClass(label, "form_invalid");
   662             }
   663         }
   664     }
   665  	  if (!isValid) {
   666 	      window.alert("Required field" + (missing.length < 2 ? "" : "s")	+
   667 	            " " + toProseString(missing) +
   668 	            " " + (missing.length < 2 ? "has" : "have") + " no value");
   669     }
   670     return isValid;
   671 }