changeset 52 f577ea64429e
child 115 d367ed1b2991
equal deleted inserted replaced
49:e64c52f5ee56 52:f577ea64429e
     1 // Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
     2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
     3 // found in the LICENSE file.
     5 package org.chromium.debug.core.model;
     7 import java.util.Collection;
     9 import org.chromium.debug.core.ChromiumDebugPlugin;
    10 import org.chromium.debug.core.util.ChromiumDebugPluginUtil;
    11 import org.chromium.sdk.Breakpoint;
    12 import org.chromium.sdk.CallFrame;
    13 import org.chromium.sdk.JavascriptVm;
    14 import org.chromium.sdk.Script;
    15 import org.chromium.sdk.JavascriptVm.BreakpointCallback;
    16 import org.chromium.sdk.JavascriptVm.ScriptsCallback;
    17 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
    18 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarkerDelta;
    19 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
    20 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
    21 import org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException;
    22 import org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugPlugin;
    23 import org.eclipse.debug.core.IBreakpointManager;
    24 import org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunch;
    25 import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IBreakpoint;
    26 import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.ISourceLocator;
    27 import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IStackFrame;
    28 import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
    30 /**
    31  * Virtual project-supporting implementation of {@link WorkspaceBridge}.
    32  */
    33 public class VProjectWorkspaceBridge implements WorkspaceBridge {
    34   /** The debug model ID. */
    35   public static final String DEBUG_MODEL_ID = "org.chromium.debug"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    37   public static class FactoryImpl implements Factory {
    38     private final String projectNameBase;
    40     public FactoryImpl(String projectNameBase) {
    41       this.projectNameBase = projectNameBase;
    42     }
    44     public WorkspaceBridge attachedToVm(DebugTargetImpl debugTargetImpl,
    45         JavascriptVm javascriptVm) {
    46       // We might want to add URL or something to project name.
    47       return new VProjectWorkspaceBridge(projectNameBase, debugTargetImpl, javascriptVm);
    48     }
    50     public String getDebugModelIdentifier() {
    51       return DEBUG_MODEL_ID;
    52     }
    54     public JsLabelProvider getLabelProvider() {
    55       return LABEL_PROVIDER;
    56     }
    57   }
    59   private final IProject debugProject;
    60   private final JavascriptVm javascriptVm;
    61   private final ResourceManager resourceManager;
    62   private final BreakpointRegistry breakpointRegistry = new BreakpointRegistry();
    63   private final DebugTargetImpl debugTargetImpl;
    65   public VProjectWorkspaceBridge(String projectName, DebugTargetImpl debugTargetImpl,
    66       JavascriptVm javascriptVm) {
    67     this.debugTargetImpl = debugTargetImpl;
    68     this.javascriptVm = javascriptVm;
    69     this.debugProject = ChromiumDebugPluginUtil.createEmptyProject(projectName);
    70     this.resourceManager = new ResourceManager(debugProject, breakpointRegistry);
    71     ILaunch launch = debugTargetImpl.getLaunch();
    72     launch.setSourceLocator(sourceLocator);
    73   }
    75   public void launchRemoved() {
    76     if (debugProject != null) {
    77       ChromiumDebugPluginUtil.deleteVirtualProjectAsync(debugProject);
    78     }
    79   }
    81   public void beforeDetach() {
    82     IBreakpointManager breakpointManager = DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager();
    83     IBreakpoint[] breakpoints =
    84         breakpointManager.getBreakpoints(DEBUG_MODEL_ID);
    85     for (IBreakpoint bp : breakpoints) {
    86       ChromiumLineBreakpoint clb = (ChromiumLineBreakpoint) bp;
    87       if (clb.getBrowserBreakpoint() != null &&
