changeset 1 0a7b44b10206
child 2 806186ab5e14
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/symport/e32/euser/maths/um_atan.cpp	Thu Jun 25 15:59:54 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\euser\maths\um_atan.cpp
+// Floating point arc tangent
+#include "um_std.h"
+#if defined(__USE_VFP_MATH) && !defined(__CPU_HAS_VFP)
+#error	__USE_VFP_MATH was defined but not __CPU_HAS_VFP - impossible combination, check variant.mmh 
+#ifndef __USE_VFP_MATH
+LOCAL_D const TUint32 ArctanCoeffs[] =
+	{
+	0x00000000,0x80000000,0x7FFF0000,	// polynomial approximation to arctan(x)
+	0xAA84D6EE,0xAAAAAAAA,0x7FFD0001,	// for -(sqr2-1) <= x <= (sqr2-1)
+	0x89C77453,0xCCCCCCCC,0x7FFC0000,
+	0xEBC0261C,0x9249247B,0x7FFC0001,
+	0x940BC4DB,0xE38E3121,0x7FFB0000,
+	0x141C32F1,0xBA2DBF36,0x7FFB0001,
+	0xA90615E7,0x9D7C807E,0x7FFB0000,
+	0x1C632E93,0x87F6A873,0x7FFB0001,
+	0x310FCFFD,0xE8BE5D0A,0x7FFA0000,
+	0x92289F15,0xB17B930B,0x7FFA0001,
+	0x546FE7CE,0xABDE562D,0x7FF90000
+	};
+LOCAL_D const TUint32 Sqr2m1data[] = {0xE7799211,0xD413CCCF,0x7FFD0000};		// sqr2-1
+LOCAL_D const TUint32 Sqr2p1data[] = {0xFCEF3242,0x9A827999,0x80000000};		// sqr2+1
+LOCAL_D const TUint32 Onedata[] = {0x00000000,0x80000000,0x7FFF0000};			// 1.0
+LOCAL_D const TUint32 PiBy8data[] = {0x2168C235,0xC90FDAA2,0x7FFD0000};			// pi/8
+LOCAL_D const TUint32 PiBy2data[] = {0x2168C235,0xC90FDAA2,0x7FFF0000};			// pi/2
+LOCAL_D const TUint32 ThreePiBy8data[] = {0x990E91A8,0x96CBE3F9,0x7FFF0000};	// 3*pi/8
+LOCAL_C void Arctan(TRealX& y, TRealX& x)
+	{
+	// Calculate arctan(x), write result to y
+	// Algorithm:
+	//		If x>1, replace x with 1/x and subtract result from pi/2
+	//			( use identity tan(pi/2-x)=1/tan(x) )
+	//		If x>sqr(2)-1, replace x with (x-(sqr(2)-1))/(1-(sqr2-1)x)
+	//			( use identity tan(x-a)=(tanx-tana)/(1-tana.tanx)
+	//			  where a=pi/8, tan a = sqr2-1
+	//			and add pi/8 to result
+	//		Use polynomial approximation to calculate arctan(x) for
+	//		x in the interval [0,sqr2-1]
+	const TRealX& Sqr2m1 = *(const TRealX*)Sqr2m1data;
+	const TRealX& Sqr2p1 = *(const TRealX*)Sqr2p1data;
+	const TRealX& One = *(const TRealX*)Onedata;
+	const TRealX& PiBy8 = *(const TRealX*)PiBy8data;
+	const TRealX& PiBy2 = *(const TRealX*)PiBy2data;
+	const TRealX& ThreePiBy8 = *(const TRealX*)ThreePiBy8data;
+	TInt section=0;
+	TInt8 sign=x.iSign;
+	x.iSign=0;
+	if (x>Sqr2p1)
+		{
+		x=One/x;
+		section=3;
+		}
+	else if (x>One)
+		{
+		x=(One-Sqr2m1*x)/(x+Sqr2m1);
+		section=2;
+		}
+	else if (x>Sqr2m1)
+		{
+		x=(x-Sqr2m1)/(One+Sqr2m1*x);
+		section=1;
+		}
+	Math::PolyX(y,x*x,10,(const TRealX*)ArctanCoeffs);
+	y*=x;
+	if (section==1)
+		y+=PiBy8;
+	else if (section==2)
+		y=ThreePiBy8-y;
+	else if (section==3)
+		y=PiBy2-y;
+	y.iSign=sign;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt Math::ATan(TReal& aTrg, const TReal& aSrc)
+Calculates the principal value of the inverse tangent of a number.
+@param aTrg A reference containing the result in radians,
+            a value between -pi/2 and +pi/2.
+@param aSrc The argument of the arctan function,
+            a value between +infinity and +infinity.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of
+        the system-wide error codes. 
