changeset 0 fb279309251b
equal deleted inserted replaced
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19  /** Helpers for controls embedded in forms or setting item lists */
    21 var DRAW_BOUNDING_RECTS = false;
    23 include("formLibrary.js") // for isForm function
    24 include("settingsListLibrary.js")// for isSettingItemList
    25 include("transient_dialog/popupDialogLibrary.js")//isDataQuery
    27 /**
    28  * Implement IVisualAppearance routines with form/setting item support.
    29  * This automatically handles reducing the content area for
    30  * a component when it is displayed in a form/setting item list 
    31  * and returning a preferred size.
    32  *
    33  * @param prototype the prototype to modify<p>
    34  * 	This must provide these routines:	<br>
    35  * <p>
    36  *		drawContent(instance, laf, graphics, rect)	<br>
    37  *			Draw content into 'rect' (x, y are 0 and GC is shifted)	<br>
    38  *<p>
    39  *		getContentSize(instance, laf, size)	<br>
    40  *			Get the required size of the content, given the nominal constraints
    41  *			in 'size'.  For instance, a text field may increase the height
    42  *			due to wrapping.<p>
    43  *			The content bounds calculation is usually independent of whether the
    44  *			parent is a form, unless the rendering is significantly
    45  *			different.  The calculation <i>is</i> different for a setting
    46  *			item list, which uses a different font.  Returns a Point.	<br>
    47  */
    48 function setupEmbeddedRendering(prototype) {
    49 	prototype.draw = function(instance, laf, graphics) {
    50 		var properties = instance.properties;
    51 		if (isForm(instance.parent)) {
    52 			var rects = getFormItemRectangles(instance, laf);
    53 			var promptRect = rects[FORM_PROMPT_RECT_INDEX];
    54 			var contentRect = rects[FORM_CONTENT_RECT_INDEX];
    56 			drawFormPrompt(prototype, instance, laf, graphics, rects);
    57 			if (DRAW_BOUNDING_RECTS) {
    58 				graphics.setForeground(Colors.getColor(255, 0, 0));
    59 				graphics.setXORMode(true);
    60 				graphics.drawRectangle(promptRect.x, promptRect.y, promptRect.width-1, promptRect.height-1 );
    61 				graphics.setXORMode(false);
    62 			}
    64 			var oldX = graphics.getOffX();
    65 			var oldY = graphics.getOffY();
    66 			graphics.setOffX(contentRect.x);
    67 			graphics.setOffY(contentRect.y);
    68 			contentRect.x = 0;
    69 			contentRect.y = 0;
    70 			this.drawContent(instance, laf, graphics, contentRect);
    72 			if (DRAW_BOUNDING_RECTS) {
    73 				graphics.setForeground(Colors.getColor(255, 0, 0));
    74 				graphics.setXORMode(true);
    75 				graphics.drawRectangle(contentRect.x, contentRect.y, contentRect.width-1, contentRect.height-1 );
    76 				graphics.setXORMode(false);
    77 			}
    79 			graphics.setOffX(oldX);
    80 			graphics.setOffY(oldY);
    82 		} else if (isSettingItemList(instance.parent)) {
    84 			var rects = getSettingItemRectangles(instance, laf);
    85 			var numberRect = rects[SIL_NUMBER_RECT_INDEX];
    86 			var titleRect = rects[SIL_TITLE_RECT_INDEX];
    87 			var contentRect = rects[SIL_CONTENT_RECT_INDEX];
    89 			drawSettingItemPrompt(prototype, instance, laf, graphics, rects);
    90 			if (DRAW_BOUNDING_RECTS) {
    91 				graphics.setForeground(Colors.getColor(255, 0, 0));
    92 				graphics.setXORMode(true);
    93 				graphics.drawRectangle(numberRect.x, numberRect.y, numberRect.width-1, numberRect.height-1 );
    94 				graphics.drawRectangle(titleRect.x, titleRect.y, titleRect.width-1, titleRect.height-1 );
    95 				graphics.setXORMode(false);
    96 			}
    98 			var oldX = graphics.getOffX();
    99 			var oldY = graphics.getOffY();
   100 			graphics.setOffX(contentRect.x);
   101 			graphics.setOffY(contentRect.y);
   102 			contentRect.x = 0;
   103 			contentRect.y = 0;
   104 			this.drawContent(instance, laf, graphics, contentRect);
   106 			if (DRAW_BOUNDING_RECTS) {