    88           clb.getBrowserBreakpoint().getId() != Breakpoint.INVALID_ID) {
    89         clb.getBrowserBreakpoint().clear(null);
    90       }
    91     }
    92     try {
    93       breakpointManager.removeBreakpoints(breakpoints, true);
    94     } catch (CoreException e) {
    95       ChromiumDebugPlugin.log(e);
    96     }
    97   }
    99   public void handleVmResetEvent() {
   100     resourceManager.clear();
   101   }
   103   public void scriptLoaded(Script newScript) {
   104     resourceManager.addScript(newScript);
   105   }
   107   public void reloadScriptsAtStart() {
   108     javascriptVm.getScripts(new ScriptsCallback() {
   109       public void failure(String errorMessage) {
   110         ChromiumDebugPlugin.logError(errorMessage);
   111       }
   113       public void success(Collection<Script> scripts) {
   114         if (!javascriptVm.isAttached()) {
   115           return;
   116         }
   117         for (Script script : scripts) {
   118           resourceManager.addScript(script);
   119         }
   120       }
   121     });
   122   }
   124   public IFile getScriptResource(Script script) {
   125     return resourceManager.getResource(script);
   126   }
   128   public BreakpointHandler getBreakpointHandler() {
   129     return breakpointHandler;
   130   }
   132   private final BreakpointHandler breakpointHandler = new BreakpointHandler() {
   133     public boolean supportsBreakpoint(IBreakpoint breakpoint) {
   134       return DEBUG_MODEL_ID.equals(breakpoint.getModelIdentifier()) &&
   135           !debugTargetImpl.isDisconnected();
   136     }
   137     public void breakpointAdded(IBreakpoint breakpoint) {
   138       if (!supportsBreakpoint(breakpoint)) {
   139         return;
   140       }
   141       try {
   142         if (breakpoint.isEnabled()) {
   143           // Class cast is ensured by the supportsBreakpoint implementation
   144           final ChromiumLineBreakpoint lineBreakpoint = (ChromiumLineBreakpoint) breakpoint;
   145           IFile file = (IFile) breakpoint.getMarker().getResource();
   146           if (resourceManager.isAddingFile(file)) {
   147             return; // restoring breakpoints in progress
   148           }
   149           final Script script = resourceManager.getScript(file);
   150           if (script == null) {
   151             // Might be a script from a different debug target
   152             return;
   153           }
   154           // ILineBreakpoint lines are 1-based while V8 lines are 0-based
   155           final int line = (lineBreakpoint.getLineNumber() - 1) + script.getStartLine();
   156           BreakpointCallback callback = new BreakpointCallback() {
   157             public void success(Breakpoint breakpoint) {
   158               lineBreakpoint.setBreakpoint(breakpoint);
   159               breakpointRegistry.add(script, line, breakpoint);
   160             }
   162             public void failure(String errorMessage) {
   163               ChromiumDebugPlugin.logError(errorMessage);
   164             }
   165           };
   166           if (script.getName() != null) {
   167             javascriptVm.setBreakpoint(Breakpoint.Type.SCRIPT_NAME,
   168                 script.getName(),
   169                 line,
   170                 Breakpoint.EMPTY_VALUE,
   171                 breakpoint.isEnabled(),
   172                 lineBreakpoint.getCondition(),
   173                 lineBreakpoint.getIgnoreCount(),
   174                 callback);
   175           } else {
   176             javascriptVm.setBreakpoint(Breakpoint.Type.SCRIPT_ID,
   177                 String.valueOf(script.getId()),
   178                 line,
   179                 Breakpoint.EMPTY_VALUE,
   180                 breakpoint.isEnabled(),
   181                 lineBreakpoint.getCondition(),
   182                 lineBreakpoint.getIgnoreCount(),
   183                 callback);
   184           }
   185         }
   186       } catch (CoreException e) {
   187         ChromiumDebugPlugin.log(e);
   188       }
   189     }
   191     public void breakpointChanged(IBreakpoint breakpoint, IMarkerDelta delta) {
