changeset 0 fb279309251b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:fb279309251b
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 include("renderLibrary.js")
    21 /**
    22  * Create a contribution that sets a property if its value
    23  * is not equal to a given default.  
    24  * @param phase the phase to supply
    25  * @param indent extra indentation to add (i.e. 1 if inside an "if")
    26  * @param instanceMemberName the name of the member variable
    27  * @param propertyValue the current value of the property
    28  * @param defaultValue the value considered the default
    29  * @param format a format string for setting the property, where
    30  *		{0} is substituted with instanceMemberName and 
    31  *		{1} is substituted with the propertyValue
    32  * @return a contribution, or null
    33  */
    34 function createSetPropertyForPhase(contribs, phase, indent, instanceMemberName, 
    35 			propertyValue, defaultValue, format) {
    36 	if (propertyValue != defaultValue) {
    37 		contrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
    38 		contrib.indentAdjust(indent);
    39 		contrib.setFormattedText(format, new Array( instanceMemberName, propertyValue) );
    40 		return contrib;
    41 	}
    42 	return null;
    43 }
    45 /**
    46  * Generate a contribution that sets a property if its value
    47  * is not equal to a given default.  
    48  * @param contribs the contribution list
    49  * @param phase the phase to supply
    50  * @param indent extra indentation to add (i.e. 1 if inside an "if")
    51  * @param instanceMemberName the name of the member variable
    52  * @param propertyValue the current value of the property
    53  * @param defaultValue the value considered the default
    54  * @param format a format string for setting the property, where
    55  *		{0} is substituted with instanceMemberName and 
    56  *		{1} is substituted with the propertyValue
    57  * @param checkNull if true, insert check for null instance around sette
    58  */
    59 function setPropertyForPhase(contribs, phase, indent, instanceMemberName, 
    60 			propertyValue, defaultValue, format, checkNull) {
    61 	contrib = createSetPropertyForPhase(contribs, phase, indent, 
    62 			instanceMemberName, propertyValue, defaultValue, format);
    63 	if (contrib == null)
    64 		return;
    65 	if (checkNull) {
    66 		acontrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
    67 		acontrib.indentAdjust(indent);
    68 		acontrib.setFormattedText("if ( {0} )\n", [ instanceMemberName ]);
    69 		contribs.add(acontrib);
    71 		acontrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
    72 		acontrib.indentAdjust(indent+1);
    73 		acontrib.setText("{\n");
    74 		contribs.add(acontrib);
    76 		contribs.add(contrib);
    78 		acontrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
    79 		acontrib.indentAdjust(indent+1);
    80 		acontrib.setText("}\n");
    81 		contribs.add(acontrib);
    82 	} else {
    83 		contribs.add(contrib);
    84 	}
    85 }
    87 /**
    88  * Generate a set of contributions to set multiple possible
    89  * properties.
    90  * Like #setPropertyForPhase(), where the 5th and later arguments
    91  * are taken in groups of three as [propertyValue, defaultValue, format].