   107 				graphics.setForeground(Colors.getColor(128, 0, 0));
   108 				graphics.setXORMode(true);
   109 				graphics.drawRectangle(contentRect.x, contentRect.y, contentRect.width-1, contentRect.height-1 );
   110 				graphics.setXORMode(false);
   111 			}
   113 			graphics.setOffX(oldX);
   114 			graphics.setOffY(oldY);
   116 		} else if (isDataQuery(instance.parent)) {
   117 			// draw inner shadows
   118 			var width = properties.size.width;
   119 			var height = properties.size.height;
   120 			graphics.setForeground(laf.getColor("control.shadow.inner"));
   121 			graphics.drawRectangle(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1);
   124 			graphics.setForeground(laf.getColor("control.shadow.outer"));
   125 			graphics.drawLine(1, 1, width - 1, 1);
   126 			graphics.drawLine(1, 1, 1, height - 1);
   128 			// draw content
   129 			var rect = new Rectangle(3, 3,
   130 					properties.size.width - 6, properties.size.height - 6);
   131 			this.drawContent(instance, laf, graphics, rect);
   132 		} else {
   133 			var rect = new Rectangle(0, 0,
   134 					properties.size.width, properties.size.height);
   135 			this.drawContent(instance, laf, graphics, rect);
   136 		}
   137 	}
   139 	prototype.getPreferredSize = function(instance, laf, wHint, hHint) {
   140 		var properties = instance.properties;
   142 		// [[[ ordinary calculations
   144 		// get current size
   145 		width = properties.size.width;
   146 		height = properties.size.height;
   148 		// if either of these are empty, use the parent's bounds as starting point
   149 		if ((width == 0) || (height == 0)) {
   150 			width = instance.parent.properties.size.width;
   151 			height = instance.parent.properties.size.height;
   152 		}
   154 		// use hints if provided
   155 		if (wHint >= 0)
   156 			width = wHint;
   157 		if (hHint >= 0)
   158 			height = hHint;
   160 		// ]]]
   162 		var rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
   164 		if (isForm(instance.parent)) {
   165 			var rects = getFormItemRectanglesInRect(instance, laf, rect);
   166 			var promptRect = rects[FORM_PROMPT_RECT_INDEX];
   167 			var contentRect = rects[FORM_CONTENT_RECT_INDEX];
   169 			// ensure size is big enough for content
   170 			size = this.getContentSize(instance, laf, 
   171 						new Point(contentRect.width, contentRect.height));
   173 			// for double-space mode, add height for the prompt
   174 			if (isDoubleSpaced(instance.parent)) {
   175 				size.y += promptRect.height + getFormLineGap(laf);
   176 			} else {
   177 				size.y += getFormLineGap(laf);
   179 			}
   180 		} else if (isSettingItemList(instance.parent)) {
   181 			var rects = getSettingItemRectanglesInRect(instance, laf, rect);
   182 			var contentRect = rects[SIL_CONTENT_RECT_INDEX];
   184 			// ensure size is big enough for content
   185 			size = this.getContentSize(instance, laf, 
   186 						new Point(contentRect.width, contentRect.height));
   188 			//size.y += getLineGap(laf);
   189 		} else {
   190 			size = this.getContentSize(instance, laf, new Point(width, height));
   191 		}
   193 		return size;
   194 	}
   196 	// drawPrompt needs these routines
   197 	setupEmbeddedImagePropertyInfo(prototype);
   198 }
   201 /**
   202  *	Set up direct label editing implementation for a component with
   203  *	one editable label
   204  *	@param prototype the impl prototype to update
   205  *	@param property the name of the edited property
   206  *	@param areafunction a function, taking (instance, laf, rect), which returns the
   207  *		editable area of the label (or null).  If null, the default behavior is
   208  *		to use the entire rendered area.  Otherwise, the area should be a subset
   209  *		of rect (which is adjusted to the content area in a form if necessary).
   210  *	@param fontfunction a function, taking an instance and laf, which returns the
   211  *		IFont to edit with (or null).  If null, the default behavior is to return
   212  *		null, indicating a default system font.
