* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Symbian Foundation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
// The NotificationPopup class handles the display of notifications such as
// warnings, information messages and progress indication.
// Constructor.
function NotificationPopup() {
// create notification popup
this.containerElement = document.createElement("div");
this.containerElement.className = "NotificationPopupContainer";
this.popupElement = document.createElement("div");
this.popupElement.className = "NotificationPopup";
this.typeIndicatorElement = document.createElement("div");
this.typeIndicatorElement.className = "NotificationPopupTypeIndicator";
this.textElement = document.createElement("div");
this.textElement.className = "NotificationPopupText";
this.progressBarElement = document.createElement("div");
this.progressBarElement.className = "NotificationPopupProgressBar";
// assemble popup
// create progress bar image element and initialize it
this.progressBarImageElement = document.createElement("img");
var self = this;
this.progressBarImageElement.addEventListener("load", function() { self.progressBarImageLoadingCompleted(); }, false);
this.progressBarImageElement.setAttribute("alt", "");
this.progressBarImageURL = this.getProgressBarImage(0);
this.progressBarImageElement.src = this.progressBarImageURL;
// init the popup to be fully down
this.popupElement.style.top = "100%";
// set default popup contents
this.setPopupContents(null, null, null);
// Notification container element.
NotificationPopup.prototype.containerElement = null;
// Notification popup element.
NotificationPopup.prototype.popupElement = null;
// Type indicator element.
NotificationPopup.prototype.typeIndicatorElement = null;
// Notification text element.
NotificationPopup.prototype.textElement = null;
// Progress bar element.
NotificationPopup.prototype.progressBarElement = null;
// Progress bar image element.
NotificationPopup.prototype.progressBarImageElement = null;
// Progress bar image URL.
NotificationPopup.prototype.progressBarImageURL = null;
// Has the progress bar image been loaded?
NotificationPopup.prototype.progressBarImageLoaded = false;
// Flag that tracks whether we're in the middle of starting to
// show a notification popup.
NotificationPopup.prototype.processingShowNotification = false;
// Notification popup position (0 = hidden, 1 = showing).
NotificationPopup.prototype.popupPosition = 0;
// Interval for timer ticks (in milliseconds)
NotificationPopup.prototype.ANIM_TIMER_INTERVAL = 25;
// Animation timer identifier or null if no active timer.
NotificationPopup.prototype.animTimerId = null;
// Time in milliseconds for the popup animation to complete
NotificationPopup.prototype.ANIM_TIME = 300;
// Flag that determines the behavior of showNotification(). If set to true
// the popup will snap open when showNotification() is called instead of
// animation.
NotificationPopup.prototype.SHOW_SNAPS_OPEN = true;
// Animation direction (0 = no movement, -1 hiding, +1 = showing).
NotificationPopup.prototype.animDir = 0;
// Auto-hide timer identifier or null if no active timer.
NotificationPopup.prototype.autoHideTimerId = null;
// The commanded display time.
NotificationPopup.prototype.displayTime = -1;
// Displays a notification.
NotificationPopup.prototype.showNotification = function(displayTime, type, text, progress) {
uiLogger.debug("NotificationPopup.showNotification(" + displayTime + ", " + type + ", " + text + ", " + progress + ")");
// mark that showNotification() has been called and that we are in
// the middle of starting to show the notification popup
this.processingShowNotification = true;
// remember the display time
this.displayTime = displayTime;
// attach the popup to the document if not attached
if (this.containerElement.parentNode == null) {
uiLogger.debug("Notification popup attached to document");
// set popup contents and update style
this.setPopupContents(type, text, progress);
// if the progress image is loaded then we can complete the showing
// of the notification popup immediately - otherwise the image loaded
// allback will complete the process.
if (this.progressBarImageLoaded) {
// Completes displaying of a notification.
// Note: Used internally - don't call this directly.
