changeset 470 d4809db37847
parent 468 a05c6e5cc7d9
child 473 8e8aed9adb99
equal deleted inserted replaced
469:4d198a32ac7d 470:d4809db37847
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     2 <?eclipse version="3.4"?>
     3 <plugin>
     4    <extension-point id="projectTemplates" name="WRT Project Templates" schema="schema/projectTemplates.exsd"/>
     5    <extension-point id="jsLibraries" name="JavaScript Libraries" schema="schema/jsLibraries.exsd"/>
     7 <!-- Generic Project Builder and Project Natures  -->		
     9 <!-- Widget Project Nature -->	
    10  <extension
    11        id="WidgetProjectNature"
    12        point="org.eclipse.core.resources.natures">
    13     <runtime>
    14        <run class=""/>
    15     </runtime>
    16  </extension> 
    18 <!-- Widget Project Nature Images -->
    19         <extension
    20               point="org.eclipse.ui.ide.projectNatureImages">
    21            <image
    22                  icon="icons/WRT_main_16.png"
    23                  id=""
    24                  natureId="">
    25            </image>
    26         </extension>
    28 <!-- Web Runtime Preferences --> 
    29  <extension
    30     point="org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences">
    31     <initializer
    32           class="">
    33     </initializer>
    34  </extension>
    36 <!-- WRT Tool Integration (Package, Validate, Include, Exclude Settings)-->
    37  <extension	
    38           point="org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus">
    39       <objectContribution
    40             objectClass="org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource"            
    41             id="">
    42          <visibility>
    43             <not>
    44                <or>
    45                <objectState name="persistentProperty" value=""/>
    46 			   <objectState name="extension" value="plist"/>
    47 			   <objectClass name="org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject"/>
    48 			   </or>
    49             </not>
    50          </visibility>
    51      	 <filter
    52          	name="projectNature"
    53          	value=""/>           
    54          <action
    55              class=""
    56              icon="icons/exclude_archive.gif"
    57              id=""
    58              label="Exclude From Archive"
    59              menubarPath=""> 
    60          </action>  
    61       </objectContribution>    
    62       <objectContribution
    63             objectClass="org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource"            
    64             id="">
    65       <visibility>
    66         <and>
    67 	        <not>
    68 	        	<objectState name="extension" value="wgz"/>
    69 	        </not>
    70 	        <and>
    71 	        	<objectState name="persistentProperty" value=""/>
    72 	        	<objectState name="projectNature" value=""/>
    73 	        </and>
    74         </and>
    75        </visibility>
    76        <action
    77              class=""
    78              icon="icons/include_archive.gif"
    79              id=""
    80              label="Include in Archive"
    81              menubarPath=""> 
    82       </action>  
    83     </objectContribution>
    84    </extension>  
    86 <!-- CSS Validator -->
    87 	<extension id=""
    88 		name="CSS Validator" point="org.eclipse.wst.validation.validatorV2">
    89 		<validator build="true"
    90 			class=""
    91 			manual="true" markerId=""
    92 			version="0.0.1">
    93 			<include>
    94 				<rules>
    95 					<contentType exactMatch="false"
    96 						id="org.eclipse.wst.css.core.csssource">
    97 					</contentType>
    98 				</rules>
    99 			</include>
   100 		</validator>
   101 	</extension>
   103 	<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.newWizards">
   104 		<category id="" name="Mobile Web Tools">
   105 		</category>
   106 		<wizard category=""
   107 			class=""
   108 			finalPerspective=""
   109 			hasPages="true" icon="icons/WRT_main_16.png"
   110 			id="" name="Mobile Web Application Project"
   111 			project="true">
   112 			<description>
   113 				Creates a new Symbian WRT application project using one of the provided
   114 				templates
   115          </description>
   116 		</wizard>
   117 	</extension>
   119 <!-- WRT Project Templates -->
   120 	<extension point="">
   122       <projectTemplate
   123             archive="projecttemplates/"
   124             default-css-name="basic"
   125             default-html-name="index"
   126             default-js-name="basic"
   127             icon="icons/main16.gif"
   128             name="Minimal Project"
