changeset 0 ae805ac0140d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ae805ac0140d
     1 from test.test_support import verbose, TestSkipped
     2 import locale
     3 import sys
     5 if sys.platform == 'darwin':
     6     raise TestSkipped("Locale support on MacOSX is minimal and cannot be tested")
     7 oldlocale = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC)
     9 if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
    10     tlocs = ("En", "English")
    11 else:
    12     tlocs = ("en_US.UTF-8", "en_US.US-ASCII", "en_US")
    14 for tloc in tlocs:
    15     try:
    16         locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, tloc)
    17         break
    18     except locale.Error:
    19         continue
    20 else:
    21     raise ImportError, "test locale not supported (tried %s)"%(', '.join(tlocs))
    23 def testformat(formatstr, value, grouping = 0, output=None, func=locale.format):
    24     if verbose:
    25         if output:
    26             print "%s %% %s =? %s ..." %\
    27                 (repr(formatstr), repr(value), repr(output)),
    28         else:
    29             print "%s %% %s works? ..." % (repr(formatstr), repr(value)),
    30     result = func(formatstr, value, grouping = grouping)
    31     if output and result != output:
    32         if verbose:
    33             print 'no'
    34         print "%s %% %s == %s != %s" %\
    35               (repr(formatstr), repr(value), repr(result), repr(output))
    36     else:
    37         if verbose:
    38             print "yes"
    40 try:
    41     # On Solaris 10, the thousands_sep is the empty string
    42     sep = locale.localeconv()['thousands_sep']
    43     testformat("%f", 1024, grouping=1, output='1%s024.000000' % sep)
    44     testformat("%f", 102, grouping=1, output='102.000000')
    45     testformat("%f", -42, grouping=1, output='-42.000000')
    46     testformat("%+f", -42, grouping=1, output='-42.000000')
    47     testformat("%20.f", -42, grouping=1, output='                 -42')
    48     testformat("%+10.f", -4200, grouping=1, output='    -4%s200' % sep)
    49     testformat("%-10.f", 4200, grouping=1, output='4%s200     ' % sep)
    50     # Invoke getpreferredencoding to make sure it does not cause exceptions,
    51     locale.getpreferredencoding()
    53     # === Test format() with more complex formatting strings
    54     # test if grouping is independent from other characters in formatting string
    55     testformat("One million is %i", 1000000, grouping=1,
    56                output='One million is 1%s000%s000' % (sep, sep),
    57                func=locale.format_string)
    58     testformat("One  million is %i", 1000000, grouping=1,
    59                output='One  million is 1%s000%s000' % (sep, sep),
    60                func=locale.format_string)
    61     # test dots in formatting string
    62     testformat(".%f.", 1000.0, output='.1000.000000.', func=locale.format_string)
    63     # test floats
    64     testformat("--> %10.2f", 1000.0, grouping=1, output='-->   1%s000.00' % sep,
    65                func=locale.format_string)
    66     # test asterisk formats
    67     testformat("%10.*f", (2, 1000.0), grouping=0, output='   1000.00',
    68                func=locale.format_string)
    69     testformat("%*.*f", (10, 2, 1000.0), grouping=1, output='  1%s000.00' % sep,
    70                func=locale.format_string)
    71     # test more-in-one
    72     testformat("int %i float %.2f str %s", (1000, 1000.0, 'str'), grouping=1,
    73                output='int 1%s000 float 1%s000.00 str str' % (sep, sep),
    74                func=locale.format_string)
    76 finally:
    77     locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, oldlocale)
    80 # Test BSD Rune locale's bug for isctype functions.
    81 def teststrop(s, method, output):
    82     if verbose:
    83         print "%s.%s() =? %s ..." % (repr(s), method, repr(output)),
    84     result = getattr(s, method)()
    85     if result != output:
    86         if verbose:
    87             print "no"
    88         print "%s.%s() == %s != %s" % (repr(s), method, repr(result),
    89                                        repr(output))
    90     elif verbose:
    91         print "yes"
    93 try:
    94     if sys.platform == 'sunos5':
    95         # On Solaris, in en_US.UTF-8, \xa0 is a space
    96         raise locale.Error
    97     oldlocale = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE)
    98     locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, 'en_US.UTF-8')
    99 except locale.Error:
   100     pass
   101 else:
   102     try:
   103         teststrop('\x20', 'isspace', True)
   104         teststrop('\xa0', 'isspace', False)
   105         teststrop('\xa1', 'isspace', False)
   106         teststrop('\xc0', 'isalpha', False)
   107         teststrop('\xc0', 'isalnum', False)
   108         teststrop('\xc0', 'isupper', False)
   109         teststrop('\xc0', 'islower', False)
   110         teststrop('\xec\xa0\xbc', 'split', ['\xec\xa0\xbc'])
   111         teststrop('\xed\x95\xa0', 'strip', '\xed\x95\xa0')
   112         teststrop('\xcc\x85', 'lower', '\xcc\x85')
   113         teststrop('\xed\x95\xa0', 'upper', '\xed\x95\xa0')
   114     finally:
   115         locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, oldlocale)