author John Kern <>
Wed, 10 Mar 2010 14:24:57 -0800
changeset 241 850d44de7abb
parent 229 716254ccbcc0
permissions -rw-r--r--
fixed typo

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      function initPage() {}
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<p>This section presents the full source code of a working sample widget
for the <a href="GUID-662F2E2E-9538-42E5-9B5A-5664F1C11A9E.html#GUID-662F2E2E-9538-42E5-9B5A-5664F1C11A9E">Contacts Service</a>.
You can download the <code>wgz</code> package for this widget from
section <a href="GUID-775005BC-2FF8-45A9-BBA6-6CED6B5780A2.html#GUID-775005BC-2FF8-45A9-BBA6-6CED6B5780A2">Example widgets</a>.</p>
<p>For general information about creating widgets, see section <a href="GUID-0E3095DB-03FF-4240-83F2-6D876AD2083A.html#GUID-0E3095DB-03FF-4240-83F2-6D876AD2083A">Widget component files</a>.</p>
<p>For widget development and debugging purposes, this example writes its
output to <code>c:\data\jslog_widget.log</code> using <code></code>.
For instructions on how to enable logging in the Web browser for S60, see
section <a href="GUID-B584CA90-543B-4AED-B134-A3A616259DB9.html#GUID-B584CA90-543B-4AED-B134-A3A616259DB9">JavaScript console</a>.</p>
<pre class="codeblock" id="GUID-F38B000F-B0A5-40F2-92F4-52B48314B147">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
&lt;!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Nokia//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""&gt;
&lt;plist version="1.0"&gt;
<pre class="codeblock" id="GUID-8E2E2DE4-7C29-4325-888F-5526F42B372C">&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"&gt;
    &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="js/common.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
    &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="js/contact-sample.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
  &lt;body id='docBody' bgcolor="#ddeeff" onload="setup()" style=width:100%;height:100%;&gt;
    &lt;form name="frm"&gt;
      &lt;h3&gt;Contact API Sample Widget&lt;/h3&gt;
      Async&lt;input type="checkbox" id="async_check" onClick="check_async()"&gt;
      Cancel&lt;input type="checkbox" id="cancel_check" onClick="check_cancel()"&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
      &lt;input type="button" onclick="addContact('img1')" value="AddContact"&gt;&lt;img id="img1" src="pic/blank.png" width="25" height="25" align="center"&gt;&lt;br&gt;
      &lt;input type="button" onclick="delContact('img2')" value="DeleteContact"&gt;&lt;img id="img2" src="pic/blank.png" width="25" height="25" align="center"&gt;&lt;br&gt;
      &lt;input type="button" onclick="getContactList('img3')" value="GetContactList"&gt;&lt;img id="img3" src="pic/blank.png" width="25" height="25" align="center"&gt;&lt;br&gt;
      &lt;input type="button" onclick="importContact('img4')" value="ImportContact"&gt;&lt;img id="img4" src="pic/blank.png" width="25" height="25" align="center"&gt;&lt;br&gt;
      &lt;input type="button" onclick="exportContact('img5')" value="ExportContact"&gt;&lt;img id="img5" src="pic/blank.png" width="25" height="25" align="center"&gt;&lt;br&gt;
      &lt;input type="button" onclick="addGroup('img6')" value="AddGroup"&gt;&lt;img id="img6" src="pic/blank.png" width="25" height="25" align="center"&gt;&lt;br&gt;
      &lt;input type="button" onclick="delGroup('img7')" value="DeleteGroup"&gt;&lt;img id="img7" src="pic/blank.png" width="25" height="25" align="center"&gt;&lt;br&gt;
      &lt;input type="button" onclick="getGroupList('img8')" value="GetGroupList"&gt;&lt;img id="img8" src="pic/blank.png" width="25" height="25" align="center"&gt;&lt;br&gt;
      &lt;input type="button" onclick="organiseGroup('img9')" value="OrganiseGroup"&gt;&lt;img id="img9" src="pic/blank.png" width="25" height="25" align="center"&gt;&lt;br&gt;
      &lt;div class='contactsample' id='contactsample' bgcolor="#ddeeff" style=width:100%;height:100%;overflow:auto&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
<pre class="codeblock" id="GUID-4A563AFF-3E2C-4289-B256-1AE1B30E0027">// common.js
// This file contains some utility functions

