1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> |
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3 <head> |
4 <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" /> |
5 <meta name="copyright" content="(C) Copyright 2005" /> |
6 <meta name="DC.rights.owner" content="(C) Copyright 2005" /> |
7 <meta content="concept" name="DC.Type" /> |
8 <meta name="DC.Title" content="WRTKit SelectionControl Class" /> |
9 <meta scheme="URI" name="DC.Relation" content="WRTKit_API_Reference-GUID-00e47c27-0a1a-443f-ae85-cf3381635170.html" /> |
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11 <meta content="GUID-35C4291F-DC3A-439C-890F-1D140864ACA0" name="DC.Identifier" /> |
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13 <link href="commonltr.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> |
14 <title> |
15 WRTKit SelectionControl Class</title> |
16 </head> |
17 <body id="GUID-35C4291F-DC3A-439C-890F-1D140864ACA0"><a name="GUID-35C4291F-DC3A-439C-890F-1D140864ACA0"><!-- --></a> |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 <h1 class="topictitle1"> |
22 WRTKit SelectionControl Class</h1> |
23 |
24 <div> |
25 |
26 <div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle"> |
27 Description</h2> |
28 |
29 |
30 <p> |
31 |
32 The SelectionControl class is an abstract base class for all controls that lets |
33 the user select one or more options from a set of options. |
34 </p> |
35 |
36 <p> |
37 |
38 The options in a selection control are simple option objects with two properties: |
39 value and text. An option is specified using JavaScript object notation (JSON) as |
40 <samp class="codeph"> |
41 { value: "value here", text: "Text for value goes here" }</samp>. The value |
42 property specifies the actual value of the option whereas the text property specifies |
43 how the option is shown to the user in the control. E.g. the value could be a boolean |
44 value while the text could be "Yes" or "No". The text value is an XHTML string. |
45 </p> |
46 |
47 <p> |
48 |
49 Don't instantiate SelectionControl directly but rather one of its subclasses. |
50 </p> |
51 |
52 </div> |
53 |
54 <div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle"> |
55 Inherits from</h2> |
56 |
57 |
58 <p> |
59 |
60 <a href="WRTKit_Control_Class-GUID-6ddb8154-3fed-40fc-b282-85e6d3ad494f.html"> |
61 Control</a> |
62 </p> |
63 |
64 </div> |
65 |
66 <div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle"> |
67 Events</h2> |
68 |
69 |
70 <br /><ul> |
71 |
72 <li> |
73 |
74 <p> |
75 SelectionChanged</p> |
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 <p> |
80 |
81 This event is fired when the user selects one or more values in the control. |
82 </p> |
83 |
84 |
85 </li> |
86 |
87 </ul> |
88 |
89 </div> |
90 |
91 </div> |
92 |
93 <div> |
94 <div class="familylinks"> |
95 <div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="WRTKit_API_Reference-GUID-00e47c27-0a1a-443f-ae85-cf3381635170.html">WRTKit API Reference</a></div> |
96 </div> |
97 </div> |
98 <div class="nested1" id="GUID-8EEF9007-9B25-4140-A44E-FDC8E60E5515"><a name="GUID-8EEF9007-9B25-4140-A44E-FDC8E60E5515"><!-- --></a> |
99 |
100 <h2 class="topictitle2"> |
101 isMultipleSelection()</h2> |
102 |
103 <div> |
104 |
105 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
106 Syntax</h3> |
107 |
108 |
109 <pre> |
110 [Boolean] SelectionControl.isMultipleSelection(void)</pre> |
111 |
112 </div> |
113 |
114 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
115 Description</h3> |
116 |
117 |
118 <p> |
119 |
120 Returns a boolean value that indicates whether the selection control lets |
121 users select multiple options. |
122 </p> |
123 |
124 </div> |
125 |
126 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
127 Arguments</h3> |
128 |
129 |
130 <p> |
131 |
132 This method does not take any arguments. |
133 </p> |
134 |
135 </div> |
136 |
137 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
138 Return value</h3> |
139 |
140 |
141 <p> |
142 |
143 True if the control lets users select multiple options, false if only a single option |
144 can be selected at any given time. |
145 </p> |
146 |
147 </div> |
148 |
149 </div> |
150 |
151 </div> |
152 |
153 <div class="nested1" id="GUID-6CFB77B9-9930-49DC-982B-99F9CEBBEBCC"><a name="GUID-6CFB77B9-9930-49DC-982B-99F9CEBBEBCC"><!-- --></a> |
154 |
155 <h2 class="topictitle2"> |
156 isSelected()</h2> |
157 |
158 <div> |
159 |
160 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
161 Syntax</h3> |
162 |
163 |
164 <pre> |
