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+High level view of the WRTKit</title>
+<body id="GUID-A3ABE57E-9A71-4F94-923A-B84CCD1B0905"><a name="GUID-A3ABE57E-9A71-4F94-923A-B84CCD1B0905"><!-- --></a>
+    <h1 class="topictitle1">
+High level view of the WRTKit</h1>
+    <div>
+        <p>
+            User interfaces in the WRTKit are based on the concepts of "views" and "controls".
+            A control is a user interface element that the user can view or interact with,
+            e.g. buttons, checkboxes, textfields, etc. Views are containers for controls and
+            deal with the layout of controls on the screen in such a way that the user can
+            interact with them in an easy way. Views are conceptually similar to windows in
+            PC applications, but on a mobile device views typically fill the entire screen
+            and only one view can thus be visible at any given time. The WRTKit allows views
+            and controls to be interacted with in both the tab and pointer navigation modes
+            and the navigation mode can even be switched at runtime.
+        </p>
+        <div class="fignone" id="GUID-A3ABE57E-9A71-4F94-923A-B84CCD1B0905__GUID-65170EDF-EF04-48AB-A414-1581157DAFA5"><a name="GUID-A3ABE57E-9A71-4F94-923A-B84CCD1B0905__GUID-65170EDF-EF04-48AB-A414-1581157DAFA5"><!-- --></a><span class="figcap">Figure 1. 
+WRTKit-based widget user interface</span>
+            <br /><img src="RSS_Reader_Main_Screenshot_3.png" /><br />
+        </div>
+        <p>
+            The WRTKit is an object oriented user interface toolkit, which means that views 
+            and controls are implemented as JavaScript classes that are instantiated to 
+            objects when they are needed. In order to create a view with two buttons, for 
+            example, a developer writes JavaScript code that instantiates one view 
+            object and two button objects, and then calls a method in the view object asking 
+            it to add the buttons to itself. Being object oriented, the created WRTKit 
+            objects fully maintain their own state and take care of drawing themselves 
+            properly on the screen in all situations. So for example if one of the buttons 
+            is focused, the button modifies its own looks so that it appears focused 
+            on the screen. Because the objects know their own state, they can be queried for 
+            properties as needed. E.g. a textfield can be asked what text it currently
+            contains, a button can be asked if it is enabled, and so on.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+            Controls in the WRTKit have captions that can be used to show what the control 
+            does. E.g. a textfield that is meant to be used to enter a password could have a 
+            caption "Password". Captions are optional but should be used unless there is a 
+            very good reason not to. The only controls that do not have captions are 
+            buttons, since they have a text on the face of the button that accomplishes the 
+            same thing.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+            WRTKit user interfaces are managed by a class that is aptly named "UIManager". 
+            Every widget that uses the WRTKit for its user interface creates a single 
+            instance of this class and then uses that UIManager instance to command views to 
+            be displayed. The UIManager takes care of all the heavy lifting that is necessary 
+            to bring a new view to the screen. The UIManager also handles other user 
+            interface duties such as management of notification popup dialogs and view 
+            scrollbars.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+            Controls and views can notify the outside world when some event occurrs, e.g. 
+            when a button is pressed or someone toggles a checkbox. The WRTKit follows the 
+            so called "observer pattern" in its implementation of event notifications. This 
+            simply means that a control or view can be asked to call a particular JavaScript 
+            function (which is the "observer" or "listener") when an specific type of event 
+            occurrs. The WRTKit allows a control or view to have any number of concurrently 
+            registered listeners and listeners can either ask to be notified of only a 
+            particular type of event or about all events.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+            The WRTKit library is physically a set of JavaScript, CSS and image files that 
+            are located within a directory called "WRTKit". That directory is copied into 
+            the root directory of widgets that wish to use the library. A widget only needs 
+            to include a single JavaScript file ("WRTKit/WRTKit.js") from the directory in 
+            order to include and initialize the full WRTKit for use in the widget. Once the 
+            WRTKit has been added to the widget and initialized, the widget can start using 
+            the JavaScript classes that the library defines.
+        </p>
+    </div>
+<div class="familylinks">
+<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="WRTKit_Developing_widgets_using_the_WRTKit-GUID-a321db96-0a01-4e55-b24b-96905f40cb5c.html">Developing widgets using the WRTKit</a></div>
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