changeset 2 e4420d2515f1
child 355 8726e95bcbba
equal deleted inserted replaced
1:ef76fc2ac88c 2:e4420d2515f1
     1 // Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
     2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
     3 // found in the LICENSE file.
     5 package org.chromium.sdk.internal.protocolparser.dynamicimpl;
     7 import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
     8 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
     9 import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
    10 import java.lang.reflect.Type;
    11 import java.lang.reflect.WildcardType;
    12 import java.util.ArrayList;
    13 import java.util.Arrays;
    14 import java.util.Collections;
    15 import java.util.HashMap;
    16 import java.util.List;
    17 import java.util.Map;
    19 import org.chromium.sdk.internal.protocolparser.JsonField;
    20 import org.chromium.sdk.internal.protocolparser.JsonNullable;
    21 import org.chromium.sdk.internal.protocolparser.JsonOptionalField;
    22 import org.chromium.sdk.internal.protocolparser.JsonOverrideField;
    23 import org.chromium.sdk.internal.protocolparser.JsonProtocolModelParseException;
    24 import org.chromium.sdk.internal.protocolparser.JsonProtocolParseException;
    25 import org.chromium.sdk.internal.protocolparser.JsonSubtype;
    26 import org.chromium.sdk.internal.protocolparser.JsonSubtypeCasting;
    27 import org.chromium.sdk.internal.protocolparser.JsonType;
    28 import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
    29 import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
    31 /**
    32  * Java dynamic-proxy based parser for set of json types. It uses set of type interfaces
    33  * as model description and provides implementations for them. JsonProtocolParser
    34  * converts JSONObject into a required Java type instance.
    35  */
    36 public class JsonProtocolParser {
    37   private final Map<Class<?>, TypeHandler<?>> type2TypeHandler;
    39   /**
    40    * Constructs parser from a set of type interfaces.
    41    */
    42   public JsonProtocolParser(Class<?> ... protocolInterfaces)
    43       throws JsonProtocolModelParseException {
    44     this(Arrays.asList(protocolInterfaces), Collections.<JsonProtocolParser>emptyList());
    45   }
    47   /**
    48    * Constructs parser from a set of type interfaces and a list of base packages. Type interfaces
    49    * may reference to type interfaces from base packages.
    50    * @param basePackages list of base packages in form of list of {@link JsonProtocolParser}'s
    51    */
    52   public JsonProtocolParser(List<? extends Class<?>> protocolInterfaces,
    53       List<? extends JsonProtocolParser> basePackages) throws JsonProtocolModelParseException {
    54     type2TypeHandler = readTypes(protocolInterfaces, basePackages);
    55   }
    57   /**
    58    * Parses {@link JSONObject} as typeClass type.
    59    */
    60   public <T> T parse(JSONObject object, Class<T> typeClass) throws JsonProtocolParseException {
    61     return parseAnything(object, typeClass);
    62   }
    64   /**
    65    * Parses any object as typeClass type. Non-JSONObject only makes sense for
    66    * types with {@link JsonType#subtypesChosenManually()} = true annotation.
    67    */
    68   public <T> T parseAnything(Object object, Class<T> typeClass) throws JsonProtocolParseException {
    69     TypeHandler<T> type = type2TypeHandler.get(typeClass).cast(typeClass);
    70     return type.parseRoot(object);
    71   }
    73   private static Map<Class<?>, TypeHandler<?>> readTypes(
    74       List<? extends Class<?>> protocolInterfaces,
    75       final List<? extends JsonProtocolParser> basePackages)
    76       throws JsonProtocolModelParseException {
    77     ReadInterfacesSession session = new ReadInterfacesSession(protocolInterfaces, basePackages);
    78     session.go();
    79     return session.getResult();
    80   }
    83   private static class ReadInterfacesSession {
    84     private final Map<Class<?>, TypeHandler<?>> type2typeHandler;
    85     private final List<? extends JsonProtocolParser> basePackages;
    87     final List<RefImpl<?>> refs = new ArrayList<RefImpl<?>>();
    88     final List<SubtypeCaster> subtypeCasters =
    89         new ArrayList<SubtypeCaster>();
    91     ReadInterfacesSession(List<? extends Class<?>> protocolInterfaces,
    92         List<? extends JsonProtocolParser> basePackages) {
    93       this.type2typeHandler = new HashMap<Class<?>, TypeHandler<?>>();
    94       this.basePackages = basePackages;
    96       for (Class<?> typeClass : protocolInterfaces) {
    97         type2typeHandler.put(typeClass, null);
    98       }
    99     }
   101     void go() throws JsonProtocolModelParseException {
   102       // Create TypeHandler's.
