1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 <?NLS TYPE="org.eclipse.help.toc"?> |
3 |
4 <toc label="UIQ" link_to="../com.nokia.carbide.cpp.uidesigner.doc.user/toc.xml#uid_sections"> |
5 <topic label="Working with UIQ" > |
6 |
7 <topic label="UIQ UI" href="html/concepts/con_uiq_3x_ui.htm" > |
8 <topic label="Screen Layout Configurations" href="html/concepts/con_uiq_layout_configurations.htm" /> |
9 <topic label="UI Designs" href="html/concepts/con_uiq_ui_designs.htm" /> |
10 </topic> |
11 |
12 <topic label="UI Design Wizard" href="html/reference/uidesign/ref_ui_design_wizard.htm" > |
13 <topic label="Application Properties Page" href="html/reference/uidesign/ref_ui_design_wizard_01.htm" /> |
14 <topic label="UIQ UI Design Selection Page" href="html/reference/uidesign/ref_ui_design_wizard_02.htm" /> |
15 <topic label="UIQ UI Design Properties Page" href="html/reference/uidesign/ref_ui_design_wizard_04.htm" /> |
16 </topic> |
17 |
18 <topic label="New UIQ Project Wizard" href="html/reference/projects/ref_new_proj_wizard.htm" > |
19 <topic label="New Symbian OS C++ Project Page" href="html/reference/projects/ref_new_proj_01.htm" /> |
20 <topic label="Select a Type of Project Page" href="html/reference/projects/ref_new_proj_02.htm" /> |
21 <topic label="Symbian OS SDKs Page" href="html/reference/projects/ref_new_proj_03.htm" /> |
22 <topic label="Application Properties Page" href="html/reference/projects/ref_new_proj_04.htm" /> |
23 <topic label="UIQ UI Design Selection Page" href="html/reference/projects/ref_new_proj_05.htm" /> |
24 <topic label="UIQ UI Design Properties" href="html/reference/projects/ref_new_proj_07.htm" /> |
25 <topic label="Basic Settings Page" href="html/reference/projects/ref_new_proj_08.htm" /> |
26 <topic label="Project Directories Page" href="html/reference/projects/ref_new_proj_09.htm" /> |
27 </topic> |
28 |
29 <topic label="Application Editor" href="html/reference/app_editor/ref_app_editor.htm" > |
30 <topic label="Overview Page" href="html/reference/app_editor/ref_overview.htm" /> |
31 <topic label="UI Designs Page" href="html/reference/app_editor/ref_ui_design.htm" /> |
32 <topic label="Import UI Designs Dialog" href="html/reference/app_editor/ref_ui_design_import.htm" /> |
33 <topic label="Languages Page" href="html/reference/app_editor/ref_languages.htm" /> |
34 <topic label="Add Symbian Languages Dialog" href="html/reference/app_editor/ref_language_add.htm" /> |
35 <topic label="Component Palette" href="html/reference/components/ref_palette.htm" > |
36 <topic label="Controls Components" href="html/reference/components/ref_controls.htm" /> |
37 <topic label="Editors Components" href="html/reference/components/ref_editors.htm" /> |
38 <topic label="Layout Components" href="html/reference/components/ref_layout.htm" /> |
39 <topic label="List Box Components" href="html/reference/components/ref_list_box.htm" /> |
40 <topic label="Messages and Dialogs Components" href="html/reference/components/ref_message_dialogs.htm" /> |
41 <topic label="Component Information Pane" href="html/reference/components/ref_information.htm" /> |
42 </topic> |
43 </topic> <!-- END "Application Editor" --> |
44 |
45 <topic label="Creating New GUI Projects" href="html/tasks/Projects/task_proj_new.htm" > |
46 <topic label="Starting the New Project Wizard" href="html/tasks/Projects/task_proj_new-00.htm" /> |
47 <topic label="Setting the Project Name" href="html/tasks/Projects/task_proj_new-01.htm" /> |
48 <topic label="Selecting a Template" href="html/tasks/Projects/task_proj_new-02.htm" /> |
49 <topic label="Selecting Project SDKs" href="html/tasks/Projects/task_proj_new-03.htm" /> |
50 <topic label="Setting Basic Application Properties" href="html/tasks/Projects/task_proj_new-04.htm" /> |
51 <topic label="Selecting Initial Content" href="html/tasks/Projects/task_proj_new-05.htm" /> |
52 <topic label="Setting Base Name and Container Type" href="html/tasks/Projects/task_proj_new-07.htm" /> |
53 <topic label="Entering the Application Basic Settings" href="html/tasks/Projects/task_proj_new-08.htm" /> |
54 <topic label="Assigning Project Directories" href="html/tasks/Projects/task_proj_new-09.htm" /> |
55 </topic> |
56 |
57 <topic label="Application UI Designs" href="html/tasks/app_edit/task_uidesign.htm" > |
58 <topic label="Selecting the Initial View" href="html/tasks/app_edit/task_uidesign_initial_view.htm" /> |
59 <topic label="Adding a UI Design" href="html/tasks/app_edit/task_uidesign_add.htm" /> |
60 <topic label="Removing a UI Design" href="html/tasks/app_edit/task_uidesign_remove.htm" /> |
61 <topic label="Importing a Removed UI Design" href="html/tasks/app_edit/task_uidesign_import.htm" /> |
62 </topic> |
63 |
64 <topic label="UI Configuration" href="html/tasks/ui_configuration/task_uiconfig.htm" > |
65 <topic label="Layout Configuration" href="html/tasks/ui_configuration/task_uiconfig_layout.htm" /> |
66 <topic label="UI Configuration" href="html/tasks/ui_configuration/task_uiconfig_view.htm" /> |
67 </topic> <!-- END "UI Configuration" --> |
68 |
69 <topic label="Commands" href="html/tasks/commands/task_commands.htm" > |
70 <topic label="Command Lists" href="html/tasks/commands/task_commands_lists.htm" /> |
71 <topic label="Command Details" href="html/tasks/commands/task_commands_details.htm" /> |
72 <topic label="Commands IDs" href="html/tasks/commands/task_commands_ids.htm" /> |
73 </topic> |
74 |
75 <topic label="Objects" href="html/tasks/components/task_comp_working_with_obj.htm" > |
76 <topic label="Adding New Objects" href="html/tasks/components/task_comp_new_obj.htm" /> |
77 <topic label="Deleting Objects" href="html/tasks/components/task_comp_delete_obj.htm" /> |
78 <topic label="Row Layout Manager" href="html/tasks/components/task_comp_row_layout_manager.htm" /> |
79 </topic> |
80 |
81 </topic> |
82 </toc> |