   213  */
   214 function setupCommonEmbeddedDirectLabelEditing(prototype, property,
   215 	areafunction, fontfunction) {
   217 	prototype.getPropertyPaths = function(instance) {
   218 		if (property) {
   219 			if (isForm(instance.parent))
   220 				return [ "prompt", property ];
   221 			else if (isSettingItemList(instance.parent))
   222 				return [ "itemTitle", "compulsoryLabel", property ];
   223 			else
   224 				return [ property ];
   225 		} else {
   226 			if (isForm(instance.parent))
   227 				return [ "prompt" ];
   228 			else if (isSettingItemList(instance.parent))
   229 				return [ "itemTitle", "compulsoryLabel" ];
   230 			else
   231 				return [ ];
   232 		}
   233 	}
   235 	prototype.getLabelBounds = function(instance, propertyPath, laf) {
   237 		if (isForm(instance.parent)) {
   238 			var rects = getFormItemRectangles(instance, laf);
   239 			var promptLabelRect = rects[FORM_PROMPT_LABEL_RECT_INDEX];
   240 			var contentRect = rects[FORM_CONTENT_RECT_INDEX];
   242 			if (propertyPath == "prompt") {
   243 				return promptLabelRect;
   244 			}
   245 			else if (property && propertyPath == property) {
   246 				rect = contentRect;
   247 				if (areafunction)
   248 					rect = areafunction(instance, laf, rect);
   249 				return rect;
   250 			}
   251 			else /* fall through */ ;
   252 		} else if (isSettingItemList(instance.parent)) {
   253 			var rects = getSettingItemRectangles(instance, laf);
   254 			var titleLabelRect = rects[SIL_TITLE_RECT_INDEX];
   255 			var contentRect = rects[SIL_CONTENT_RECT_INDEX];
   257 			if (propertyPath == "itemTitle") {
   258 				return titleLabelRect;
   259 			}
   260 			if (propertyPath == "compulsoryLabel") {
   261 				return rects[SIL_INDICATOR_RECT_INDEX];
   262 			}
   263 			if (property && propertyPath == property) {
   264 				rect = contentRect;
   265 				if (areafunction)
   266 					rect = areafunction(instance, laf, rect);
   267 				return rect;
   268 			}
   269 			/* fall through */
   271 		}
   273 		var rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 
   274 			instance.properties.size.width, instance.properties.size.height);
   276 		if (property && propertyPath == property) {
   277 			if (areafunction)
   278 				rect = areafunction(instance, laf, rect);
   280 			return rect;
   281 		}
   283 		return null;
   284 	}
   286 	prototype.getLabelFont = function(instance, propertyPath, laf) {
   287 		if (propertyPath == "prompt")
   288 			return getPromptFont(laf);
   289 		if (propertyPath == "itemTitle")
   290 			return getTitleFont(laf);
   292 		if (property && propertyPath) {
   293 			if (fontfunction)
   294 				return fontfunction(instance, laf);
   295 		}
   297 		return null;
   298 	}
   299 }
   301 /**
   302  *	Support image validation for a form-provided promptImage property.
   303  */
   304 function setupCommonEmbeddedDirectImageEditing(prototype) {
   305 	setupCommonDirectImageEditing(prototype, "promptImage", 
   307 	/* areafunction */
   308 	function (instance, laf, propertyId) {
   309 		if (isForm(instance.parent) &&
   310 			instance.parent.properties.EEikFormShowBitmaps) {
   311 			var rects = getFormItemRectangles(instance, laf);
   312 			return rects[FORM_PROMPT_IMAGE_RECT_INDEX];
   313 		} else {
   314 			return null;
   315 		}
   316 	}
   317 	);
   318 }
   320 /**
   321  *	Support image property info support for form
   322  */
   323 function setupEmbeddedImagePropertyInfo(prototype) {
   324 	// IImagePropertyInfo
   325 	prototype.getViewableSize = function(instance, propertyId, laf) {
   326 		if (propertyId == "promptImage") {
   327 			if (isForm(instance.parent)) {
   328 				// return rect even if prompt is invisible
   329 				var rects = getFormItemRectangles(instance, laf);
   330 				var rect = rects[FORM_PROMPT_IMAGE_RECT_INDEX];
   331 				if (rect != null)
   332 					return new Point(rect.width, rect.height);
   333 			}
   334 		}
   335 		return null;
   336 	}
   338 	prototype.isScaling = function(instance, propertyId, laf) {
   339 		if (propertyId == "promptImage") {
   340 			return isScalingIcons();
   341 		}
   342 		return true;
   343 	}
   345 	prototype.getAlignmentWeights = function(instance, propertyId, laf) {
   346 		if (propertyId == "promptImage") {
   347 			return new Point(ImageUtils.ALIGN_CENTER_OR_LEFT, ImageUtils.ALIGN_CENTER_OR_TOP);
   348 		}
   349 		return null;
   350 	}
   352 	prototype.isPreservingAspectRatio = function(instance, propertyId, laf) {
   353 		if (propertyId == "promptImage") {
   354 			return true;
   355 		}
   356 		return true;
   357 	}
   359 }