changeset 37 641b65b14318
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Wed Jan 20 16:51:26 2010 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,851 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "".
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Symbian Foundation - initial contribution.
+ * Contributors:
+ * Description:
+ * Overview:
+ * Details:
+ * Platforms/Drives/Compatibility:
+ * Assumptions/Requirement/Pre-requisites:
+ * Failures and causes:
+ */
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.*;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
+import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
+import java.util.*;
+ * @author eswartz
+ *
+ */
+public class FileUtils {
+	// special IStatus code for file modified during validateEdit
+	public static final int MODIFIED_FILES_STATUS = 1000;
+    /** Copy files or directories from 'from' to 'to'.  
+     * 
+     * Recursively descends if 'from' is a directory.  
+     * Creates 'from' tail directory in 'to', e.g.:
+     * from = c:/foo/bar
+     * to = c:/temp
+     * 
+     * -->
+     * 
+     * c:/temp/bar
+     * 
+     * @param from
+     * @param to
+     * @param filter the filename filter, or null
+     */
+    public static void copyTree(File from, File to, FileFilter filter) throws IOException {
+        File[] children;
+    	if (!from.exists()) {
+    		throw new IOException ("Source of copy \'" + from.getName() + "\' doesn't exist");
+    	}
+    	if (to.getCanonicalPath().equals(from.getCanonicalPath())) {
+    		throw new IOException ("\'" + from.getName() + "\' cannot copy to itself");
+    	}
+        if (from.isDirectory()) {
+            children = from.listFiles(filter);
+            // just like cp command, if target exist, make a new folder into
+            // the target, copy content into the target folder
+            if (to.exists()) {
+            	if (to.isFile()) {
+            		throw new IOException("Cannot overwrite non-directory \'" + to.getName() + "\' with directory " + from.getName());
+            	}
+            	// copy into new directory name grafted after the existing one
+            	to = new File(to, from.getName());
+            	copyTree(from, to, filter);
+            	return;
+            } else {
+            	// copy into new directory name
+            	to.mkdir();            	
+                for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+                    File curto = new File(to, children[i].getName());
+                    copyTree(children[i], curto, filter);
+                }
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+        	if (to.isDirectory()) {
+        		to = new File (to, from.getName());
+        	}
+            copyFile(from, to);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    /** Copy files or directories from 'from' to 'to'.  
+     * 
+     * Recursively descends if 'from' is a directory.  
+     * Does not create 'from' tail directory in 'to', e.g.:
+     * from = c:/foo/bar contains a,b,c
+     * to = c:/temp
+     * 
+     * -->
+     * 
+     * c:/temp/a
+     * c:/temp/b
+     * c:/temp/c
+     * 
+     * @param from
+     * @param to
+     * @param filter the filename filter, or null
+     */
+    public static void copyTreeNoParent(File from, File to, FileFilter filter) throws IOException {
+        File[] files;
+        Check.checkArg(from.isDirectory());
+        files = from.listFiles(filter);
+        to.mkdirs();
+        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
+            if (files[i].isDirectory()) {
+                //File curto = new File(to, files[i].getName());
+                //curto.mkdirs();
+                copyTree(files[i], to, filter);
+            }
+            else {
+                File curto = new File(to, files[i].getName());
+                copyFile(files[i], curto);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Copy from an input stream to a file
+     * 
+     * @param in
+     * @param to
+     * @throws IOException
+     */
+    public static void copyFile(InputStream in, File to) throws IOException {
+        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(to);
+        int len;
+        byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
+        while ((len = != -1) {
+            out.write(buffer, 0, len);
+        }
+        out.close();
+        in.close();
+    }
+    /** Copy a single file from 'from' to 'to'
+     * 
+     * @param from
+     * @param to
+     * @throws IOException
+     */
+    public static void copyFile(File from, File to) throws IOException {
+        FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(from);
+        copyFile(in, to);
+    }
+    /** Delete a directory tree recursively.
+     * <p> 
+     * Does not delete file.