   103       for (Class<?> typeClass : type2typeHandler.keySet()) {
   104         TypeHandler<?> typeHandler = createTypeHandler(typeClass);
   105         type2typeHandler.put(typeClass, typeHandler);
   106       }
   108       // Resolve cross-references.
   109       for (RefImpl<?> ref : refs) {
   110         TypeHandler<?> type = type2typeHandler.get(ref.typeClass);
   111         if (type == null) {
   112           throw new RuntimeException();
   113         }
   114         ref.set(type);
   115       }
   117       // Set subtype casters.
   118       for (SubtypeCaster subtypeCaster : subtypeCasters) {
   119         TypeHandler<?> subtypeHandler = subtypeCaster.getSubtypeHandler();
   120         subtypeHandler.getSubtypeSupport().setSubtypeCaster(subtypeCaster);
   121       }
   123       // Check subtype casters consistency.
   124       for (TypeHandler<?> type : type2typeHandler.values()) {
   125         type.getSubtypeSupport().checkHasSubtypeCaster();
   126       }
   127     }
   129     Map<Class<?>, TypeHandler<?>> getResult() {
   130       return type2typeHandler;
   131     }
   133     private <T> TypeHandler<T> createTypeHandler(Class<T> typeClass)
   134         throws JsonProtocolModelParseException {
   135       if (!typeClass.isInterface()) {
   136         throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Json model type should be interface: " +
   137             typeClass.getName());
   138       }
   140       FieldProcessor<T> fields = new FieldProcessor<T>(typeClass);
   142       fields.go();
   144       Map<Method, MethodHandler> methodHandlerMap = fields.getMethodHandlerMap();
   145       methodHandlerMap.putAll(BaseHandlersLibrary.INSTANCE.getAllHandlers());
   147       TypeHandler.EagerFieldParser eagerFieldParser =
   148           new EagerFieldParserImpl(fields.getOnDemandHanlers());
   150       RefToType<?> superclassRef = getSuperclassRef(typeClass);
   152       return new TypeHandler<T>(typeClass, superclassRef,
   153           fields.getFieldArraySize(), methodHandlerMap, fields.getFieldLoaders(),
   154           fields.getFieldConditions(), eagerFieldParser, fields.getAlgCasesData());
   155     }
   157     private SlowParser<?> getFieldTypeParser(Type type, boolean declaredNullable,
   158         boolean isSubtyping) throws JsonProtocolModelParseException {
   159       if (type instanceof Class) {
   160         Class<?> typeClass = (Class<?>) type;
   161         if (type == Long.class) {
   162           nullableIsNotSupported(declaredNullable);
   163           return LONG_PARSER.getNullable();
   164         } else if (type == Long.TYPE) {
   165           nullableIsNotSupported(declaredNullable);
   166           return LONG_PARSER.getNotNullable();
   167         } else if (type == Boolean.class) {
   168           nullableIsNotSupported(declaredNullable);
   169           return BOOLEAN_PARSER.getNullable();
   170         } else if (type == Boolean.TYPE) {
   171           nullableIsNotSupported(declaredNullable);
   172           return BOOLEAN_PARSER.getNotNullable();
   173         } else if (type == Void.class) {
   174           nullableIsNotSupported(declaredNullable);
   175           return VOID_PARSER;
   176         } else if (type == String.class) {
   177           return STRING_PARSER.get(declaredNullable);
   178         } else if (type == Object.class) {
   179           return OBJECT_PARSER.get(declaredNullable);
   180         } else if (type == JSONObject.class) {
   181           return JSON_PARSER.get(declaredNullable);
   182         } else if (typeClass.isEnum()) {
   183           Class<RetentionPolicy> enumTypeClass = (Class<RetentionPolicy>) typeClass;
   184           return EnumParser.create(enumTypeClass, declaredNullable);
   185         } else if (type2typeHandler.containsKey(typeClass)) {
   186         }
   187         RefToType<?> ref = getTypeRef(typeClass);
   188         if (ref != null) {
   189           return createJsonParser(ref, declaredNullable, isSubtyping);
   190         }
   191         throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Method return type " + type +
   192             " (simple class) not supported");
   193       } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
   194         ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) type;
   195         if (parameterizedType.getRawType() == List.class) {
   196           Type argumentType = parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
   197           if (argumentType instanceof WildcardType) {
