changeset 402 f943a50b6689
child 403 ba20dd5983c7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Jun 29 13:44:16 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+function EmulatorHelper() {
+	this.path = document.location.pathname;
+	this.errorDailog = null;
+	this.prefDailog = null;
+	this.inspectorDailog = null;
+	this.intervalId = null;
+	this.infoPlistCounter = false;
+	this.IconFileCounter = false;
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.loadScript = function(path) {
+	var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]
+			|| document.documentElement;
+	var script = document.createElement("script");
+	script.type = "text/javascript";
+	script.src = src;
+	head.appendChild(script);
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.loadPreferences = function() {
+	if (/dreamweaver/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
+		$("#dwDeviceHelp")[0].className = '';
+		// $("#resSupportLink")[0].className = 'hide';
+	}
+	// Selecting Resoltion
+	var resOptions = $("#resOptions")[0];
+	for ( var i = 0; i < NOKIA.resolution.length; i++) {
+		if (NOKIA.resolution[i] == NOKIA.currentDevice) {
+			resOptions.options[i].selected = true;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	// Selecting Version
+	if (NOKIA.version == 'WRT 1.0')
+		$('#wrt_version_1_0')[0].checked = true;
+	else
+		$('#wrt_version_1_1')[0].checked = true;
+	// HomeScreen Support
+	if (NOKIA.deviceList[NOKIA.currentDevice].homeScreenSupport) {
+		if (typeof NOKIA.emulator.plist.MiniViewEnabled != 'undefined') {
+			if (NOKIA.emulator.plist.MiniViewEnabled == 'false')
+				$('#HS_Control_Info')
+						.html(
+								"<span id='wrt-help' onclick='javascipt:NOKIA.helper.showMiniviewHelp();'></span><strong>Not Enabled</strong><br/><small>Click on help to read more about enabling Mini view support</small>");
+			else
+				$('#HS_Control_Info').html("Supported");
+		} else
+			$('#HS_Control_Info').html(
+					"<span id='wrt-help'></span>Not Supported");
+		$('#HS_Control_Info').show();
+	} else {
+		$('#HS_Control_Info').html(
+				"Not Supported for the selected Device resolution");
+		$('#HS_Control_Info').show();
+	}
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.getInfo = function(url, callback) {
+	try {
+		var xhr = this.ajax();
+		if ((/AppleWebKit/i.test(navigator.userAgent)))
+"GET", url, false);
+		else
+"GET", url, true);
+		xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
+			// readyState = 4 ; "complete"
+			if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
+				// status = 200 ; "ok"
+				if ((xhr.status == 200) || (!xhr.status)) {
+					callback(true, xhr);
+				} else {
+					callback(false, xhr);
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		xhr.send(null);
+	} catch (e) {
+		if ( == 'NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND') {
+			callback(false, xhr);
+		}
+	}
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.getInfoCallback = function(flag, xhr) {
+	// If Info.plis NOT FOUND / FAILED LOAD
+	// an ERROR!, unable to proceed further
+	// STOP there
+	if (!flag) {
+		if (!NOKIA.helper.infoPlistCounter) {
+			NOKIA.helper.infoPlistCounter = true;
+			NOKIA.helper.getInfo('info.plist', NOKIA.helper.getInfoCallback);
+			return false;
+		}
+		NOKIA.helper
+				.error('WRT Previewer: Initialization failed. Could not open Info.plist file.<br/>Please ensure <strong style="color:#efe352;">Info.plist</strong> file exists in the project root folder and that it is named properly.');
+		return false;
+	} else {
+		var xmlString = xhr.responseText;
+		// do some cheating here
+		xmlString = xmlString.replace(/<!--(.|[\n\r])*?-->/gm, "");
+		xmlString = xmlString.replace(/<\s*true\s*\/>/gi,
+				"<string>true</string>");
+		xmlString = xmlString.replace(/<\s*false\s*\/>/gi,
+				"<string>false</string>");
+		xmlString = xmlString.replace(/[\n\r]/gi, "");
+		// return the JSON Object
+		NOKIA.helper.validate(xmlString);
+	}
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.getIconCallback = function(flag, xhr) {
+	if (!flag) {
+		if (!NOKIA.helper.IconFileCounter) {
+			NOKIA.helper.IconFileCounter = true;
+			NOKIA.helper.getInfo('icon.png', NOKIA.helper.getIconCallback);
+			return false;
+		}
+	} else