// Check the error code and show the information to users
function checkError(message, resultList, divId, imgId)
  var errCode = resultList.ErrorCode;
  var msg = "";

  if (errCode) {
    msg = message + "&lt;BR&gt;" + "Failed Error: " + errCode + "&lt;BR&gt;";
    if(resultList.ErrorMessage != undefined)
      msg += "Error Message: " + resultList.ErrorMessage;
  } else {

  //print error message
  if(divId != null &amp;&amp; divId != undefined)
    document.getElementById(divId).innerHTML = msg;;

  return errCode;

// Build the message by reading a iteratorable list in a recursive manner
function showIterableList(iterator)
  var msg = "";
    var item;
    while (( item = iterator.getNext()) != undefined ){
      msg += showObject( item );
    alert('&lt;showIterableList&gt; ' + e);
  return msg;

// Build the message by reading a JS object in a recursive manner
function showObject( obj )
  var txt = "";
  try {
    if ( typeof obj != 'object' )
      return "" + obj + '&lt;BR/&gt;';
    else {
      for(var key in obj) {
        txt +=  key + ":";
        txt += showObject( obj[key] );
        txt += '&lt;BR/&gt;';
      txt += '&lt;BR/&gt;';
  catch (e)
    alert("showObject: " + e);
  return txt;

// Show the image to indicate the test result
function showIMG(imgId, isOK) 
  if(imgId == null || imgId == undefined)

  if(isOK == "yes")
    document.getElementById(imgId).src = "pic/yes.png";
  else if(isOK == "no")
    document.getElementById(imgId).src = "pic/no.png";
    document.getElementById(imgId).src = "pic/blank.png";

// Show elements in object by using 'alert'
function testObject(obj)
  var msg = "";
  for(var key in obj) {
    msg = msg + ":" + key + "=" + obj[key];

// Test whether the input is numeric
function IsNumeric(sText)
  var ValidChars = "0123456789.";
  var IsNumber=true;
  var Char;

  for (i = 0; i &lt; sText.length &amp;&amp; IsNumber == true; i++)
    Char = sText.charAt(i);
    if (ValidChars.indexOf(Char) == -1)
      IsNumber = false;
  return IsNumber;
<pre class="codeblock" id="GUID-B088017C-63A8-4E47-99F8-E2FE21112ED4">// contact-sample.js
// In this sample Contact and Group will be added, deleted, and listed from
// default database; Contact will be imported and exported; Group will be
// organised; Also, async operation will be canceled

//SAPI Error Codes
// 0    - Success
// 1000 - InvalidServiceArgument
// 1001 - UnknownArgumentName
// 1002 - BadArgumentType
// 1003 - MissingArgument
// 1004 - ServiceNotSupported
// 1005 - ServiceInUse
// 1006 - ServiceNotReady
// 1007 - NoMemory
// 1008 - HardwareNotAvailable
// 1009 - ServerBusy
// 1010 - EntryExists
// 1011 - AccessDenied
// 1012 - NotFound
// 1013 - UnknownFormat
// 1014 - GeneralError
// 1015 - CancelSuccess
// 1016 - ServiceTimedOut
// 1017 - PathNotFound

// declare the service object
var so;

// async Test Mode
var asyncMode;

// cancel Test Mode
var cancelMode;

// imgid for callback1 function
var imgid_callback1;

// imgid for callback2 function
var imgid_callback2;

// imgid for callback3 function
var imgid_callback3;

// imgid for callback4 function
var imgid_callback4;

// imgid for callback5 function
var imgid_callback5;

// imgid for callback6 function
var imgid_callback6;

// imgid for callback7 function
var imgid_callback7;

// id of the div used to display information
const DIV_ID = 'contactsample';

// Called from onload()
function setup()
  try {
    so = device.getServiceObject("Service.Contact", "IDataSource");"setup: so: %s", so);
  catch (e) {
    alert('&lt;setup&gt; ' +e);

// Async checkbox handler
function check_async() {
  var asyncChk = document.getElementById("async_check");
  asyncMode = asyncChk.checked;
  if (!asyncMode) {
    var cancelChk = document.getElementById("cancel_check");
    cancelChk.checked = false;
    cancelChk = false;

// cancel checkbox handler
function check_cancel() {
  var cancelChk = document.getElementById("cancel_check");
  cancelMode = cancelChk.checked;

  // if cancel checkbox is selected, the async checkbox should be
  // selected automatically
  if(cancelMode) {
    var asyncChk = document.getElementById("async_check");
    asyncChk.checked = true;
    asyncMode = true;