    92  */
    93 function setPropertiesForPhase(contribs, phase, indent, instanceMemberName, checkNull) {
    94 	var any = false;
    95 	var innerIndent = indent + (checkNull ? 1 : 0);
    96 	for (var h = 5; h < arguments.length; h += 3) {
    97 		contrib = createSetPropertyForPhase(contribs, phase, innerIndent, instanceMemberName,
    98 			arguments[h], arguments[h+1], arguments[h+2]);
    99 		if (contrib == null)
   100 			continue;
   101 		if (!any && checkNull) {
   102 			acontrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
   103 			acontrib.indentAdjust(indent);
   104 			acontrib.setFormattedText("if ( {0} )\n", [ instanceMemberName ]);
   105 			contribs.add(acontrib);
   107 			acontrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
   108 			acontrib.indentAdjust(indent+1);
   109 			acontrib.setText("{\n");
   110 			contribs.add(acontrib);
   112 			any	= true;
   113 		}
   114 		contribs.add(contrib);
   115 	}
   117 	if (any && checkNull) {
   118 		acontrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
   119 		acontrib.indentAdjust(indent+1);
   120 		acontrib.setText("}\n");
   121 		contribs.add(acontrib);
   122 	}
   123 }
   125 /**
   126  *	Get the base filename
   127  *	@param path a path
   128  */
   129 function getBaseFileName(path) {
   130 	var idx = path.lastIndexOf('/');
   131 	if (idx >= 0)
   132 		base = path.substring(idx+1);
   133 	else {
   134 		idx = path.lastIndexOf('\\');
   135 		if (idx >= 0)
   136 			base = path.substring(idx+1);
   137 		else
   138 			base = path;
   139 	}
   140 	idx = base.lastIndexOf('.');
   141 	if (idx >= 0)
   142 		base = base.substring(0, idx);
   144 	return base;
   145 }
   147 /**
   148  *	Get the bitmap header file
   149  *	@param path the system MBM/MIF name from the image.bmpfile property
   150  */
   151 function getBitmapHeaderName(path) {
   152 	var base = getBaseFileName(path);
   153 	return base + ".mbg";
   154 }
   156 function addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent, text) {
   157 	var c;
   158 	if (phase != null)
   159 		c = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
   160 	else
   161 		c = Engine.createContributionForLocation(loc);
   162 	c.setText(text);
   163 	c.indentAdjust(indent);
   164 	contribs.add(c);
   165 }
   167 function addFormattedContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent, format, args) {
   168 	var c;
   169 	if (phase != null)
   170 		c = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
   171 	else
   172 		c = Engine.createContributionForLocation(loc);
   173 	c.setFormattedText(format, args);
   174 	c.indentAdjust(indent);
   175 	contribs.add(c);
   176 }
   178 /**
   179  *	Get the nearest enclosing instance that defines a class.
   180  */
   181 function getClassHolder(instance) {
   182 	while (instance != null && !instance.properties.className) {
   183 		instance = instance.parent;
   184 	}
   185 	return instance;
   186 }
   188 /**
   189  *	Get the table of multi-image filenames to literal names
   190  */
   191 function getFilenameToLiteralTable(instance) {
   192 	var holder = getClassHolder(instance);
   193 	var key = "ImageSupport.filenameToLiteralTable:" + holder;
   194 	var table = Engine.getGlobalDictionary().get(key);
   195 	if (table == null) {
   196 		table = new java.util.HashMap();
   197 		Engine.getGlobalDictionary().put(key, table);
   198 	}
   199 	return table;
   200 }
   202 /**
   203  *	Get an identifier name from a MBM/MIF filepath
   204  */
   205 function makeLiteralIdentifier(map, path) {
   206 	// no need to uniquify, as the base mbmdef/mifdef name must be unique as well
   207 	var base = getBaseFileName(path);
   208 	var litname = "K" + base + "File";
   209 	return litname;
   210 }
   212 /**
   213  *	Prepare a container for sourcegen that involves generating
   214  *	image properties.  We need to ensure the MBM/MIF filename for
   215  *	an image is emitted as a constant only once.
   216  */
   217 function resetImagePropertyState(instance) {
   218 	var classHolder = getClassHolder(instance);
   219 	classHolder.filenameToLiteralTable = new java.util.HashMap();
   220 }
   222 /**
   223  *	Tell if an image property is set.  If not, it should be ignored.
   224  */		
   225 function isImagePropertySet(imageProperty) {
   226 	return imageProperty.bmpfile != "" 
   227 		&& imageProperty.bmpid != "";
   228 }
   230 /** 
   231  *	Tell if we support scaling at all
   232  */
   233 function isScalingIcons() {
   234 	var version = getComponentVersions();
   235 	if (version.getMajor() >= 3)
   236 		return true;
   237 	if (version.getMajor() == 2 && version.getMinor() >= 8) {
   238 		appUi = getRootModelInstanceOfType("com.nokia.sdt.series60.CAknAppUi");
   239 		if (appUi != null)
   240 			return appUi.properties.layoutAware;
   241 	}
   242 	return false;
   243 }
   245 /**
   246  *	Set up contributions that set up an image property given
   247  *	its compound property.  This uses CFbsBitmap* objects and
   248  *	thus allows for resizing behavior.  Use a separate routine if
   249  *	setting up multiple images, since the repeated code for SVG setup
   250  *	can get quite long.
