changeset 0 ae805ac0140d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/python-2.5.2/win32/Lib/compiler/	Fri Apr 03 17:19:34 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,818 @@
+"""A flow graph representation for Python bytecode"""
+import dis
+import new
+import sys
+from compiler import misc
+from compiler.consts \
+class FlowGraph:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.current = self.entry = Block()
+        self.exit = Block("exit")
+        self.blocks = misc.Set()
+        self.blocks.add(self.entry)
+        self.blocks.add(self.exit)
+    def startBlock(self, block):
+        if self._debug:
+            if self.current:
+                print "end", repr(self.current)
+                print "    next",
+                print "   ", self.current.get_children()
+            print repr(block)
+        self.current = block
+    def nextBlock(self, block=None):
+        # XXX think we need to specify when there is implicit transfer
+        # from one block to the next.  might be better to represent this
+        # with explicit JUMP_ABSOLUTE instructions that are optimized
+        # out when they are unnecessary.
+        #
+        # I think this strategy works: each block has a child
+        # designated as "next" which is returned as the last of the
+        # children.  because the nodes in a graph are emitted in
+        # reverse post order, the "next" block will always be emitted
+        # immediately after its parent.
+        # Worry: maintaining this invariant could be tricky
+        if block is None:
+            block = self.newBlock()
+        # Note: If the current block ends with an unconditional
+        # control transfer, then it is incorrect to add an implicit
+        # transfer to the block graph.  The current code requires
+        # these edges to get the blocks emitted in the right order,
+        # however. :-(  If a client needs to remove these edges, call
+        # pruneEdges().
+        self.current.addNext(block)
+        self.startBlock(block)
+    def newBlock(self):
+        b = Block()
+        self.blocks.add(b)
+        return b
+    def startExitBlock(self):
+        self.startBlock(self.exit)
+    _debug = 0
+    def _enable_debug(self):
+        self._debug = 1
+    def _disable_debug(self):
+        self._debug = 0
+    def emit(self, *inst):
+        if self._debug:
+            print "\t", inst
+        if inst[0] in ['RETURN_VALUE', 'YIELD_VALUE']:
+            self.current.addOutEdge(self.exit)
+        if len(inst) == 2 and isinstance(inst[1], Block):
+            self.current.addOutEdge(inst[1])
+        self.current.emit(inst)
+    def getBlocksInOrder(self):
+        """Return the blocks in reverse postorder
+        i.e. each node appears before all of its successors
+        """
+        # XXX make sure every node that doesn't have an explicit next
+        # is set so that next points to exit
+        for b in self.blocks.elements():
+            if b is self.exit:
+                continue
+            if not
+                b.addNext(self.exit)
+        order = dfs_postorder(self.entry, {})
+        order.reverse()
+        self.fixupOrder(order, self.exit)
+        # hack alert
+        if not self.exit in order:
+            order.append(self.exit)
+        return order
+    def fixupOrder(self, blocks, default_next):
+        """Fixup bad order introduced by DFS."""
+        # XXX This is a total mess.  There must be a better way to get
+        # the code blocks in the right order.
+        self.fixupOrderHonorNext(blocks, default_next)
+        self.fixupOrderForward(blocks, default_next)
+    def fixupOrderHonorNext(self, blocks, default_next):
+        """Fix one problem with DFS.
+        The DFS uses child block, but doesn't know about the special
+        "next" block.  As a result, the DFS can order blocks so that a
+        block isn't next to the right block for implicit control
+        transfers.
+        """
+        index = {}
+        for i in range(len(blocks)):
+            index[blocks[i]] = i
+        for i in range(0, len(blocks) - 1):
+            b = blocks[i]
+            n = blocks[i + 1]
+            if not or[0] == default_next or[0] == n:
+                continue
+            # The blocks are in the wrong order.  Find the chain of
+            # blocks to insert where they belong.
+            cur = b
+            chain = []
+            elt = cur
+            while and[0] != default_next:
+                chain.append([0])
+                elt =[0]
+            # Now remove the blocks in the chain from the current
+            # block list, so that they can be re-inserted.
