changeset 0 fb279309251b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:fb279309251b
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    20 	// Turn a color property value string into
    21 	// a color. The value is expected to either
    22 	// be a comma delimited RGB or a system color
    24 function colorFromString(laf, colorStr) {
    25 	if (colorStr == null || colorStr == "")
    26 		return null;
    28 	var result = null;
    29 	var elements = colorStr.split(",");
    30 	if (elements.length == 3) {
    31 		var valid = true;
    32 		for (var i in elements) {
    33 			var num = parseInt(elements[i]);
    34 			if (isNaN(num))
    35 				valid = false;
    36 		}
    37 		if (valid)
    38 			result = Colors.getColor(elements[0], elements[1], elements[2]);
    39 	}
    40 	else {
    41 		result = laf.getColor(colorStr);
    42 	}
    43 	return result;
    44 }
    46 // Get the effective background color, assuming that everything is transparent
    47 // until we get to a component with an attribute describing how its
    48 // background will be drawn
    49 function getBackgroundColor(instance, laf) {
    50 	var color = null;
    51 	while (instance != null) {
    52 		// children of form and settings list have parent-derived colors
    53 		if (instance.parent != null && instance.parent.componentId == "com.nokia.sdt.series60.CAknForm")
    54 			break;
    55 		if (instance.parent != null && instance.parent.componentId == "com.nokia.sdt.series60.CAknSettingItemList") {
    56 			color = laf.getColor("CAknSettingItemList.ContentBackground");
    57 			break;
    58 		}
    60 		var bgProperty = null;
    61 		var bgColor = null;
    62 		if (instance.component != null) {
    63 			bgProperty = instance.component.attributes
    64 				["container-background-color-property-name"];
    65 			bgColor = instance.component.attributes
    66 				["container-background-color"];
    67 		}
    68 		if (bgProperty != null) {
    69 			color = colorFromString(laf, instance.properties[bgProperty]);
    70 			if (color != null) {
    71 				//println("used attribute for " + color);
    72 				break;
    73 			}
    74 		}
    75 		if (bgColor != null) {
    76 			color = laf.getColor(bgColor);
    77 			if (color != null) {
    78 				//println("used property for " + color);
    79 				break;
    80 			}
    81 		}
    82 		instance = instance.parent;
    83 	}
    84 	if (color == null) {
    85 		color = laf.getColor("EEikColorWindowBackground");
    86 		//println("using background color " + color);
    87 		if (color == null) {
    88 			color = Colors.getColor(255, 255, 255);
    89 		}
    90 	}
    91 	return color;
    92 }
    94 /**
    95  * Return a reference to the IImageRenderingClass for static constant values access
    96  */
    98 IImageRendering = null;
   100 function getIImageRenderingClass() {
   101 	if (IImageRendering == null)
   102 		IImageRendering = getPluginClass("com.nokia.sdt.uimodel", "com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.images.IImageRendering");
   104 	return IImageRendering;
   105 }
   107 /**
   108  *	Get the real size of an image from property.
   109  *	This retrieves the unscaled image, which should 
   110  *	already be cached.
   111  *	@param instance the instance
   112  *	@param imageProperty the property, i.e. instance.properties.image
   113  *	@param multiImageAbstractImageId for a multi-image property, the abstract image id
   114  *	@return the Rectangle bounds, or null
   115  */
   116 function getImageBounds(instance, imageProperty, multiImageAbstractImageId) {
   117  	var imageRendering = createImagePropertyRendering();
   118  	imageRendering.setImageProperty(instance, null, null);
   119  	imageRendering.setImagePropertySource(imageProperty);
   120  	imageRendering.setViewableSize(null);
   121  	if (multiImageAbstractImageId)
   122  		imageRendering.setMultiImagePropertyAbstractImageId(multiImageAbstractImageId);
   123 	var imgData = imageRendering.getImageData();
   124 	if (imgData == null)
   125 		return null;
   126 	return new Rectangle(0, 0, imgData.width, imgData.height);
   127 }
   129 /**
   130  *	Scale a size to fit in a given size
   131  *	@param insize incoming size to scale
   132  *	@param size the size to fit
   133  *	@param preserveAspect true: keep aspect ratio, false: use instance size exactly
   134  *	@return a Point
   135  */
   136 function getSizeScaledToSize(insize, size, preserveAspect) {
   137 	if (!preserveAspect || size.x == 0 || size.y == 0)	{
   138 		return size;
   139 	}
   141 	if (insize.x == 0 || insize.y == 0)
   142 		return insize;
   144 	var iw, ih;
   145 	if (size.x / size.y > insize.x / insize.y) {
   146 		iw = insize.x * size.y / insize.y;
   147 		ih = size.y;
   148 	} else {
   149 		iw = size.x;
   150 		ih = insize.y * size.x / insize.x;
   151 	}
   152 	var scaled = new Point(iw, ih);
   153 	//println("scaled to " + scaled);
   154 	return scaled;
   155 }
   157 /**
   158  *	Scale a bounds to fit in a given bounding rectangle, and centered therein.