   251  *	@param contribs the contributions to append to
   252  *	@param instance instance the image is for (used to find the class)
   253  *	@param phase primary phase to write to (or null, loc must be set)
   254  *	@param loc primary location to write to (or null, phase must be set)
   255  *	@param indent indentation adjust
   256  *	@param imageProperty the property value
   257  *	@param aspectOption the appropriate enumeration for aspect ratio handling (or null)
   258  *	@param bitmapPattern when only a bitmap is set,
   259  *		a MessageFormat string to be substituted with arguments ([ CFbsBitmap* ])
   260  *	@param bitmapAndMaskPattern when a bitmap and mask is set,
   261  *		a MessageFormat string to be substituted with arguments (or null)
   262  *		([ CFbsBitmap*, CFbsBitmap* ])
   263  *	@param theSize text representing the TSize argument (e.g. "control->Size()" or "TSize(45, 66)")
   264  *			or null to use the image's real size
   265  */
   266 function setupImageFromPropertyViaCFbsBitmap(contribs, instance, phase, loc, indent,
   267 		imageProperty, aspectOption, 
   268 		bitmapPattern, bitmapAndMaskPattern, theSize) {
   270 	var version = getComponentVersions();
   271 	var contrib;
   273 	// moved here to precede system includes of .mbg files	
   274 	var isSVG = imageProperty.editableValue.isSVG();
   276 	if (isScalingIcons() || isSVG) {
   277 		// get icon utilities header
   278 		addContrib(contribs, "MainSystemIncludes", loc, 0,
   279 			"#include <akniconutils.h>\n");
   280 	}
   282 	if (imageProperty.bmpfile != "") {
   283 		// make the literal string for the filename
   284 		var litname = getImageRsrcLiteralName(contribs, instance, imageProperty);
   285 	}
   287 	if (!isScalingIcons() && !isSVG) {
   288 		// only unscalable bitmaps allowed, and initialized via CFbsBitmap
   289 		indent++;
   290 		addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   291 			"{\n");
   292 		if (bitmapAndMaskPattern != null 
   293 				&& imageProperty.bmpfile != ""
   294 				&& imageProperty.bmpmask != "" 
   295 				&& imageProperty.bmpid != "") {
   296 			addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   297 				"CFbsBitmap* bitmap = iEikonEnv->CreateBitmapL( " + litname + ", " + imageProperty.bmpid + " );\n"
   298 				);
   299 			addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   300 				"CFbsBitmap* mask = iEikonEnv->CreateBitmapL( " + litname + ", " + imageProperty.bmpmask + " );\n"
   301 				);
   303 			addFormattedContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   304 				bitmapAndMaskPattern, [ "bitmap", "mask" ]);
   305 		}
   306 		else if (bitmapPattern != null) {
   307 			if (imageProperty.bmpfile != "" && imageProperty.bmpid != "") {
   308 				addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   309 					"CFbsBitmap* bitmap = iEikonEnv->CreateBitmapL( " + litname + ", " + imageProperty.bmpid + " );\n"
   310 					);
   311 			} else {
   312 				// no image, but at least a bitmap is required
   313 				addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   314 					"CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;\n"
   315 					);
   316 			}						
   317 			addFormattedContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   318 				bitmapPattern, [ "bitmap" ]);
   319 		}
   321 		addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   322 			"}\n");
   323 		indent--;
   325 	} else {
   326 		// S60 >= 3.0
   328 		indent++;
   330 		addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   331 			"{\n");
   333 		var sizeArg = theSize;
   334 		if (sizeArg == null)
   335 			sizeArg = "size"; 	// for SVG 
   337 		if (imageProperty.bmpfile != "") {		
   338 			// load the bitmap and/or mask
   339 			addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   340 				"CFbsBitmap *bitmap, *mask;\n");
   342 			addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   343 				"AknIconUtils::CreateIconL( bitmap, mask,\n"+
   344 				"\t\t" + litname + ", " + 
   345 				((bitmapPattern != null && imageProperty.bmpid != "") ?
