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+<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/><meta name="copyright" content="(C) Copyright 2009"/><meta name="DC.rights.owner" content="(C) Copyright 2009"/><meta name="DC.Type" content="concept"/><meta name="DC.Title" content="Web Runtime features"/><meta name="abstract" content="This section describes the features that you can build into widgets using Web Runtime (WRT)."/><meta name="description" content="This section describes the features that you can build into widgets using Web Runtime (WRT)."/><meta name="DC.Relation" scheme="URI" content="GUID-05A1F618-5FB1-4821-8408-A213F38F2EDA"/><meta name="DC.Relation" scheme="URI" content="GUID-2786E26F-EF1E-4935-9C5F-56E36717E89D"/><meta name="DC.Relation" scheme="URI" content="GUID-91B65EA3-06B7-475E-9557-29EE584731E5"/><meta name="DC.Format" content="XHTML"/><meta name="DC.Identifier" content="GUID-B00941F9-2530-4D3D-BBC7-59EDA3A4C151"/><title>Web Runtime features </title><script type="text/javascript">
+      function initPage() {}
+    </script><link href="../PRODUCT_PLUGIN/book.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/><link href="css/s60/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"/></head><body onload="initPage();"><div class="body"><div class="contentLeft prTxt"><h1 class="pageHeading" id="GUID-B00941F9-2530-4D3D-BBC7-59EDA3A4C151">Web Runtime features</h1><div><p>This section describes the features that you can build into widgets using Web Runtime (WRT).</p>
+<p>For information about the standards supported by WRT, see section <a href="GUID-2786E26F-EF1E-4935-9C5F-56E36717E89D.html#GUID-2786E26F-EF1E-4935-9C5F-56E36717E89D">Web Runtime standards</a>.</p>
+<div><h3>Web Runtime 1.0 and later features</h3><p>WRT 1.0 provided support for widgets through built-in JavaScript objects. The following features can be added to widgets using this technology. </p><div class="note"><p><strong class="note_title">Note: </strong>The WRT environment is backward-compatible; widgets created for WRT 1.0 run normally with WRT 1.1. However, you should take newer technologies, such as different display sizes and the introduction of touch UI, into consideration when running WRT 1.0 widgets on newer mobile devices.</p></div><ul>
+<li><p>User interaction with the underlying device</p><p>Mobile device users can interact with the device through user input, for example via the options list or softkeys.  For more information, see <a href="GUID-6DD2B3D2-BA3B-4936-BBC9-F61B6757B6F8.html#GUID-6DD2B3D2-BA3B-4936-BBC9-F61B6757B6F8">Managing user interaction</a> and the <a href="GUID-857CF71D-3398-40C2-981A-DEC428A7BA6B.html#GUID-857CF71D-3398-40C2-981A-DEC428A7BA6B">JavaScript <code>menu</code> object</a>.</p></li>
+<li><p>Self-updating widgets</p><p>Widgets can update themselves by communicating directly with a web service or server. For more information, see <a href="GUID-EAE0823B-5914-49C2-9DBC-15B61DE49E60.html#GUID-EAE0823B-5914-49C2-9DBC-15B61DE49E60">Managing widgets on mobile devices</a>.</p></li>
+<li><p>Navigation </p><p>Mobile device users can navigate the UI using tabs or a cursor.  For more information, see <a href="GUID-C359CC7E-B8BA-491B-A0C4-0FF1D3C4110C.html#GUID-C359CC7E-B8BA-491B-A0C4-0FF1D3C4110C">Moving within widgets</a> and the <a href="GUID-87B333A2-FDA1-4BC3-8803-C5702C5869A1.html#GUID-87B333A2-FDA1-4BC3-8803-C5702C5869A1"><code>setNavigationEnabled()</code></a> method in the Web Runtime API reference.</p></li>
+<li><p>Display rotation</p><p>Mobile device users can rotate the display between portrait and landscape orientation.  For more information, see <a href="GUID-36CDDA1B-3B62-4936-9E06-7935AAD1CD77.html#GUID-36CDDA1B-3B62-4936-9E06-7935AAD1CD77">Designing for dynamic screen orientation</a>.</p></li>
+<li><p>Launching S60 applications</p><p>Widgets can launch S60 mobile device applications for their own use. For example, a news widget can launch the Calendar application so that mobile device users can mark an event in their calendar.  For more information, see the <a href="GUID-180F11FD-8D26-4305-814F-01BF8DB2DDC8.html#GUID-180F11FD-8D26-4305-814F-01BF8DB2DDC8"><code>openApplication()</code></a> method in the Web Runtime API reference.</p></li>
+<li><p>Language-specific versions of a widget</p><p>The S60 platform supports multiple languages and allows mobile device users to select the language that their device uses for UI texts.  Widget developers can create language-specific versions of a widget to take advantage of this feature.  For more information, see <a href="GUID-E3EA4F85-E0AE-42AB-8E51-EFD3F0E0A51E.html#GUID-E3EA4F85-E0AE-42AB-8E51-EFD3F0E0A51E">Supporting multiple languages</a>.</p></li>
+<li><p>Dynamically modified web pages</p><p>Widgets can inspect or modify web pages dynamically through the use of DOM Level 2. </p></li>
+<div><h3>Web Runtime 1.1 features</h3><p>WRT 1.1 added the following features:</p><ul>
+<li><p>Support for S60 Platform Services through JavaScript Service APIs. For more information, see <a href="GUID-46EABDC1-37CB-412A-ACAD-1A1A9466BB68.html#GUID-46EABDC1-37CB-412A-ACAD-1A1A9466BB68">Using platform services</a>.</p><div class="note"><p><strong class="note_title">Note: </strong>Widgets created using the WRT 1.1 Service APIs do not work with WRT 1.0.</p></div></li>
+<li><p>Support for home screen widgets on <a href="GUID-1A3ECAC1-3F09-4602-A1CD-82164040A664.html#GUID-1A3ECAC1-3F09-4602-A1CD-82164040A664">compatible devices</a>.</p><p>Widgets that you enable for the home screen work normally in full screen mode on devices that do not have a home screen.</p></li>
+</div></div></div><div class="footer"><hr/><div class="copy">© Nokia 2009.</div></div></body></html>
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