+	{
+	TRealX x;
+	TInt r=x.Set(aSrc);
+	if (r==KErrNone)
+		{
+		TRealX y;
+		Arctan(y,x);
+		return y.GetTReal(aTrg);
+		}
+	if (r==KErrArgument)
+		{
+		SetNaN(aTrg);
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	aTrg=KPiBy2;		// arctan(+/- infinity) = +/- pi/2
+	if (x.iSign&1)
+		aTrg=-aTrg;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+LOCAL_D const TUint32 Pidata[] = {0x2168C235,0xC90FDAA2,0x80000000};
+LOCAL_D const TUint32 PiBy4data[] = {0x2168C235,0xC90FDAA2,0x7FFE0000};
+LOCAL_D const TUint32 MinusPiBy4data[] = {0x2168C235,0xC90FDAA2,0x7FFE0001};
+LOCAL_D const TUint32 ThreePiBy4data[] = {0x990E91A8,0x96CBE3F9,0x80000000};
+LOCAL_D const TUint32 MinusThreePiBy4data[] = {0x990E91A8,0x96CBE3F9,0x80000001};
+LOCAL_D const TUint32 Zerodata[] = {0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000};
+EXPORT_C TInt Math::ATan(TReal &aTrg,const TReal &aY,const TReal &aX)
+Calculates the angle between the x-axis and a line drawn from the origin
+to a point represented by its (x,y) co-ordinates.
+The co-ordinates are passed as arguments to the function.
+This function returns the same result as arctan(y/x), but:
+1. it adds +/-pi to the result, if x is negative
+2. it sets the result to +/-pi/2, if x is zero but y is non-zero.
+@param aTrg A reference containing the result in radians,
+            a value between -pi exclusive and +pi inclusive.
+@param aY   The y argument of the arctan(y/x) function. 
+@param aX   The x argument of the arctan(y/x) function.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of
+        the system-wide error codes. 
+	{
+	const TRealX& Zero=*(const TRealX*)Zerodata;
+	const TRealX& Pi=*(const TRealX*)Pidata;
+	const TRealX& PiBy4=*(const TRealX*)PiBy4data;
+	const TRealX& MinusPiBy4=*(const TRealX*)MinusPiBy4data;
+	const TRealX& ThreePiBy4=*(const TRealX*)ThreePiBy4data;
+	const TRealX& MinusThreePiBy4=*(const TRealX*)MinusThreePiBy4data;
+	TRealX x, y;
+	TInt rx=x.Set(aX);
+	TInt ry=y.Set(aY);
+	if (rx!=KErrArgument && ry!=KErrArgument)
+		{
+		if (x.iExp==0)
+			x.iSign=0;
+		TRealX q;
+		TInt rq=y.Div(q,x);
+		if (rq!=KErrArgument)
+			{
+			TRealX arg;
+			Arctan(arg,q);
+			if (x<Zero)
+				{
+				if (y>=Zero)
+					arg+=Pi;
+				else
+					arg-=Pi;
+				}
+			aTrg=arg;
+			return KErrNone;
+			}
+		if (!x.IsZero())
+			{
+			// Both x and y must be infinite
+			TInt quadrant=((y.iSign & 1)<<1) + (x.iSign&1);
+			TRealX arg;
+			if (quadrant==0)
+				arg=PiBy4;
+			else if (quadrant==1)
+				arg=ThreePiBy4;
+			else if (quadrant==3)
+				arg=MinusThreePiBy4;
+			else
+				arg=MinusPiBy4;
+			aTrg=(TReal)arg;
+			return KErrNone;
+			}
+		}
+	SetNaN(aTrg);
+	return KErrArgument;
+	}
+#else // __USE_VFP_MATH
+LOCAL_D const TUint32 PiBy4data[] = {0x54442D18,0x3FE921FB};
+LOCAL_D const TUint32 MinusPiBy4data[] = {0x54442D18,0xBFE921FB};
+LOCAL_D const TUint32 ThreePiBy4data[] = {0x7F3321D2,0x4002D97C};
+LOCAL_D const TUint32 MinusThreePiBy4data[] = {0x7F3321D2,0xC002D97C};
+// definitions come from RVCT math library
+extern "C" TReal atan(TReal);
+extern "C" TReal atan2(TReal,TReal);
+EXPORT_C TInt Math::ATan(TReal& aTrg, const TReal& aSrc)
+	{
+	aTrg = atan(aSrc);
+	if (Math::IsFinite(aTrg))
+		return KErrNone;
+	SetNaN(aTrg);
+	return KErrArgument;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt Math::ATan(TReal &aTrg,const TReal &aY,const TReal &aX)
+	{
+	aTrg = atan2(aY,aX);
+	if (Math::IsFinite(aTrg))
+		return KErrNone;
+	// Return is a NaN, but ARM implementation returns NaN for atan(inf/inf)
+	// whereas implementation above returns multiples of pi/4 - fix up here
+	SReal64 *pY=(SReal64 *)&aY;
+	SReal64 *pX=(SReal64 *)&aX;
+	if (   pY->msm==0 && pY->lsm==0 && pY->exp==KTReal64SpecialExponent
+		&& pX->msm==0 && pX->lsm==0 && pX->exp==KTReal64SpecialExponent)
+		{
+		TInt quadrant=((pY->sign)<<1) + (pX->sign);
+		if (quadrant==0)
+			aTrg=*(const TReal*)PiBy4data;
+		else if (quadrant==1)
+			aTrg=*(const TReal*)ThreePiBy4data;
+		else if (quadrant==3)
+			aTrg=*(const TReal*)MinusThreePiBy4data;
+		else
+			aTrg=*(const TReal*)MinusPiBy4data;
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	// If we get here then the args weren't inf/inf so one of them must've
+	// been a NaN to start with
+	SetNaN(aTrg);
+	return KErrArgument;
+	}