NotificationPopup.prototype.completeShowNotification = function() {
// animation direction is +1 for showing the popup
if (this.popupPosition != 1) {
if (this.SHOW_SNAPS_OPEN) {
if (this.popupPosition == 0) {
this.popupPosition = 1;
// setup auto hiding if a display time is specified
if (this.displayTime > 0) {
// stop any existing timer
if (this.autoHideTimerId != null) {
uiLogger.debug("Auto hide timer stopped");
// set timer to hide notification
var self = this;
this.autoHideTimerId = setTimeout(function() {
if (self.displayTime > 0) {
}, this.ANIM_TIME + this.displayTime);
uiLogger.debug("Auto hide timer started");
// mark us as no longer processing a show notification call
this.processingShowNotification = false;
// Hides the currently displayed notification.
NotificationPopup.prototype.hideNotification = function() {
// mark us as no longer processing a show notification call
this.processingShowNotification = false;
// animation direction is -1 for hiding the popup
if (this.popupPosition != 0) {
// stop auto hide timer if one is set
if (this.autoHideTimerId != null) {
this.autoHideTimerId = null;
uiLogger.debug("Auto hide timer stopped");
// Starts animation of the popup (1 to show, -1 to hide).
NotificationPopup.prototype.animatePopup = function(direction) {
uiLogger.debug("NotificationPopup.animatePopup(" + direction + ")");
// set the direction and star the animation timer
this.animDir = direction;
if (this.animTimerId == null) {
var self = this;
this.animTimerId = setInterval(function() { self.animate(); }, this.ANIM_TIMER_INTERVAL);
uiLogger.debug("Notification popup animation started");
// Callback for animation timer.
NotificationPopup.prototype.animate = function() {
// calculate new popup position and clamp
var animStep = (this.ANIM_TIMER_INTERVAL / this.ANIM_TIME) * this.animDir;
var newPos = this.popupPosition + animStep;
if (newPos < 0) {
newPos = 0;
} else if (newPos > 1) {
newPos = 1;
// set the new position to the popup element
this.popupPosition = newPos;
this.popupElement.style.top = (100 - Math.round(this.popupPosition * 100)) + "%";
// have we reached the end of the animation?
if (newPos == 0 || newPos == 1) {
// reset animation direction
this.animDir = 0;
// remove the popup from the body if its hidden
if (newPos == 0) {
uiLogger.debug("Notification popup detached from document");
// stop timer
this.animTimerId = null;
uiLogger.debug("Notification popup animation stopped");
// Returns a URL for the progress bar image to use for the specified progress.
NotificationPopup.prototype.getProgressBarImage = function(progress) {
// path for progress bar images
var progressBarImagePath = "WRTKit/Resources/";
if (progress < 0) {
// unknown progress
return progressBarImagePath + "ProgressBarUnknown.gif";
} else {
// known progress (should be between 0 and 1)
var progPct = Math.round(progress * 10) * 10;
if (progPct < 0) {
progPct = 0;
} else if (progPct > 100) {
progPct = 100;
return progressBarImagePath + "ProgressBar" + progPct + ".png";
// Sets the contents of the popup.
NotificationPopup.prototype.setPopupContents = function(type, text, progress) {
uiLogger.debug("NotificationPopup.setPopupContents(" + type + ", " + text + ", " + progress + ")");
// figure out notification type style name
var typeName = (type == null) ? "none" : type.toLowerCase();
typeName = typeName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + typeName.substring(1);
// set type element class names
this.typeIndicatorElement.className = "NotificationPopupTypeIndicator NotificationPopupTypeIndicator" + typeName;
// set notification text
this.textElement.innerHTML = (text == null) ? "" : text;
// set progress
this.progressBarElement.style.display = (progress == null) ? "none" : "block";
if (progress != null) {
var imgURL = this.getProgressBarImage(progress);
if (imgURL != this.progressBarImageURL) {
// load new image
this.progressBarImageLoaded = false;
this.progressBarImageURL = imgURL;
this.progressBarImageElement.src = imgURL;
} else {
// the correct image is already loaded
this.progressBarImageLoaded = true;
} else {
// there is no progress bar so there is no need
// to load any progress bar image
this.progressBarImageLoaded = true;
// Callback for notifying the object that its progress bar image completed loading.
NotificationPopup.prototype.progressBarImageLoadingCompleted = function() {
// mark the progress bar image as loaded
this.progressBarImageLoaded = true;
// complete the process of displaying the notification popup
// if it has been commanded but not yet completed
if (this.processingShowNotification) {