   346 					imageProperty.bmpid : "-1") + 
   347 					", " +
   348 				((bitmapAndMaskPattern != null && imageProperty.bmpmask != "") ?
   349 					imageProperty.bmpmask : "-1") +
   350 					" );\n");
   352 			// prepare to issue two calls needing SVG info
   353 			if (isSVG && theSize == null) {
   354 				addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   355 					"TSize size;\n"+
   356 					"AknIconUtils::PreserveIconData( bitmap );\n"+
   357 					//"AknIconUtils::PreserveIconData( mask );\n"+
   358 					"");
   359 			}
   361 		} else {
   362 			// no image, but at least a bitmap WITH CONTENT is required
   363 			addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   364 				"CFbsBitmap *bitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;\n"+
   365 				"bitmap->Create( TSize( 1, 1), EGray2 );\n");
   366 		}
   368 		// set the size
   369 		var aspectText;
   370 		if (aspectOption != null && aspectOption != "")
   371 			aspectText = ", " + aspectOption;
   372 		else
   373 			aspectText = ", EAspectRatioNotPreserved";
   375 		if (imageProperty.bmpfile != "") {		
   376 			if (isSVG && theSize == null) {
   377 				// get the size
   378 				addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   379 					"AknIconUtils::GetContentDimensions( bitmap, size );\n");
   380 			}
   381 		}
   383 		if (bitmapAndMaskPattern != null 
   384 				&& imageProperty.bmpfile != ""
   385 				&& imageProperty.bmpmask != "" 
   386 				&& imageProperty.bmpid != "") {
   388 			addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   389 				"AknIconUtils::SetSize( bitmap, " + sizeArg + aspectText + " );\n");
   390 			addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   391 				"AknIconUtils::SetSize( mask, " + sizeArg + aspectText + " );\n");
   393 			addFormattedContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   394 				bitmapAndMaskPattern, [ "bitmap", "mask" ]);
   396 		} else if (bitmapPattern != null) {
   397 			addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   398 				"AknIconUtils::SetSize( bitmap, " + theSize + aspectText + " );\n");
   400 			addFormattedContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   401 				bitmapPattern, [ "bitmap" ]);
   402 		}
   404 		if (isSVG && theSize == null) {
   405 			addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   406 				"AknIconUtils::DestroyIconData( bitmap );\n");
   407 		}
   409 		addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   410 			"}\n");
   412 		indent--;
   413 	}
   414 }
   416 /**
   417  *	Set up contributions that set up an image property given
   418  *	its compound property.  This passes arguments to a function
   419  *	which takes the (TDesc aFileName, TInt bmpid, TInt maskid)
   420  *	arguments.  Image resizing is not allowed.
   421  *	@param contribs the contributions to append to
   422  *	@param instance instance the image is for (used to find the class)
   423  *	@param phase primary phase to write to (or null, loc must be set)
   424  *	@param loc primary location to write to (or null, phase must be set)
   425  *	@param indent indentation adjust
   426  *	@param imageProperty the compound property providing bmpfile, bmpid, bmpmask
   427  *	@param bitmapPattern when only a bitmap is set,
   428  *		a MessageFormat string to be substituted with arguments
   429  *		([ filename, id ])
   430  *	@param bitmapAndMaskPattern when a bitmap and mask is set,
   431  *		a MessageFormat string to be substituted with arguments (or null)
   432  *		([ filename, id, maskid ])
   433  */
   434 function setupImageFromPropertyViaTuple(contribs, instance, phase, loc, indent,
   435 		imageProperty,
   436 		bitmapPattern, bitmapAndMaskPattern) {
   438 	if (!isImagePropertySet(imageProperty))
   439 		return;
   441 	var version = getComponentVersions();
   442 	var contrib;
   444 	// make the literal string for the filename
   445 	var litname = getImageRsrcLiteralName(contribs, instance, imageProperty);
   447 	if (bitmapAndMaskPattern != null 
   448 			&& imageProperty.bmpmask != "") {
   450 		addFormattedContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   451 			bitmapAndMaskPattern, [ litname, imageProperty.bmpid, imageProperty.bmpmask ]);
   452 	}
   453 	else if (bitmapPattern != null) {
   454 		addFormattedContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
   455 			bitmapPattern, [ litname, imageProperty.bmpid ]);
   456 	}
   458 }
   460 /**
   461   * Gets the literal (_LIT) name from an image resource bitmap name.