// Add Contact
function addContact(imgId) {

  var last = new Object();
  last.Label = "Last name";
  last.Value = "Shen";

  var first = new Object();
  first.Label = "First name";
  first.Value = "Yi";

  var contactdata = new Object();
  contactdata.LastName = last;
  contactdata.FirstName = first;

  var criteria = new Object();
  criteria.Type = "Contact";
  criteria.Data = contactdata;

  try {
    var result;
    if (!asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) { // sync
      result = so.IDataSource.Add(criteria);
    } else if (asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) {// async
      // set the image id for callback1 function
      imgid_callback1 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.Add(criteria, callback1);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::addContactAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
    } else if (cancelMode){ // cancel
      // set the image id for callback1 function
      imgid_callback1 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.Add(criteria, callback1);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::cancelAddContactAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
        var criteria2 = new Object();
        criteria2.TransactionID = result.TransactionID;
        var result2 =so.IDataSource.Cancel(criteria2);
  catch (e) {
    alert ("addContact: " + e);

// Delete Contact
function delContact(imgId) {

  // using the getFirstId to get the Contact Id
  // it is impossible to ask user to type the Contact Id because
  // the id is in binary and hard to be displayed by javascritp

  var contactId = getFirstId("Contact");
  if(contactId == null) {
    alert("No contact exists!");

  var contactdata = new Object();
  contactdata.IdList = new Array();
  contactdata.IdList[0] = contactId;

  var criteria = new Object();
  criteria.Type = "Contact";
  criteria.Data = contactdata;

  try {
    var result;
    if (!asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) { // sync
      result = so.IDataSource.Delete(criteria);
    } else if (asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) {// async
      // set the image id for callback2 function
      imgid_callback2 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.Delete(criteria, callback2);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::delContactAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
    } else if (cancelMode){ // cancel
      // set the image id for callback2 function
      imgid_callback2 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.Delete(criteria, callback2);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::cancelDelContactAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
        var criteria2 = new Object();
        criteria2.TransactionID = result.TransactionID;
        var result2 =so.IDataSource.Cancel(criteria2);
  catch (e) {
    alert ("delContact: " + e);

// Show Contact List
// find the property names in AddContact()
// Note, the contact id cannot be display correctly by javascript because
// it is a binary number
function showContactList(iterator) {
  var msg = "";
    var item;
    while (( item = iterator.getNext()) != undefined ){
      var lastName = item['LastName'];
      var firstName = item['FirstName'];
      msg += lastName['Label'] + ":" + lastName['Value'] + "&lt;br&gt;";
      msg += firstName['Label'] + ":" + firstName['Value'] + "&lt;br&gt;";
      msg += "&lt;br&gt;";
    alert('&lt;showContacList&gt; ' + e);
  return msg;

// Get the first Id
function getFirstId(type) {

  var criteria = new Object();
  criteria.Type = type;

  var result;
  var firstId = null;
  result = so.IDataSource.GetList(criteria);
  if(!result.ErrorCode) {
    var iterator = result.ReturnValue;
    var item = iterator.getNext();
    firstId = item['id'];

  return firstId;

// Get Contact List
function getContactList(imgId) {

  var criteria = new Object();
  criteria.Type = "Contact";

  try {
    var result;
    if (!asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) { // sync
      result = so.IDataSource.GetList(criteria);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::getContactList",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
        document.getElementById(DIV_ID).innerHTML = showContactList(result.ReturnValue);
    } else if (asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) {// async
      // set the image id for callback7 function
      imgid_callback7 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.GetList(criteria, callback7);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::getContactListAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
    } else if (cancelMode){ // cancel
      // set the image id for callback7 function
      imgid_callback7 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.GetList(criteria, callback7);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::cancelGetContactListAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
        var criteria2 = new Object();
        criteria2.TransactionID = result.TransactionID;
        var result2 =so.IDataSource.Cancel(criteria2);
  catch (e) {
    alert ("getContactList: " + e);