165 [Boolean] SelectionControl.isSelected(Option option)</pre> |
166 |
167 </div> |
168 |
169 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
170 Description</h3> |
171 |
172 |
173 <p> |
174 |
175 Returns a boolean value that indicates whether the the specified option |
176 is currently selected. Options are objects with two properties: value and text. |
177 </p> |
178 |
179 </div> |
180 |
181 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
182 Arguments</h3> |
183 |
184 |
185 <br /><ul> |
186 |
187 <li> |
188 |
189 <p> |
190 option</p> |
191 |
192 |
193 |
194 <p> |
195 |
196 The option to check the selected state for. |
197 </p> |
198 |
199 |
200 </li> |
201 |
202 </ul> |
203 |
204 </div> |
205 |
206 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
207 Return value</h3> |
208 |
209 |
210 <p> |
211 |
212 True if the specified option is selected, false if not. |
213 </p> |
214 |
215 </div> |
216 |
217 </div> |
218 |
219 </div> |
220 |
221 <div class="nested1" id="GUID-DE791188-37C3-4433-BB16-9362EFFECFEE"><a name="GUID-DE791188-37C3-4433-BB16-9362EFFECFEE"><!-- --></a> |
222 |
223 <h2 class="topictitle2"> |
224 getSelected()</h2> |
225 |
226 <div> |
227 |
228 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
229 Syntax</h3> |
230 |
231 |
232 <pre> |
233 [Option|Array] SelectionControl.getSelected(void)</pre> |
234 |
235 </div> |
236 |
237 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
238 Description</h3> |
239 |
240 |
241 <p> |
242 |
243 Retrieves the currently selected option or options. If the control is a multiple |
244 selection control then an array of selected options is returned (an empty array if |
245 no options are selected). If the control is a single selection control then the |
246 single selection option is returned, or null if no options are selected. |
247 Options are objects with two properties: value and text. |
248 </p> |
249 |
250 </div> |
251 |
252 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
253 Arguments</h3> |
254 |
255 |
256 <p> |
257 |
258 This method does not take any arguments. |
259 </p> |
260 |
261 </div> |
262 |
263 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
264 Return value</h3> |
265 |
266 |
267 <p> |
268 |
269 An array containing the currently selected options for multiple selection controls. |
270 For single selection controls the return value is the selected option. If no options |
271 are selected then an empty array is returned for multiple selection controls and null |
272 is returned for single selection controls. |
273 </p> |
274 |
275 </div> |
276 |
277 </div> |
278 |
279 </div> |
280 |
281 <div class="nested1" id="GUID-348A4EC8-8962-4CB3-BD22-39D095280995"><a name="GUID-348A4EC8-8962-4CB3-BD22-39D095280995"><!-- --></a> |
282 |
283 <h2 class="topictitle2"> |
284 setSelected()</h2> |
285 |
286 <div> |
287 |
288 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
289 Syntax</h3> |
290 |
291 |
292 <pre> |
293 [void] SelectionControl.setSelected(Option|Array selected)</pre> |
294 |
295 </div> |
296 |
297 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
298 Description</h3> |
299 |
300 |
301 <p> |
302 |
303 Sets the currently selected options for a selection control. The selected options |
304 should be a subset of the options contain within the control. For a multiple selection |
305 control an array of options should be specified. For a single selection control the |
306 single option that should be selected should be specified without being contained in |
307 an array. To select zero options pass an empty array for multiple selection controls |
308 and null for single selection controls. Options are objects with two properties: |
309 value and text. |
310 </p> |
311 |
312 </div> |
313 |
314 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
315 Arguments</h3> |
316 |
317 |
318 <br /><ul> |
319 |
320 <li> |
321 |
322 <p> |
323 selected</p> |
324 |
325 |
326 |
327 <p> |
328 |
329 The options to select. For multiple selection controls this argument |
330 should be an array of the options to select or an empty array to select |
331 zero elements. For single selection controls it should be a single option |
332 object or null for no selected options. |
333 </p> |
334 |
335 |
336 </li> |
337 |
338 </ul> |
339 |
340 </div> |
341 |
342 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
343 Return value</h3> |
344 |
345 |
346 <p> |
347 |
348 This method does not return a value. |
349 </p> |
350 |
351 </div> |
352 |
353 </div> |
354 |
355 </div> |
356 |