   198             WildcardType wildcard = (WildcardType) argumentType;
   199             if (wildcard.getLowerBounds().length == 0 && wildcard.getUpperBounds().length == 1) {
   200               argumentType = wildcard.getUpperBounds()[0];
   201             }
   202           }
   203           SlowParser<?> componentParser = getFieldTypeParser(argumentType, false, false);
   204           return createArrayParser(componentParser, declaredNullable);
   205         } else {
   206           throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Method return type " + type +
   207               " (generic) not supported");
   208         }
   209       } else {
   210         throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Method return type " + type + " not supported");
   211       }
   212     }
   214     private void nullableIsNotSupported(boolean declaredNullable)
   215         throws JsonProtocolModelParseException {
   216       if (declaredNullable) {
   217         throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("The type cannot be declared nullable");
   218       }
   219     }
   221     private <T> JsonTypeParser<T> createJsonParser(RefToType<T> type, boolean isNullable,
   222         boolean isSubtyping) {
   223       return new JsonTypeParser<T>(type, isNullable, isSubtyping);
   224     }
   226     private <T> ArrayParser<T> createArrayParser(SlowParser<T> componentParser,
   227         boolean isNullable) {
   228       return new ArrayParser<T>(componentParser, isNullable);
   229     }
   231     private <T> RefToType<T> getTypeRef(final Class<T> typeClass) {
   232       if (type2typeHandler.containsKey(typeClass)) {
   233         RefImpl<T> result = new RefImpl<T>(typeClass);
   234         refs.add(result);
   235         return result;
   236       }
   237       for (JsonProtocolParser baseParser : basePackages) {
   238         TypeHandler<?> typeHandler = baseParser.type2TypeHandler.get(typeClass);
   239         if (typeHandler != null) {
   240           final TypeHandler<T> typeHandlerT = (TypeHandler<T>) typeHandler;
   241           return new RefToType<T>() {
   242             @Override
   243             TypeHandler<T> get() {
   244               return typeHandlerT;
   245             }
   246             @Override
   247             Class<?> getTypeClass() {
   248               return typeClass;
   249             }
   250           };
   251         }
   252       }
   253       return null;
   254     }
   256     private RefToType<?> getSuperclassRef(Class<?> typeClass)
   257         throws JsonProtocolModelParseException {
   258       RefToType<?> result = null;
   259       for (Type interfc : typeClass.getGenericInterfaces()) {
   260         if (interfc instanceof ParameterizedType == false) {
   261           continue;
   262         }
   263         ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) interfc;
   264         if (parameterizedType.getRawType() != JsonSubtype.class) {
   265           continue;
   266         }
   267         Type param = parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
   268         if (param instanceof Class == false) {
   269           throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Unexpected type of superclass " + param);
   270         }
   271         Class<?> paramClass = (Class<?>) param;
   272         if (result != null) {
   273           throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Already has superclass " +
   274               result.getTypeClass().getName());
   275         }
   276         result = getTypeRef(paramClass);
   277         if (result == null) {
   278           throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Unknown base class " + paramClass.getName());
   279         }
   280       }
   281       return result;
   282     }
   284     class FieldProcessor<T> {
   285       private final Class<T> typeClass;
   287       private final JsonType jsonTypeAnn;
   288       private final List<FieldLoader> fieldLoaders = new ArrayList<FieldLoader>(2);
   289       private final List<LazyParseFieldMethodHandler> onDemandHanlers =
   290           new ArrayList<LazyParseFieldMethodHandler>();
   291       private final Map<Method, MethodHandler> methodHandlerMap =
   292           new HashMap<Method, MethodHandler>();
   293       private final FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap();
   294       private final List<FieldCondition> fieldConditions = new ArrayList<FieldCondition>(2);
   295       private AlgebraicCasesDataImpl algCasesData = null;
   296       private int fieldArraySize = 0;
