--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/org.symbian.tools.wrttools/plugin.xml Thu Aug 19 17:48:04 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,997 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?eclipse version="3.4"?>
+ <extension-point id="projectTemplates" name="WRT Project Templates" schema="schema/projectTemplates.exsd"/>
+ <extension-point id="jsLibraries" name="JavaScript Libraries" schema="schema/jsLibraries.exsd"/>
+<!-- Generic Project Builder and Project Natures -->
+<!-- Widget Project Nature -->
+ <extension
+ id="WidgetProjectNature"
+ point="org.eclipse.core.resources.natures">
+ <runtime>
+ <run class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.WidgetProjectNature"/>
+ </runtime>
+ </extension>
+<!-- Widget Project Nature Images -->
+ <extension
+ point="org.eclipse.ui.ide.projectNatureImages">
+ <image
+ icon="icons/WRT_main_16.png"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.natureImage"
+ natureId="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.WidgetProjectNature">
+ </image>
+ </extension>
+<!-- Web Runtime Preferences -->
+ <extension
+ point="org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences">
+ <initializer
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.WrtIdeCorePreferences">
+ </initializer>
+ </extension>
+<!-- WRT Tool Integration (Package, Validate, Include, Exclude Settings)-->
+ <extension
+ point="org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus">
+ <objectContribution
+ objectClass="org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.widget.wrttool.packageoptions">
+ <visibility>
+ <not>
+ <or>
+ <objectState name="persistentProperty" value="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.packager.exclude"/>
+ <objectState name="extension" value="plist"/>
+ <objectClass name="org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject"/>
+ </or>
+ </not>
+ </visibility>
+ <filter
+ name="projectNature"
+ value="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.WidgetProjectNature"/>
+ <action
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.packager.ExcludeFileAction"
+ icon="icons/exclude_archive.gif"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.widget.wrttool.packageoptions.ExcludeFileAction"
+ label="Exclude From Archive"
+ menubarPath="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.contextMenuGroupMarker">
+ </action>
+ </objectContribution>
+ <objectContribution
+ objectClass="org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.widget.wrttool.packageoptions">
+ <visibility>
+ <and>
+ <not>
+ <objectState name="extension" value="wgz"/>
+ </not>
+ <and>
+ <objectState name="persistentProperty" value="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.packager.exclude"/>
+ <objectState name="projectNature" value="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.WidgetProjectNature"/>
+ </and>
+ </and>
+ </visibility>
+ <action
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.packager.IncludeFileAction"
+ icon="icons/include_archive.gif"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.widget.wrttool.packageoptions.IncludeFileAction"
+ label="Include in Archive"
+ menubarPath="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.contextMenuGroupMarker">
+ </action>
+ </objectContribution>
+ </extension>
+<!-- CSS Validator -->
+ <extension id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.cssvalidator"
+ name="CSS Validator" point="org.eclipse.wst.validation.validatorV2">
+ <validator build="true"
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.internal.validation.CssBuildValidator"
+ manual="true" markerId="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.cssValidationMarker"
+ version="0.0.1">
+ <include>
+ <rules>
+ <contentType exactMatch="false"
+ id="org.eclipse.wst.css.core.csssource">
+ </contentType>
+ </rules>
+ </include>
+ </validator>
+ </extension>
+ <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.newWizards">
+ <category id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.category" name="Mobile Web Tools">
+ </category>
+ <wizard category="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.category"
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wizards.WrtWidgetWizard"
+ finalPerspective="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.mainPerspective"
+ hasPages="true" icon="icons/WRT_main_16.png"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.wrtwidgetwizard" name="Mobile Web Application Project"
+ project="true">
+ <description>
+ Creates a new Symbian WRT application project using one of the provided
+ templates
+ </description>
+ </wizard>
+ </extension>
+<!-- WRT Project Templates -->
+ <extension point="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.projectTemplates">
+ <projectTemplate
+ archive="projecttemplates/basic.zip"
+ default-css-name="basic"
+ default-html-name="index"
+ default-js-name="basic"
+ icon="icons/main16.gif"
+ name="Minimal Project"
+ order="10">
+ <description>
+ This wizard generates an empty widget project with a minimal Info.plist, html,css and js.