+            l = []
+            for b in chain:
+                assert index[b] > i
+                l.append((index[b], b))
+            l.sort()
+            l.reverse()
+            for j, b in l:
+                del blocks[index[b]]
+            # Insert the chain in the proper location
+            blocks[i:i + 1] = [cur] + chain
+            # Finally, re-compute the block indexes
+            for i in range(len(blocks)):
+                index[blocks[i]] = i
+    def fixupOrderForward(self, blocks, default_next):
+        """Make sure all JUMP_FORWARDs jump forward"""
+        index = {}
+        chains = []
+        cur = []
+        for b in blocks:
+            index[b] = len(chains)
+            cur.append(b)
+            if and[0] == default_next:
+                chains.append(cur)
+                cur = []
+        chains.append(cur)
+        while 1:
+            constraints = []
+            for i in range(len(chains)):
+                l = chains[i]
+                for b in l:
+                    for c in b.get_children():
+                        if index[c] < i:
+                            forward_p = 0
+                            for inst in b.insts:
+                                if inst[0] == 'JUMP_FORWARD':
+                                    if inst[1] == c:
+                                        forward_p = 1
+                            if not forward_p:
+                                continue
+                            constraints.append((index[c], i))
+            if not constraints:
+                break
+            # XXX just do one for now
+            # do swaps to get things in the right order
+            goes_before, a_chain = constraints[0]
+            assert a_chain > goes_before
+            c = chains[a_chain]
+            chains.remove(c)
+            chains.insert(goes_before, c)
+        del blocks[:]
+        for c in chains:
+            for b in c:
+                blocks.append(b)
+    def getBlocks(self):
+        return self.blocks.elements()
+    def getRoot(self):
+        """Return nodes appropriate for use with dominator"""
+        return self.entry
+    def getContainedGraphs(self):
+        l = []
+        for b in self.getBlocks():
+            l.extend(b.getContainedGraphs())
+        return l
+def dfs_postorder(b, seen):
+    """Depth-first search of tree rooted at b, return in postorder"""
+    order = []
+    seen[b] = b
+    for c in b.get_children():
+        if seen.has_key(c):
+            continue
+        order = order + dfs_postorder(c, seen)
+    order.append(b)
+    return order
+class Block:
+    _count = 0
+    def __init__(self, label=''):
+        self.insts = []
+        self.inEdges = misc.Set()
+        self.outEdges = misc.Set()
+        self.label = label
+ = Block._count
+ = []
+        Block._count = Block._count + 1
+    def __repr__(self):
+        if self.label:
+            return "<block %s id=%d>" % (self.label,
+        else:
+            return "<block id=%d>" % (
+    def __str__(self):
+        insts = map(str, self.insts)
+        return "<block %s %d:\n%s>" % (self.label,,
+                                       '\n'.join(insts))
+    def emit(self, inst):
+        op = inst[0]
+        if op[:4] == 'JUMP':
+            self.outEdges.add(inst[1])
+        self.insts.append(inst)
+    def getInstructions(self):
+        return self.insts
+    def addInEdge(self, block):
+        self.inEdges.add(block)
+    def addOutEdge(self, block):
+        self.outEdges.add(block)
+    def addNext(self, block):
+        assert len( == 1, map(str,
+    _uncond_transfer = ('RETURN_VALUE', 'RAISE_VARARGS', 'YIELD_VALUE',
+                        'JUMP_ABSOLUTE', 'JUMP_FORWARD', 'CONTINUE_LOOP')
+    def pruneNext(self):
+        """Remove bogus edge for unconditional transfers
+        Each block has a next edge that accounts for implicit control
+        transfers, e.g. from a JUMP_IF_FALSE to the block that will be
+        executed if the test is true.
+        These edges must remain for the current assembler code to
+        work. If they are removed, the dfs_postorder gets things in
+        weird orders.  However, they shouldn't be there for other
+        purposes, e.g. conversion to SSA form.  This method will
+        remove the next edge when it follows an unconditional control
+        transfer.
+        """
+        try:
+            op, arg = self.insts[-1]
+        except (IndexError, ValueError):
+            return
+        if op in self._uncond_transfer:
+   = []
+    def get_children(self):
+        if and[0] in self.outEdges:
+            self.outEdges.remove([0])
+        return self.outEdges.elements() +
+    def getContainedGraphs(self):
+        """Return all graphs contained within this block.
