author Eugene Ostroukhov <>
Thu, 15 Jul 2010 10:08:51 -0700
changeset 450 ed815e0eef9a
parent 230 7848c135d915
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 3268 - Debugger does not start on Windows XP

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<meta name="DC.Title" content="WRTKit FormButton Class" />
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WRTKit FormButton Class</title>
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    <h1 class="topictitle1">
WRTKit FormButton Class</h1>


        <div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">


                The FormButton class implements a control that is intended for use in form-style
                user interfaces. A form button is typically used to let users trigger actions.

            <div class="fignone" id="GUID-9F99492D-B232-4A78-BAED-BD284839B367__GUID-90873EC3-1248-4FC8-A318-06F71E370C67"><a name="GUID-9F99492D-B232-4A78-BAED-BD284839B367__GUID-90873EC3-1248-4FC8-A318-06F71E370C67"><!-- --></a><span class="figcap">Figure 1. 
FormButton controls</span>

                <br /><img src="FormButton_Controls_Screenshot_1.png" /><br />


        <div class="section"><h2 class="sectiontitle">
Inherits from</h2>


                <a href="WRTKit_ActionControl_Class-GUID-6a7cb034-d676-4119-b799-7b3e3b5948e4.html">



<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="WRTKit_API_Reference-GUID-00e47c27-0a1a-443f-ae85-cf3381635170.html">WRTKit API Reference</a></div>
<div class="nested1" id="GUID-C6970E99-D851-4FC1-BB92-BAA26FD83DB7"><a name="GUID-C6970E99-D851-4FC1-BB92-BAA26FD83DB7"><!-- --></a>

        <h2 class="topictitle2">


            <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle">

[FormButton] new FormButton(String id, String text)</pre>


            <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle">


                    Creates a new instance of the FormButton class.


            <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle">

                <br /><ul>





                                Unique identifier for the control. Can be retrieved using the id property defined
                                in the UIElement class that this control inherits from. Useful for example to
                                identify the source of an event in event callback functions or to apply a CSS
                                rule to only this particular control. The identifier can be null, in which case
                                no id will be set for the control.






                                Text that is displayed on the face of the button. Typically this should be
                                a verb that indicates what happens when the button is pressed.
                                The value is an XHTML string.




            <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle">
Return value</h3>


                    A new instance of the FormButton class.




    <div class="nested1" id="GUID-26359B98-7773-43B5-A788-E15FCC1F0E41"><a name="GUID-26359B98-7773-43B5-A788-E15FCC1F0E41"><!-- --></a>

        <h2 class="topictitle2">


            <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle">

[String] FormButton.getText(void)</pre>


            <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle">


                    Retrieves the current text of the button.
                    The value is an XHTML string.


            <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle">


                    This method does not take any arguments.


            <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle">
Return value</h3>


                    The current text of the button.




    <div class="nested1" id="GUID-0ACF25DA-ECF5-4D0A-8480-609497840FE4"><a name="GUID-0ACF25DA-ECF5-4D0A-8480-609497840FE4"><!-- --></a>

        <h2 class="topictitle2">


            <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle">

[void] FormButton.setText(String text)</pre>


            <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle">


                    Sets the text of the button. The text is displayed on the face
                    of the button and indicates what happens when the button is pressed.
                    The value is an XHTML string.


            <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle">

                <br /><ul>





                                The text to be displayed on the face of the button. Passing null
                                results in no text.




            <div class="section"><h3 class="sectiontitle">
Return value</h3>


                    This method does not return a value.