+		NOKIA.emulator.iconFile = (NOKIA.helper.IconFileCounter) ? "icon.png"
+				: "Icon.png";
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.validate = function(xmlObject) {
+	var values = xmlObject
+			.match(/.*<plist.*?(<dict.*?>\s*(<key[^>]*?>[^<]*?<\/key>\s*<string[^>]*?>[^<]*?<\/string>)*\s*<\/dict>)\s*<\/plist>/)[1];
+	if (values == null || values == undefined) {
+		NOKIA.helper.error('Corrupted Info.plist file');
+		return false;
+	}
+	values = values.replace(/<dict.*?(<key.*?>\s*.*\s*<\/string>)\s*<\/dict>/,
+			"{ $1 }");
+	values = values
+			.replace(
+					/\s*<key.*?>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/key>\s*<string.*?>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/string>\s*/g,
+					"\"$1\" : \"$2\", ");
+	values = values.replace(/"\s*?,\s*?}/g, "\" }");
+	try {
+		NOKIA.emulator.plist = JSON.parse(values);
+	} catch (exception) {
+		NOKIA.helper.error('Corrupted Info.plist file');
+		return false;
+	}
+	try {
+		if (typeof NOKIA.emulator.plist.DisplayName != 'undefined') {
+			document.title = NOKIA.emulator.plist.DisplayName + ' - '
+					+ document.title;
+		}
+	} catch (e) {
+	}
+	// Add UI-Event listeners
+	NOKIA.helper.addListeners();
+	NOKIA.layout.init();
+	NOKIA.emulator.render();
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.ajax = function() {
+	// xmlHttpRequest object
+	var request = null;
+	// branch for native XMLHttpRequest object
+	if (window.XMLHttpRequest && !(window.ActiveXObject)) {
+		try {
+			request = new XMLHttpRequest();
+			try {
+				// attach the Bypass code, if the browser is firefox
+				if ( {
+					// duplicate the function
+					request._open =;
+					// redefine the function definition
+ = function(method, url, flag) {
+						try {
+							// Enable Universal Browser Read
+									.enablePrivilege("UniversalBrowserRead");
+							// call the native method
+							this._open(method, url, flag);
+						} catch (e) {
+							// call the native method
+							this._open(method, url, flag);
+						}
+					};
+				}
+			} catch (e) {
+				// eatup all exceptions
+			}
+		} catch (e) {
+			request = null;
+		}
+		// branch for IE/Windows ActiveX version
+	} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
+		try {
+			request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
+		} catch (e) {
+			try {
+				request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+			} catch (e) {
+				alert('Failed to create XmlHttprequest');
+				return null;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return (request);
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.error = function(msg) {
+	if (
+		NOKIA.layout.log("log", msg);
+	$("#Dialog").html(msg);
+	$("#Dialog").dialog('open');
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.setPreference = function(name, value) {
+	if (NOKIA.emulator.prefs[name] != value) {
+		NOKIA.emulator.prefs[name] = value;
+		$.post("preview/preferences.js", JSON.stringify( {
+			"key" : name,
+			"value" : value
+		}), undefined, "json");
+	}
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.getPreference = function(name) {
+	return NOKIA.emulator.prefs[name];
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.rotateCW = function() {
+	var newOrient = NOKIA.orientation + 90;
+	NOKIA.emulator.toggle(newOrient - (newOrient > 180 ? 360 : 0));
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.rotateCCW = function() {
+	var newOrient = NOKIA.orientation - 90;
+	NOKIA.emulator.toggle(newOrient + (newOrient <= -180 ? 360 : 0));
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.version = function(ele) {
+	if (confirm('Would you like to reload the widget to apply the changes on the Version settings?')) {
+		NOKIA.helper.setPreference('__SYM_WRT_VERSION', ele.value);
+		$("#loaderDiv").html("Applying the " + ele.value + ", please wait...");
+		$("#loaderDiv").show();
+		$("#loaderDiv")[0].className = 'green';
+		window.setTimeout(function() {
+			document.location = document.location;
+		}, 3000);
+	} else {
+		ele.checked = false;
+		if (ele.value != 'WRT 1.0')
+			$("#wrt_version_1_0")[0].checked = true;
+		else
+			$("#wrt_version_1_1")[0].checked = true;
+	}
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.addListeners = function() {
+	NOKIA.helper.loadPreferences();