+     * @param file start point for deletion -- not itself deleted
+     */
+    public static void delTree(File file) {
+        File[] files = file.listFiles();
+        if (files != null) { 
+            for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
+                if (files[i].isDirectory()) {
+                    delTree(files[i]);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        files = file.listFiles();
+        if (files != null) {
+            for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
+                files[i].delete();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+	public static File pluginRelativeFile(Plugin plugin, String file) throws IOException {
+        Check.checkArg(plugin);
+        Bundle bundle = plugin.getBundle();
+        if (bundle == null)
+            return null;
+        URL url = FileLocator.find(bundle, new Path("."), null); //$NON-NLS-1$
+        if (url == null)
+            return null;
+        url = FileLocator.resolve(url);
+        return new File(url.getPath(), file);
+    }
+    /** 
+     * Convert the path to a path relative to the base, if possible.
+     * @param rootPath full path to base
+     * @param cpath full path to resource
+     * @return new path (base-relative) or null if not resolvable to base
+     */
+    static public IPath removePrefixFromPath(IPath rootPath, IPath cpath) {
+        if (matchingFirstSegments(rootPath, cpath) == rootPath.segmentCount()) {
+        	IPath suffix = cpath.removeFirstSegments(rootPath.segmentCount());
+        	return suffix.setDevice(null);
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    /** 
+     * Convert the path to a path in the workspace, if possible.
+     * Either the path comes in as a path pointing inside the
+     * workspace, or we can find a linked resource which aliases
+     * to the same location.
+     * @param cpath full filesystem path to resource
+     * @return new path (workspace-relative) or null if not resolvable to workspace
+     */
+    static public IPath convertToWorkspacePath(IPath cpath) {
+    	return convertToWorkspacePath(cpath, false);
+    }
+    /** 
+     * Convert the path to a path in the workspace, if possible.
+     * Either the path comes in as a path pointing inside the
+     * workspace, or we can find a linked resource which aliases
+     * to the same location.
+     * @param cpath full filesystem path to resource
+     * @param makeCanonical if true, work from the canonical path if possible
+     * (recommended)
+     * @return new path (workspace-relative) or null if not resolvable to workspace
+     */
+    static public IPath convertToWorkspacePath(IPath cpath, boolean makeCanonical) {
+    	return convertToWorkspacePath(cpath, makeCanonical, true);
+    }
+    /** 
+     * Convert the path to a path in the workspace, if possible.
+     * Either the path comes in as a path pointing inside the
+     * workspace, or we can find a linked resource which aliases
+     * to the same location.
+     * @param cpath full filesystem path to resource
+     * @param makeCanonical if true, work from the canonical path if possible
+     * (recommended)
+     * @param resolveLinks if true, look for project paths which reference files outside
+     * the workspace via links (very slow)
+     * @return new path (workspace-relative) or null if not resolvable to workspace
+     */
+    static public IPath convertToWorkspacePath(IPath cpath, boolean makeCanonical, boolean resolveLinks) {
+        if (!Platform.isRunning() || cpath == null)
+            return null;
+        if (makeCanonical) {
+			try {
+				// Since we have a filesystem path, try using the filesystem
+				// and Java's smarter APIs to fix the caps early. 
+				// Watch out for the device being set incorrectly, though.
+				String device = cpath.getDevice();
+				cpath = new Path(cpath.toFile().getCanonicalPath()).setDevice(device);
+			} catch (IOException e) {
+				// Something's wrong with the path; just use it as-is
+			}
+        }
+        IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); 
+        IFile file = root.getFileForLocation(cpath);
+        if (file != null) {
+        	return file.getFullPath().setDevice(null);
+        }
+        if (resolveLinks) {
+	        // try to see if a linked resource points to this
+	        IFile[] files = root.findFilesForLocation(cpath);
+	        IPath newPath = null;
+	        if (files.length > 0)
+	            newPath = files[0].getFullPath().setDevice(null);
+	        else {
+	            IContainer[] folders = root.findContainersForLocation(cpath);
+	            if (folders.length > 0)
+	                newPath = folders[0].getFullPath().setDevice(null);
+	        }
+	        return newPath;
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    /** 
+     * Convert the full path to a full path inside the workspace, if possible.
+     * (E.g. change a linked resource to the real full path.)
+     * <p>
+     * Either the path comes in as a path pointing inside the
+     * workspace, or we can find a linked resource which aliases
+     * to the same location.
