author Eugene Ostroukhov <>
Fri, 11 Jun 2010 13:33:03 -0700
changeset 372 1e408ee32d8a
parent 230 7848c135d915
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added templates for WRT 1.1 platform services

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WRTKit Tutorials</title>
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    <h1 class="topictitle1">
WRTKit Tutorials</h1>



            The WRTKit tutorials guide you through the process of using the WRTKit user
            interface toolkit to build widgets. Even if you're familiar with widget
            development or a veteran HTML, CSS and JavaSCript developer, these tutorials
            will probably be useful to you as they focus on using the WRTKit to create
            and manage the user interface.


            There are three tutorials all in all and in each one we will take a look at one
            of the examples that are included with the WRTKit SDK.


            The first one is a gentle start where we will create the classic "Hello World"
            application but using the WRTKit for the user interface. This is a good starting
            point because it covers the basics of using the WRTKit, how to organize files,
            how to initialize the user interface toolkit, and such topics.


            The next tutorial is an actual useful widget: an RSS Reader. As with all WRTKit
            tutorials we will focus on the user interface portion of this widget, but you
            will also learn how to integrate a WRTKit -based user interface with data that
            has been pulled in using AJAX. Feel free to use this example widget as a basis
            for your own RSS Reader.


            In the third tutorial we'll create create a widget called "Travel Companion"
            in order to learn how to use the WRTKit to build complex widgets with multiple
            views, showing complex custom content, using timers to automatically update
            views in the background, as well as how to separate the user interface code from
            the back-end logic code and data. Since the tutorial is about how to use the
            WRTKit we will not actually create any real back-end logic but rather use a
            mock back-end that will give us data that looks real but is actually hard-coded.


            If you want you can complete the widget to make it work against actual data
            sources on the Internet. Since the user interface is entirely separated from
            the back-end logic you should be able to do this without touching any of the
            user interface code!


            When you go through the tutorials it could be a good idea to have your code
            editor open so that you can inspect the example widget code as you read about
            it. We will be talking a lot about the various classes and methods in the WRTKit
            so having the
            <a href="WRTKit_API_Reference-GUID-00e47c27-0a1a-443f-ae85-cf3381635170.html">
WRTKit API Reference</a>
            open is probably also a good idea.


<ul class="ullinks">
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="WRTKit_Hello_World_Tutorial-GUID-67e0a561-48ac-4938-8f1b-852422b71380.html">Hello World</a></strong><br />
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="WRTKit_RSS_Reader_Tutorial-GUID-678d197f-c7b0-4e5e-85e2-f8549c75bbe8.html">RSS Reader</a></strong><br />
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="WRTKit_Travel_Companion_Tutorial-GUID-be79ba64-fa03-4968-964e-d7dcc42d7053.html">Travel Companion</a></strong><br />