   298       FieldProcessor(Class<T> typeClass) throws JsonProtocolModelParseException {
   299         this.typeClass = typeClass;
   300         jsonTypeAnn = typeClass.getAnnotation(JsonType.class);
   301         if (jsonTypeAnn == null) {
   302           throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Not a json model type: " + typeClass);
   303         }
   304       }
   306       void go() throws JsonProtocolModelParseException {
   307         for (Method m : typeClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
   308           try {
   309             processMethod(m);
   310           } catch (JsonProtocolModelParseException e) {
   311             throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Problem with method " + m, e);
   312           }
   313         }
   314       }
   316       private void processMethod(Method m) throws JsonProtocolModelParseException {
   317         if (m.getParameterTypes().length != 0) {
   318           throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("No parameters expected in " + m);
   319         }
   320         JsonOverrideField overrideFieldAnn = m.getAnnotation(JsonOverrideField.class);
   321         FieldConditionLogic fieldConditionLogic = FieldConditionLogic.readLogic(m);
   322         String fieldName = checkAndGetJsonFieldName(m);
   323         MethodHandler methodHandler;
   325         JsonSubtypeCasting jsonSubtypeCaseAnn = m.getAnnotation(JsonSubtypeCasting.class);
   326         if (jsonSubtypeCaseAnn != null) {
   327           if (fieldConditionLogic != null) {
   328             throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException(
   329                 "Subtype condition annotation only works with field getter methods");
   330           }
   331           if (overrideFieldAnn != null) {
   332             throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException(
   333                 "Override annotation only works with field getter methods");
   334           }
   335           if (algCasesData == null) {
   336             algCasesData = new AlgebraicCasesDataImpl(jsonTypeAnn.subtypesChosenManually());
   337           }
   339           if (jsonTypeAnn.subtypesChosenManually()) {
   340             methodHandler = processManualSubtypeMethod(m, jsonSubtypeCaseAnn);
   341           } else {
   342             if (jsonSubtypeCaseAnn.reinterpret()) {
   343               throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException(
   344                   "Option 'reinterpret' is only available with 'subtypes chosen manually'");
   345             }
   346             methodHandler = processAutomaticSubtypeMethod(m);
   347           }
   349         } else {
   350           methodHandler = processFieldGetterMethod(m, fieldConditionLogic, overrideFieldAnn,
   351               fieldName);
   352         }
   353         methodHandlerMap.put(m, methodHandler);
   354       }
   356       private MethodHandler processFieldGetterMethod(Method m,
   357           FieldConditionLogic fieldConditionLogic, JsonOverrideField overrideFieldAnn,
   358           String fieldName) throws JsonProtocolModelParseException {
   359         MethodHandler methodHandler;
   360         JsonNullable nullableAnn = m.getAnnotation(JsonNullable.class);
   361         SlowParser<?> fieldTypeParser = getFieldTypeParser(m.getGenericReturnType(),
   362             nullableAnn != null, false);
   363         if (fieldConditionLogic != null) {
   364           fieldConditions.add(new FieldCondition(fieldName, fieldTypeParser.asQuickParser(),
   365               fieldConditionLogic));
   366         }
   367         if (overrideFieldAnn == null) {
   368           fieldMap.localNames.add(fieldName);
   369         } else {
   370           fieldMap.overridenNames.add(fieldName);
   371         }
   373         boolean isOptional = isOptionalField(m);
   375         if (fieldTypeParser.asQuickParser() != null) {
   376           LazyParseFieldMethodHandler onDemandHandler = new LazyParseFieldMethodHandler(
   377               fieldTypeParser.asQuickParser(), isOptional, fieldName);
   378           onDemandHanlers.add(onDemandHandler);
   379           methodHandler = onDemandHandler;
   380         } else {
   381           int fieldCode = allocateFieldInArray();
   382           FieldLoader fieldLoader = new FieldLoader(fieldCode, fieldName, fieldTypeParser,
   383               isOptional);
   384           fieldLoaders.add(fieldLoader);
   385           methodHandler = new PreparsedFieldMethodHandler(fieldCode,