+        For example, a MAKE_FUNCTION block will contain a reference to
+        the graph for the function body.
+        """
+        contained = []
+        for inst in self.insts:
+            if len(inst) == 1:
+                continue
+            op = inst[1]
+            if hasattr(op, 'graph'):
+                contained.append(op.graph)
+        return contained
+# flags for code objects
+# the FlowGraph is transformed in place; it exists in one of these states
+RAW = "RAW"
+class PyFlowGraph(FlowGraph):
+    super_init = FlowGraph.__init__
+    def __init__(self, name, filename, args=(), optimized=0, klass=None):
+        self.super_init()
+ = name
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.docstring = None
+        self.args = args # XXX
+        self.argcount = getArgCount(args)
+        self.klass = klass
+        if optimized:
+            self.flags = CO_OPTIMIZED | CO_NEWLOCALS
+        else:
+            self.flags = 0
+        self.consts = []
+        self.names = []
+        # Free variables found by the symbol table scan, including
+        # variables used only in nested scopes, are included here.
+        self.freevars = []
+        self.cellvars = []
+        # The closure list is used to track the order of cell
+        # variables and free variables in the resulting code object.
+        # The offsets used by LOAD_CLOSURE/LOAD_DEREF refer to both
+        # kinds of variables.
+        self.closure = []
+        self.varnames = list(args) or []
+        for i in range(len(self.varnames)):
+            var = self.varnames[i]
+            if isinstance(var, TupleArg):
+                self.varnames[i] = var.getName()
+        self.stage = RAW
+    def setDocstring(self, doc):
+        self.docstring = doc
+    def setFlag(self, flag):
+        self.flags = self.flags | flag
+        if flag == CO_VARARGS:
+            self.argcount = self.argcount - 1
+    def checkFlag(self, flag):
+        if self.flags & flag:
+            return 1
+    def setFreeVars(self, names):
+        self.freevars = list(names)
+    def setCellVars(self, names):
+        self.cellvars = names
+    def getCode(self):
+        """Get a Python code object"""
+        assert self.stage == RAW
+        self.computeStackDepth()
+        self.flattenGraph()
+        assert self.stage == FLAT
+        self.convertArgs()
+        assert self.stage == CONV
+        self.makeByteCode()
+        assert self.stage == DONE
+        return self.newCodeObject()
+    def dump(self, io=None):
+        if io:
+            save = sys.stdout
+            sys.stdout = io
+        pc = 0
+        for t in self.insts:
+            opname = t[0]
+            if opname == "SET_LINENO":
+                print
+            if len(t) == 1:
+                print "\t", "%3d" % pc, opname
+                pc = pc + 1
+            else:
+                print "\t", "%3d" % pc, opname, t[1]
+                pc = pc + 3
+        if io:
+            sys.stdout = save
+    def computeStackDepth(self):
+        """Compute the max stack depth.
+        Approach is to compute the stack effect of each basic block.
+        Then find the path through the code with the largest total
+        effect.