+     * @param cpath full filesystem path
+     * @return same cpath, new path, or null if not resolvable to workspace
+     */
+    static public IPath convertToWorkspaceLocation(IPath cpath) {
+        if (!Platform.isRunning())
+            return null;
+        IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); 
+        IPath rootPath = root.getLocation();
+        IPath newPath = convertToWorkspacePath(cpath);
+        if (newPath == null)
+            return null;
+        // convert to full path
+        return rootPath.append(newPath);
+    }
+    /** 
+     * Variant of routine that works with case-insensitive matching.
+     * @see IPath#matchingFirstSegments(IPath) 
+     */
+    public static int matchingFirstSegments(IPath my, IPath anotherPath) {
+    	if (my == null || anotherPath == null)
+    		return 0;
+        int anotherPathLen = anotherPath.segmentCount();
+        int max = Math.min(my.segmentCount(), anotherPathLen);
+        int count = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
+            if (!my.segment(i).equalsIgnoreCase(anotherPath.segment(i))) {
+                return count;
+            }
+            count++;
+        }
+        return count;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Map the given file to a path in the current workspace.
+     * @param file
+     * @return the IFile for the file
+     * @deprecated this function is broken since it doesn't resolve linked resources.
+     */
+    public static IFile convertFileToIFile(IContainer container, File file) {
+        IPath path = new Path(file.getAbsolutePath());
+        IPath rootPath = container.getLocation();
+        // this is BUGGY!  Case sensitive for some dumb reason
+        //int match = path.matchingFirstSegments(rootPath);
+        int match = matchingFirstSegments(path, rootPath);
+        Check.checkState(match >= rootPath.segmentCount()); 
+        path = path.removeFirstSegments(match);
+        IFile wsFile = container.getFile(path);
+        return wsFile;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Map the given file to a path in the current workspace.
+     * @param file
+     * @return the IFile for the file, or null if the file is not in the workspace
+     */
+    public static IFile convertFileToIFile(File file) {
+       IPath path = new Path(file.getAbsolutePath());
+        IPath wsPath = convertToWorkspacePath(path, true);
+        if (wsPath != null)
+        	return ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(wsPath);
+        return null;
+        /*
+        IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
+		IPath rootPath = root.getRawLocation();
+        // this is BUGGY!  Case sensitive for some dumb reason
+        //int match = path.matchingFirstSegments(rootPath);
+        int match = matchingFirstSegments(path, rootPath);
+        if (match < rootPath.segmentCount())
+        	return null;
+        path = path.removeFirstSegments(match);
+        IFile wsFile = root.getFile(path);
+        return wsFile;
+        */
+    }
+    /**
+     * Map the given file to a resource in the current workspace.  This only handles
+     * files that map to known workspace resources.
+     * @param file
+     * @return the IResource for the file, or null if the file is not in the workspace or doesn't
+     * exist.
+     */
+    public static IResource convertFileToExistingResource(File file) {
+       IPath path = new Path(file.getAbsolutePath());
+       IPath wsPath = convertToWorkspacePath(path, true);
+       if (wsPath != null)
+    	   return ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().findMember(wsPath);
+       return null;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the project for the given workspace-relative path.