+ </description>
+ </projectTemplate>
+ <projectTemplate
+ archive="projecttemplates/helloWithWRTKit.zip"
+ default-css-name="HelloWithWRTKit"
+ default-html-name="index"
+ default-js-name="HelloWithWRTKit"
+ icon="icons/WRT_main_16.png"
+ name="Hello World Project"
+ order="1"
+ wizard-page-factory="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wizards.HelloWithWRTKitProjectDetailsWizardPage$Factory">
+ <description>
+ This wizard generates a basic Hello project with a minimal Info.plist, html,css and js along with WRTKit.
+ </description>
+ <requires-library>org.symbian.wrtkit</requires-library>
+ </projectTemplate>
+ <projectTemplate
+ archive="projecttemplates/phonegap.zip"
+ default-css-name="css"
+ default-html-name="index"
+ default-js-name="main"
+ icon="icons/phonegap.png"
+ name="PhoneGap Application"
+ order="2"
+ screen-size="360x640">
+ <description>
+ This wizard generates a project based on the PhoneGap library that showcases PhoneGap API usage. PhoneGap applications require WRT 1.1 or newer.
+ </description>
+ <requires-library>phonegap</requires-library>
+ </projectTemplate>
+ <projectTemplate
+ archive="projecttemplates/flickr.zip"
+ default-css-name="Flickr"
+ default-html-name="index"
+ default-js-name="Flickr"
+ icon="icons/flickr.gif"
+ name="Flickr Project"
+ order="3"
+ wizard-page-factory="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wizards.FlickrProjectDetailsWizardPage$Factory">
+ <description>
+ This wizard generates an Flickr project with a minimal Info.plist, html,css and js and WRTKit.
+ </description>
+ <requires-library>org.symbian.wrtkit</requires-library>
+ </projectTemplate>
+ <projectTemplate
+ archive="projecttemplates/rssreader.zip"
+ default-css-name="RSSReader"
+ default-html-name="index"
+ default-js-name="RSSReader"
+ icon="icons/rss.gif"
+ name="RSS Reader Project"
+ order="4"
+ wizard-page-factory="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wizards.RssReaderProjectDetailsWizardPage$Factory">
+ <description>
+ This wizard generates an RSS Reader project with a minimal Info.plist, html,css and js and WRTKit.
+ </description>
+ <requires-library>org.symbian.wrtkit</requires-library>
+ </projectTemplate>
+ <projectTemplate
+ archive="projecttemplates/uitemplate.zip"
+ default-css-name="basic"
+ default-html-name="index"
+ default-js-name="basic"
+ icon="icons/main16.gif"
+ name="Various UI Templates"
+ order="5"
+ screen-size="360x640">
+ <description>
+ Includes templates for high-end devices from Forum.Nokia.
+ </description>
+ </projectTemplate>
+ </extension>
+<!-- Import Wizard -->
+ <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.importWizards">
+ <category id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.import" name="Mobile Web Tools">
+ </category>
+ <wizard category="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.import"
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wizards.projectimport.WrtProjectsImportWizard"
+ icon="icons/import_aptana_project.gif" id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.import.projectImport"
+ name="Existing Mobile Web Projects into Workspace">
+ <description>
+ Import WRT project created in Aptana, Adobe Dreamweaver or WRT IDE
+ </description>
+ </wizard>
+ <wizard
+ category="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.import"
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wizards.WgzImportWizard"
+ icon="icons/import_16x16px.png"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.importwgz"
+ name="Application Archive (WGZ)">
+ <description>
+ Create WRT project from deployable WGZ application archive
+ </description>
+ </wizard>
+ </extension>
+<!-- WRT Content Descriptor (.plist) file -->
+ <extension point="org.eclipse.core.contenttype.contentTypes">
+ <content-type base-type="org.eclipse.core.runtime.xml"
+ file-extensions="plist" id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.contenttype.plist"
+ name="WebRuntime Descriptor File" priority="normal">
+ </content-type>
+ </extension>
+<!-- Perspective Extensions -->
+ <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.perspectiveExtensions">
+ <perspectiveExtension targetID="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.JavaPerspective">
+ <newWizardShortcut id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.wrtwidgetwizard">
+ </newWizardShortcut>
+ </perspectiveExtension>
+ <perspectiveExtension targetID="org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugPerspective">
+ <newWizardShortcut id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.wrtwidgetwizard">
+ </newWizardShortcut>
+ </perspectiveExtension>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.JsGlobalScopeContainerInitializer">
+ <JsGlobalScopeContainerInitializer
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.libraries.WrtLibInitializer"
+ id="org.symbian.wrt">
+ </JsGlobalScopeContainerInitializer>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.JsGlobalScopeContainerPage">
+ <JsGlobalScopeContainerPage
+ name="Tools for Mobile Web"