+        """
+        depth = {}
+        exit = None
+        for b in self.getBlocks():
+            depth[b] = findDepth(b.getInstructions())
+        seen = {}
+        def max_depth(b, d):
+            if seen.has_key(b):
+                return d
+            seen[b] = 1
+            d = d + depth[b]
+            children = b.get_children()
+            if children:
+                return max([max_depth(c, d) for c in children])
+            else:
+                if not b.label == "exit":
+                    return max_depth(self.exit, d)
+                else:
+                    return d
+        self.stacksize = max_depth(self.entry, 0)
+    def flattenGraph(self):
+        """Arrange the blocks in order and resolve jumps"""
+        assert self.stage == RAW
+        self.insts = insts = []
+        pc = 0
+        begin = {}
+        end = {}
+        for b in self.getBlocksInOrder():
+            begin[b] = pc
+            for inst in b.getInstructions():
+                insts.append(inst)
+                if len(inst) == 1:
+                    pc = pc + 1
+                elif inst[0] != "SET_LINENO":
+                    # arg takes 2 bytes
+                    pc = pc + 3
+            end[b] = pc
+        pc = 0
+        for i in range(len(insts)):
+            inst = insts[i]
+            if len(inst) == 1:
+                pc = pc + 1
+            elif inst[0] != "SET_LINENO":
+                pc = pc + 3
+            opname = inst[0]
+            if self.hasjrel.has_elt(opname):
+                oparg = inst[1]
+                offset = begin[oparg] - pc
+                insts[i] = opname, offset
+            elif self.hasjabs.has_elt(opname):
+                insts[i] = opname, begin[inst[1]]
+        self.stage = FLAT
+    hasjrel = misc.Set()
+    for i in dis.hasjrel:
+        hasjrel.add(dis.opname[i])
+    hasjabs = misc.Set()
+    for i in dis.hasjabs:
+        hasjabs.add(dis.opname[i])
+    def convertArgs(self):
+        """Convert arguments from symbolic to concrete form"""
+        assert self.stage == FLAT
+        self.consts.insert(0, self.docstring)
+        self.sort_cellvars()
+        for i in range(len(self.insts)):
+            t = self.insts[i]
+            if len(t) == 2:
+                opname, oparg = t
+                conv = self._converters.get(opname, None)
+                if conv:
+                    self.insts[i] = opname, conv(self, oparg)
+        self.stage = CONV
+    def sort_cellvars(self):
+        """Sort cellvars in the order of varnames and prune from freevars.
+        """
+        cells = {}
+        for name in self.cellvars:
+            cells[name] = 1
+        self.cellvars = [name for name in self.varnames
+                         if cells.has_key(name)]
+        for name in self.cellvars:
+            del cells[name]
+        self.cellvars = self.cellvars + cells.keys()
+        self.closure = self.cellvars + self.freevars
+    def _lookupName(self, name, list):
+        """Return index of name in list, appending if necessary
+        This routine uses a list instead of a dictionary, because a
+        dictionary can't store two different keys if the keys have the
+        same value but different types, e.g. 2 and 2L.  The compiler
+        must treat these two separately, so it does an explicit type
+        comparison before comparing the values.
+        """
+        t = type(name)
+        for i in range(len(list)):
+            if t == type(list[i]) and list[i] == name:
+                return i
+        end = len(list)
+        list.append(name)
+        return end
+    _converters = {}
+    def _convert_LOAD_CONST(self, arg):
+        if hasattr(arg, 'getCode'):
+            arg = arg.getCode()
+        return self._lookupName(arg, self.consts)
+    def _convert_LOAD_FAST(self, arg):
+        self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
+        return self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
+    _convert_STORE_FAST = _convert_LOAD_FAST
+    _convert_DELETE_FAST = _convert_LOAD_FAST
+    def _convert_LOAD_NAME(self, arg):
+        if self.klass is None:
+            self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
+        return self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
+    def _convert_NAME(self, arg):
+        if self.klass is None:
+            self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
+        return self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
+    _convert_STORE_NAME = _convert_NAME
+    _convert_DELETE_NAME = _convert_NAME
+    _convert_IMPORT_NAME = _convert_NAME
+    _convert_IMPORT_FROM = _convert_NAME
+    _convert_STORE_ATTR = _convert_NAME
+    _convert_LOAD_ATTR = _convert_NAME
+    _convert_DELETE_ATTR = _convert_NAME
+    _convert_LOAD_GLOBAL = _convert_NAME
+    _convert_STORE_GLOBAL = _convert_NAME
+    _convert_DELETE_GLOBAL = _convert_NAME
+    def _convert_DEREF(self, arg):
+        self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
+        self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
+        return self._lookupName(arg, self.closure)
+    _convert_LOAD_DEREF = _convert_DEREF
+    _convert_STORE_DEREF = _convert_DEREF
+    def _convert_LOAD_CLOSURE(self, arg):
+        self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
+        return self._lookupName(arg, self.closure)
+    _cmp = list(dis.cmp_op)
+    def _convert_COMPARE_OP(self, arg):
+        return self._cmp.index(arg)
+    # similarly for other opcodes...
