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WRTKit TextField Class</title>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">
WRTKit TextField Class</h1>
<div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">
The TextField class implements a single line text entry control. The control
is useful for situations where text is relatively short and doesn't need to
span multiple lines. The text field also supports masked entry, which is good
in situations where passwords or other secret text is entered.
<div class="fignone" id="GUID-799B7DEA-1E4D-4147-BC27-ACC4B91D8BF9__GUID-5FDA8C14-4D9A-444B-9595-54284FB8EB01"><a name="GUID-799B7DEA-1E4D-4147-BC27-ACC4B91D8BF9__GUID-5FDA8C14-4D9A-444B-9595-54284FB8EB01"><!-- --></a><span class="figcap">Figure 1.
TextField control</span>
<br /><img src="TextField_Control_Screenshot_1.png" /><br />
<div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">
Inherits from</h2>
<a href="WRTKit_TextEntryControl_Class-GUID-07359ff7-6015-4d2c-a9bf-b345fcf49090.html">
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="WRTKit_API_Reference-GUID-00e47c27-0a1a-443f-ae85-cf3381635170.html">WRTKit API Reference</a></div>
<div class="nested1" id="GUID-F3525C69-F5C8-4D20-BA8B-6EB52A8003F8"><a name="GUID-F3525C69-F5C8-4D20-BA8B-6EB52A8003F8"><!-- --></a>
<h2 class="topictitle2">
<div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle">
[TextField] new TextField(String id, String caption, String text, Boolean masked)</pre>
<div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle">
Creates a new instance of the TextField class.
<div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle">
<br /><ul>
Unique identifier for the control. Can be retrieved using the id property defined
in the UIElement class that this control inherits from. Useful for example to
identify the source of an event in event callback functions or to apply a CSS
rule to only this particular control. The identifier can be null, in which case
no id will be set for the control.
The caption text for the control. A null caption can be used to hide the
caption area. The value is an XHTML string.
The text to display in the text field. If the argument is omitted or null then
the text field will not contain any text when created.
The value is a plain text string (not XHTML).
If the masked argument is true then the text field will be created in masked
text entry mode. If the argument is omitted or false then the control will be
created in normal text entry mode.
<div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle">
Return value</h3>
A new instance of the TextField class.