1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). --> |
3 <!-- All rights reserved. --> |
4 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available --> |
5 <!-- under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" --> |
6 <!-- which accompanies this distribution, and is available --> |
7 <!-- at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". --> |
8 |
9 <componentDefinition xmlns="http://www.nokia.com/sdt/emf/component" |
10 xmlns:ecore="http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore" |
11 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" > |
12 |
13 <component baseComponent="com.nokia.sdt.series60.CommonBase" |
14 friendlyName="%friendlyName" |
15 qualifiedName="com.nokia.sdt.series60.CAknPreviewPopUp" |
16 category="NotesDialogs" |
17 instanceNameRoot="previewPopUp" |
18 version="1.0"> |
19 <documentation> |
20 <information>%information</information> |
21 </documentation> |
22 <symbian sdkName="com.nokia.series60" minSDKVersion="3.2" |
23 className="CAknPreviewPopUpController" classHelpTopic="" /> |
24 <designerImages |
25 smallIconFile="CAknPreviewPopUp_sm.png" |
26 largeIconFile="CAknPreviewPopUp.png"/> |
27 <attributes> |
28 <attribute key="is-non-layout-object">true</attribute> |
29 <attribute key="is-transient-object">true</attribute> |
30 <attribute key="is-layout-object">true</attribute> |
31 <attribute key="is-layout-container">true</attribute> |
32 <attribute key="event-handler-target">true</attribute> |
33 </attributes> |
34 |
35 <properties> |
36 <property category="Hidden" name="className" type="string" readOnly="true"/> |
37 <compoundProperty category="Hidden" name="location" type="com.nokia.sdt.series60.locationProperty" |
38 editorClass="com.nokia.sdt.symbian.ui.editors.ReadOnlySummaryEditorFactory" readOnly="true"/> |
39 <compoundProperty category="Layout" name="size" type="com.nokia.sdt.series60.sizeProperty" |
40 editorClass="com.nokia.sdt.symbian.ui.editors.ReadOnlySummaryEditorFactory" readOnly="true" |
41 descriptionKey="sizeDescription"/> |
42 <property category="Appearance" name="backColor" displayName="%backColor" type="string" |
43 editorClass="com.nokia.sdt.symbian.ui.editors.RGBEditorFactoryWithSystemColorCombo" |
44 descriptionKey="backColorDescription" /> |
45 <property category="Behavior" name="asynchronous" |
46 descriptionKey="asynchronousDescription" |
47 type="boolean" |
48 default="true" /> |
49 <property category="Flags" name="ELayoutDefault" |
50 descriptionKey="ELayoutDefaultDescription" |
51 type="boolean" |
52 default="false" /> |
53 <property category="Flags" name="ELayoutSubMenu" |
54 descriptionKey="ELayoutSubMenuDescription" |
55 type="boolean" |
56 default="false" /> |
57 <property category="Flags" name="EPermanentMode" |
58 descriptionKey="EPermanentModeDescription" |
59 type="boolean" |
60 default="false" /> |
61 <property category="Flags" name="EFixedMode" |
62 descriptionKey="EFixedModeDescription" |
63 type="boolean" |
64 default="false" /> |
65 <property category="Flags" name="EExcludeFrames" |
66 descriptionKey="EExcludeFramesDescription" |
67 type="boolean" |
68 default="false" /> |
69 <property category="Behavior" name="showDelay" |
70 descriptionKey="showDelayDescription" |
71 type="float" |
72 default="1.0" minValue="0" maxValue="2147.0" /> |
73 <property category="Behavior" name="hideDelay" |
74 descriptionKey="hideDelayDescription" |
75 type="float" |
76 default="3.0" minValue="0" maxValue="2147.0" /> |
77 <property category="Data" name="headingText" type="localizedString" |
78 default="" descriptionKey="headingTextDescription" |
79 editorClass="com.nokia.sdt.symbian.ui.editors.ScalableTextEditorFactory" /> |
80 </properties> |
81 |
82 <events> |
83 <event name="resourceChanged" category="Content" |
84 group="CAknPreviewPopUp" |
85 handlerNameTemplate="Handle{title(name)}ResourceChanged" |
86 descriptionKey="resourceChangedDescription" |
87 /> |
88 <event name="sizeChanged" category="Content" |
89 group="CAknPreviewPopUp" |
90 descriptionKey="sizeChangedDescription" |
91 handlerNameTemplate="Handle{title(name)}SizeChanged" |
92 /> |
93 <event name="draw" category="Content" |
94 group="CAknPreviewPopUp" |
95 handlerNameTemplate="Handle{title(name)}Draw" |
96 descriptionKey="drawDescription" |
97 /> |
98 <event name="positionChanged" category="Content" |
99 group="CAknPreviewPopUp" |
100 handlerNameTemplate="Handle{title(name)}PositionChanged" |
101 descriptionKey="positionChangedDescription" |
102 /> |
103 <event name="handlePointerEvent" category="Content" |
104 group="CAknPreviewPopUp" |
105 handlerNameTemplate="Handle{title(name)}PointerEventL" |
106 descriptionKey="handlePointerEventDescription" |
107 /> |
108 <event name="handleLongTapEvent" category="Content" |
109 group="CAknPreviewPopUp" |