   129             order="10">
   130 			<description>
   131 				This wizard generates an empty widget project with a minimal Info.plist, html,css and js.
   132          </description>
   133 	  </projectTemplate> 
   135       <projectTemplate
   136             archive="projecttemplates/"
   137             default-css-name="HelloWithWRTKit"
   138             default-html-name="index"
   139             default-js-name="HelloWithWRTKit"
   140             icon="icons/WRT_main_16.png"
   141             name="Hello World Project"
   142             order="1"
   143             wizard-page-factory="$Factory">
   144          <description>
   145             This wizard generates a basic Hello project with a minimal Info.plist, html,css and js along with WRTKit.
   146          </description>
   147          <requires-library>org.symbian.wrtkit</requires-library>
   148       </projectTemplate>
   149       <projectTemplate
   150             archive="projecttemplates/"
   151             default-css-name="css"
   152             default-html-name="index"
   153             default-js-name="main"
   154             icon="icons/phonegap.png"
   155             name="PhoneGap Application"
   156             order="2"
   157             screen-size="360x640">
   158          <description>
   159             This wizard generates a project based on the PhoneGap library that showcases PhoneGap API usage. PhoneGap applications require WRT 1.1 or newer.
   160          </description>
   161          <requires-library>phonegap</requires-library>
   162       </projectTemplate>
   164       <projectTemplate
   165             archive="projecttemplates/"
   166             default-css-name="Flickr"
   167             default-html-name="index"
   168             default-js-name="Flickr"
   169             icon="icons/flickr.gif"
   170             name="Flickr Project"
   171             order="3"
   172             wizard-page-factory="$Factory">
   173          <description>
   174             This wizard generates an Flickr project with a minimal Info.plist, html,css and js and WRTKit.
   175          </description>
   176          <requires-library>org.symbian.wrtkit</requires-library>
   177       </projectTemplate>
   179       <projectTemplate
   180             archive="projecttemplates/"
   181             default-css-name="RSSReader"
   182             default-html-name="index"
   183             default-js-name="RSSReader"
   184             icon="icons/rss.gif"
   185             name="RSS Reader Project"
   186             order="4"
   187             wizard-page-factory="$Factory">
   188          <description>
   189             This wizard generates an RSS Reader project with a minimal Info.plist, html,css and js and WRTKit.
   190          </description>
   191          <requires-library>org.symbian.wrtkit</requires-library>
   192       </projectTemplate>
   193       <projectTemplate
   194             archive="projecttemplates/"
   195             default-css-name="basic"
   196             default-html-name="index"
   197             default-js-name="basic"
   198             icon="icons/main16.gif"
   199             name="Various UI Templates"
   200             order="5"
   201             screen-size="360x640">
   202          <description>
   203             Includes templates for high-end devices from Forum.Nokia.
   204          </description>
   205       </projectTemplate>
   206 	</extension>
   208 <!-- Import Wizard -->
   209 	<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.importWizards">
   210 		<category id="" name="Mobile Web Tools">
   211 		</category>
   212 		<wizard category=""
   213 			class=""
   214 			icon="icons/import_aptana_project.gif" id=""
   215 			name="Existing Mobile Web Projects into Workspace">
   216      <description>
   217         Import WRT project created in Aptana, Adobe Dreamweaver or WRT IDE
   218      </description>
   219 		</wizard>
   221 		<wizard
   222           category=""
   223           class=""
   224           icon="icons/import_16x16px.png"
   225           id=""
   226           name="Application Archive (WGZ)">
   227         <description>
   228           Create WRT project from deployable WGZ application archive
   229         </description>
   230       </wizard>
   232     </extension>
   234 <!-- WRT Content Descriptor (.plist) file -->
   235 	<extension point="org.eclipse.core.contenttype.contentTypes">
   236 		<content-type base-type="org.eclipse.core.runtime.xml"
   237 			file-extensions="plist" id=""
   238 			name="WebRuntime Descriptor File" priority="normal">
   239 		</content-type>
   240 	</extension>
   242 <!-- Perspective Extensions -->
   243 	<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.perspectiveExtensions">
   244 		<perspectiveExtension targetID="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.JavaPerspective">
   245 			<newWizardShortcut id="">
   246 			</newWizardShortcut>
   247 		</perspectiveExtension>
