--- a/plugins/org.symbian.tools.wrttools/plugin.xml Mon Aug 23 15:08:34 2010 -0700
+++ b/plugins/org.symbian.tools.wrttools/plugin.xml Mon Aug 23 17:20:11 2010 -0700
@@ -132,63 +132,8 @@
- <projectTemplate
- archive="projecttemplates/helloWithWRTKit.zip"
- default-css-name="HelloWithWRTKit"
- default-html-name="index"
- default-js-name="HelloWithWRTKit"
- icon="icons/WRT_main_16.png"
- name="Hello World Project"
- order="1"
- wizard-page-factory="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wizards.HelloWithWRTKitProjectDetailsWizardPage$Factory">
- <description>
- This wizard generates a basic Hello project with a minimal Info.plist, html,css and js along with WRTKit.
- </description>
- <requires-library>org.symbian.wrtkit</requires-library>
- </projectTemplate>
- <projectTemplate
- archive="projecttemplates/phonegap.zip"
- default-css-name="css"
- default-html-name="index"
- default-js-name="main"
- icon="icons/phonegap.png"
- name="PhoneGap Application"
- order="2"
- screen-size="360x640">
- <description>
- This wizard generates a project based on the PhoneGap library that showcases PhoneGap API usage. PhoneGap applications require WRT 1.1 or newer.
- </description>
- <requires-library>phonegap</requires-library>
- </projectTemplate>
- <projectTemplate
- archive="projecttemplates/rssreader.zip"
- default-css-name="RSSReader"
- default-html-name="index"
- default-js-name="RSSReader"
- icon="icons/rss.gif"
- name="RSS Reader Project"
- order="4"
- wizard-page-factory="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wizards.RssReaderProjectDetailsWizardPage$Factory">
- <description>
- This wizard generates an RSS Reader project with a minimal Info.plist, html,css and js and WRTKit.
- </description>
- <requires-library>org.symbian.wrtkit</requires-library>
- </projectTemplate>
- <projectTemplate
- archive="projecttemplates/uitemplate.zip"
- default-css-name="basic"
- default-html-name="index"
- default-js-name="basic"
- icon="icons/main16.gif"
- name="Various UI Templates"
- order="5"
- screen-size="360x640">
- <description>
- Includes templates for high-end devices from Forum.Nokia.
- </description>
- </projectTemplate>
<!-- Import Wizard -->
@@ -849,9 +794,6 @@
- <archive
- file="projecttemplates/flickr.zip">
- </archive>
@@ -873,6 +815,159 @@
+ <template
+ icon="icons/rss.gif"
+ id="org.symbian.wrt11.rssreader"
+ name="RSS Reader Project"
+ weight="3">
+ <archive
+ file="projecttemplates/rssreader.zip"
+ open-files="${mainHtml}.html">
+ </archive>
+ <required-facet
+ id="symbian.wrtkit"
+ version="1.0">
+ </required-facet>
+ <supported-runtime
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wrt"
+ version="1.1">
+ </supported-runtime>
+ <description>
+ This wizard generates an RSS Reader project with a minimal Info.plist, html,css and js and WRTKit.
+ </description>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainCss"
+ value="style">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainJs"
+ value="rssreader">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainHtml"
+ value="rssreader">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="feedUrl"
+ value="http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/21138778.rss">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="feedName"
+ value="Symbian Twitter">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ </template>
+ <template
+ icon="icons/WRT_main_16.png"
+ id="org.symbian.wrt11.basic"
+ name="Hello World Project"
+ weight="1">
+ <archive
+ file="projecttemplates/helloWithWRTKit.zip"
+ open-files="${mainJs}.js">
+ </archive>
+ <description>
+ This wizard generates a basic Hello project with a minimal Info.plist, html,css and js along with WRTKit.
+ </description>
+ <required-facet
+ id="symbian.wrtkit"
+ version="1.0">
+ </required-facet>
+ <supported-runtime
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wrt"
+ version="1.1">
+ </supported-runtime>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainCss"
+ value="style">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainJs"
+ value="main">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainHtml"
+ value="index">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ </template>
+ <template
+ icon="icons/phonegap.png"
+ id="org.symbian.wrt11.phonegap"
+ name="PhoneGap"
+ weight="2">
+ <archive
+ file="projecttemplates/phonegap.zip"
+ open-files="${mainHtml}.html">
+ </archive>
+ <description>
+ This wizard generates a project based on the PhoneGap library that showcases PhoneGap API usage. PhoneGap applications require WRT 1.1 or newer.
+ </description>
+ <required-facet
+ id="symbian.phonegap"
+ version="1.0">
+ </required-facet>
+ <supported-runtime
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wrt"
+ version="1.1">
+ </supported-runtime>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainCss"
+ value="style">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainJs"
+ value="main">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainHtml"
+ value="index">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ </template>
+ <template
+ icon="icons/main16.gif"
+ id="org.symbian.wrt11.advanced"
+ name="Various UI Templates"
+ weight="2">
+ <archive
+ file="projecttemplates/uitemplate.zip"
+ open-files="${mainHtml}.html">
+ </archive>
+ <description>
+ Includes templates for high-end devices from Forum.Nokia.
+ </description>
+ <supported-runtime
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wrt"
+ version="1.1">
+ </supported-runtime>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainCss"
+ value="style">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainJs"
+ value="main">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ <default-parameter-value
+ name="mainHtml"
+ value="index">
+ </default-parameter-value>
+ </template>
+ <template
+ icon="icons/main16_prev.gif"
+ id="org.symbian.wrt11.empty"
+ name="Minimal Project"
+ weight="4">
+ <description>
+ This wizard generates an empty widget project with a minimal Info.plist, html,css and js.
+ </description>
+ <supported-runtime
+ id="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wrt"
+ version="1.1">
+ </supported-runtime>
+ <archive
+ file="projecttemplates/basic.zip"
+ open-files="${mainHtml}.html">
+ </archive>
+ </template>
@@ -903,6 +998,26 @@
+ <template-page
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wizards.NewRSSReaderApplicationWizardPage"
+ template-id="org.symbian.wrt11.rssreader">
+ </template-page>
+ <template-page
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wizards.NewWrtAppTemplatePage"
+ template-id="org.symbian.wrt11.basic">
+ </template-page>
+ <template-page
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wizards.NewWrtAppTemplatePage"
+ template-id="org.symbian.wrt11.phonegap">
+ </template-page>
+ <template-page
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wizards.NewWrtAppTemplatePage"
+ template-id="org.symbian.wrt11.advanced">
+ </template-page>
+ <template-page
+ class="org.symbian.tools.wrttools.wizards.NewWrtAppTemplatePage"
+ template-id="org.symbian.wrt11.empty">
+ </template-page>