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Text entry</title>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">
Text entry</h1>
The WRTKit has two controls for text entry needs. For situations when only a
single line of text is needed there's the TextField control. The TextField
control supports "masked text entry", meaning that any text that is entered into
the control is masked so it cannot be read. The mask is implemented so that
every typed character is shown as an asterisk (*) character.
When longer or multi-line text entry is needed, the TextArea control
can be used instead of the single-line TextField. The TextArea size
can be defined in number of rows when the control is created. If the
argument for rows is omitted a default of 3 rows will be used.
Longer text can still be entered - the size refers to number of rows
that are visible without scrolling. Note that TextArea controls do
not support masked text entry.
<div class="fignone" id="GUID-B52E3343-5A39-4A83-AE97-461A53761207__GUID-F9A88AF0-067A-43EC-8C0B-7E0B092A6850"><a name="GUID-B52E3343-5A39-4A83-AE97-461A53761207__GUID-F9A88AF0-067A-43EC-8C0B-7E0B092A6850"><!-- --></a><span class="figcap">Figure 1.
TextField and TextArea controls</span>
<br /><img src="Text_Entry_Controls_Screenshot_1.png" /><br />
The text in TextField and TextArea controls can be retrieved and set using
getter and setter methods.
Text entry controls fire "TextChanged" events when the user edits the text in
the control.
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<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="WRTKit_Developing_widgets_using_the_WRTKit-GUID-a321db96-0a01-4e55-b24b-96905f40cb5c.html">Developing widgets using the WRTKit</a></div>