author newuser
Mon, 19 Apr 2010 15:00:57 -0700
changeset 306 42f09aa2b24a
parent 230 7848c135d915
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed plist parsing problem.

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Using text entry controls</title>
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    <h1 class="topictitle1">
Using text entry controls</h1>



            The WRTKit supports two controls for text entry: TextField for 
            a single line of text and TextArea for multiple lines of text.
            The API for both controls is identical, except for the constructor.
            The TextField can be created in masked mode, which is useful for
            entry of text that should not be displayed (e.g. passwords). For
            every character that is typed in masked mode, an asterisk is shown
            instead in the text field. While a TextArea control can hold an
            unlimited number of lines of text, its height (as number of rows
            to display without scrolling) is specified when it is constructed.

        <div class="fignone" id="GUID-76AEB0E3-698D-41DE-A34B-8FEA6D8E00D2__GUID-D4E1D422-DAB9-4F40-9A13-231B4ACF1FE5"><a name="GUID-76AEB0E3-698D-41DE-A34B-8FEA6D8E00D2__GUID-D4E1D422-DAB9-4F40-9A13-231B4ACF1FE5"><!-- --></a><span class="figcap">Figure 1. 
TextField and TextArea controls</span>

            <br /><img src="Text_Entry_Controls_Screenshot_1.png" /><br />


            TextField and TextArea controls are created and added to views like 
            any other controls in the WRTKit. The code assumes that a view has 
            already been created and that a variable called exampleView refers 
            to it.


// create textfield
var nameField = new TextField("field1", "Enter your name");


            "field1" is a unique identifier for the control and "Enter your 
            name" is the control caption. An optional third argument to the 
            constructor can be used to specify the text to display in the 
            control, however the text can also be set at any time later on using 
            the setText() method as follows:


// set the text in the textfield
nameField.setText("John Smith");


            The current text in a text entry control can be retrieved using the
            getText() method:


// get the current text from the textfield
var text = nameField.getText();


            Text entry controls fire "TextChanged" events when a user edits the 
            text in a control. These events can be handled using by registering 
            an event listener to the control. The code below shows what a 
            typical callback function would look like:


// Callback function for text changed events.
function nameChanged(event) {
    // implement what happens when the text changed here


            Registering the event listener function is done as follows, for
            example right after the control was created:


// register event listener
nameField.addEventListener("TextChanged", nameChanged);


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<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="WRTKit_Common_WRTKit_tasks-GUID-24870895-4449-4307-9a54-7c90f7b3905e.html">Common WRTKit tasks</a></div>
