author Eugene Ostroukhov <>
Mon, 15 Mar 2010 17:56:08 -0700
changeset 268 ef733cd772bb
parent 230 7848c135d915
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 2213 - User is not prompted to save when debug session is started

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Handling events</title>
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    <h1 class="topictitle1">
Handling events</h1>



            Event handling in the WRTKit is based on the "observer pattern", 
            meaning that events are reported from the event source to observers 
            that are said to be "listening" to event notifications. An event 
            listener is simply a JavaScript function that takes a single 
            argument: the event message. In fact even that single argument is 
            optional and if the function is not interested in the event message 
            then it can simply ignore it.


            All views and controls inherit from a common base class called 
            "UIElement" that defines the mechanics for event observation and 
            notification. From the point of view of event listeners, the most 
            important methods are addEventListener() and removeEventListener(). 
            These two methods are used to register and unregister listener 
            functions from a view or control.


            There are different types of events though, and event listeners are 
            typically not interested in receiving notifications of all events. 
            For example an event listener that wants to know when a button has 
            been pressed doesn't usually care if the pointer is currently 
            hovering above the button or not. Filtering of event notifications 
            works based on event type names. E.g. in this case the event 
            listener would have been added so that it should be called only for 
            events of the "ActionPerformed" type. The event type is given to the 
            addEventListener() function when a listener is registered. If a 
            listener function really wants to be notified of all event types 
            then null can be specified as the event type. Note that the event 
            type must also be specified when an event listener is unregistered.


            The code below shows a typical event listener function:


// Callback for event notifications.
function handleEvent(event) {
    // handle event here


            The event message is passed to the first argument (called event in 
            this case) of the event handler function. The event message is a 
            JavaScript object with three properties: type, source and value. The 
            type property specifies the event type name and is useful if a 
            listener function is listening to several types of events. The 
            source argument is a reference to the source view or control that 
            sent out the event notification. If a listener function is listening 
            to events from many different controls then this is useful to figure 
            out in which of the controls the event occurred. Here the unique 
            identifier of views and controls can come in handy to identify the 
            source without needing to retain references to all the source 
            controls. Finally the value property is a event-type specific 
            property that contains some information about the event. For example 
            if the event type is "TextChanged" from a text entry control then 
            the value would be the new text value that the user has typed into 
            the control.


            The code below demonstrates how to add and remove an event listener
            to/from a control. The example assumes that the control has already
            been created and that the ctrl variable refers to it.


// add listener to ctrl
// function to add is handleEvent() for event type "ActionPerformed"
ctrl.addEventListener("ActionPerformed", handleEvent);

// remove listener from ctrl
// function to remove is handleEvent() for event type "ActionPerformed"
ctrl.removeEventListener("ActionPerformed", handleEvent);


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<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="WRTKit_Common_WRTKit_tasks-GUID-24870895-4449-4307-9a54-7c90f7b3905e.html">Common WRTKit tasks</a></div>