+     */
+    public static IProject projectForPath(IPath path) {
+    	IProject result = null;
+    	if (path != null) {
+    		IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
+    		result = root.getProject(path.segment(0));
+    	}
+    	return result;
+    }
+	/**
+	 * Read contents of a file into an array
+	 * @param file
+	 * @param encoding (null = system default)
+	 * @return array of text
+	 * @throws CoreException wrapping
+	 */
+	public static char[] readFileContents(File file, String encoding) throws CoreException {
+		Check.checkArg(file);
+		FileInputStream fis;
+        try {
+        	fis = new FileInputStream(file);
+        	return readInputStreamContents(fis, encoding);
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+            throw new CoreException(Logging.newStatus(UtilsPlugin.getDefault(), e));
+        }
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Read contents of a file into an array
+	 * @param is input stream
+	 * @param encoding (null is system default)
+	 * @return array of text
+	 * @throws CoreException wrapping
+	 */
+	public static char[] readInputStreamContents(InputStream is, String encoding) throws CoreException {
+		Check.checkArg(is);
+		Reader reader;
+		try {
+	    	if (encoding != null)
+	    		reader = new InputStreamReader(is, encoding);
+	    	else
+	    		reader = new InputStreamReader(is);
+	        return readReaderContents(reader);
+		} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
+            throw new CoreException(Logging.newStatus(UtilsPlugin.getDefault(), e));
+        }
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Read contents of a file into an array
+	 * @param file
+	 * @param encoding (null = system default)
+	 * @return array of text
+	 * @throws CoreException wrapping
+	 */
+	public static char[] readReaderContents(Reader reader) throws CoreException {
+		Check.checkArg(reader);
+        try {
+            char[] buf = new char[1024];
+            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+            int len;
+            while ((len = > 0) {
+                sb.append(buf, 0, len);
+            }
+            reader.close();
+            return sb.toString().toCharArray();
+        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
+            throw new CoreException(Logging.newStatus(UtilsPlugin.getDefault(), e));
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+            throw new CoreException(Logging.newStatus(UtilsPlugin.getDefault(), e));
+        }
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Write contents of a file from an array
+	 * @param file
+	 * @param encoding (null = system default)
+	 * @throws CoreException wrapping
+	 */
+	public static void writeFileContents(File file, char[] text, String encoding) throws CoreException {
+		Check.checkArg(file);
+		FileOutputStream fos;
+        try {
+        	fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
+        	writeOutputStreamContents(fos, text, encoding);
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+            throw new CoreException(Logging.newStatus(UtilsPlugin.getDefault(), e));
+        }
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Write contents on array to an output stream
+	 * @param os output stream
+	 * @param encoding (null is system default)
+	 * @return array of text
+	 * @throws CoreException wrapping
+	 */
+	public static void writeOutputStreamContents(OutputStream os, char[] text, String encoding) throws CoreException {
+		Check.checkArg(os);
+		Writer writer;
+		try {
+	    	if (encoding != null)
+	    		writer = new OutputStreamWriter(os, encoding);
+	    	else
+	    		writer = new OutputStreamWriter(os);
+	        writeWriterContents(writer, text);
+		} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
+            throw new CoreException(Logging.newStatus(UtilsPlugin.getDefault(), e));
+        }
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Write contents of an array to a file
+	 * @param file
+	 * @param encoding (null = system default)
+	 * @throws CoreException wrapping
+	 */
+	public static void writeWriterContents(Writer writer, char[] text) throws CoreException {
+		Check.checkArg(writer);
+        try {
+        	try {
+        		writer.write(text, 0, text.length);
+        	} finally {
+        		writer.close();
+        	}
+        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
+            throw new CoreException(Logging.newStatus(UtilsPlugin.getDefault(), e));
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+            throw new CoreException(Logging.newStatus(UtilsPlugin.getDefault(), e));
+        }
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns whether pathSegment is a valid part of a path in a Carbide project.
+	 * This checks for file name validity and 
+	 * name only contains alpha-numeric -or- hyphen -or- underscrore -or- dot characters
+	 * 
+	 * @param pathSegment the segment (file or folder name)
+	 * @return true if valid
+	 */
+	public static boolean isValidCarbideProjectPathSegment(String pathSegment) {
+		IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
+		int typeMask = IResource.FILE | IResource.FOLDER;
+		boolean valid = pathSegment.length() == 0 || 
+			workspace.validateName(pathSegment, typeMask).isOK();
+		if (valid) {
+			for (int i = 0; i < pathSegment.length(); i++) {
+				char c = pathSegment.charAt(i);
+				valid = Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || (c == '-') || (c == '_');
+				if (!valid)
+					break;
+			}
+		}
+		return valid;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Resolve a workspace-relative path to correct any problems in
+	 * capitalization.