   248 		<perspectiveExtension targetID="org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugPerspective">
   249 			<newWizardShortcut id="">
   250 			</newWizardShortcut>
   251 		</perspectiveExtension>
   252 	</extension>
   254  <extension
   255        point="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.JsGlobalScopeContainerInitializer">
   256     <JsGlobalScopeContainerInitializer
   257        class=""
   258        id="org.symbian.wrt">
   259     </JsGlobalScopeContainerInitializer>
   260  </extension>
   261  <extension
   262         point="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.JsGlobalScopeContainerPage">
   263     <JsGlobalScopeContainerPage
   264             name="Tools for Mobile Web"
   265             class=""
   266             id="org.symbian.wrt">
   267     </JsGlobalScopeContainerPage>    
   268   </extension>
   269  <extension
   270        id=""
   271        name="WRT Application Descriptor Validator"
   272        point="org.eclipse.wst.validation.validatorV2">
   273     <validator
   274           build="true"
   275           class=""
   276           manual="true"
   277           markerId=""
   278           version="0.0.1">
   279        <include>
   280           <rules>
   281              <projectNature
   282                    id="">
   283              </projectNature>
   284           </rules>
   285        </include>
   286     </validator>
   287  </extension>
   288  <extension
   289        point="org.eclipse.ui.keywords">
   290     <keyword
   291           id=""
   292           label="wrt, webruntime, web runtime, cwrt widget">
   293     </keyword>
   294  </extension>
   295  <extension
   296        id=""
   297        name="Platform Services Inferrence Support"
   298        point="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.inferrenceSupport">
   299     <inferenceProvider
   300           class="">
   301     </inferenceProvider>
   302  </extension>
   303  <extension
   304        point="org.eclipse.ui.commands">
   305     <category
   306           id=""
   307           name="Tools for Mobile Web">
   308     </category>
   309     <command
   310           categoryId=""
   311           description="Deploys an application to phone or emulator"
   312           id=""
   313           name="Deploy Application">
   314     </command>
   315     <command
   316           categoryId=""
   317           defaultHandler=""
   318           description="Adds JavaScript libraries to Mobile Web projects"
   319           id=""
   320           name="Add JavaScript Libraries...">
   321     </command>
   322  </extension>
   323  <extension
   324        point="org.eclipse.ui.menus">
   325     <menuContribution
   326           locationURI="toolbar:org.eclipse.ui.main.toolbar">
   327        <toolbar
   328              id="">
   329           <command
   330                 commandId=""
   331                 icon="icons/deploy_widget.gif"
   332                 id="">
   333           </command>
   334        </toolbar>
   335     </menuContribution>
   336     <menuContribution
   337           locationURI="menu:project?after=additions">
   338        <separator
   339              name=""
   340              visible="true">
   341        </separator>
   342        <command
   343              commandId=""
   344              id=""
   345              style="push">
   346        </command>
   347        <separator
   348              name=""
   349              visible="true">
   350        </separator>
   351        <command
   352              commandId=""
   353              icon="icons/deploy_widget.gif"
   354              id="">
   355        </command>
   356        <separator
   357              name=""
   358              visible="true">
   359        </separator>
   360     </menuContribution>
   361     <menuContribution
   362           locationURI="popup:org.eclipse.ui.popup.any?after=sourceMenuId">
   363        <separator
   364              name=""
   365              visible="true">
   366        </separator>
   367        <command
   368              commandId=""
   369              icon="icons/deploy_widget.gif"
   370              id="">
   371           <visibleWhen>
   372              <and>
   373                 <iterate
   374                       ifEmpty="false"
   375                       operator="and">
   376                    <adapt
   377                          type="org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject">
   378                    </adapt>
   379                 </iterate>
   380                 <count
   381                       value="1">
   382                 </count>
   383              </and>
   384           </visibleWhen>
   385        </command>
   386        <separator
   387              name=""
   388              visible="true">
   389        </separator>
   390     </menuContribution>
   391     <menuContribution
   392           locationURI="popup:org.eclipse.ui.popup.any?">