   462   * If the literal name has not been created, it will create it for you.
   463   * @param contribs the contributions to append to
   464   * @param instance the instance the image it for
   465   * @param imageProperty the compound property providing bmpfile, bmpid, bmpmask
   466  */
   467 function getImageRsrcLiteralName(contribs, instance, imageProperty){
   468 	var table = getFilenameToLiteralTable(instance);
   469 	var litname = table.get(imageProperty.bmpfile);
   470 	if (!litname) {
   471 		litname = makeLiteralIdentifier(table, imageProperty.bmpfile);
   472 		addContrib(contribs, "MainConstants", null, 0,
   473 			"_LIT( " + litname +", \"" + 
   474 				TextUtils.escape(imageProperty.bmpfile, '"') + "\" );\n");
   475 				// get the mbg header
   476 		addContrib(contribs, "MainSystemIncludes", null, 0,
   477 			"#include <" + getBitmapHeaderName(imageProperty.bmpfile) + ">\n");
   478 				table.put(imageProperty.bmpfile, litname);
   479 	}
   480 	return litname;
   481 }
   483 /**
   484  *	Create a method that loads and scales SVG or BMP icons, for use when
   485  *	multiple icons are loaded at once.  This assumes the function defined in
   486  *	LoadAndScaleIconL.inc.  For S60 2.8 or newer.
   487  */
   488 function defineIconLoadingRoutines(contribs, location, className) { 
   489 	// get icon utilities headers.  
   490 	addContrib(contribs, "HeaderIncludes", null, 0,
   491 		"#include <akniconutils.h>\n");
   492 	addContrib(contribs, "HeaderIncludes", null, 0,
   493 		"#include <gulicon.h>\n");
   495 	//// needs to be permanent or else it's duplicated
   496 	//addContrib(contribs, "UserHandlers", null, 0,
   497 	addContrib(contribs, "ClassMethods", null, 0,
   498 		"static CGulIcon* LoadAndScaleIconL(\n"+
   499 		"\t\tconst TDesC& aFileName,\n"+
   500 		"\t\tTInt aBitmapId,\n"+
   501 		"\t\tTInt aMaskId,\n"+
   502 		"\t\tTSize* aSize,\n"+
   503 		"\t\tTScaleMode aScaleMode );\n"
   504 	);
   506 	// force the location to be instantiated
   507 	addContrib(contribs, null, location, 0, "");
   508 	return;
   509 }
   511 var alignmentMap = {
   512 	"EHLeft+EVTop" : "EHLeftVTop",
   513 	"EHLeft+EVCenter" : "EHLeftVCenter",
   514 	"EHLeft+EVBottom" : "EHLeftVBottom",
   515 	"EHCenter+EVTop" : "EHCenterVTop",
   516 	"EHCenter+EVCenter" : "EHCenterVCenter",
   517 	"EHCenter+EVBottom" : "EHCenterVBottom",
   518 	"EHRight+EVTop" : "EHRightVTop",
   519 	"EHRight+EVCenter" : "EHRightVCenter",
   520 	"EHRight+EVBottom" : "EHRightVBottom"
   521 };
   523 function getTGulAlignmentValue(horiz, vert) {
   524 	return alignmentMap[horiz+"+"+vert];	
   525 }
   527 //////////////////////////
   529 /**
   530  *	Get the table of unique images in an icon array
   531  *	@return an ImageList
   532  */
   533 function getImageList(instance) {
   534 	var key = "srcgenLibrary.ImageList:" + instance.name;
   535 	var table = Engine.getGlobalDictionary().get(key);
   536 	if (table == null) {
   537 		table = new ImageList(instance);
   538 		Engine.getGlobalDictionary().put(key, table);
   539 	}
   540 	return table;
   541 }
   544 /**
   545  *	This is a prototype used to track arrays of icons.  