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wizards.WrtLibraryWizardPage"
+ id="org.symbian.wrt">
+ </JsGlobalScopeContainerPage>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.plistvalidator"
+ name="WRT Application Descriptor Validator"
+ point="org.eclipse.wst.validation.validatorV2">
+ <validator
+ build="true"
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.internal.validation.WrtApplicationValidator"
+ manual="true"
+ markerId="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.cssValidationMarker"
+ version="0.0.1">
+ <include>
+ <rules>
+ <projectNature
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.WidgetProjectNature">
+ </projectNature>
+ </rules>
+ </include>
+ </validator>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.eclipse.ui.keywords">
+ <keyword
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wrtwords"
+ label="wrt, webruntime, web runtime, cwrt widget">
+ </keyword>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.platformservices"
+ name="Platform Services Inferrence Support"
+ point="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.inferrenceSupport">
+ <inferenceProvider
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.libraries.PlatformServicesTypeProvider">
+ </inferenceProvider>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.eclipse.ui.commands">
+ <category
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.commands.maincategory"
+ name="Tools for Mobile Web">
+ </category>
+ <command
+ categoryId="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.commands.maincategory"
+ description="Deploys an application to phone or emulator"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.commands.deploy"
+ name="Deploy Application">
+ </command>
+ <command
+ categoryId="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.commands.maincategory"
+ defaultHandler="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.handlers.AddJSLibrary"
+ description="Adds JavaScript libraries to Mobile Web projects"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.addlibrary"
+ name="Add JavaScript Libraries...">
+ </command>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.eclipse.ui.menus">
+ <menuContribution
+ locationURI="toolbar:org.eclipse.ui.main.toolbar">
+ <toolbar
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools">
+ <command
+ commandId="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.commands.deploy"
+ icon="icons/deploy_widget.gif"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.toolbars.deploy">
+ </command>
+ </toolbar>
+ </menuContribution>
+ <menuContribution
+ locationURI="menu:project?after=additions">
+ <separator
+ name="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.beginwert"
+ visible="true">
+ </separator>
+ <command
+ commandId="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.addlibrary"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.toolbars.addlibrary"
+ style="push">
+ </command>
+ <separator
+ name="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.deploypackage"
+ visible="true">
+ </separator>
+ <command
+ commandId="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.commands.deploy"
+ icon="icons/deploy_widget.gif"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.toolbars.deploy">
+ </command>
+ <separator
+ name="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.endwrt"
+ visible="true">
+ </separator>
+ </menuContribution>
+ <menuContribution
+ locationURI="popup:org.eclipse.ui.popup.any?after=sourceMenuId">
+ <separator
+ name="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.beginwert"
+ visible="true">
+ </separator>
+ <command
+ commandId="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.commands.deploy"
+ icon="icons/deploy_widget.gif"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.toolbars.deploy">
+ <visibleWhen>
+ <and>
+ <iterate
+ ifEmpty="false"
+ operator="and">
+ <adapt
+ type="org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject">
+ </adapt>
+ </iterate>
+ <count
+ value="1">
+ </count>
+ </and>
+ </visibleWhen>
+ </command>
+ <separator
+ name="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.endwrt"
+ visible="true">
+ </separator>
+ </menuContribution>
+ <menuContribution
+ locationURI="popup:org.eclipse.ui.popup.any?after=group.build">
+ <dynamic
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.libraries.AddLibraryPopupMenu$LibrariesPopupMenu"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.addlibrary">
+ <visibleWhen>
+ <and>
+ <iterate
+ ifEmpty="false"
+ operator="and">
+ <adapt
+ type="org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject">
+ <test
+ property="org.eclipse.core.resources.projectNature"
+ value="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.WidgetProjectNature">
+ </test>
+ </adapt>
+ </iterate>
+ <count
+ value="1">
+ </count>
+ </and>
+ </visibleWhen>
+ </dynamic>
+ <separator
+ name="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.libs"
+ visible="true">
+ </separator>
+ </menuContribution>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.eclipse.ui.decorators">