   393        <dynamic
   394              class="$LibrariesPopupMenu"
   395              id="">
   396           <visibleWhen>
   397              <and>
   398                 <iterate
   399                       ifEmpty="false"
   400                       operator="and">
   401                    <adapt
   402                          type="org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject">
   403                       <test
   404                             property="org.eclipse.core.resources.projectNature"
   405                             value="">
   406                       </test>
   407                    </adapt>
   408                 </iterate>
   409                 <count
   410                       value="1">
   411                 </count>
   412              </and>
   413           </visibleWhen>
   414        </dynamic>
   415        <separator
   416              name=""
   417              visible="true">
   418        </separator>
   419     </menuContribution>
   420  </extension>
   421  <extension
   422        point="org.eclipse.ui.decorators">
   423     <decorator
   424           adaptable="true"
   425           class=""
   426           icon="icons/main16.gif"
   427           id=""
   428           label="Mobile Web Packaging Information"
   429           lightweight="true"
   430           location="TOP_RIGHT"
   431           state="true">
   432        <enablement>
   433        	<objectClass
   434               name="org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource">
   435        	</objectClass>
   436        </enablement>
   437     </decorator>
   438  </extension>
   439  <extension
   440        id=""
   441        name="Excluded from Mobile Web packaging marker"
   442        point="org.eclipse.core.resources.markers">
   443     <persistent
   444           value="true">
   445     </persistent>
   446  </extension>
   447  <extension
   448        point="">
   449     <library
   450           icon="icons/main16_prev.gif"
   451           id="org.symbian.wrtkit"
   452           installer=""
   453           name="WRTKit">
   454     </library>
   455     <library
   456           icon="icons/phonegap.png"
   457           id="phonegap"
   458           installer=""
   459           name="PhoneGap">
   460     </library>
   461  </extension>
   462  <extension
   463        point="org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.renameParticipants">
   464     <renameParticipant
   465           class=""
   466           id=""
   467           name="WRT Projects Rename Participant">
   468     <enablement>
   469       <with variable="affectedNatures">
   470         <iterate operator="or">
   471           <equals value=""/>
   472         </iterate>
   473       </with>
   474       <with variable="element">
   475          <adapt
   476                type="org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject">
   477          </adapt>
   479       </with>
   480     </enablement>
   482     </renameParticipant>
   483  </extension>
   484  <extension
   485        point="org.eclipse.ui.editors.templates">
   486     <include
   487           file="templates/default-templates.xml">
   488     </include>
   489  </extension>
   490  <extension
   491        point="org.eclipse.wst.common.snippets.SnippetContributions">
   492     <category
   493           description="WRT-specific JavaScript snippets"
   494           id=""
   495           label="Symbian Web Runtime"
   496           smallicon="icons/main16.gif"
   497           contenttypes="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.jsSource">
   498        <item
   499              class=""
   500              description="Retrieves list of the contacts"
   501              id=""
   502              label="Get contacts">
   503           <content>
   504 var contactService = device.getServiceObject("Service.Contact",
   505 			"IDataSource");
   506 	var result = contactService.IDataSource.GetList(
   507 			{ Type : "Contact", Sort : { Order : "Ascending" } }
   508 			);
   509 	if (result.ErrorCode == 0) {
   510 		var contacts = result.ReturnValue;
   511 		for ( var contact = contacts.getNext(); contact != null; contact = contacts.getNext()) {
   512 			var firstName = contact.FirstName;
   513 			var lastName = contact.LastName;
   514 			var mobile = contact.MobilePhoneGen;
   515 			var landPhone = contact.LandPhoneGen;
   516 			var jobTitle = contact.JobTitle;
   517 			// Consult WRT documentation for other possible fields
   518 			// TODO Process contact information
   519 		}
   520 	} else {
   521 		var errorCode = result.ErrorCode;
   522 		var errorMessage = result.ErrorMessage;
   523 		// TODO Cannot retrieve contacts list
   524 	}
   525           </content>
   526        </item>
   527        <item
   528              class=""
   529              description="This function can be used as a callback in GetLocation and Trace calls to location service."