   386               fieldTypeParser.getValueFinisher());
   387         }
   388         return methodHandler;
   389       }
   391       private MethodHandler processAutomaticSubtypeMethod(Method m)
   392           throws JsonProtocolModelParseException {
   393         MethodHandler methodHandler;
   394         if (m.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE) {
   395           if (algCasesData.hasDefaultCase) {
   396             throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Duplicate default case method: " + m);
   397           }
   398           algCasesData.hasDefaultCase = true;
   399           methodHandler = RETURN_NULL_METHOD_HANDLER;
   400         } else {
   401           Class<?> methodType = m.getReturnType();
   402           RefToType<?> ref = getTypeRef(methodType);
   403           if (ref == null) {
   404             throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Unknown return type in " + m);
   405           }
   406           if (algCasesData.variantCodeFieldPos == -1) {
   407             algCasesData.variantCodeFieldPos = allocateFieldInArray();
   408             algCasesData.variantValueFieldPos = allocateFieldInArray();
   409           }
   410           int algCode = algCasesData.subtypes.size();
   411           algCasesData.subtypes.add(ref);
   412           final AutoSubtypeMethodHandler algMethodHandler = new AutoSubtypeMethodHandler(
   413               algCasesData.variantCodeFieldPos, algCasesData.variantValueFieldPos,
   414               algCode);
   415           methodHandler = algMethodHandler;
   417           SubtypeCaster subtypeCaster = new SubtypeCaster(typeClass, ref) {
   418             @Override
   419             ObjectData getSubtypeObjectData(ObjectData objectData) {
   420               return algMethodHandler.getFieldObjectData(objectData);
   421             }
   422           };
   424           subtypeCasters.add(subtypeCaster);
   425         }
   426         return methodHandler;
   427       }
   430       private MethodHandler processManualSubtypeMethod(Method m,
   431           JsonSubtypeCasting jsonSubtypeCaseAnn) throws JsonProtocolModelParseException {
   432         int fieldCode = allocateFieldInArray();
   434         SlowParser<?> fieldTypeParser = getFieldTypeParser(m.getGenericReturnType(), false,
   435             !jsonSubtypeCaseAnn.reinterpret());
   437         if (!Arrays.asList(m.getExceptionTypes()).contains(JsonProtocolParseException.class)) {
   438           throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException(
   439               "Method should declare JsonProtocolParseException exception: " + m);
   440         }
   442         final ManualSubtypeMethodHandler handler = new ManualSubtypeMethodHandler(fieldCode,
   443             fieldTypeParser);
   444         JsonTypeParser<?> parserAsJsonTypeParser = fieldTypeParser.asJsonTypeParser();
   445         if (parserAsJsonTypeParser != null && parserAsJsonTypeParser.isSubtyping()) {
   446           SubtypeCaster subtypeCaster = new SubtypeCaster(typeClass,
   447               parserAsJsonTypeParser.getType()) {
   448             @Override
   449             ObjectData getSubtypeObjectData(ObjectData baseObjectData)
   450                 throws JsonProtocolParseException {
   451               ObjectData objectData = baseObjectData;
   452               return handler.getSubtypeData(objectData);
   453             }
   454           };
   455           subtypeCasters.add(subtypeCaster);
   456         }
   457         return handler;
   458       }
   460       int getFieldArraySize() {
   461         return fieldArraySize;
   462       }
   464       void setFieldArraySize(int fieldArraySize) {
   465         this.fieldArraySize = fieldArraySize;
   466       }
   468       AlgebraicCasesDataImpl getAlgCasesData() {
   469         return algCasesData;
   470       }
   472       void setAlgCasesData(AlgebraicCasesDataImpl algCasesData) {
   473         this.algCasesData = algCasesData;
   474       }
   476       List<FieldLoader> getFieldLoaders() {
   477         return fieldLoaders;
   478       }
   480       List<LazyParseFieldMethodHandler> getOnDemandHanlers() {
   481         return onDemandHanlers;
   482       }
   484       Map<Method, MethodHandler> getMethodHandlerMap() {
   485         return methodHandlerMap;
   486       }
   488       List<FieldCondition> getFieldConditions() {
   489         return fieldConditions;
   490       }
   492       private int allocateFieldInArray() {
   493         return fieldArraySize++;