+ <decorator
+ adaptable="true"
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.navigator.PackagingInformationDecorator"
+ icon="icons/main16.gif"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.packagingDeclarator"
+ label="Mobile Web Packaging Information"
+ lightweight="true"
+ location="TOP_RIGHT"
+ state="true">
+ <enablement>
+ <objectClass
+ name="org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource">
+ </objectClass>
+ </enablement>
+ </decorator>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.excluded"
+ name="Excluded from Mobile Web packaging marker"
+ point="org.eclipse.core.resources.markers">
+ <persistent
+ value="true">
+ </persistent>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.jsLibraries">
+ <library
+ icon="icons/main16_prev.gif"
+ id="org.symbian.wrtkit"
+ installer="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.libraries.WRTKitInstaller"
+ name="WRTKit">
+ </library>
+ <library
+ icon="icons/phonegap.png"
+ id="phonegap"
+ installer="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.libraries.PhoneGapInstaller"
+ name="PhoneGap">
+ </library>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.renameParticipants">
+ <renameParticipant
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.project.ProjectRenameParticipant"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.renameParticipant1"
+ name="WRT Projects Rename Participant">
+ <enablement>
+ <with variable="affectedNatures">
+ <iterate operator="or">
+ <equals value="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.WidgetProjectNature"/>
+ </iterate>
+ </with>
+ <with variable="element">
+ <adapt
+ type="org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject">
+ </adapt>
+ </with>
+ </enablement>
+ </renameParticipant>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.eclipse.ui.editors.templates">
+ <include
+ file="templates/default-templates.xml">
+ </include>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.eclipse.wst.common.snippets.SnippetContributions">
+ <category
+ description="WRT-specific JavaScript snippets"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wrtsnippets"
+ label="Symbian Web Runtime"
+ smallicon="icons/main16.gif"
+ contenttypes="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.jsSource">
+ <item
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.util.SnippetInsertion"
+ description="Retrieves list of the contacts"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.contacts"
+ label="Get contacts">
+ <content>
+var contactService = device.getServiceObject("Service.Contact",
+ "IDataSource");
+ var result = contactService.IDataSource.GetList(
+ { Type : "Contact", Sort : { Order : "Ascending" } }
+ );
+ if (result.ErrorCode == 0) {
+ var contacts = result.ReturnValue;
+ for ( var contact = contacts.getNext(); contact != null; contact = contacts.getNext()) {
+ var firstName = contact.FirstName;
+ var lastName = contact.LastName;
+ var mobile = contact.MobilePhoneGen;
+ var landPhone = contact.LandPhoneGen;
+ var jobTitle = contact.JobTitle;
+ // Consult WRT documentation for other possible fields
+ // TODO Process contact information
+ }
+ } else {
+ var errorCode = result.ErrorCode;
+ var errorMessage = result.ErrorMessage;
+ // TODO Cannot retrieve contacts list
+ }
+ </content>
+ </item>
+ <item
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.util.SnippetInsertion"
+ description="This function can be used as a callback in GetLocation and Trace calls to location service."
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.location"
+ label="Location callback">
+ <content>
+// This function can be passed as a callback to locationService.ILocation
+// GetLocation or Trace method
+function locationUpdated(transactionId, code, result) {
+ if (result.ErrorCode == 0) {
+ var longitude = result.ReturnValue.Longitude; // Longitude estimate in degrees. The value range is [+180, -180].
+ var latitude = result.ReturnValue.Latitude; // Latitude estimate in degrees. The value range is [+90, -90].
+ var altitude = result.ReturnValue.Altitude; // Elevation estimate in meters relative to the WGS 84 datum.
+ var satelliteNumView = result.ReturnValue.SatelliteNumView; // Number of satellites currently in view.
+ var satelliteNumViewUsed = result.ReturnValue.SatelliteNumViewUsed; // Number of satellites used to obtain the location fix.
+ var horizontalSpeed = result.ReturnValue.HorizontalSpeed; // Horizontal speed estimate in meters per second. This is the speed of the device at the time the location fix was obtained.
+ var horizontalSpeedError = result.ReturnValue.HorizontalSpeedError; // Horizontal speed error in meters per second.
+ var trueCourse = result.ReturnValue.TrueCourse; // Current direction of movement in degrees in relation to true north.
+ var trueCourseError = result.ReturnValue.TrueCourseError; // TrueCourse error in degrees.
+ var magneticHeading = result.ReturnValue.MagneticHeading; // Current direction of movement in degrees in relation to magnetic north.