// Import Contact
function importContact(imgId) {

  var impFileName = prompt("Please enter the file name", "contact-export.txt");
  if (impFileName == "")

  var contactdata = new Object();
  contactdata.SourceFile = impFileName;

  var criteria = new Object();
  criteria.Type = "Contact";
  criteria.Data = contactdata;

  try {
    var result;
    if (!asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) { // sync
      result = so.IDataSource.Import(criteria);
    } else if (asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) {// async
      // set the image id for callback4 function
      imgid_callback4 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.Import(criteria, callback4);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::ImportAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
    } else if (cancelMode){ // cancel
      // set the image id for callback4 function
      imgid_callback4 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.Import(criteria, callback4);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::cancelImportAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
        var criteria2 = new Object();
        criteria2.TransactionID = result.TransactionID;
        var result2 =so.IDataSource.Cancel(criteria2);
  catch (e) {
    alert ("importContact: " + e);

// Export Contact
function exportContact(imgId) {

  // using the getFirstId to get the Contact Id
  // it is impossible to ask user to type the Contact Id because
  // the id is in binary and hard to be displayed by javascritp

  var contactId = getFirstId("Contact");
  if(contactId == null) {
    alert("No contact exists!");

  var expFileName = prompt("Please enter the file name", "contact-export.txt");
  if (expFileName == "" || expFileName == null)

  var contactdata = new Object(); = contactId;
  contactdata.DestinationFile = expFileName;

  var criteria = new Object();
  criteria.Type = "Contact";
  criteria.Data = contactdata;

  try {
    var result;
    if (!asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) { // sync
      result = so.IDataSource.Export(criteria);
    } else if (asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) {// async
      // set the image id for callback5 function
      imgid_callback5 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.Export(criteria, callback5);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::ExportAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
    } else if (cancelMode){ // cancel
      // set the image id for callback5 function
      imgid_callback5 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.Export(criteria, callback5);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::cancelExportAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
        var criteria2 = new Object();
        criteria2.TransactionID = result.TransactionID;
        var result2 =so.IDataSource.Cancel(criteria2);
  catch (e) {
    alert ("exportContact: " + e);

// Add Group
function addGroup(imgId) {

  var groupdata = new Object();
  groupdata.GroupLabel = "TestGroupName"

  var criteria = new Object();
  criteria.Type = "Group";
  criteria.Data = groupdata;

  try {
    var result;
    if (!asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) { // sync
      result = so.IDataSource.Add(criteria);
    } else if (asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) {// async
      // set the image id for callback1 function
      imgid_callback1 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.Add(criteria, callback1);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::addGroupAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
    } else if (cancelMode){ // cancel
      // set the image id for callback1 function
      imgid_callback1 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.Add(criteria, callback1);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::cancelAddGroupAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
        var criteria2 = new Object();
        criteria2.TransactionID = result.TransactionID;
        var result2 =so.IDataSource.Cancel(criteria2);
  catch (e) {
    alert ("addGroup: " + e);

// Delete Group
function delGroup(imgId) {

  // using the getFirstId to get the Group Id
  // it is impossible to ask user to type the Group Id because
  // the id is in binary and hard to be displayed by javascritp

  var groupId = getFirstId("Group");
  if(groupId == null) {
    alert("No Group exists!");

  var groupdata = new Object();
  groupdata.IdList = new Array();
  groupdata.IdList[0] = groupId;

  var criteria = new Object();
  criteria.Type = "Group";
  criteria.Data = groupdata;

  try {
    var result;
    if (!asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) { // sync
      result = so.IDataSource.Delete(criteria);
    } else if (asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) {// async
      // set the image id for callback2 function
      imgid_callback2 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.Delete(criteria, callback2);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::delGroupAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
    } else if (cancelMode){ // cancel
      // set the image id for callback2 function
      imgid_callback2 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.Delete(criteria, callback2);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::cancelDelGroupAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
        var criteria2 = new Object();
        criteria2.TransactionID = result.TransactionID;
        var result2 =so.IDataSource.Cancel(criteria2);
  catch (e) {
    alert ("delGroup: " + e);

// Show Group List
// find the property names in AddGroup()
// Note, the group id cannot be display correctly by javascript because
// it is a binary number
function showGroupList(iterator) {
  var msg = "";
  try {
    var item;
    while (( item = iterator.getNext()) != undefined ){
      msg += item['GroupLabel'] + "&lt;br&gt;";
      var groupList = item['Contents'];
      if(groupList == null || groupList == undefined)
        msg += "No group member.&lt;br&gt;";
      else {
        var i = 0;
        for (var key in groupList)
        msg += "There are " + i +" contacts in this group.&lt;br&gt;";
      msg += "&lt;br&gt;";
    alert('&lt;showGroupList&gt; ' + e);
  return msg;