   192       if (!supportsBreakpoint(breakpoint)) {
   193         return;
   194       }
   195       // Class cast is ensured by the supportsBreakpoint implementation
   196       ((ChromiumLineBreakpoint) breakpoint).changed();
   197     }
   199     public void breakpointRemoved(IBreakpoint breakpoint, IMarkerDelta delta) {
   200       if (!supportsBreakpoint(breakpoint)) {
   201         return;
   202       }
   203       try {
   204         if (breakpoint.isEnabled()) {
   205           // Class cast is ensured by the supportsBreakpoint implementation
   206           ChromiumLineBreakpoint lineBreakpoint = (ChromiumLineBreakpoint) breakpoint;
   207           lineBreakpoint.clear();
   208           breakpointRegistry.remove(
   209               resourceManager.getScript((IFile) breakpoint.getMarker().getResource()),
   210               lineBreakpoint.getLineNumber() - 1,
   211               lineBreakpoint.getBrowserBreakpoint());
   212         }
   213       } catch (CoreException e) {
   214         ChromiumDebugPlugin.log(e);
   215       }
   216     }
   218     public void breakpointsHit(Collection<? extends Breakpoint> breakpointsHit) {
   219       if (breakpointsHit.isEmpty()) {
   220         return;
   221       }
   222       IBreakpoint[] breakpoints =
   223           DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager().getBreakpoints(DEBUG_MODEL_ID);
   224       for (IBreakpoint breakpoint : breakpoints) {
   225         ChromiumLineBreakpoint jsBreakpoint = (ChromiumLineBreakpoint) breakpoint;
   226         if (breakpointsHit.contains(jsBreakpoint.getBrowserBreakpoint())) {
   227           jsBreakpoint.setIgnoreCount(-1); // reset ignore count as we've hit it
   228         }
   229       }
   230     }
   231   };
   233   /**
   234    * This very simple source locator works because we provide our own source files.
   235    * We'll have to try harder, once we link with resource js files.
   236    */
   237   private final ISourceLocator sourceLocator = new ISourceLocator() {
   238     public Object getSourceElement(IStackFrame stackFrame) {
   239       if (stackFrame instanceof StackFrame == false) {
   240         return null;
   241       }
   242       StackFrame jsStackFrame = (StackFrame) stackFrame;
   244       Script script = jsStackFrame.getCallFrame().getScript();
   245       if (script == null) {
   246         return null;
   247       }
   249       return resourceManager.getResource(script);
   250     }
   251   };
   253   private final static JsLabelProvider LABEL_PROVIDER = new JsLabelProvider() {
   254     public String getTargetLabel(DebugTargetImpl debugTarget) {
   255       JavascriptVmEmbedder vmEmbedder = debugTarget.getJavascriptEmbedder();
   256       if (vmEmbedder == null) {
   257         return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
   258       }
   259       return vmEmbedder.getTargetName();
   260     }
   262     public String getThreadLabel(JavascriptThread thread) {
   263       String url = thread.getDebugTarget().getJavascriptEmbedder().getThreadName();
   264       return NLS.bind(Messages.JsThread_ThreadLabelFormat, (thread.isSuspended()
   265           ? Messages.JsThread_ThreadLabelSuspended
   266           : Messages.JsThread_ThreadLabelRunning), (url.length() > 0
   267           ? (" : " + url) : "")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
   268     }
   270     public String getStackFrameLabel(StackFrame stackFrame) throws DebugException {
   271       CallFrame callFrame = stackFrame.getCallFrame();
   272       String name = callFrame.getFunctionName();
   273       Script script = callFrame.getScript();
   274       if (script == null) {
   275         return Messages.StackFrame_UnknownScriptName;
   276       }
   277       int line = script.getStartLine() + stackFrame.getLineNumber();
   278       if (line != -1) {
   279         name = NLS.bind(Messages.StackFrame_NameFormat,
   280             new Object[] {name, script.getName(), line});
   281       }
   282       return name;
   283     }
   284   };
   285 }