+	 * @param projectName
+	 * @param wsPath workspace-relative path
+	 * @return resolved path, as far as actual resources exist (the suffix
+	 * may be unchanged if an intervening folder is missing) 
+	 */
+	public static IPath getCanonicalWorkspacePath(IPath wsPath) {
+		IPath resolvedPath = new Path(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
+		IContainer container = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
+		// flag to consume the rest of the path without lookup
+		boolean failed = false;
+		for (String segment : wsPath.segments()) {
+			if (failed || container == null) {
+				resolvedPath = resolvedPath.append(segment);
+				continue;
+			}
+			IResource child = container.findMember(segment);
+			if (child != null) {
+				// found, so correct caps
+				resolvedPath = resolvedPath.append(segment);
+				if (child instanceof IContainer) {
+					container = (IContainer) child;
+				} else {
+					container = null;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// not found: manually search
+				boolean found = false;
+				try {
+					for (IResource member : container.members()) {
+						if (member.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(segment)) {
+							resolvedPath = resolvedPath.append(member.getName());
+							found = true;
+							if (member instanceof IContainer) {
+								container = (IContainer) member;
+							} else {
+								container = null;
+							}
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				} catch (CoreException e) {
+					// just fail
+				}
+				if (!found) {
+					failed = true;
+					resolvedPath = resolvedPath.append(segment);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return resolvedPath;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * This is an analogue to new Path(String) but avoids some bugs in
+	 * the implementation when pathString is a relative path.
+	 * @param pathString
+	 * @return new Path
+	 */
+	public static IPath createPossiblyRelativePath(String pathString) {
+		// canonicalize slashes
+		char[] pathChars = pathString.toCharArray();
+		int offset = 0;
+		for (int i = 0; i < pathChars.length; i++) {
+			if (pathChars[i] == '\\')
+				pathChars[i] = '/';
+		}
+		// The bug is, if "./" appears, then "../"'s after it are dropped,
+		// so get rid of "./" early.  The result will still be relative.
+		while (offset + 2 <= pathChars.length) { 
+			if (pathChars[offset] == '.' && pathChars[offset+1] == '/') {
+				offset += 2;
+			} else {
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		return new Path(new String(pathChars, offset, pathChars.length - offset));
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Tell if the given path refers to a parent directory (e.g.
+	 * contains ".." entries)
+	 * @param path
+	 * @return true if resolved path contains ".."
+	 */
+	public static boolean isPathInParent(IPath path) {
+		// first see if any segments are ".." at all
+		for (int i = 0; i < path.segmentCount(); i++) {
+			if (path.segment(i).equals("..")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
+				// comprehensive check, canonicalizing
+				path = new Path(path.toString());
+				if (path.segmentCount() > 0 && path.segment(0).equals("..")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
+					return true;
+				} else {
+					return false;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Recurse the directory, returning files that match the given filter.
+	 * The directories "." and ".." are filtered out before the filter sees them.
+	 * The filter is passed files and directories, and a directory must
+	 * pass the filter to be recursed.
+	 * @param dir
+	 * @param filter
+	 * @param recordDirectories if true, accepted directories are added to the returned list;
+	 * otherwise, directories are not added to the file list.
+	 * @return array of matching files , never null
+	 */
+	public static File[] listFilesInTree(File dir, FileFilter filter, boolean recordDirectories) {
+		List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
+		listFilesInTreeHelper(files, dir, filter, recordDirectories);
+		return (File[]) files.toArray(new File[files.size()]);
+	}
+	private static void listFilesInTreeHelper(List<File> files, File dir, FileFilter filter, boolean recordDirectories) {
+		if (recordDirectories)
+			files.add(dir);
+		File[] allEntries = dir.listFiles();
+		if (allEntries == null)
+			return;
+		for (File fileOrDir : allEntries) {
+			if (fileOrDir.getName().equals(".") || fileOrDir.getName().equals("..")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+				// ignore
+			} else if (fileOrDir.isDirectory()) {
+				if (filter.accept(fileOrDir)) {
+					listFilesInTreeHelper(files, fileOrDir, filter, recordDirectories);
+				}
+			} else if (filter.accept(fileOrDir)) {
+				files.add(fileOrDir);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	public static URL getParentPathURL(URL url) throws CoreException {
+		URL result;
+		try {
+			String string = url.toString();
+			int loc = string.lastIndexOf('/');
+			result = new URL(string.substring(0, loc + 1));
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+            throw new CoreException(Logging.newStatus(UtilsPlugin.getDefault(), e));
+		}
+		return result;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Wrapper around {@link FileUtils#validateEdit(IFile[], Shell)} 
+	 * taking a single file. If a modified files multistatus is generated
+	 * the single entry for the single file is retrieved and returned.