   530              id=""
   531              label="Location callback">
   532           <content>
   533 // This function can be passed as a callback to locationService.ILocation
   534 // GetLocation or Trace method
   535 function locationUpdated(transactionId, code, result) {
   536 	if (result.ErrorCode == 0) {
   537 		var longitude = result.ReturnValue.Longitude; // Longitude estimate in degrees. The value range is [+180, -180].
   538 		var latitude = result.ReturnValue.Latitude; // Latitude estimate in degrees. The value range is [+90, -90].
   539 		var altitude = result.ReturnValue.Altitude; // Elevation estimate in meters relative to the WGS 84 datum.
   540 		var satelliteNumView = result.ReturnValue.SatelliteNumView; // Number of satellites currently in view.
   541 		var satelliteNumViewUsed = result.ReturnValue.SatelliteNumViewUsed; // Number of satellites used to obtain the location fix.
   542 		var horizontalSpeed = result.ReturnValue.HorizontalSpeed; // Horizontal speed estimate in meters per second. This is the speed of the device at the time the location fix was obtained.
   543 		var horizontalSpeedError = result.ReturnValue.HorizontalSpeedError; // Horizontal speed error in meters per second.
   544 		var trueCourse = result.ReturnValue.TrueCourse; // Current direction of movement in degrees in relation to true north.
   545 		var trueCourseError = result.ReturnValue.TrueCourseError; // TrueCourse error in degrees.
   546 		var magneticHeading = result.ReturnValue.MagneticHeading; // Current direction of movement in degrees in relation to magnetic north.
   547 		var magneticHeadingError = result.ReturnValue.MagneticHeadingError; // MagneticHeading error in degrees.
   548 		var heading = result.ReturnValue.Heading; // Current instantaneous direction of movement in degrees in relation to true north.
   549 		var headingError = result.ReturnValue.HeadingError; // Heading error in degrees.
   550 		var magneticCourse = result.ReturnValue.MagneticCourse; // Current instantaneous direction of movement in degrees in relation to magnetic north.
   551 		var magneticCourseError = result.ReturnValue.MagneticCourseError; // MagneticCourse error in degrees
   552 		// TODO Location information was received
   553 	} else {
   554 		var errorCode = result.ErrorCode;
   555 		var errorMessage = result.ErrorMessage;
   556 		// TODO Failed to retrieve location information
   557 	}
   558 }          </content>
   559        </item>
   560        <item
   561              class=""
   562              description="Sends SMS message"
   563              id=""
   564              label="Send SMS message">
   565           <content>
   566 var phoneNumber = "+6505551214";
   567 	var text = "Sent from WRT application";
   568 	var messaging = device.getServiceObject("Service.Messaging", "IMessaging");
   569 	var result = messaging.IMessaging.Send({ MessageType : "SMS", To : phoneNumber, BodyText : text });
   570 	if (result.ErrorCode != null) {
   571 		var errorCode = result.ErrorCode;
   572 		var errorMessage = result.ErrorMessage;
   573 		// TODO Cannot send SMS message
   574 	}
   575           </content>
   576        </item>
   578        <item
   579              class=""
   580              description="Use this code to track battery status"
   581              id=""
   582              label="Watch battery status">
   583           <content>
   584 function watchBatteryNotifications() {
   585 	var sysInfo = device.getServiceObject("Service.SysInfo", "ISysInfo");
   586 	var result = sysInfo.ISysInfo.GetNotification( {
   587 		Entity : "Battery",
   588 		Key : "BatteryStrength"
   589 	}, batteryUpdated);
   590 	if (result.ErrorCode == 0) {
   591 		var transactionId = result.TransactionID;
   592 		// TODO Use this ID to cancel notifications
   593 	} else {
   594 		var message = result.ErrorMessage;
   595 		// TODO Process error
   596 	}
   597 }
   599 function batteryUpdated(tId, code, result) {
   600 	if (result.ErrorCode == 0) {
   601 		var batteryStatus = result.ReturnValue.Status;
   602 		// TODO Process battery charge level
   603 	} else {
   604 		var message = result.ErrorMessage;
   605 		// TODO Process error
   606 	}
   607 }
   608           </content>
   609        </item>
   610        <item
   611              class=""
   612              description="Use this code to track acceleration, orientation or rotation changes"
   613              id=""
   614              label="Watch sensor notifications">