+    for name, obj in locals().items():
+        if name[:9] == "_convert_":
+            opname = name[9:]
+            _converters[opname] = obj
+    del name, obj, opname
+    def makeByteCode(self):
+        assert self.stage == CONV
+        self.lnotab = lnotab = LineAddrTable()
+        for t in self.insts:
+            opname = t[0]
+            if len(t) == 1:
+                lnotab.addCode(self.opnum[opname])
+            else:
+                oparg = t[1]
+                if opname == "SET_LINENO":
+                    lnotab.nextLine(oparg)
+                    continue
+                hi, lo = twobyte(oparg)
+                try:
+                    lnotab.addCode(self.opnum[opname], lo, hi)
+                except ValueError:
+                    print opname, oparg
+                    print self.opnum[opname], lo, hi
+                    raise
+        self.stage = DONE
+    opnum = {}
+    for num in range(len(dis.opname)):
+        opnum[dis.opname[num]] = num
+    del num
+    def newCodeObject(self):
+        assert self.stage == DONE
+        if (self.flags & CO_NEWLOCALS) == 0:
+            nlocals = 0
+        else:
+            nlocals = len(self.varnames)
+        argcount = self.argcount
+        if self.flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS:
+            argcount = argcount - 1
+        return new.code(argcount, nlocals, self.stacksize, self.flags,
+                        self.lnotab.getCode(), self.getConsts(),
+                        tuple(self.names), tuple(self.varnames),
+                        self.filename,, self.lnotab.firstline,
+                        self.lnotab.getTable(), tuple(self.freevars),
+                        tuple(self.cellvars))
+    def getConsts(self):
+        """Return a tuple for the const slot of the code object
+        Must convert references to code (MAKE_FUNCTION) to code
+        objects recursively.
+        """
+        l = []
+        for elt in self.consts:
+            if isinstance(elt, PyFlowGraph):
+                elt = elt.getCode()
+            l.append(elt)
+        return tuple(l)
+def isJump(opname):
+    if opname[:4] == 'JUMP':
+        return 1
+class TupleArg:
+    """Helper for marking func defs with nested tuples in arglist"""
+    def __init__(self, count, names):
+        self.count = count
+        self.names = names
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "TupleArg(%s, %s)" % (self.count, self.names)
+    def getName(self):
+        return ".%d" % self.count
+def getArgCount(args):
+    argcount = len(args)
+    if args:
+        for arg in args:
+            if isinstance(arg, TupleArg):
+                numNames = len(misc.flatten(arg.names))
+                argcount = argcount - numNames
+    return argcount
+def twobyte(val):
+    """Convert an int argument into high and low bytes"""
+    assert isinstance(val, int)
+    return divmod(val, 256)
+class LineAddrTable:
+    """lnotab
+    This class builds the lnotab, which is documented in compile.c.
+    Here's a brief recap:
+    For each SET_LINENO instruction after the first one, two bytes are
+    added to lnotab.  (In some cases, multiple two-byte entries are
+    added.)  The first byte is the distance in bytes between the
+    instruction for the last SET_LINENO and the current SET_LINENO.
+    The second byte is offset in line numbers.  If either offset is
+    greater than 255, multiple two-byte entries are added -- see
+    compile.c for the delicate details.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.code = []
+        self.codeOffset = 0
+        self.firstline = 0
+        self.lastline = 0
+        self.lastoff = 0
+        self.lnotab = []
+    def addCode(self, *args):
+        for arg in args:
+            self.code.append(chr(arg))
+        self.codeOffset = self.codeOffset + len(args)
+    def nextLine(self, lineno):
+        if self.firstline == 0:
+            self.firstline = lineno
+            self.lastline = lineno
+        else:
+            # compute deltas
+            addr = self.codeOffset - self.lastoff
+            line = lineno - self.lastline
+            # Python assumes that lineno always increases with
+            # increasing bytecode address (lnotab is unsigned char).
+            # Depending on when SET_LINENO instructions are emitted
+            # this is not always true.  Consider the code:
+            #     a = (1,
+            #          b)
+            # In the bytecode stream, the assignment to "a" occurs
+            # after the loading of "b".  This works with the C Python
+            # compiler because it only generates a SET_LINENO instruction
+            # for the assignment.