   546  *	Create an instance of the class and populate it with image
   547  *	properties, then generate contributions that create a
   548  *	CArrayPtr<CGulIcon> array, then look up indices of image
   549  *	properties either by index or generated enum.
   550  *
   551  *	@param ownerInstance the instance that owns all the images
   552  */
   553 function ImageList(ownerInstance) {
   554 	this.ownerInstance = ownerInstance;
   555 	this.imageMap = new java.util.LinkedHashMap();
   556 	this.enumSet = new java.util.LinkedHashSet();
   557 	this.imageIdx = 0;
   558 	this.lastEnum = "0";
   559 }
   561 ImageList.prototype.getImagePropertyKey = function(imageProperty) {
   562 	if (isImagePropertySet(imageProperty)) {
   563 		return imageProperty.bmpfile + "|" + imageProperty.bmpid + "|" + imageProperty.bmpmask;
   564 	} else {
   565 		return null;
   566 	}
   567 }
   569 ImageList.prototype.uniquifyEnum = function(enm) {
   570 	var idx = 1;
   571 	var base = enm;
   572 	while (this.enumSet.contains(enm)) {
   573 		enm = base + (++idx);
   574 	}
   575 	return enm;
   576 }
   579 IL_INDEX_INDEX = 1;
   580 IL_ENUM_INDEX = 2;
   582 /**
   583  *	Register an image property.  Only adds if unique.
   584  *	@param instance the instance containing the property
   585  *	@param property the property ID
   586  */
   587 ImageList.prototype.registerImageProperty = function(imageProperty) {
   588 	var key = this.getImagePropertyKey(imageProperty);
   589 	if (key != null && !this.imageMap.containsKey(key)) {
   590 		var base = imageProperty.bmpid;
   591 		if (base == "")
   592 			base = imageProperty.bmpmask;
   593 		if (base.substring(0, 4) == "EMbm")
   594 			base = base.substring(4);
   596 		var enm = "E" + titleCase(this.ownerInstance.name) + base + "Index";
   597 		enm = this.uniquifyEnum(enm);
   598 		this.enumSet.add(enm);
   599 		this.lastEnum = enm;
   601 		this.imageMap.put(key, [imageProperty, this.imageIdx++, enm]);
   602 	}
   603 }
   605 ImageList.prototype.getSystemImageKey = function(bitmap, mask) {
   606 	if (bitmap == null || bitmap.length == 0)
   607 		return null;
   609 	var file = "KAvkonBitmapFile";	// constant in aknconsts.h
   610 	var prefix = "EMbmAvkon";
   611 	var key = file 
   612 		+ "|" 
   613 		+ (bitmap.length > 0 ? prefix + titleCase(bitmap) : "") 
   614 		+ "|" 
   615 		+ (mask.length > 0 ? prefix + titleCase(mask) : "");
   616 	return key;
   617 }
   619 /**
   620  *	Register an Avkon system image (only added if unique).  
   621  */
   622 ImageList.prototype.registerAvkonSystemImage = function(bitmap, mask) {
   623 	var key = this.getSystemImageKey(bitmap, mask);
   624 	if (key != null && !this.imageMap.containsKey(key)) {
   625 		var enm = "E" + titleCase(this.ownerInstance.name) 
   626 			+ "Avkon" + titleCase(bitmap != null ? bitmap : mask) 
   627 			+ "Index";
   628 		enm = this.uniquifyEnum(enm);
   629 		this.lastEnum = enm;
   631 		this.imageMap.put(key, [null, this.imageIdx++, enm]);
   632 	}
   633 }
   635 /**
   636  *	Get the icon index for the given image.