   615           <content>
   616 // Call this function to add a callback that will be notified of orientation changes
   617 function watchSensorNotifications() {
   618 	var sensors = device.getServiceObject("Service.Sensor", "ISensor");
   619 	var SensorParams = {
   620 		SearchCriterion : "Orientation" // TODO Possible values (one of):
   621 			// SearchCriterion : "All"
   622 			// SearchCriterion : "AccelerometerAxis"
   623 			// SearchCriterion : "AccelerometerDoubleTapping"
   624 			// SearchCriterion : "Rotation"
   625 	};
   626 	var result = sensors.ISensor.FindSensorChannel(SensorParams);
   628 	if (result.ErrorCode != 0) {
   629 		var errorCode = result.ErrorCode;
   630 		var errorMessage = result.ErrorMessage;
   631 		// TODO Handle error
   632 		return null;
   633 	}
   634     // TODO Function named "sensorCallback" will be called when device orientation changes. This function should be created. 
   635 	var result2 = sensors.ISensor.RegisterForNotification(
   636 			{ ChannelInfoMap : result.ReturnValue[0], 
   637 				ListeningType : "ChannelData" }, sensorCallback);
   638 	if (result.ErrorCode == 0) {
   639 		var transactionId = result.TransactionID;
   640 		// TODO Use this transaction ID to cancel notifications when watching orientation is no longer needed
   641 		return transactionId;
   642 	} else {
   643 		var errorCode = result.ErrorCode;
   644 		var errorMessage = result.ErrorMessage;
   645 		// TODO Handle error
   646 		return null;
   647 	}
   648 }
   650 // This function can be passed as callback to 
   651 // sensors.ISensor.RegisterForNotification method
   652 function sensorCallback(transactionId, code, result) {
   653 	if (result.ErrorCode == 0) {
   654 		// TODO Process notification
   655 		var dataType = result.ReturnValue.DataType; // One of: "AxisData", "DoubleTappingData", "OrientationData" or "RotationData"
   656 		var orientation = result.ReturnValue.DeviceOrientation; // Orientation
   657 		// var xAxis = result.ReturnValue.XAxisData; // Accelerometer
   658 		// var yAxis = result.ReturnValue.YAxisData; // Accelerometer
   659 		// var zAxis = result.ReturnValue.ZAxisData; // Accelerometer
   660 		// var direction = result.ReturnValue.DeviceDirection; // Accelerometer double tapping
   661 		// var xRotation = result.ReturnValue.XRotation; // Rotation
   662 		// var yRotation = result.ReturnValue.YRotation; // Rotation
   663 		// var zRotation = result.ReturnValue.ZRotation; // Rotation
   664 	} else {
   665 		var errorCode = result.ErrorCode;
   666 		var errorMessage = result.ErrorMessage;
   667 		// TODO Handle error
   668 	}
   669 }
   671          </content>
   672        </item>
   673     </category>
   674     <category
   675           description="Snippets using PhoneGap APIs"
   676           id=""
   677           label="PhoneGap"
   678           smallicon="icons/phonegap.png">
   679        <item
   680              class=""
   681              description="Accepts accerelometer data"
   682              id=""
   683              label="Accelerometer callback">
   684           <content>
   685 // This callback can be passed as a successCallback argument to  
   686 // navigator.accelerometer getCurrentAcceleration and watchAcceleration methods
   687 function updateAcceleration(accel) {
   688 	var x = accel.x;
   689 	var y = accel.y;
   690 	var z = accel.z;
   692 	// TODO process the data
   693 }
   694           </content>
   695        </item>
   696        <item
   697              class=""
   698              description="Accepts contacts data"
   699              id=""
   700              label="Contacts callback">
   701           <content>
   702 // This method can be passed as a successCallback argument to
   703 // navigator.contacts.find method
   704 function displayContacts(contacts) {
   705 	for (var i=0; i &lt; contacts.length; i++) {
   706 		var contact = contacts[i];
   707 		var name =;
   708 		var phones =; // Array of phone numbers
   709 		var name =;
   711 		// TODO Insert your code here
   712 	}
   713 }
   714           </content>
   715        </item>
   716        <item
   717              class=""
   718              description="Accepts location data"
   719              id=""
   720              label="Location callback">
   721           <content>
   722 // This method can be passed as a successCallback argument to 
   723 // navigator.geolocation getCurrentPosition or watchPosition methods
