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7 <p><strong>Syntax:</strong></p> |
8 <pre class="codeblock" id="GUID-187FAFA1-C134-4B28-8FB4-30195B15CE77">[int] sysinfo.vibrasettings</pre> |
9 <p><strong>Description:</strong></p> |
10 <p>This is a read-only property that returns the current settings of the vibration mode set in the active user profile.</p> |
11 <p>The returned value can be one of the setting values listed in the following table.</p> |
12 <div class="tablenoborder"><a name="GUID-944A48A2-8FDE-4297-B482-E856BE023DDA"><!----></a><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" id="GUID-944A48A2-8FDE-4297-B482-E856BE023DDA" frame="border" border="1" rules="all"><caption><strong>Table: </strong>Values returned by vibrasettings</caption> |
13 <thead align="left"> |
14 <tr class="title "><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="12.5%" id="d0e78518"> |
15 <p>Value</p> |
16 </th><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="87.5%" id="d0e78523"> |
17 <p>Description</p> |
18 </th></tr> |
19 </thead> |
20 <tbody> |
21 <tr class=""> |
22 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="12.5%" headers="d0e78518 "> |
23 <p>0</p> |
24 </td> |
25 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="87.5%" headers="d0e78523 "> |
26 <p>Not initialized yet or there is an error condition.</p> |
27 </td> |
28 </tr> |
29 <tr class="bg "> |
30 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="12.5%" headers="d0e78518 "> |
31 <p>1</p> |
32 </td> |
33 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="87.5%" headers="d0e78523 "> |
34 <p>Vibration setting in the user profile is on.</p> |
35 </td> |
36 </tr> |
37 <tr class=""> |
38 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="12.5%" headers="d0e78518 "> |
39 <p>2</p> |
40 </td> |
41 <td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="87.5%" headers="d0e78523 "> |
42 <p>Vibration setting in the user profile is off.</p> |
43 </td> |
44 </tr> |
45 </tbody> |
46 </table></div></div></div></div><div class="footer"><hr/><div class="copy">© Nokia 2009.</div></div></body></html> |