   159  *	@param inBounds incoming bounds to scale
   160  *	@param bounds the bounds to fit
   161  *	@param preserveAspect true: keep aspect ratio, false: use instance size exactly
   162  *	@return a Rectangle
   163  */
   164 function getBoundsScaledToBounds(inBounds, bounds, preserveAspect) {
   165 	var size = getSizeScaledToSize(new Point(inBounds.width, inBounds.height),
   166 		new Point(bounds.width, bounds.height),
   167 		preserveAspect);
   169 	var scaled = new Rectangle((bounds.width - size.x) / 2, (bounds.height - size.y) / 2,
   170 			size.x, size.y);
   171 	//println("scaled to " + scaled);
   172 	return scaled;
   173 }
   175 //	Draw an image into the given rectangle in the gc
   176 //	@param instance the instance
   177 //	@param graphics the GC
   178 //	@param rect the rectangle to draw to.  If the rectangle is null
   179 //		or the width/height are 0, no scaling is performed.
   180 //		The x/y offset are used, if non-null, to offset the image.
   181 //	@param doBlend true: blend smoothly with background (only works with solid background)
   182 //	@return the Image, or null
   183 function drawImage(instance, graphics, image, rect, doBlend) {
   184 	if (image) {
   185 		// show image in dialog
   186 		//var dump = new ImageDump(null, image);
   187 		//dump.open();
   189 		var imgRect = image.getBounds()
   190 		//println("image is " + imgRect);
   192 		var blended = ImageUtils.flattenAlphaMaskedImage(graphics.getDevice(), image, 
   193 			graphics.getBackground(), doBlend, true /* transparent */);
   195 		// show blended image in dialog
   196 		//var dump = new ImageDump(null, blended);
   197 		//dump.open();
   199 		if (rect) {
   200 			var imgRect = blended.getBounds()
   201 			if (rect.width != 0 && rect.height != 0)
   202 				graphics.drawImage(blended, 0, 0, imgRect.width, imgRect.height, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
   203 			else
   204 				graphics.drawImage(blended, 0, 0, imgRect.width, imgRect.height, rect.x, rect.y, imgRect.width, imgRect.height);
   205 		} else {
   206 			graphics.drawImage(blended, 0, 0);
   207 		}
   209 		blended.dispose();
   210 	}
   211 }
   214 /**
   215  * Get the height of a font which properly encompasses its leading,
   216  * descent, and ascent.  font.getHeight() is not quite accurate, for some reason...
   217  */
   218 function getFontHeight(font) {
   219 	return font.formattedStringExtent("x", new Point(0, 0), 0, 0).y;
   220 }
   222 /**
   223  *	Render an image to the gc
   224  *	@param prototype a prototype implementing IImagePropertyRenderingInfo
   225  *	@param instance the component instance holding the image property
   226  *	@param laf the look and feel information
   227  *	@param graphics the GC
   228  *	@param x x offset of image (left)
   229  *	@param y y offset of image (top)
   230  *	@param propertyId the property path of the image compound property
   231  *	@param doBlend true: blend image with background when flattening alpha
   232  *  @param multiImageAbstractImageId if non-null, then the image property houses multiple images, and draw this one
   233  *	(@see IMultiImagePropertyInfo)
   234  */
   235 function renderImage(prototype, instance, laf, graphics, x, y, propertyId, doBlend, multiImageAbstractImageId) {
   236 	var imagePropertyRendering = createImagePropertyRendering();
   237 	imagePropertyRendering.setImageProperty(instance, propertyId, laf);
   238 	imagePropertyRendering.setViewableSize(prototype.getViewableSize(instance, propertyId, laf));
   239 	imagePropertyRendering.setAlignmentWeights(prototype.getAlignmentWeights(instance, propertyId, laf));
   240 	imagePropertyRendering.setScaling(prototype.isScaling(instance, propertyId, laf));
   241 	imagePropertyRendering.setPreservingAspectRatio(prototype.isPreservingAspectRatio(instance, propertyId, laf));
   243 	if (doBlend)
   244 		imagePropertyRendering.setTransparencyHandling(getIImageRenderingClass().TRANSPARENCY_FLATTEN_AND_BLEND);
   245 	else
   246 		imagePropertyRendering.setTransparencyHandling(getIImageRenderingClass().TRANSPARENCY_FLATTEN);
   247 	if (multiImageAbstractImageId)
   248 		imagePropertyRendering.setMultiImagePropertyAbstractImageId(multiImageAbstractImageId);
   250 	imagePropertyRendering.render(graphics.getWrappedGC(), x, y);
   251 }
   254 /**
   255  *	Get the bounds consumed by wrappable text, given a limiting width and 
   256  *	maximum number of lines.  This detects newlines embedded in text.
   257  *	@param string the text to measure
   258  *	@param width width in pixels
   259  *	@param font the font
   260  *	@param flags mask of IFont.XXX flags (wrapping flags ignored!)
   261  *	@param lineGap pixel gap b/t lines
   262  *	@param maxLines maximum # lines to emit
   263  *	@return Point (maxWidthUsed, requiredHeight)
   264  */
   265 function calculateWrappedTextSize(string, width, font, flags, lineGap, maxLines) {
   266 	var lines = TextRendering.formatIntoLines(font, string, width, flags, maxLines);
   267 	var fontHeight = font.getHeight();
   268 	var gappedLineHeight = fontHeight + lineGap;
   269 	var maxWidth = 0;
   270 	for (var i in lines) {
   271 		var line = lines[i];
   272 		maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, font.stringExtent(line).x);
   273 	}
   274 	return new Point(maxWidth, lines.length * gappedLineHeight);
   275 }