   724 function updateLocation(position) {
   725 	var pt = position.coords;
   726 	var latitude = pt.latitude;
   727 	var longitude = pt.longitude;
   728 	var altitude = pt.altitude;
   729 	var heading = pt.heading;
   730 	var speed = pt.speed;
   732 	// TODO Insert your code here
   733 }
   734           </content>
   735        </item>
   736        <item
   737              class=""
   738              description="Accepts orientation data"
   739              id=""
   740              label="Orientation callback">
   741           <content>
   742 // This method can be passed as a successCallback argument to 
   743 // navigator.orientation getCurrentOrientation or watchOrientation methods
   744 function updateOrientation(orientation) {
   745 	switch (orientation) {
   746 		case DisplayOrientation.PORTRAIT: break;
   747 		case DisplayOrientation.REVERSE_PORTRAIT: break;
   748 		case DisplayOrientation.LANDSCAPE_LEFT_UP: break;
   749 		case DisplayOrientation.LANDSCAPE_RIGHT_UP: break;
   750 		case DisplayOrientation.FACE_UP: break;
   751 		case DisplayOrientation.FACE_DOWN: break;
   752 	}
   754 	// TODO Insert your code here
   755 }
   756           </content>
   757        </item>
   758     </category>
   759  </extension>
   760  <extension
   761        point="">
   762     <projectProvider
   763           class="">
   764        <enablement>
   765           <adapt
   766                 type="org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject">
   767              <test
   768                    property="org.eclipse.core.resources.projectNature"
   769                    value="">
   770              </test>
   771           </adapt>
   772        </enablement>
   773     </projectProvider>
   774  </extension>
   775    <extension
   776         point="">
   777      <runtime
   778            component-id=""
   779            component-version="1.1"
   780            name="Symbian WRT 1.1">
   781         <runtime-component
   782               id="tmw.geolocation"
   783               version="1.0">
   784         </runtime-component>
   785      </runtime>
   786   </extension>
   787    <extension
   788          point="">
   789       <packager
   790             delegate=""
   791             target-runtime=""
   792             target-runtime-version="1.1">
   793       </packager>
   794    </extension>
   795    <extension
   796          point="">
   797       <deployment-target-type
   798             class=""
   799             icon="icons/deploy_settings.gif"
   800             id=""
   801             priority="50">
   802       </deployment-target-type>
   803    </extension>
   804    <extension
   805          point="org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.runtimes">
   806       <runtime-component-type
   807             id="">
   808       </runtime-component-type>
   809       <runtime-component-version
   810             type=""
   811             version="1.1">
   812       </runtime-component-version>
   813       <supported>
   814          <facet
   815                id="symbian.wrtkit"
   816                version="1.0">
   817          </facet>
   818          <runtime-component
   819                id=""
   820                version="1.1">
   821          </runtime-component>
   822          <facet
   823                id="symbian.phonegap">
   824          </facet>
   825       </supported>
   826    </extension>
   827    <extension
   828          point="org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.images">
   829       <image
   830             path="icons/main16_prev.gif"
   831             runtime-component-type=""
   832             version="1.1">
   833       </image>
   834    </extension>
   835    <extension
   836          point="">
   837       <runtime-include-path
   838             id=""
   839             version="1.1">
   840          <include-path-entry
   841                file="libraries/core/widget.js"/>
   842          <include-path-entry
   843                file="libraries/core/services.js"/>
   844          <include-path-entry
   845                file="libraries/core/menu.js"/>
   846       </runtime-include-path>
   847    </extension>
   848    <extension
   849          point="">
   850       <template
   851             icon="icons/flickr.gif"
   852             id=""
   853             name="Flickr Project"
   854             weight="3">
   855          <archive
   856                file="projecttemplates/"