+ var magneticHeadingError = result.ReturnValue.MagneticHeadingError; // MagneticHeading error in degrees.
+ var heading = result.ReturnValue.Heading; // Current instantaneous direction of movement in degrees in relation to true north.
+ var headingError = result.ReturnValue.HeadingError; // Heading error in degrees.
+ var magneticCourse = result.ReturnValue.MagneticCourse; // Current instantaneous direction of movement in degrees in relation to magnetic north.
+ var magneticCourseError = result.ReturnValue.MagneticCourseError; // MagneticCourse error in degrees
+ // TODO Location information was received
+ } else {
+ var errorCode = result.ErrorCode;
+ var errorMessage = result.ErrorMessage;
+ // TODO Failed to retrieve location information
+ }
+} </content>
+ </item>
+ <item
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.util.SnippetInsertion"
+ description="Sends SMS message"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.dial"
+ label="Send SMS message">
+ <content>
+var phoneNumber = "+6505551214";
+ var text = "Sent from WRT application";
+ var messaging = device.getServiceObject("Service.Messaging", "IMessaging");
+ var result = messaging.IMessaging.Send({ MessageType : "SMS", To : phoneNumber, BodyText : text });
+ if (result.ErrorCode != null) {
+ var errorCode = result.ErrorCode;
+ var errorMessage = result.ErrorMessage;
+ // TODO Cannot send SMS message
+ }
+ </content>
+ </item>
+ <item
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.util.SnippetInsertion"
+ description="Use this code to track battery status"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.battery"
+ label="Watch battery status">
+ <content>
+function watchBatteryNotifications() {
+ var sysInfo = device.getServiceObject("Service.SysInfo", "ISysInfo");
+ var result = sysInfo.ISysInfo.GetNotification( {
+ Entity : "Battery",
+ Key : "BatteryStrength"
+ }, batteryUpdated);
+ if (result.ErrorCode == 0) {
+ var transactionId = result.TransactionID;
+ // TODO Use this ID to cancel notifications
+ } else {
+ var message = result.ErrorMessage;
+ // TODO Process error
+ }
+function batteryUpdated(tId, code, result) {
+ if (result.ErrorCode == 0) {
+ var batteryStatus = result.ReturnValue.Status;
+ // TODO Process battery charge level
+ } else {
+ var message = result.ErrorMessage;
+ // TODO Process error
+ }
+ </content>
+ </item>
+ <item
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.util.SnippetInsertion"
+ description="Use this code to track acceleration, orientation or rotation changes"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.sensor"
+ label="Watch sensor notifications">
+ <content>
+// Call this function to add a callback that will be notified of orientation changes
+function watchSensorNotifications() {
+ var sensors = device.getServiceObject("Service.Sensor", "ISensor");
+ var SensorParams = {
+ SearchCriterion : "Orientation" // TODO Possible values (one of):
+ // SearchCriterion : "All"
+ // SearchCriterion : "AccelerometerAxis"
+ // SearchCriterion : "AccelerometerDoubleTapping"
+ // SearchCriterion : "Rotation"
+ };
+ var result = sensors.ISensor.FindSensorChannel(SensorParams);
+ if (result.ErrorCode != 0) {
+ var errorCode = result.ErrorCode;
+ var errorMessage = result.ErrorMessage;
+ // TODO Handle error
+ return null;
+ }
+ // TODO Function named "sensorCallback" will be called when device orientation changes. This function should be created.