357 <div class="nested1" id="GUID-97BCB1F7-4DEC-4621-9B22-87123719CF7B"><a name="GUID-97BCB1F7-4DEC-4621-9B22-87123719CF7B"><!-- --></a> |
358 |
359 <h2 class="topictitle2"> |
360 getOptions()</h2> |
361 |
362 <div> |
363 |
364 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
365 Syntax</h3> |
366 |
367 |
368 <pre> |
369 [Array] SelectionControl.getOptions(void)</pre> |
370 |
371 </div> |
372 |
373 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
374 Description</h3> |
375 |
376 |
377 <p> |
378 |
379 Retrieves the options available to the user in the control. The options are |
380 returned as an array of option objects. Options are objects with two properties: |
381 value and text. |
382 </p> |
383 |
384 </div> |
385 |
386 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
387 Arguments</h3> |
388 |
389 |
390 <p> |
391 |
392 This method does not take any arguments. |
393 </p> |
394 |
395 </div> |
396 |
397 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
398 Return value</h3> |
399 |
400 |
401 <p> |
402 |
403 An array containing the options in the control. |
404 </p> |
405 |
406 </div> |
407 |
408 </div> |
409 |
410 </div> |
411 |
412 <div class="nested1" id="GUID-167CC713-AF75-4CC7-841E-974D4CB77C1D"><a name="GUID-167CC713-AF75-4CC7-841E-974D4CB77C1D"><!-- --></a> |
413 |
414 <h2 class="topictitle2"> |
415 setOptions()</h2> |
416 |
417 <div> |
418 |
419 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
420 Syntax</h3> |
421 |
422 |
423 <pre> |
424 [void] SelectionControl.setOptions(Array options)</pre> |
425 |
426 </div> |
427 |
428 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
429 Description</h3> |
430 |
431 |
432 <p> |
433 |
434 Sets the options that this control should give the user. Calling this method |
435 replaces the current options with the specified new ones. If one or more selected |
436 options are no longer part of the available options after calling this method |
437 then they will automatically be removed from the selected set. The options |
438 are given as an array of option objects. Options are objects with two properties: |
439 value and text. The text value is an XHTML string. |
440 </p> |
441 |
442 </div> |
443 |
444 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
445 Arguments</h3> |
446 |
447 |
448 <br /><ul> |
449 |
450 <li> |
451 |
452 <p> |
453 options</p> |
454 |
455 |
456 |
457 <p> |
458 |
459 An array of options to give the user. These options replace the |
460 current options in the control. |
461 </p> |
462 |
463 |
464 </li> |
465 |
466 </ul> |
467 |
468 </div> |
469 |
470 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
471 Return value</h3> |
472 |
473 |
474 <p> |
475 |
476 This method does not return a value. |
477 </p> |
478 |
479 </div> |
480 |
481 </div> |
482 |
483 </div> |
484 |
485 <div class="nested1" id="GUID-815B72AA-CB42-4A8C-B656-6C144BC356F6"><a name="GUID-815B72AA-CB42-4A8C-B656-6C144BC356F6"><!-- --></a> |
486 |
487 <h2 class="topictitle2"> |
488 getOptionForValue()</h2> |
489 |
490 <div> |
491 |
492 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
493 Syntax</h3> |
494 |
495 |
496 <pre> |
497 [Array] SelectionControl.getOptionForValue(Object value)</pre> |
498 |
499 </div> |
500 |
501 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
502 Description</h3> |
503 |
504 |
505 <p> |
506 |
507 Retrieves the option in the selection control that has a value that matches |
508 the specified one. If multiple options have the same value then the first matching |
509 one is returned. If there is no match then null is returned. |
510 </p> |
511 |
512 <p> |
513 |
514 This method is a useful helper method for situations where a specific value in the |
515 options should be programmatically selected. |
516 </p> |
517 |
518 </div> |
519 |
520 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
521 Arguments</h3> |
522 |
523 |
524 <br /><ul> |
525 |
526 <li> |
527 |
528 <p> |
529 value</p> |
530 |
531 |
532 |
533 <p> |
534 |
535 The value to search for among the options in the selection control. |
536 The value can be of any JavaScript type. |
537 </p> |
538 |
539 |
540 </li> |
541 |
542 </ul> |
543 |
544 </div> |
545 |
546 <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle"> |
547 Return value</h3> |
548 |
549 |
550 <p> |
551 |
552 The first option in this selection control that has a value that matches the |
553 specified one, or null if no matching option is found. |
554 </p> |
555 |
556 </div> |
557 |
558 </div> |
559 |
560 </div> |
561 |
562 |
563 </body> |
564 </html> |