   637  */
   638 ImageList.prototype.getListIconIndexForProperty = function(imageProperty) {
   639 	var key = this.getImagePropertyKey(imageProperty);
   640 	var value = this.imageMap.get(key);
   641 	if (value != null)
   642 		return value[IL_INDEX_INDEX];
   643 	else
   644 		return -1;
   645 }
   647 /**
   648  *	Get the enumerator for the given image.
   649  */
   650 ImageList.prototype.getListIconEnumForProperty = function(imageProperty, getEnum) {
   651 	var key = this.getImagePropertyKey(imageProperty);
   652 	var value = this.imageMap.get(key);
   653 	if (value != null)
   654 		return value[IL_ENUM_INDEX];
   655 	else
   656 		return null;
   657 }
   659 /**
   660  *	Get the number of images, also the upper bound of the indices
   661  */
   662 ImageList.prototype.getImageCount = function() {
   663 	return this.imageIdx;
   664 }
   666 ImageList.prototype.getLastEnumerator = function() {
   667 	return this.lastEnum;
   668 }
   670 /**
   671  *	Generate code to set up a CGulIcon icon array.  Since S60 doesn't
   672  *	tolerate empty arrays, the generated code allocates the array only if needed,
   673  *	leaving it on the cleanup stack.  The caller of this code/routine
   674  *	needs to examine the return value and handle cleaning up appropriately.
   675  *	@param contribs
   676  *	@param iconsVar name of array variable to create (must be declared)
   677  *	@param location the function to add code to
   678  *	@param mainLocation preferably owned section in main file to add function to if needed
   679  *	@param instance instance to search upwards for owning class
   680  *	@param isScaling true if scaling bitmaps and icons, false otherwise
   681  *  @return true if icon array allocated
   682  */
   683 ImageList.prototype.generateSetupIconArrayL = function(contribs, iconsVar, location, mainLocation, instance, isScaling) {
   684 	// must not generate a zero-size array or set an empty icon array
   685 	var anyIcons = false;
   687 	var iconVar = (iconsVar.match(".*s") ? iconsVar.substring(0, iconsVar.length - 1) : iconsVar + "_instance");
   689 	for (var iter = this.imageMap.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
   690 		var entry = iter.next();
   691 		var key = entry.getKey();
   692 		var value = entry.getValue();
   693 		var property = value[IL_PROPERTY_INDEX];
   694 		var index = value[IL_INDEX_INDEX];
   695 		var enm = value[IL_ENUM_INDEX];
   696 		var granularity = this.enumSet.size() > 0? this.enumSet.size() : 1;
   698 		if (!anyIcons) {
   699 			addFormattedContrib(contribs, null, location, 0,
   700 				 "{0} = new (ELeave) CAknIconArray( {1} );\n",
   701 				 [ iconsVar,
   702 				 granularity
   703 				 ] );
   705 			addFormattedContrib(contribs, null, location,  0,
   706 					"CleanupStack::PushL( {0} );\n",
   707 					[ iconsVar ]);
   709 			if (isScaling) {
   710 				defineIconLoadingRoutines(contribs, mainLocation, getClassHolder(instance).properties["className"]);
   711 			}
   713 			addFormattedContrib(contribs, null, location,  0,
   714 					"CGulIcon* {0};\n",
   715 					[ iconVar ]);
   717 			anyIcons = true;		
   718 		}
   720 		//println("querying " + instance + ", property="+property);
   722 		// This assumes the user doesn't modify the ordering and
   723 		// all enums map evenly to 0...N.
   724 		// We can't use ->InsertL or ->ExtendL since they're stupid.
   725 		var adder = "->AppendL";
   727 		// Bug 7621: please ensure that a leave in the AppendL doesn't 
   728 		// leak the allocated image.