   857                open-files="${mainHtml}.html">
   858          </archive>
   859          <description>
   860             This wizard generates an Flickr project with a minimal Info.plist, html,css and js and WRTKit.
   861          </description>
   862          <supported-runtime
   863                id=""
   864                version="1.1">
   865          </supported-runtime>
   866          <archive
   867                file="projecttemplates/">
   868          </archive>
   869          <default-parameter-value
   870                name="mainCss"
   871                value="style">
   872          </default-parameter-value>
   873          <default-parameter-value
   874                name="mainJs"
   875                value="flickr">
   876          </default-parameter-value>
   877          <default-parameter-value
   878                name="mainHtml"
   879                value="flickr">
   880          </default-parameter-value>
   881          <default-parameter-value
   882                name="flickrUrl"
   883                value="">
   884          </default-parameter-value>
   885          <required-facet
   886                id="symbian.wrtkit"
   887                version="1.0">
   888          </required-facet>
   889       </template>
   890       <runtime-template
   891             runtime-id=""
   892             version="1.1">
   893          <archive
   894                file="projecttemplates/">
   895          </archive>
   896          <default-parameter-value
   897                name="homeScreen"
   898                value="false">
   899          </default-parameter-value>
   900          <default-parameter-value
   901                name="mainHtml"
   902                value="index">
   903          </default-parameter-value>
   904          <default-parameter-value
   905                name="mainCss"
   906                value="basic">
   907          </default-parameter-value>
   908          <default-parameter-value
   909                name="mainJs"
   910                value="basic">
   911          </default-parameter-value>
   912       </runtime-template>
   913    </extension>
   914    <extension
   915          point="">
   916       <template-page
   917             class=""
   918             template-id="">
   919       </template-page>
   920    </extension>
   921    <extension
   922          point="org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.facets">
   923       <project-facet
   924             id="symbian.wrtkit">
   925          <label>
   926             Symbian WRTKit
   927          </label>
   928          <description>
   929             WRTKit UI library for Symbian WRT
   930          </description>
   931          <default-version
   932                version="1.0">
   933          </default-version>
   934       </project-facet>
   935       <project-facet-version
   936             facet="symbian.wrtkit"
   937             version="1.0">
   938          <constraint>
   939             <requires
   940                   facet="tmw.core"
   941                   version="[1.0">
   942             </requires>
   943          </constraint>
   944          <action
   945                type="install">
   946             <delegate
   947                   class="">
   948             </delegate>
   949             <config-factory
   950                   class="">
   951             </config-factory>
   952          </action>
   953       </project-facet-version>
   954       <project-facet
   955             id="symbian.phonegap">
   956          <label>
   957             PhoneGap
   958          </label>
   959          <description>
   960             PhoneGap application
   961          </description>
   962       </project-facet>
   963       <project-facet-version
   964             facet="symbian.phonegap"
   965             version="1.0">
   966          <constraint>
   967             <requires
   968                   facet="tmw.core"
   969                   ignore-problems="1.0">
   970             </requires>
   971          </constraint>
   972          <action
   973                type="install">
   974             <delegate
   975                   class="">
   976             </delegate>
   977          </action>
   978       </project-facet-version>
   979    </extension>
   980    <extension
   981          point="org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.images">
   982       <image
   983             facet="symbian.wrtkit"
   984             path="icons/main16_prev.gif"
   985             version="1.0">
   986       </image>
   987    </extension>
   988    <extension
   989          point="">
   990       <layout-provider
   991             class=""
   992             runtime-id=""
   993             runtime-version="1.1">
   994       </layout-provider>
   995    </extension>
   997 </plugin>