+	/*
+	 * Render Emulator for Interaction
+	 */
+	NOKIA.helper.inspectorDailog = $("#InspectorTab").dialog( {
+		width : 370,
+		minWidth : 300,
+		minHeight : 200,
+		height : 250,
+		autoOpen : false,
+		position : top,
+		title : '&nbsp;',
+		buttons : {
+			"Close" : function() {
+				$("#InspectorTab").dialog('close');
+			},
+			"Disconnect Debugger" : function() {
+				$.ajax( {
+					url : "__sym_command/terminateDebug"
+				});
+			}
+		}
+	});
+	$('#InspectorBtn').click(function() {
+		$('#InspectorTab').dialog('open');
+		// Hack for Mac firefox
+		if (/Mac/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
+			$("#WidgetArea iframe").css( {
+				overflow : 'hidden'
+			});
+		}
+	});
+	$('#rotateCW').click(function() {
+		NOKIA.helper.rotateCW();
+	});
+	$('#rotateCCW').click(function() {
+		NOKIA.helper.rotateCCW();
+	});
+	$('#resOptions').change(
+			function(ele) {
+				ele = || this;
+				NOKIA.currentDevice = ele.options[ele.selectedIndex].text;
+				// SAVE the device DATA
+				NOKIA.helper.setPreference('__SYM_NOKIA_EMULATOR_DEVICE',
+						NOKIA.currentDevice);
+				NOKIA.emulator.render();
+				NOKIA.helper.loadPreferences();
+			});
+	// Hack for Mac firefox
+	if (/Mac/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
+		if (!(/AppleWebKit/i.test(navigator.userAgent))) {
+			$("#resOptions")[0].size = '4';
+		}
+	}
+	// WRT Version controls
+	$('#wrt_version_1_0').change(function() {
+		NOKIA.helper.version(this);
+	});
+	$('#wrt_version_1_1').change(function() {
+		NOKIA.helper.version(this);
+	});
+	$("#orientationIcon").click(function() {
+		var mode = (NOKIA.mode == 'portrait') ? 'landscape' : 'portrait';
+		NOKIA.emulator.setMode(mode);
+		$("#WidgetArea")[0].className = 'hs_' + NOKIA.mode;
+	});
+	$("#iframeMask").click(function() {
+		$("#orientationIcon").hide();
+		$("#iframeMask").hide();
+		$("#loaderDiv").hide();
+ = false;
+		$("#WidgetArea")[0].className = '';
+ = true;
+	});
+	// MenuItems DIV events
+	$("#MenuItemsArea").mouseover(function() {
+		if (NOKIA.helper.intervalId)
+			clearInterval(NOKIA.helper.intervalId);
+		$("#MenuItemsArea").show();
+	});
+	$("#MenuItemsArea").mouseout(function() {
+		if (NOKIA.helper.intervalId)
+			clearInterval(NOKIA.helper.intervalId);
+		NOKIA.helper.intervalId = setTimeout(function() {
+		}, 500);
+	});
+	// Tabs
+	$('#tabs').tabs( {
+	// select : function(event, ui){
+	// switch (ui.index) {
+	// case 1:
+	// $("event-battery-info").show();
+	// break;
+	// case 2:
+	// $("event-messaging-info").show();
+	// break;
+	// case 3:
+	// $("event-memory-info").show();
+	// break;
+	// case 4:
+	// $("settings-view").show();
+	// break;
+	//					
+	// }}
+	});
+	$(".tabs-bottom .ui-tabs-nav, .tabs-bottom .ui-tabs-nav > *").removeClass(
+			"ui-corner-all ui-corner-top").addClass("ui-corner-bottom");
+	/*
+	 * Event triggering
+	 */
+	// for battery
+	$("#event-battery").click(function(event) {
+		if ( == 'active') {
+			$("#event-icons").hide();
+			$("#event-battery-info").show();
+			/*
+			 * $('#slider').slider('option', 'value',
+			 * NOKIA.emulator.child._BRIDGE_REF.helper.getBatteryStrength());
+			 * NOKIA.emulator.child._BRIDGE_REF.helper.getBatteryStrength()
+			 * $('#slider').slider('option', 'value', 10);
+			 * $('#slider').slider();
+			 */
+		}
+	});
+	$("#event-battery-back").click(function(event) {
+		$("#event-icons").show();
+		$("#event-battery-info").hide();
+	});
+	// for messaging
+	$("#event-messaging").click(function(event) {
+		if ( == 'active') {
+			$("#event-icons").hide();
+			$("#event-messaging-info").show();
+		}
+	});
+	$("#event-messaging-back").click(function(event) {
+		$("#event-icons").show();
+		$("#event-messaging-info").hide();
+	});
+	// for memory
+	$("#event-memory").click(function(event) {
+		if ( == 'active') {
+			$("#event-icons").hide();
+			$("#event-memory-info").show();
+		}
+	});
+	$("#event-memory-back").click(function(event) {
+		$("#event-icons").show();
+		$("#event-memory-info").hide();
+	});
+	// for minView more info
+	$("#mini-view-back").click(function(event) {
+		$("#settings-view").show();
+		$("#mini-view-info").hide();
+	});
+	// Slider
+	$('#slider').slider(
+			{
+				min : 0,
+				max : 100,
+				step : 1,
+				value : 10,