   494       }
   496       private boolean isOptionalField(Method m) {
   497         JsonOptionalField jsonOptionalFieldAnn = m.getAnnotation(JsonOptionalField.class);
   498         return jsonOptionalFieldAnn != null;
   499       }
   501       private String checkAndGetJsonFieldName(Method m) throws JsonProtocolModelParseException {
   502         if (m.getParameterTypes().length != 0) {
   503           throw new JsonProtocolModelParseException("Must have 0 parameters");
   504         }
   505         JsonField fieldAnn = m.getAnnotation(JsonField.class);
   506         if (fieldAnn != null) {
   507           return fieldAnn.jsonLiteralName();
   508         }
   509         String name = m.getName();
   510         if (name.startsWith("get") && name.length() > 3) {
   511           name = Character.toLowerCase(name.charAt(3)) + name.substring(4);
   512         }
   513         return name;
   514       }
   515     }
   516   }
   518   private static class EagerFieldParserImpl extends TypeHandler.EagerFieldParser {
   519     private final List<LazyParseFieldMethodHandler> onDemandHandlers;
   521     private EagerFieldParserImpl(List<LazyParseFieldMethodHandler> onDemandHandlers) {
   522       this.onDemandHandlers = onDemandHandlers;
   523     }
   525     @Override
   526     void parseAllFields(ObjectData objectData) throws JsonProtocolParseException {
   527       for (LazyParseFieldMethodHandler handler : onDemandHandlers) {
   528         handler.parse(objectData);
   529       }
   530     }
   531   }
   533   private static class LazyParseFieldMethodHandler extends MethodHandler {
   534     private final QuickParser<?> quickParser;
   535     private final boolean isOptional;
   536     private final String fieldName;
   538     LazyParseFieldMethodHandler(QuickParser<?> quickParser, boolean isOptional, String fieldName) {
   539       this.quickParser = quickParser;
   540       this.isOptional = isOptional;
   541       this.fieldName = fieldName;
   542     }
   544     @Override
   545     Object handle(Object myself, ObjectData objectData, Object[] args) {
   546       try {
   547         return parse(objectData);
   548       } catch (JsonProtocolParseException e) {
   549         throw new JsonProtocolParseRuntimeException("On demand parsing failed", e);
   550       }
   551     }
   553     public Object parse(ObjectData objectData) throws JsonProtocolParseException {
   554       Map<?,?> properties = (JSONObject)objectData.getUnderlyingObject();
   555       Object value = properties.get(fieldName);
   556       boolean hasValue;
   557       if (value == null) {
   558         hasValue = properties.containsKey(fieldName);
   559       } else {
   560         hasValue = true;
   561       }
   562       return parse(hasValue, value, objectData);
   563     }
   565     public Object parse(boolean hasValue, Object value, ObjectData objectData)
   566         throws JsonProtocolParseException {
   567       if (hasValue) {
   568         try {
   569           return quickParser.parseValueQuick(value);
   570         } catch (JsonProtocolParseException e) {
   571           throw new JsonProtocolParseException("Failed to parse field " + fieldName, e);
   572         }
   573       } else {
   574         if (!isOptional) {
   575           throw new JsonProtocolParseException("Field is not optional: " + fieldName);
   576         }
   577         return null;
   578       }
   579     }
   580   }
   582   private static class PreparsedFieldMethodHandler extends MethodHandler {
   583     private final int pos;
   584     private final FieldLoadedFinisher valueFinisher;
   586     PreparsedFieldMethodHandler(int pos, FieldLoadedFinisher valueFinisher) {
   587       this.pos = pos;
   588       this.valueFinisher = valueFinisher;
   589     }
   591     @Override
   592     Object handle(Object myself, ObjectData objectData, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
   593       Object val = objectData.getFieldArray()[pos];
   594       if (valueFinisher != null) {
   595         val = valueFinisher.getValueForUser(val);
   596       }
   597       return val;
   598     }
   599   }
   601   static SlowParser<Void> VOID_PARSER = new QuickParser<Void>() {
   602     @Override
   603     public Void parseValueQuick(Object value) {
   604       return null;
   605     }
   606   };
   608   static class SimpleCastParser<T> extends QuickParser<T> {
   609     private final boolean nullable;
   610     private final Class<T> fieldType;
   612     SimpleCastParser(Class<T> fieldType, boolean nullable) {
