author Eugene Ostroukhov <>
Fri, 04 Jun 2010 09:44:40 -0700
changeset 345 7723a46fe224
parent 229 716254ccbcc0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 2480 - Excluded resources are still available in preview and debugger

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      function initPage() {}
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<p>The <code>onSelect</code> property of the <a href="GUID-111DE423-9C84-4E4B-A45E-15081FE2A30D.html#GUID-111DE423-9C84-4E4B-A45E-15081FE2A30D"><code>MenuItem</code></a> object is an event handler for the event of when the menu item is selected.
In other words, when the end user opens the options menu and selects a menu
item either from the top-level menu list or from a submenu list, the system
will fire an event and a widget can catch the event by providing a callback
<p>The callback function is passed with an argument, which is an integer
identifier identifying the menu item that was just selected. </p>
<p>It is possible to assign an individual callback function for each menu
item so that the <code>id</code> argument can be ignored.</p>
<pre class="codeblock" id="GUID-0A790E5F-77BF-437D-A0BF-2D859FB63D32">MenuItem.onSelect = function(Integer id) { }</pre>
<pre class="codeblock" id="GUID-34A713EA-E992-4944-8A88-08FD4F1DE666">MenuItem.onSelect = onMenuItemSelected;</pre>
<pre class="codeblock" id="GUID-2A4AEE42-F882-4CE9-9EA1-8261F56BA332">function onMenuItemSelected(id)
  // ...
<p>Submenu item's callback function must be assigned to the <code>onSelect</code> property
after the parent menu item is appended to the main menu pane.</p>
<p>For more general information on constructing an options menu, see <a href="GUID-94946735-D23B-49C6-BB65-8BE31737AE42.html#GUID-94946735-D23B-49C6-BB65-8BE31737AE42">Using softkeys</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Example code:</strong></p>
<p><em>Creating a menu:</em></p>
<pre class="codeblock" id="GUID-EAF0A325-47DD-4AA7-81FA-D26EE10DECB6">window.onload = createMenu();</pre>
<pre class="codeblock" id="GUID-82C1CA79-4F88-4547-8A43-5960CDF26296">// function to create a menu
function createMenu()
  // Create a Menu Object
  var optionsMenu =;

  // Set a callback function for Menu
  optionsMenu.onShow = function()
     alert('Event Trigger: optionsMenu.onShow');

  // Create two Menu items
  var m1 = new MenuItem('Beverages', 2001);
  var m2 = new MenuItem('Snacks', 2002);

  // Assign a callback function for the menu items
  m1.onSelect = menuEventHandler;
  m2.onSelect = menuEventHandler;

  // Append two Menu items to Menu

  // Create two more Menu items for Sub-Menu
  var m11 = new MenuItem('Coca Cola', 3001);
  var m12 = new MenuItem('Pepsi', 3002);

  // Append two Sub Menu Items to Menu 'Beverages'
  // get Menu Item reference by ID

  // get Menu Item reference by Name

  // Assign a callback function for the submenu items
  m11.onSelect = submenuEventHandler;
  m12.onSelect = submenuEventHandler;
<p><em>Implement menu event handler:</em></p>
<pre class="codeblock" id="GUID-646EDADD-F105-4946-A09D-8E087BD1E033">function menuEventHandler(id)
  switch (id)
case 2001:
case 2002:
// do something
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