author newuser
Mon, 19 Apr 2010 15:00:57 -0700
changeset 306 42f09aa2b24a
parent 230 7848c135d915
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed plist parsing problem.

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High level view of the WRTKit</title>
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    <h1 class="topictitle1">
High level view of the WRTKit</h1>



            User interfaces in the WRTKit are based on the concepts of "views" and "controls".
            A control is a user interface element that the user can view or interact with,
            e.g. buttons, checkboxes, textfields, etc. Views are containers for controls and
            deal with the layout of controls on the screen in such a way that the user can
            interact with them in an easy way. Views are conceptually similar to windows in
            PC applications, but on a mobile device views typically fill the entire screen
            and only one view can thus be visible at any given time. The WRTKit allows views
            and controls to be interacted with in both the tab and pointer navigation modes
            and the navigation mode can even be switched at runtime.

        <div class="fignone" id="GUID-A3ABE57E-9A71-4F94-923A-B84CCD1B0905__GUID-65170EDF-EF04-48AB-A414-1581157DAFA5"><a name="GUID-A3ABE57E-9A71-4F94-923A-B84CCD1B0905__GUID-65170EDF-EF04-48AB-A414-1581157DAFA5"><!-- --></a><span class="figcap">Figure 1. 
WRTKit-based widget user interface</span>

            <br /><img src="RSS_Reader_Main_Screenshot_3.png" /><br />


            The WRTKit is an object oriented user interface toolkit, which means that views 
            and controls are implemented as JavaScript classes that are instantiated to 
            objects when they are needed. In order to create a view with two buttons, for 
            example, a developer writes JavaScript code that instantiates one view 
            object and two button objects, and then calls a method in the view object asking 
            it to add the buttons to itself. Being object oriented, the created WRTKit 
            objects fully maintain their own state and take care of drawing themselves 
            properly on the screen in all situations. So for example if one of the buttons 
            is focused, the button modifies its own looks so that it appears focused 
            on the screen. Because the objects know their own state, they can be queried for 
            properties as needed. E.g. a textfield can be asked what text it currently
            contains, a button can be asked if it is enabled, and so on.


            Controls in the WRTKit have captions that can be used to show what the control 
            does. E.g. a textfield that is meant to be used to enter a password could have a 
            caption "Password". Captions are optional but should be used unless there is a 
            very good reason not to. The only controls that do not have captions are 
            buttons, since they have a text on the face of the button that accomplishes the 
            same thing.


            WRTKit user interfaces are managed by a class that is aptly named "UIManager". 
            Every widget that uses the WRTKit for its user interface creates a single 
            instance of this class and then uses that UIManager instance to command views to 
            be displayed. The UIManager takes care of all the heavy lifting that is necessary 
            to bring a new view to the screen. The UIManager also handles other user 
            interface duties such as management of notification popup dialogs and view 


            Controls and views can notify the outside world when some event occurrs, e.g. 
            when a button is pressed or someone toggles a checkbox. The WRTKit follows the 
            so called "observer pattern" in its implementation of event notifications. This 
            simply means that a control or view can be asked to call a particular JavaScript 
            function (which is the "observer" or "listener") when an specific type of event 
            occurrs. The WRTKit allows a control or view to have any number of concurrently 
            registered listeners and listeners can either ask to be notified of only a 
            particular type of event or about all events.


            The WRTKit library is physically a set of JavaScript, CSS and image files that 
            are located within a directory called "WRTKit". That directory is copied into 
            the root directory of widgets that wish to use the library. A widget only needs 
            to include a single JavaScript file ("WRTKit/WRTKit.js") from the directory in 
            order to include and initialize the full WRTKit for use in the widget. Once the 
            WRTKit has been added to the widget and initialized, the widget can start using 
            the JavaScript classes that the library defines.


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<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="WRTKit_Developing_widgets_using_the_WRTKit-GUID-a321db96-0a01-4e55-b24b-96905f40cb5c.html">Developing widgets using the WRTKit</a></div>