   613       this.fieldType = fieldType;
   614       this.nullable = nullable;
   615     }
   617     @Override
   618     public T parseValueQuick(Object value) throws JsonProtocolParseException {
   619       if (value == null) {
   620         if (nullable) {
   621           return null;
   622         } else {
   623           throw new JsonProtocolParseException("Field must have type " + fieldType.getName());
   624         }
   625       }
   626       try {
   627         return fieldType.cast(value);
   628       } catch (ClassCastException e) {
   629         throw new JsonProtocolParseException("Field must have type " + fieldType.getName(), e);
   630       }
   631     }
   633     @Override
   634     public FieldLoadedFinisher getValueFinisher() {
   635       return null;
   636     }
   637   }
   638   static class SimpleParserPair<T> {
   639     static <T> SimpleParserPair<T> create(Class<T> fieldType) {
   640       return new SimpleParserPair<T>(fieldType);
   641     }
   643     private final SimpleCastParser<T> nullable;
   644     private final SimpleCastParser<T> notNullable;
   646     private SimpleParserPair(Class<T> fieldType) {
   647       nullable = new SimpleCastParser<T>(fieldType, true);
   648       notNullable = new SimpleCastParser<T>(fieldType, false);
   649     }
   651     SimpleCastParser<T> getNullable() {
   652       return nullable;
   653     }
   655     SimpleCastParser<T> getNotNullable() {
   656       return notNullable;
   657     }
   659     SlowParser<?> get(boolean declaredNullable) {
   660       return declaredNullable ? nullable : notNullable;
   661     }
   662   }
   664   private static SimpleParserPair<Long> LONG_PARSER = SimpleParserPair.create(Long.class);
   665   private static SimpleParserPair<Boolean> BOOLEAN_PARSER = SimpleParserPair.create(Boolean.class);
   666   private static SimpleParserPair<String> STRING_PARSER = SimpleParserPair.create(String.class);
   667   private static SimpleParserPair<Object> OBJECT_PARSER = SimpleParserPair.create(Object.class);
   668   private static SimpleParserPair<JSONObject> JSON_PARSER =
   669       SimpleParserPair.create(JSONObject.class);
   671   static class ArrayParser<T> extends SlowParser<List<? extends T>> {
   672     private final SlowParser<T> componentParser;
   673     private final boolean isNullable;
   675     ArrayParser(SlowParser<T> componentParser, boolean isNullable) {
   676       this.componentParser = componentParser;
   677       this.isNullable = isNullable;
   678     }
   680     @Override
   681     public List<? extends T> parseValue(Object value, ObjectData thisData)
   682         throws JsonProtocolParseException {
   683       if (isNullable && value == null) {
   684         return null;
   685       }
   686       if (value instanceof JSONArray == false) {
   687         throw new JsonProtocolParseException("Array value expected");
   688       }
   689       JSONArray arrayValue = (JSONArray) value;
   690       int size = arrayValue.size();
   691       List list = new ArrayList<Object>(size);
   692       FieldLoadedFinisher valueFinisher = componentParser.getValueFinisher();
   693       for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
   694         // We do not support super object for array component.
   695         Object val = componentParser.parseValue(arrayValue.get(i), null);
   696         if (valueFinisher != null) {
   697           val = valueFinisher.getValueForUser(val);
   698         }
   699         list.add(val);
   700       }
   701       return Collections.unmodifiableList(list);
   702     }
   703     @Override
   704     public FieldLoadedFinisher getValueFinisher() {
   705       return null;
   706     }
   707     @Override
   708     public JsonTypeParser<?> asJsonTypeParser() {
   709       return null;
   710     }
   711   }
   713   static MethodHandler RETURN_NULL_METHOD_HANDLER = new MethodHandler() {
   714     @Override
   715     Object handle(Object myself, ObjectData objectData, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
   716       return null;
   717     }
   718   };
   720   static class AutoSubtypeMethodHandler extends MethodHandler {
   721     private final int variantCodeField;
   722     private final int variantValueField;
   723     private final int code;
   725     AutoSubtypeMethodHandler(int variantCodeField, int variantValueField, int code) {
   726       this.variantCodeField = variantCodeField;
   727       this.variantValueField = variantValueField;
   728       this.code = code;
   729     }