+ var result2 = sensors.ISensor.RegisterForNotification(
+ { ChannelInfoMap : result.ReturnValue[0],
+ ListeningType : "ChannelData" }, sensorCallback);
+ if (result.ErrorCode == 0) {
+ var transactionId = result.TransactionID;
+ // TODO Use this transaction ID to cancel notifications when watching orientation is no longer needed
+ return transactionId;
+ } else {
+ var errorCode = result.ErrorCode;
+ var errorMessage = result.ErrorMessage;
+ // TODO Handle error
+ return null;
+ }
+// This function can be passed as callback to
+// sensors.ISensor.RegisterForNotification method
+function sensorCallback(transactionId, code, result) {
+ if (result.ErrorCode == 0) {
+ // TODO Process notification
+ var dataType = result.ReturnValue.DataType; // One of: "AxisData", "DoubleTappingData", "OrientationData" or "RotationData"
+ var orientation = result.ReturnValue.DeviceOrientation; // Orientation
+ // var xAxis = result.ReturnValue.XAxisData; // Accelerometer
+ // var yAxis = result.ReturnValue.YAxisData; // Accelerometer
+ // var zAxis = result.ReturnValue.ZAxisData; // Accelerometer
+ // var direction = result.ReturnValue.DeviceDirection; // Accelerometer double tapping
+ // var xRotation = result.ReturnValue.XRotation; // Rotation
+ // var yRotation = result.ReturnValue.YRotation; // Rotation
+ // var zRotation = result.ReturnValue.ZRotation; // Rotation
+ } else {
+ var errorCode = result.ErrorCode;
+ var errorMessage = result.ErrorMessage;
+ // TODO Handle error
+ }
+ </content>
+ </item>
+ </category>
+ <category
+ description="Snippets using PhoneGap APIs"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.phonegapsnippets"
+ label="PhoneGap"
+ smallicon="icons/phonegap.png">
+ <item
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.util.SnippetInsertion"
+ description="Accepts accerelometer data"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.phonegap.accererometer"
+ label="Accelerometer callback">
+ <content>
+// This callback can be passed as a successCallback argument to
+// navigator.accelerometer getCurrentAcceleration and watchAcceleration methods
+function updateAcceleration(accel) {
+ var x = accel.x;
+ var y = accel.y;
+ var z = accel.z;
+ // TODO process the data
+ </content>
+ </item>
+ <item
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.util.SnippetInsertion"
+ description="Accepts contacts data"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.phonegap.contacts"
+ label="Contacts callback">
+ <content>
+// This method can be passed as a successCallback argument to
+// navigator.contacts.find method
+function displayContacts(contacts) {
+ for (var i=0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
+ var contact = contacts[i];
+ var name = contact.name.formatted;
+ var phones = contact.name.phone; // Array of phone numbers
+ var name = contact.name.address;
+ // TODO Insert your code here
+ }
+ </content>
+ </item>
+ <item
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.util.SnippetInsertion"
+ description="Accepts location data"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.phonegap.location"
+ label="Location callback">
+ <content>
+// This method can be passed as a successCallback argument to
+// navigator.geolocation getCurrentPosition or watchPosition methods
+function updateLocation(position) {
+ var pt = position.coords;
+ var latitude = pt.latitude;
+ var longitude = pt.longitude;
+ var altitude = pt.altitude;
+ var heading = pt.heading;
+ var speed = pt.speed;
+ // TODO Insert your code here
+ </content>
+ </item>
+ <item
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.util.SnippetInsertion"
+ description="Accepts orientation data"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.phonegap.orientation"
+ label="Orientation callback">
+ <content>
+// This method can be passed as a successCallback argument to
+// navigator.orientation getCurrentOrientation or watchOrientation methods
+function updateOrientation(orientation) {
+ switch (orientation) {
+ case DisplayOrientation.PORTRAIT: break;
+ case DisplayOrientation.REVERSE_PORTRAIT: break;
+ case DisplayOrientation.LANDSCAPE_LEFT_UP: break;
+ case DisplayOrientation.LANDSCAPE_RIGHT_UP: break;
+ case DisplayOrientation.FACE_UP: break;
+ case DisplayOrientation.FACE_DOWN: break;
+ }
+ // TODO Insert your code here
+ </content>
+ </item>
+ </category>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.symbian.tools.tmw.core.projectProvider">
+ <projectProvider
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.project.WRTIDEProjectProvider">
+ <enablement>
+ <adapt
+ type="org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject">
+ <test
+ property="org.eclipse.core.resources.projectNature"
+ value="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.WidgetProjectNature">
+ </test>
+ </adapt>
+ </enablement>
+ </projectProvider>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.symbian.tools.tmw.core.runtimes">
+ <runtime
+ component-id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wrt"
+ component-version="1.1"
+ name="Symbian WRT 1.1">
+ <runtime-component
+ id="tmw.geolocation"
+ version="1.0">
+ </runtime-component>
+ </runtime>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.symbian.tools.tmw.core.packagers">
+ <packager
+ delegate="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.packager.WrtPackager"
