author Eugene Ostroukhov <>
Wed, 26 May 2010 17:01:34 -0700
changeset 341 480716493610
parent 229 716254ccbcc0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Set content type for png files

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      function initPage() {}
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<p>The <code>UpdateScreen</code> object in the <code>UpdateScreen.js</code> file sets the <code>onSuccess</code> and <code>onError</code> callback functions to be handled by the <code>onTwitterUserResponse</code> and <code>onTwitterServiceError</code> functions.  These functions are triggered when the request is completed, either successfully or with an error. The last line of the following code makes the actual request to Twitter:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">UpdateScreen.prototype.onActivated = function() {
	// Add event listeners.
	var self = this;
	twitterService.onSuccess = function( response ) {
self.onTwitterUserResponse( response )
	twitterService.onError = function( status ) {
self.onTwitterServiceError( status )

	// Start the request.
	twitterService.getTweetsForUser( null, 1 );
<p>The <code>onTwitterUserResponse</code> function illustrates how the response is handled as a JavaScript object:</p>
<pre class="codeblock">UpdateScreen.prototype.onTwitterUserResponse = function( response ) {
	// Set my latest status update.
	var tweet = response[0];
	this.setMyLatestStatus( tweet.text,
new Date( tweet.created_at ).toLocaleString() );
UpdateScreen.prototype.onTwitterServiceError = function( status ) {
	alert("Error: (" + status + ")" );
<p>The <code>TwitterService</code> performs the necessary conversions. For more information, see <a href="GUID-71A21D8D-78E3-4FEE-9F46-5D175DE5BC12.html#GUID-71A21D8D-78E3-4FEE-9F46-5D175DE5BC12">STEW: implementing a Twitter service</a>. The data can be accessed by calling various properties on the object retrieved, such as <code>.text</code> or <code>.created</code>. For more information about the responses and requests that you can make, see the Twitter API documentation.</p>
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