   731     ObjectData getFieldObjectData(ObjectData objectData) {
   732       Object[] array = objectData.getFieldArray();
   733       Integer actualCode = (Integer) array[variantCodeField];
   734       if (this.code == actualCode) {
   735         ObjectData data = (ObjectData) array[variantValueField];
   736         return data;
   737       } else {
   738         return null;
   739       }
   740     }
   742     @Override
   743     Object handle(Object myself, ObjectData objectData, Object[] args) {
   744       ObjectData resData = getFieldObjectData(objectData);
   745       if (resData == null) {
   746         return null;
   747       } else {
   748         return resData.getProxy();
   749       }
   750     }
   751   }
   753   static class ManualSubtypeMethodHandler extends MethodHandler {
   754     private final int fieldPos;
   755     private final SlowParser<?> parser;
   757     ManualSubtypeMethodHandler(int fieldPos, SlowParser<?> slowParser) {
   758       this.fieldPos = fieldPos;
   759       this.parser = slowParser;
   760     }
   762     @Override
   763     Object handle(Object myself, ObjectData objectData, Object[] args)
   764         throws JsonProtocolParseException {
   765       return handle(objectData);
   766     }
   768     private Object handleRaw(ObjectData objectData) throws JsonProtocolParseException {
   769       Object cachedValue = objectData.getFieldArray()[fieldPos];
   770       if (cachedValue == null) {
   771         cachedValue = parser.parseValue(objectData.getUnderlyingObject(), objectData);
   772         objectData.getFieldArray()[fieldPos] = cachedValue;
   773       }
   774       return cachedValue;
   775     }
   777     Object handle(ObjectData objectData) throws JsonProtocolParseException {
   778       Object res = handleRaw(objectData);
   779       FieldLoadedFinisher valueFinisher = parser.getValueFinisher();
   780       if (valueFinisher != null) {
   781          res = valueFinisher.getValueForUser(res);
   782       }
   783       return res;
   784     }
   786     ObjectData getSubtypeData(ObjectData objectData) throws JsonProtocolParseException {
   787       return (ObjectData) handleRaw(objectData);
   788     }
   789   }
   791   static class AlgebraicCasesDataImpl extends TypeHandler.AlgebraicCasesData {
   792     private int variantCodeFieldPos = -1;
   793     private int variantValueFieldPos = -1;
   794     private boolean hasDefaultCase = false;
   795     private final List<RefToType<?>> subtypes = new ArrayList<RefToType<?>>();
   796     private final boolean isManualChoose;
   798     AlgebraicCasesDataImpl(boolean isManualChoose) {
   799       this.isManualChoose = isManualChoose;
   800     }
   802     @Override
   803     int getVariantCodeFieldPos() {
   804       return variantCodeFieldPos;
   805     }
   807     @Override
   808     int getVariantValueFieldPos() {
   809       return variantValueFieldPos;
   810     }
   812     @Override
   813     boolean hasDefaultCase() {
   814       return hasDefaultCase;
   815     }
   817     @Override
   818     List<RefToType<?>> getSubtypes() {
   819       return subtypes;
   820     }
   822     @Override
   823     boolean isManualChoose() {
   824       return isManualChoose;
   825     }
   826   }
   828   private static class RefImpl<T> extends RefToType<T> {
   829     private final Class<T> typeClass;
   830     private TypeHandler<T> type = null;
   832     RefImpl(Class<T> typeClass) {
   833       this.typeClass = typeClass;
   834     }
   836     @Override
   837     Class<?> getTypeClass() {
   838       return typeClass;
   839     }
   841     @Override
   842     TypeHandler<T> get() {
   843       return type;
   844     }
   846     void set(TypeHandler<?> type) {
   847       this.type = (TypeHandler<T>)type;
   848     }
   849   }
   851   // We should use it for static analysis later.
   852   private static class FieldMap {
   853     final List<String> localNames = new ArrayList<String>(5);
   854     final List<String> overridenNames = new ArrayList<String>(1);
   855   }
   857   private static class JsonProtocolParseRuntimeException extends RuntimeException {
   858     JsonProtocolParseRuntimeException() {
   859     }
   860     JsonProtocolParseRuntimeException(String message, Throwable cause) {
   861       super(message, cause);
   862     }
   863     JsonProtocolParseRuntimeException(String message) {
   864       super(message);
   865     }
   866     JsonProtocolParseRuntimeException(Throwable cause) {
   867       super(cause);
   868     }
   869   }
   870 }