// Get Group
function getGroupList(imgId) {

  var criteria = new Object();
  criteria.Type = "Group";

  try {
    var result;
    if (!asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) { // sync
      result = so.IDataSource.GetList(criteria);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::getGroupList",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
        document.getElementById(DIV_ID).innerHTML = showGroupList(result.ReturnValue);
    } else if (asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) {// async
      // set the image id for callback3 function
      imgid_callback3 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.GetList(criteria, callback3);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::getGroupListAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
    } else if (cancelMode){ // cancel
      // set the image id for callback3 function
      imgid_callback3 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.GetList(criteria, callback3);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::cancelGetGroupListAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
        var criteria2 = new Object();
        criteria2.TransactionID = result.TransactionID;
        var result2 =so.IDataSource.Cancel(criteria2);
  catch (e) {
    alert ("getGroupList: " + e);

// Organise Group
function organiseGroup(imgId) {

  // using the getFirstId to get the Group Id
  // it is impossible to ask user to type the Group Id because
  // the id is in binary and hard to be displayed by javascritp

  var groupId = getFirstId("Group");
  if(groupId == null) {
    alert("No Group exists!");

  // using the getFirstId to get the Contact Id
  // it is impossible to ask user to type the Contact Id because
  // the id is in binary and hard to be displayed by javascritp

  var contactId = getFirstId("Contact");
  if(contactId == null) {
    alert("No contact exists!");

  var msg = "Please enter the operation type ['Associate' or 'Disassociate']";
  var optype = prompt(msg, "Associate");
  if (optype == "" || optype == null)

  var groupdata = new Object(); = groupId;
  groupdata.IdList = new Array();
  groupdata.IdList[0] = contactId;

  var criteria = new Object();
  criteria.Type = "Group";
  criteria.Data = groupdata;
  criteria.OperationType = optype;

  try {
    var result;
    if (!asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) { // sync
      result = so.IDataSource.Organise(criteria);
    } else if (asyncMode &amp;&amp; !cancelMode) {// async
      // set the image id for callback6 function
      imgid_callback6 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.Organise(criteria, callback6);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::organiseGroupAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
    } else if (cancelMode){ // cancel
      // set the image id for callback6 function
      imgid_callback6 = imgId;
      result = so.IDataSource.Organise(criteria, callback6);
      if(!checkError("IDataSource::cancelOrganiseGroupAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgId)) {
        var criteria2 = new Object();
        criteria2.TransactionID = result.TransactionID;
        var result2 =so.IDataSource.Cancel(criteria2);
  catch (e) {
    alert ("organiseGroup: " + e);

// This is the asynchronous callback handler
function callback1(transId, eventCode, result)
{"addAsync: transId: %d  eventCode: %d result.ErrorCode: %d", transId, eventCode, result.ErrorCode);

// This is the asynchronous callback handler
function callback2(transId, eventCode, result)
{"delAsync: transId: %d  eventCode: %d result.ErrorCode: %d", transId, eventCode, result.ErrorCode);

// This is the asynchronous callback handler
function callback3(transId, eventCode, result)
{"getListAsync: transId: %d  eventCode: %d result.ErrorCode: %d", transId, eventCode, result.ErrorCode);
  if(!checkError("IDataSource::getListAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgid_callback3)) {
    document.getElementById(DIV_ID).innerHTML = showGroupList(result.ReturnValue);

// This is the asynchronous callback handler
function callback4(transId, eventCode, result)
{"importAsync: transId: %d  eventCode: %d result.ErrorCode: %d", transId, eventCode, result.ErrorCode);

// This is the asynchronous callback handler
function callback5(transId, eventCode, result)
{"exportAsync: transId: %d  eventCode: %d result.ErrorCode: %d", transId, eventCode, result.ErrorCode);

// This is the asynchronous callback handler
function callback6(transId, eventCode, result)
{"organiseAsync: transId: %d  eventCode: %d result.ErrorCode: %d", transId, eventCode, result.ErrorCode);

// This is the asynchronous callback handler
function callback7(transId, eventCode, result)
{"getListAsync: transId: %d  eventCode: %d result.ErrorCode: %d", transId, eventCode, result.ErrorCode);
  if(!checkError("IDataSource::getListAsync",result,DIV_ID,imgid_callback7)) {
    document.getElementById(DIV_ID).innerHTML = showContactList(result.ReturnValue);
</div></div></div><div class="footer"><hr/><div class="copy">© Nokia 2009.</div></div></body></html>