+	 */
+	public static IStatus validateEdit(IFile file, Shell context) {
+		IStatus status = validateEdit(new IFile[] {file}, context);
+		if (!status.isOK()) {
+			if (status.isMultiStatus()) {
+				IStatus[] children = status.getChildren();
+				if (children != null && children.length == 1 &&
+					children[0].getSeverity() == IStatus.WARNING &&
+					children[0].getCode() == MODIFIED_FILES_STATUS) {
+					status = children[0];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return status;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Wrapper around {@link IWorkspace#validateEdit(IFile[], Object)}
+	 * Checks if any of the files have been modified by the validate
+	 * operations. If so a MultiStatus is returned with WARNING severity. 
+	 * The code for the multistatus and each child is MODIFIED_FILES_STATUS
+	 * and for each child the message fields is the full workspace
+	 * path to the modified file.
+	 * @param files
+	 * @param context a Shell if UI interaction is allowed
+	 * @return OK status, non-OK status from validateEdit, or a
+	 * MultiStatus with one child for each modified file.
+	 */
+	public static IStatus validateEdit(IFile[] files, Shell context) {
+		List<IFile> readOnly = new ArrayList<IFile>();
+		Map<IFile, Long> timeStamps = new HashMap<IFile, Long>();
+		for (IFile file : files) {
+			if (file.isReadOnly()) {
+				readOnly.add(file);
+				timeStamps.put(file, file.getModificationStamp());
+			}
+		}
+		if (readOnly.isEmpty()) {
+			return Status.OK_STATUS;
+		}
+		IStatus status = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().validateEdit(
+				readOnly.toArray(new IFile[readOnly.size()]), context);
+		if (!status.isOK())
+			return status;
+		List<IFile> modified = new ArrayList<IFile>();
+		for (Map.Entry<IFile, Long> entry : timeStamps.entrySet()) {
+			Long newTimeStamp = entry.getKey().getModificationStamp();
+			if (!newTimeStamp.equals(entry.getValue())) {
+				modified.add(entry.getKey());
+			}
+		}
+		if (modified.size() > 0) {
+			String pluginID = UtilsPlugin.getDefault().getBundle().getSymbolicName();
+			MultiStatus ms = new MultiStatus(pluginID, MODIFIED_FILES_STATUS, "modified files", null);
+			for (IFile file : modified) {
+				String path = file.getFullPath().toString();
+				ms.add(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, pluginID, MODIFIED_FILES_STATUS, path, null));
+			}
+			status = ms;
+		}
+		return status;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get the directory used for temporary files.
+	 * @return absolute directory for temporary files, which may be the current directory
+	 */
+	public static File getTemporaryDirectory() {
+		File dir = new File(System.getProperty("", //$NON-NLS-1$
+				System.getProperty("user.dir", "."))); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+		try {
+			return dir.getCanonicalFile();
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			return dir;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get the path in a form amenable to comparing with another path.
+	 * On Win32 hosts, this lowercases the path.  On other hosts, the path is unmodified.
+	 * @param path incoming path or <code>null</code>
+	 * @return path converted to comparison-friendly format, or <code>null</code>
+	 */
+	public static IPath getComparablePath(IPath path) {
+		if (path == null)
+			return null;
+		if (Platform.getOS().equals(Platform.OS_WIN32)) {
+			return new Path(path.toOSString().toLowerCase());
+		}
+		return path;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get the file extension from path, guaranteed not to return null
+	 * @param path IPath
+	 * @return String non-null
+	 */
+	public static String getSafeFileExtension(IPath path) {
+		String fileExtension = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
+		if (path != null) {
+			String temp = path.getFileExtension();
+			if (temp != null)
+				fileExtension = temp;
+		}
+		return fileExtension;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Uses semantics to test existence, because eclipse resources are always case-sensitive, 
+	 * regardless of the file system.
+	 * @param resource {@link IResource}
+	 * @return <code>boolean</code>
+	 */
+	public static boolean exists(IResource resource) {
+		return resource.getLocation().toFile().exists();
+	}