+            if line >= 0:
+                push = self.lnotab.append
+                while addr > 255:
+                    push(255); push(0)
+                    addr -= 255
+                while line > 255:
+                    push(addr); push(255)
+                    line -= 255
+                    addr = 0
+                if addr > 0 or line > 0:
+                    push(addr); push(line)
+                self.lastline = lineno
+                self.lastoff = self.codeOffset
+    def getCode(self):
+        return ''.join(self.code)
+    def getTable(self):
+        return ''.join(map(chr, self.lnotab))
+class StackDepthTracker:
+    # XXX 1. need to keep track of stack depth on jumps
+    # XXX 2. at least partly as a result, this code is broken
+    def findDepth(self, insts, debug=0):
+        depth = 0
+        maxDepth = 0
+        for i in insts:
+            opname = i[0]
+            if debug:
+                print i,
+            delta = self.effect.get(opname, None)
+            if delta is not None:
+                depth = depth + delta
+            else:
+                # now check patterns
+                for pat, pat_delta in self.patterns:
+                    if opname[:len(pat)] == pat:
+                        delta = pat_delta
+                        depth = depth + delta
+                        break
+                # if we still haven't found a match
+                if delta is None:
+                    meth = getattr(self, opname, None)
+                    if meth is not None:
+                        depth = depth + meth(i[1])
+            if depth > maxDepth:
+                maxDepth = depth
+            if debug:
+                print depth, maxDepth
+        return maxDepth
+    effect = {
+        'POP_TOP': -1,
+        'DUP_TOP': 1,
+        'LIST_APPEND': -2,
+        'SLICE+1': -1,
+        'SLICE+2': -1,
+        'SLICE+3': -2,
+        'STORE_SLICE+0': -1,
+        'STORE_SLICE+1': -2,
+        'STORE_SLICE+2': -2,
+        'STORE_SLICE+3': -3,
+        'DELETE_SLICE+0': -1,
+        'DELETE_SLICE+1': -2,
+        'DELETE_SLICE+2': -2,
+        'DELETE_SLICE+3': -3,
+        'STORE_SUBSCR': -3,
+        'DELETE_SUBSCR': -2,
+        # PRINT_EXPR?
+        'PRINT_ITEM': -1,
+        'RETURN_VALUE': -1,
+        'YIELD_VALUE': -1,
+        'EXEC_STMT': -3,
+        'BUILD_CLASS': -2,
+        'STORE_NAME': -1,
+        'STORE_ATTR': -2,
+        'DELETE_ATTR': -1,
+        'STORE_GLOBAL': -1,
+        'BUILD_MAP': 1,
+        'COMPARE_OP': -1,
+        'STORE_FAST': -1,
+        'IMPORT_STAR': -1,
+        'IMPORT_NAME': -1,
+        'IMPORT_FROM': 1,
+        'LOAD_ATTR': 0, # unlike other loads
+        # close enough...
+        'SETUP_EXCEPT': 3,
+        'SETUP_FINALLY': 3,
+        'FOR_ITER': 1,
+        'WITH_CLEANUP': -1,
+        }
+    # use pattern match
+    patterns = [
+        ('BINARY_', -1),
+        ('LOAD_', 1),
+        ]
+    def UNPACK_SEQUENCE(self, count):
+        return count-1
+    def BUILD_TUPLE(self, count):
+        return -count+1
+    def BUILD_LIST(self, count):
+        return -count+1
+    def CALL_FUNCTION(self, argc):
+        hi, lo = divmod(argc, 256)
+        return -(lo + hi * 2)
+    def CALL_FUNCTION_VAR(self, argc):
+        return self.CALL_FUNCTION(argc)-1
+    def CALL_FUNCTION_KW(self, argc):
+        return self.CALL_FUNCTION(argc)-1
+    def CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW(self, argc):
+        return self.CALL_FUNCTION(argc)-2
+    def MAKE_FUNCTION(self, argc):
+        return -argc
+    def MAKE_CLOSURE(self, argc):
+        # XXX need to account for free variables too!
+        return -argc
+    def BUILD_SLICE(self, argc):
+        if argc == 2:
+            return -1
+        elif argc == 3:
+            return -2
+    def DUP_TOPX(self, argc):
+        return argc
+findDepth = StackDepthTracker().findDepth