+				animate : true,
+				slide : function(event, ui) {
+					$("#slider-value-panel > span").html(
+							ui.value.toString() + "%");
+				},
+				change : function(event, ui) {
+					var chargeValue = ui.value;
+					NOKIA.helper.trigger("power", "chargelevel", chargeValue);
+					if (NOKIA.version == 'WRT 1.1')
+						NOKIA.helper.triggerSapi("Service.SysInfo",
+								"Battery.BatteryStrength", {
+									Status : chargeValue
+								});
+				}
+			});
+	$("#slider-value-panel > span").html("10%");
+	var cc = $("#close-camera");
+	// Bind Buttons to trigger values to WRT 1.0 / 1.1 bindings
+	$("#connect-charger").click(NOKIA.helper.triggerEvents);
+	$("#disconnect-charger").click(NOKIA.helper.triggerEvents);
+	$("#send-sms").click(NOKIA.helper.triggerEvents);
+	$("#send-mms").click(NOKIA.helper.triggerEvents);
+	$("#connect-memory-card").click(NOKIA.helper.triggerEvents);
+	$("#disconnect-memory-card").click(NOKIA.helper.triggerEvents);
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.setHomeScreen = function() {
+	// HomeScreen Support
+	if (NOKIA.deviceList[NOKIA.currentDevice].homeScreenSupport) {
+		if (typeof NOKIA.emulator.plist.MiniViewEnabled != 'undefined') {
+			if (NOKIA.emulator.plist.MiniViewEnabled != 'false') {
+				$("#WidgetArea")[0].className = 'hs_' + NOKIA.mode;
+				// menu handlining
+ = false;
+ = true;
+				$("#loaderDiv").html("Click on widget for Return to Full view");
+				$("#loaderDiv")[0].className = 'green';
+				$("#loaderDiv").show();
+				$("#iframeMask").show();
+				$("#orientationIcon").show();
+				return true;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return false;
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.getElementsLengthInObject = function(items) {
+	var count = 0;
+	for ( var i in items) {
+		if (!items[i].isDimmed)
+			count++;
+	}
+	return count;
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.showCamera = function() {
+	$("#camera").show();
+	$("#WidgetArea").hide();
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.hideCamera = function() {
+	$("#camera").hide();
+	$("#WidgetArea").show();
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.triggerEvents = function(event) {
+	if (typeof == 'undefined')
+		return false;
+	switch ( {
+	// for battery
+	case 'connect-charger':
+		NOKIA.helper.trigger("power", "chargerconnected", 1);
+		if (NOKIA.version == 'WRT 1.1')
+			NOKIA.helper.triggerSapi("Service.SysInfo",
+					"Battery.ChargingStatus", {
+						Status : 1
+					});
+		break;
+	case 'disconnect-charger':
+		NOKIA.helper.trigger("power", "chargerconnected", 0);
+		if (NOKIA.version == 'WRT 1.1')
+			NOKIA.helper.triggerSapi("Service.SysInfo",
+					"Battery.ChargingStatus", {
+						Status : 0
+					});
+		break;
+	// for messaging
+	case 'send-sms':
+		if (NOKIA.version == 'WRT 1.1')
+			NOKIA.helper.triggerSapi("Service.Messaging", "NewMessage", {
+				MessageType : 'SMS'
+			});
+		break;
+	case 'send-mms':
+		if (NOKIA.version == 'WRT 1.1')
+			NOKIA.helper.triggerSapi("Service.Messaging", "NewMessage", {
+				MessageType : 'MMS'
+			});
+		break;
+	// for memory
+	case 'connect-memory-card':
+		if (NOKIA.version == 'WRT 1.1')
+			NOKIA.helper.triggerSapi("Service.SysInfo", "Memory.MemoryCard", {
+				Status : 1
+			});
+		break;
+	case 'disconnect-memory-card':
+		if (NOKIA.version == 'WRT 1.1')
+			NOKIA.helper.triggerSapi("Service.SysInfo", "Memory.MemoryCard", {
+				Status : 0
+			});
+		break;
+	}
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.triggerSapi = function(provider, eventType, data) {
+	NOKIA.emulator.child.device.implementation.triggerListener(provider,
+			eventType, data);
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.trigger = function(provider, eventType, data) {
+	NOKIA.emulator.child.widget.triggerListener(provider, eventType, data);
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.showMiniviewHelp = function() {
+	$("#settings-view").hide();
+	$("#mini-view-info").show();
+EmulatorHelper.prototype.checkDependencies = function() {
+	for ( var key in NOKIA.scriptsLoaded) {
+		if (!NOKIA.scriptsLoaded[key])
+			return false;
+	}
+	// for LSK
+	// for RSK
+	return true;
+function accelerationCallback(x, y, z) {
+	NOKIA.emulator.accelerationChanged(x, y, z);