author Eugene Ostroukhov <>
Wed, 28 Jul 2010 09:27:51 -0700
changeset 455 5da55957c779
parent 230 7848c135d915
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bluetooth support was refactored on top of a new frameworks

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    <h1 class="topictitle1">
First steps</h1>


        <div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">


                You can find the ready made RSS Reader example in the Examples/RSSReader directory
                in the WRTKit SDK. In there you can find the by-now familiar widget files: Info.plist
                for the widget metadata, Icon.png for the S60 application grid icon, and the WRTKit
                directory for the WRTKit user interface toolkit. You will also find the main HTML
                file RSSReader.html, a CSS file called RSSReader.css and two JavaScript files
                RSSReader.js and FeedUpdateBroker.js. As with all WRTKit -based widgets, we will
                be focusing on the JavaScript files but before we get to those, let's see take a
                look at the main HTML file:


&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
&lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt;
&lt;html xmlns=""&gt;
        &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="WRTKit/WRTKit.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
        &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="FeedUpdateBroker.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
        &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="RSSReader.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
        &lt;style type="text/css"&gt;
            @import url("RSSReader.css");
    &lt;body onload="init()"&gt;


                You probably immediately noticed that the file is almost identical to the HTML file
                for the Hello World widget. This is despite that the RSS Reader is much more complex.
                In fact the only differences are that we are including the two JavaScript files
                FeedUpdateBroker.js and RSSReader.js instead of HelloWorld.js as in the Hello World
                widget. That, and the fact that we have a CSS stylesheet file that we also import here,
                called RSSReader.css. Like for the Hello World widget we have an onload-event handler
                that calls a function called init() in the JavaScript to allow us to initialize the
                widget after everything is loaded.


                You can either examine the ready made files or create your own files as you read the
                tutorial. The tutorial assumes that you will create your own. If you're doing that then
                now would be a good time to create a working directory for your own widget, call it
                RSSReader and copy the WRTKit directory, Info.plist, Icon.png and the FeedUpdateBroker.js
                file to the your own working directory. The FeedUpdateBroker.js is an AJAX-based RSS
                fetcher and parser that we will be using in this example. It doesn't really have anything
                to do with the WRTKit or the user interface for the RSS Reader but we need it in order
                to be able to fetch and parse RSS feed news items. We will not create it in this tutorial
                and thus you should just copy it to your own widget working directory.


                At this point you can also create an empty placeholder for the CSS stylesheet file 
                (RSSReader.css) so that you have the file ready for when we'll create some CSS rules
                for the widget. Also create an empty placeholder for the RSSReader.js file where the
                majority of the widget's code will go. We'll return to this in a little bit!


        <div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">


                Before we write any code, let's talk about what the architecture of the RSS Reader
                will be like. As we previously mentioned, the widget will have two views. A main
                view for showing feed news items and a settings view to allow users to configure
                what RSS feed to show and how often to update it. We also said that we'll have a
                custom Options menu.


                The entire code that implements fetching and parsing RSS feeds will be implemented
                in the file FeedUpdateBroker.js. The widget code will use it through only one single
                method: fetchFeed(). The way this works is that we will pass the URL of the RSS
                feed to the method, as well as a function that will get called when the fetch has
                been completed. Note that this call is asynchronous - it will immediately return
                after it's called and the actual outcome of the fetch will not be known until the
                callback method is called. As an argument to the callback we will receive an object
                with three properties: status, lastModified and items. The status property will
                contain a value of either "ok" or "error" depending on the outcome. The lastModified
                will be present in case the fetch was successful and contains a timestamp that 
                indicates when the RSS feed was last updated. This will allow us to determine whether
                there is any new news items or not so that we only update the user interface if there
                really is something to update. Finally the third property "items" contains an array
                of parsed RSS news items. Each of these is a JavaScript object that has four
                properties: title for the news item headline, date to indicate when it was created,
                description for the news item summary, and link with an URL to the full story.


                We will setup a timer in the widget that will run a function once every second. In
                this function we will compare the current time to a scheduled "next update" time.
                If we have reached the next update time, we will use the feed update broker to fetch
                the RSS news items of the feed that we're interested in. When the feed has been
                fetched and parsed a callback method will be called and we will react to the callback
                by either showing an error message (if the update failed), ignoring the callback (if
                there was no new news items for us), or update the user interface (if there's new
                news items to show).


                We also want to be able to update the news items on request and for that we will
                put an option in the Options menu that triggers a function that sets the next
                scheduled update time to be immediately. That way the normal update timer will
                immediately get triggered and cause an update.


                We will also set the "next update" time whenever the feed update broker is used
                to fetch new news items. That way we will get an automatic periodic update of the
                news that will run in the background but can also be triggered to run immediately
                if the user asks it to be.


                In order to fetch and update news items with this mechanism we need two things:
                the URL to the RSS feed and the interval between the automatic updates. These are
                also the two properties that we will allow the user to configure in the settings
                view. The properties will be stored in the widget preferences store and updated
                there whenever the user saves the settings. The settings will be read when the
                widget starts.


                When the news items are fetched we will display a notification popup dialog to
                indicate that the loading is in progress. The main reason why this is important
                is because the loading takes some time and if we don't react immediately to the
                user's action then the user will feel like the widget is not responsive. However
                we don't want to popup a progress dialog every time the widget loads news in the
                background. That would be really annoying when the user is reading news! This
                means that we have to know whether the update was triggered manually or if it
                was scheduled. We'll use a flag to track this and popup the dialog only if the
                update was commanded by the user.


                The settings view will contain four controls: a selection control to select the
                feed URL, another selection control to select the feed update frequency, a save
                button and a cancel button.


                The main view in turn will contain a variable amount of controls: one for each
                news item. The control that we will use is a ContentPanel control, which allows
                us to collapse and expand the content so that we can display a compact list of
                news headlines yet allow the user to open up a particular piece of news that
                is interesting and read the summay or go to the website where the full news
                story can be found. The news item controls will have the news headline as the
                caption in the control. Unlike for other controls, ContentPanel captions are
                interactive and can be clicked. When clicked they will toggle the content area
                of the panel. We will put the actual news story summary in this content area.
                The news story summary will be a fragment of HTML that we will construct from
                each news story. The HTML will also include a link to the website where the
                full story is located. The HTML will be styled by CSS rules that we will write
                to the RSSReader.css file.


                Because we don't know how many news stories we will have at any given time, we
                will add and remove ContentPanel controls to the main view dynamically whenever
                there's some update in the RSS feed. But we're environmentally conscious so
                we'll recycle the ContentPanels. There's no need to throw them away even if they
                are not needed. So once we have created them we will put them in a pool so that
                we can recycle them. Later on if we need more ContentPanels will look for them
                in the pool first and only if there are no ready ContentPanel controls for us
                will we create more controls (and place them in the pool). Strictly speaking such
                recycling is not necessary but it doesn't complicate the code much and it's a good
                skill to know.


                Finally, as we move between the main view and settings view we will need to
                change the right softkey so that it's "Exit" in the main view and "Cancel" in
                the settings view.



<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="WRTKit_RSS_Reader_Tutorial-GUID-678d197f-c7b0-4e5e-85e2-f8549c75bbe8.html">RSS Reader</a></div>