+ target-runtime="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wrt"
+ target-runtime-version="1.1">
+ </packager>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.symbian.tools.tmw.ui.deploymentTargetType">
+ <deployment-target-type
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.deploy.emulator.EmulatorTargetType"
+ icon="icons/deploy_settings.gif"
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.symbianemulator"
+ priority="50">
+ </deployment-target-type>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.runtimes">
+ <runtime-component-type
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wrt">
+ </runtime-component-type>
+ <runtime-component-version
+ type="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wrt"
+ version="1.1">
+ </runtime-component-version>
+ <supported>
+ <facet
+ id="symbian.wrtkit"
+ version="1.0">
+ </facet>
+ <runtime-component
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wrt"
+ version="1.1">
+ </runtime-component>
+ <facet
+ id="symbian.phonegap">
+ </facet>
+ </supported>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.images">
+ <image
+ path="icons/main16_prev.gif"
+ runtime-component-type="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wrt"
+ version="1.1">
+ </image>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.symbian.tools.tmw.core.runtimeIncludePath">
+ <runtime-include-path
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wrt"
+ version="1.1">
+ <include-path-entry
+ file="libraries/core/widget.js"/>
+ <include-path-entry
+ file="libraries/core/services.js"/>
+ <include-path-entry
+ file="libraries/core/menu.js"/>
+ </runtime-include-path>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.symbian.tools.tmw.ui.projectTemplate">
+ <template
+ icon="icons/flickr.gif"
+ id="org.symbian.wrt11.flickr"
+ name="Flickr Project"
+ weight="3">
+ <archive
+ file="projecttemplates/flickr.zip"
+ open-files="${mainHtml}.html">
+ </archive>
+ <description>
+ This wizard generates an Flickr project with a minimal Info.plist, html,css and js and WRTKit.
+ </description>
+ <supported-runtime
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wrt"
+ version="1.1">
+ </supported-runtime>
+ <archive
+ file="projecttemplates/flickr.zip">
+ </archive>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainCss"
+ value="style">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainJs"
+ value="flickr">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainHtml"
+ value="flickr">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="flickrUrl"
+ value="http://flickr.com/photos/symbianfoundation">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ <required-facet
+ id="symbian.wrtkit"
+ version="1.0">
+ </required-facet>
+ </template>
+ <runtime-template
+ runtime-id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wrt"
+ version="1.1">
+ <archive
+ file="projecttemplates/basic.zip">
+ </archive>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="homeScreen"
+ value="false">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainHtml"
+ value="index">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainCss"
+ value="basic">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainJs"
+ value="basic">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ </runtime-template>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.symbian.tools.tmw.ui.wizardPages">
+ <template-page
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wizards.NewFlickrApplicationWizardPage"
+ template-id="org.symbian.wrt11.flickr">
+ </template-page>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.facets">
+ <project-facet
+ id="symbian.wrtkit">
+ <label>
+ Symbian WRTKit
+ </label>
+ <description>
+ WRTKit UI library for Symbian WRT
+ </description>
+ <default-version
+ version="1.0">
+ </default-version>
+ </project-facet>
+ <project-facet-version
+ facet="symbian.wrtkit"
+ version="1.0">
+ <constraint>
+ <requires
+ facet="tmw.core"
+ version="[1.0">
+ </requires>
+ </constraint>
+ <action
+ type="install">
+ <delegate
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.libraries.InstallWrtKitDelegate">
+ </delegate>
+ <config-factory
+ class="org.symbian.tools.tmw.core.runtimes.ProjectCreationConfigFactory">
+ </config-factory>
+ </action>
+ </project-facet-version>
+ <project-facet
+ id="symbian.phonegap">
+ <label>
+ PhoneGap
+ </label>
+ <description>
+ PhoneGap application
+ </description>
+ </project-facet>
+ <project-facet-version
+ facet="symbian.phonegap"
+ version="1.0">
+ <constraint>
+ <requires
+ facet="tmw.core"
+ ignore-problems="1.0">
+ </requires>
+ </constraint>
+ <action
+ type="install">
+ <delegate
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.libraries.PhoneGapLibraryInstaller">
+ </delegate>
+ </action>
+ </project-facet-version>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.images">
+ <image
+ facet="symbian.wrtkit"
+ path="icons/main16_prev.gif"
+ version="1.0">
+ </image>
+ </extension>
+ <extension
+ point="org.symbian.tools.tmw.previewer.layoutProviders">
+ <layout-provider
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.core.project.WRT11ApplicationLayout"
+ runtime-id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wrt"
+ runtime-version="1.1">
+ </layout-provider>
+ </extension>