author Eugene Ostroukhov <>
Fri, 04 Jun 2010 09:44:40 -0700
changeset 345 7723a46fe224
parent 229 716254ccbcc0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 2480 - Excluded resources are still available in preview and debugger

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<div class="figure" id="GUID-1B9E4A9F-3959-446B-9624-3768CF94AA02"><img src="GUID-38EF5741-0A6A-4A55-BDE5-4DB3F686D21E_d0e11532_href.jpg"/><p class="figure-title"><strong>Figure: </strong>STEW Login view</p></div>
<p>The <code>LoginScreen.js</code> file implements the functionality of the STEW <span class="uicontrol">Login</span> view. For more information on how to implement the functionality of the other STEW views, see <code>UpdateScreen.js</code>, <code>SearchScreen.js</code>, and <code>SettingsScreen.js</code>.</p>
<p>In the <code>LoginScreen</code> function, the <code>onclick</code> event handler is assigned to the <span class="uicontrol">Login</span> button and the values of the screen controls that collect user input (<span class="uicontrol">Username</span>, <span class="uicontrol">Password</span>, and <span class="uicontrol">Remember Me</span> ) are remembered.</p>
<pre class="codeblock">function LoginScreen() {
	// Get the login button element and assign an event handler to it.
	var self = this;
	var loginButton = document.getElementById( "login_button" );
	loginButton.onclick = function() {
	// Get all the UI elements that we can interact with.
	this.tbUsername = document.getElementById( "login_username" );
	this.tbPassword = document.getElementById( "login_password" );
	this.cbRememberMe = document.getElementById( "login_remember_me" );	
<div><h3>Saving persistent data</h3><p>The <code>onclick</code> event handler triggers the activation of the next view. Users can specify settings to determine which view appears after the <span class="uicontrol">Login</span> view, so the logic needs to find out which view is the default view. </p><p>If the user checks the <span class="uicontrol">Remember Me</span> check box, the credentials are stored. This is done by calling the WRT <code>widget.setPreferenceForKey</code> and <code>widget.preferenceForKey</code> API methods after reading the input for <span class="uicontrol">Username</span>, <span class="uicontrol">Password</span>, and the <span class="uicontrol">Remember Me</span> check box.</p><pre class="codeblock">LoginScreen.prototype.onLoginClicked = function() {
	var username = this.tbUsername.value;
	var password = this.tbPassword.value;
	var rememberMe = this.cbRememberMe.checked;
	// Save the data to the storage if the user checked "Remember Me".
	widget.setPreferenceForKey( rememberMe.toString(), LoginScreen.KEY_REMEMBER_ME );
	// If "Remember Me" is unchecked, the username and password are cleared because
	// default values for username and password values are null.
	widget.setPreferenceForKey( rememberMe ? username : null, LoginScreen.KEY_USERNAME );
	// REMEMBER: Never store passwords uncoded. See encryption algorithms on
	// how to encode the password before saving it.
	widget.setPreferenceForKey( rememberMe ? password : null, LoginScreen.KEY_PASSWORD );
	// Remember the username and password.
	twitterService.setCredentials( username, password );
	// Check which view is the startup view.
	var startupPage = widget.preferenceForKey( SettingsScreen.KEY_STARTUP_PAGE );
	if ( startupPage == SettingsScreen.SEARCH_PAGE ) {
		widgetMenu.activate( Menu.SEARCH_SCREEN );
	} else {
		widgetMenu.activate( Menu.UPDATE_STATUS_SCREEN );
</pre><p>The startup view is stored into the <code>startupPage</code> variable by calling the <code>widget.preferenceForKey</code> API method. The code checks whether the <span class="uicontrol">Search</span> view is the startup view. If not, the <span class="uicontrol">Update status</span> view is displayed.</p></div>
<div><h3>Loading persistent data</h3><p>The button menu calls the <code>onActivated</code> function to inform views that they are being activated. In the <span class="uicontrol">Login</span> view, this function is implemented and credentials are read if they were saved when users previously used the application. If the value of the key for <span class="uicontrol">Remember Me</span> check box is set to true, the function loads the username and password from the widget store using the predefined key constants <code>LoginScreen.KEY_USERNAME</code> and <code>LoginScreen.KEY_PASSWORD</code>.</p><pre class="codeblock">LoginScreen.prototype.onActivated = function() {
	// Check if any credentials were stored - if they were, load them
	// up and prefill the screen.
	var rememberMe = widget.preferenceForKey( LoginScreen.KEY_REMEMBER_ME );	
	if ( rememberMe == "true" ) {
		// Load up the rest; username and password.
		var username = widget.preferenceForKey( LoginScreen.KEY_USERNAME );
		var password = widget.preferenceForKey( LoginScreen.KEY_PASSWORD );

		// Assign to UI controls. Also check if username and passwords are not null;
		// the reason for this is that the user can also check the Remember Me checkbox
		// on the settings view.
		if ( username != null ) {
			this.tbUsername.value = username;	
		if ( password != null ) {
			this.tbPassword.value = password;
		this.cbRememberMe.checked = true;
	} else {
		this.tbUsername.value = "";	
		this.tbPassword.value = "";
		this.cbRememberMe.checked = false;		
<div><h3>Logging users in automatically</h3><p>If users save their credentials in STEW, they are logged into Twitter automatically when they start STEW. The following code checks that users stored valid credentials and calls the <code>onLoginClicked</code> function, which is also called when users select the <span class="uicontrol">Login</span> button.</p><pre class="codeblock">LoginScreen.prototype.loginIfPossible = function(){
	var username = this.tbUsername.value;
	var password = this.tbPassword.value;
	var rememberMe = this.cbRememberMe.checked;

	// If username and password are provided then login automatically.
	if ( rememberMe &amp;&amp; username &amp;&amp; username.length &amp;&amp; password &amp;&amp; password.length ) {
<div><h3>Providing users with tactile feedback</h3><p>Tactile feedback is only triggered when a user interacts with a link element. To provide tactile feedback for screen controls specified as <code>div</code> elements, for example, call the <code>WrtHelper</code> <code>tactileFeedback</code> function.</p><p>For more information, see <a href="GUID-04ABC9FC-26FE-4854-9F88-63A2C4911886.html#GUID-04ABC9FC-26FE-4854-9F88-63A2C4911886">Providing tactile feedback for user actions</a>.</p></div>
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