// Fix IE bug: when frameset is opened in a new window with "Open in
// new window", "main" frame name is set for frameset, not content
// frame.
if (window.name === "nav" &&
window.parent.name === "main" &&
window.parent.frameElement === null) {
window.parent.name = "";
* Initialize navigation frame document.
function initNav() {
* Sets the main frame contents if frameset URL contains definition for it.
function setMainFrameContents() {
if (window.parent !== undefined &&
window.parent.frames.main !== undefined &&
window.parent.frames.toc !== undefined) {
var u = new RegExp(URL_SEPARATOR_PATTERN);
var l = window.parent.location.href;
var c = l.match(u);
if (c !== null && c.length !== 1) {
var mainUrl = c[1];
window.parent.frames.main.location.href = mainUrl;
* Add permalink button to document header.
function addPermalinkButton() {
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.style.padding = "2px";
div.style.textAlign = "right";
var button = document.createElement("button");
attachEventListener(button, "click", openPermalink);
var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body");
if (body.length > 0) {
body[0].insertBefore(div, body[0].firstChild);
* Permalink button click handler.
function openPermalink(event) {
if (window.parent !== undefined && window.parent.frames.main !== undefined) {
var contentUrl = String(window.parent.frames.main.location.href);
var baseUrl = getBaseUrl();
var mainUrl = getRelativeUrl(contentUrl, baseUrl);
window.parent.location.href = URL_BASE + URL_SEPARATOR + mainUrl;
* Generate TOC synchronization button.
function addSyncButton() {
if (!automaticSync) {
//var b = document.createElement("img");
//b.src = "images/xhtml/e_synch_nav.gif";
var b = document.createElement("button");
addClass(b, "button-manual_sync");
attachEventListener(b, "click", manualSyncTocHandler);
var bc = document.createElement("div");
addClass(bc, "button-manual_sync-container");
var nav3 = getFirstElementByClassName(document, "nav3", "div");
if (nav3 !== null) {
nav3.insertBefore(bc, nav3.firstChild);
* Button listener for manual TOC sync.
function manualSyncTocHandler(event) {
startProcess("Synchronizing TOC");
var b = getTargetNode(event);
var contentUrl = String(window.top.frames.main.location.href);
var baseUrl = getBaseUrl();
var href = getRelativeUrl(contentUrl, baseUrl);
* TOC frame toggler.
function toggleTocFrame(event) {
var target = getTargetNode(event);
var frame = window.parent.toc.frameElement;
var cols = frame.parentNode.cols;
if (cols == "0, *") {
if (previousTocWidth === undefined) {
previousTocWidth = "300, *";
frame.parentNode.setAttribute("cols", previousTocWidth);
target.firstChild.data = "Hide TOC";
target.title = "Hides TOC";
} else {
previousTocWidth = String(cols);
frame.parentNode.setAttribute("cols", "0, *");
target.firstChild.data = "Show TOC";
target.title = "Shows TOC";
var previousTocWidth;
* Rezide nav frame to minimum height.
function resizeFrame() {
var div = document.getElementById("toolbar");
if (div) {
// extra 2 pixels for IE6
var height = div.offsetTop + div.offsetHeight + 2;
if (window.frameElement && window.frameElement.parentNode) {
window.frameElement.parentNode.rows = height + ",*";