   729 		var saveIcon = "CleanupStack::PushL( " + iconVar + " );\n";
   730 		var restoreIcon = "CleanupStack::Pop( " + iconVar + " );\n";
   731 		var addIcon = iconsVar + adder + "( " + iconVar + " );\n";
   732 		var saveAddAndRestore = saveIcon + addIcon + restoreIcon;
   734 		contrib = Engine.createContributionForLocation(location);
   735 		contrib.setText("// for " + enm + "\n");
   736 		contribs.add(contrib);
   738 		if (property == null) {
   739 			// system image
   740 			var parts = key.split("\\|");
   742 			var contrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase("MainSystemIncludes");
   743 			contrib.setText("#include <aknconsts.h>\n");
   744 			contribs.add(contrib);
   746 			contrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase("MainSystemIncludes");
   747 			contrib.setText("#include <avkon.mbg>\n");
   748 			contribs.add(contrib);
   750 			var format;
   752 			if (isScaling) {
   753 				if (parts[2] != "") {
   754 					format = iconVar + " = LoadAndScaleIconL(\n\t\t{0}, {1}, {2},\n\t\tNULL, EAspectRatioPreserved );\n"
   755 						+ saveAddAndRestore;
   756 				} else {
   757 					format = iconVar + " = LoadAndScaleIconL(\n\t\t{0}, {1}, -1,\n\t\tNULL, EAspectRatioPreserved );\n"
   758 						+ saveAddAndRestore;
   759 				}
   760 			} else {
   761 				if (parts[2] != "") {
   762 					format = iconVar + " = CEikonEnv::Static()->CreateIconL(\n\t\t{0}, {1}, {2} );\n"
   763 						+ saveAddAndRestore;
   764 				} else {
   765 					format = iconVar + " = CEikonEnv::Static()->CreateIconL(\n\t\t{0}, {1} );\n"
   766 						+ saveAddAndRestore;
   767 				}
   768 			}			
   769 			contrib = Engine.createContributionForLocation(location);
   770 			contrib.setFormattedText(format, parts);
   771 			contribs.add(contrib);
   773 		} else {
   774 			if (isScaling) {
   775 				setupImageFromPropertyViaTuple(contribs, instance, null, location, 0,
   776 					property,
   777 					iconVar + " = LoadAndScaleIconL(\n\t\t{0}, {1}, -1,\n\t\tNULL, EAspectRatioPreserved );\n"
   778 						+ saveAddAndRestore,
   779 					iconVar + " = LoadAndScaleIconL(\n\t\t{0}, {1}, {2},\n\t\tNULL, EAspectRatioPreserved );\n"
   780 						+ saveAddAndRestore
   781 				);
   782 			} else {
   783 				setupImageFromPropertyViaTuple(contribs, instance, null, location, 0,
   784 					property, 
   785 					iconVar + " = CEikonEnv::Static()->CreateIconL(\n\t\t{0}, {1} );\n"
   786 						+ saveAddAndRestore,
   787 					iconVar + " = CEikonEnv::Static()->CreateIconL(\n\t\t{0}, {1}, {2} );\n"
   788 						+ saveAddAndRestore);
   789 			}
   790 		}
   791 	}
   793 	if (anyIcons) {
   794 		return true;
   795 	}
   796 	else
   797 		return false;
   798 }
   800 /**
   801  *	Generate text to be substituted into an enum{} declaration.
   802  */
   803 ImageList.prototype.generateImageListEnums = function() {
   804 	var text = "";
   805 	for (var iter = this.imageMap.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
   806 		var entry = iter.next();
   807 		var index = entry.getValue()[IL_INDEX_INDEX];
   808 		var enm = entry.getValue()[IL_ENUM_INDEX];
   809 		text += enm + " = " + index + ",\n";
   810 	}
   811 	text += "E" + titleCase(this.ownerInstance.name) + "FirstUserImageIndex\n";
   812 	return text;
   813 }
   815 ImageList.prototype.dump = function() {
   816 	println("dump of image list: ");
   817 	for (var iter = this.imageMap.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
   818 		var entry = iter.next();
   819 		var key = entry.getKey();
   820 		var value = entry.getValue();
   821 		var property = value[IL_PROPERTY_INDEX];
   822 		var index = value[IL_INDEX_INDEX];
   824 		println("key="+key+", property="+property+", index="+index);
   825 	}
   826 }