changeset 0 fb279309251b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:fb279309251b
     1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
     2 <!-- Schema file written by PDE -->
     3 <schema targetNamespace="com.nokia.uidesigner.componentsystem.core">
     4 <annotation>
     5       <appInfo>
     6          <meta.schema plugin="com.nokia.uidesigner.componentsystem.core" id="componentLibrary" name="Component Library"/>
     7       </appInfo>
     8       <documentation>
     9          This extension point allows new component libraries to be added to the component system.
    10       </documentation>
    11    </annotation>
    13    <element name="extension">
    14       <complexType>
    15          <sequence>
    16             <element ref="library"/>
    17          </sequence>
    18          <attribute name="point" type="string" use="required">
    19             <annotation>
    20                <documentation>
    22                </documentation>
    23             </annotation>
    24          </attribute>
    25          <attribute name="id" type="string">
    26             <annotation>
    27                <documentation>
    29                </documentation>
    30             </annotation>
    31          </attribute>
    32          <attribute name="name" type="string">
    33             <annotation>
    34                <documentation>
    36                </documentation>
    37                <appInfo>
    38                   <meta.attribute translatable="true"/>
    39                </appInfo>
    40             </annotation>
    41          </attribute>
    42       </complexType>
    43    </element>
    45    <element name="library">
    46       <annotation>
    47          <documentation>
    48             Specify the library location.
    49          </documentation>
    50       </annotation>
    51       <complexType>
    52          <attribute name="path" type="string" use="default" value=".">
    53             <annotation>
    54                <documentation>
    55                   Specify the relative path to the component definitions.  The default is the directory of the component library plugin.  A file *.sdkinfo, if any, must exist at this location.
    57 There is currently no variable substitution in this path.
    58                </documentation>
    59             </annotation>
    60          </attribute>
    61          <attribute name="class" type="string">
    62             <annotation>
    63                <documentation>
    64                   Implementation of com.nokia.sdt.component.symbian.IComponentLibrary that supplies searching and loading behavior for the library.
    65                </documentation>
    66                <appInfo>
    67                   <meta.attribute kind="java" basedOn="org.eclipse.pde.IExtensionWizard"/>
    68                </appInfo>
    69             </annotation>
    70          </attribute>
    71          <attribute name="sdkPattern" type="string" use="default" value=".*">
    72             <annotation>
    73                <documentation>
    74                   This is a regular expression used to match the SDKs supported by this component library.  The default is &quot;.*&quot; for all SDKs.
    76 At this time the pattern matches the vendor name used in the &amp;lt;symbian&amp;gt; attribute, e.g. &quot;com\.nokia\.series60&quot;.  At a future time, if needed, this may be extended to handle version ranges as well.
    77                </documentation>
    78             </annotation>
    79          </attribute>
    80       </complexType>
    81    </element>
    83    <annotation>
    84       <appInfo>
    85          <meta.section type="since"/>
    86       </appInfo>
    87       <documentation>
    88          0.0.0
    89       </documentation>
    90    </annotation>
    92    <annotation>
    93       <appInfo>
    94          <meta.section type="examples"/>
    95       </appInfo>
    96       <documentation>
    97          [Enter extension point usage example here.]
    98       </documentation>
    99    </annotation>
   101    <annotation>
   102       <appInfo>
   103          <meta.section type="apiInfo"/>
   104       </appInfo>
   105       <documentation>
   106          [Enter API information here.]
   107       </documentation>
   108    </annotation>
   110    <annotation>
   111       <appInfo>
   112          <meta.section type="implementation"/>
   113       </appInfo>
   114       <documentation>
   115          [Enter information about supplied implementation of this extension point.]
   116       </documentation>
   117    </annotation>
   119    <annotation>
   120       <appInfo>
   121          <meta.section type="copyright"/>
   122       </appInfo>
   123       <documentation>
   124          (c) 2005 Nokia
   125       </documentation>
   126    </annotation>
   128 </schema>