110 handlerNameTemplate="Handle{title(name)}LongTapEventL" |
111 descriptionKey="handleLongTapEventDescription" |
112 /> |
113 <event name="previewPopUpShown" category="Observer" |
114 group="CAknPreviewPopUp" |
115 handlerNameTemplate="Handle{title(name)}PreviewPopUpShownL" |
116 descriptionKey="previewPopUpShownDescription" |
117 /> |
118 <event name="previewPopUpHidden" category="Observer" |
119 group="CAknPreviewPopUp" |
120 handlerNameTemplate="Handle{title(name)}PreviewPopUpHiddenL" |
121 descriptionKey="previewPopUpHiddenDescription" |
122 /> |
123 </events> |
124 |
125 <implementations> |
126 <implementation> |
127 <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IVisualAppearance"/> |
128 <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IDirectLabelEdit"/> |
129 <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.ILayout"/> |
130 <script file="CAknPreviewPopUp.js" prototype="CAknPreviewPopUpVisual"/> |
131 </implementation> |
132 <implementation> |
133 <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IQueryContainment"/> |
134 <script file="CAknPreviewPopUp.js" prototype="CAknPreviewPopUpContainment"/> |
135 </implementation> |
136 <implementation> |
137 <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IInitializer"/> |
138 <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IComponentInstancePropertyListener"/> |
139 <script file="CAknPreviewPopUp.js" prototype="CAknPreviewPopUpInit"/> |
140 </implementation> |
141 <implementation> |
142 <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IComponentEventInfo"/> |
143 <script file="CAknPreviewPopUp.js" prototype="CAknPreviewPopUpEventInfo"/> |
144 </implementation> |
145 </implementations> |
146 |
147 <sourceMapping> |
148 <select property="headingText"> |
149 <choice value=""> |
150 </choice> |
151 <choice> |
152 <mapResource struct="TBUF" headers="eikon.rh" id="headingText"> |
153 <mapSimpleMember property="headingText" member="buf" /> |
154 </mapResource> |
155 </choice> |
156 </select> |
157 </sourceMapping> |
158 |
159 <sourceGen> |
160 |
161 <expandMacro name="HeaderFileTemplate" |
162 LocationPrefix="CONTENT_HEADER"> |
163 <expandArgument name="InitialOwnedSystemIncludesContent"><![CDATA[ |
164 #include <coecntrl.h> |
165 #include <aknpreviewpopupcontentprovider.h> |
166 ]]></expandArgument> |
167 <expandArgument name="InitialOwnedForwardDeclarationsContent"><![CDATA[ |
168 class MEikCommandObserver; |
169 class CAknPreviewPopUpController; |
170 ]]></expandArgument> |
171 </expandMacro> |
172 |
173 <template id="IncludeRsgFile" location="CONTENT_MAIN_OWNED_SYSTEM_INCLUDES"><![CDATA[ |
174 <% if (resourceFileNameBase != null) {%>#include <${resourceFileNameBase}.rsg> |
175 <% } %>]]></template> |
176 |
177 <expandMacro name="SourceFileTemplate" |
178 LocationPrefix="CONTENT_MAIN"> |
179 <expandArgument name="InitialSystemIncludesContent"><![CDATA[ |
180 #include <eikcmobs.h> |
181 #include <aknpreviewpopupcontroller.h> |
182 ]]></expandArgument> |
183 </expandMacro> |
184 |
185 <expandMacro name="ClassTemplate" |
186 LocationPrefix="CONTENT_" |
187 BaseLocation="CONTENT_HEADER_FILE" |
188 BaseClassName="CCoeControl" |
189 ExtraBaseClasses="public MAknPreviewPopUpContentProvider"> |
190 <expandArgument name="ClassComment"> |
191 /** |
192 * Content class for ${instanceName}. |
193 * @class ${className} ${instanceName$title}.h |
194 */ |
195 </expandArgument> |
196 <expandArgument name="InitialPrivateTailContent"> |
197 MEikCommandObserver* iCommandObserver; |
198 CAknPreviewPopUpController* iController; |
199 </expandArgument> |
200 </expandMacro> |
201 |
202 <defineLocation id="CONTENT_CHILD_ENUMS" |
203 baseLocation="CONTENT_CLASS" |
204 owned="false" |
205 location="enum(TControls)"> |
206 <template><![CDATA[ |
207 public: <% contrib.indentAdjust(-1); %> |
208 enum TControls |
209 { |
210 }; |
211 ]]> </template> |
212 </defineLocation> |
213 |
214 <defineLocation id="CONTENT_CHILD_ENUMS_CONTENTS" |
215 baseLocation="CONTENT_CHILD_ENUMS" |
216 location="region(Generated Contents)"> |
217 </defineLocation> |
218 |
219 <template id="GetChildEnums" location="CONTENT_CHILD_ENUMS_CONTENTS"><![CDATA[<% |
220 // each control must contribute enumerators |
221 if (Engine.formMatches(form, ["AppUi", "AknView"])) { |
222 var enumContribs = Engine.generateChildContributions("HandleCCoeControlEnums"); |
223 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(enumContribs, "ChildEnumsContents", "CONTENT_CHILD_ENUMS_CONTENTS"); |
224 contribs.addAll(enumContribs); |
225 } |
226 %>]]> |
227 </template> |
228 |
229 <template id="AddLastChildEnum" location="CONTENT_CHILD_ENUMS"> |
230 // add any user-defined entries here... |
231 |
232 ELastControl |
233 </template> |
234 |
235 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethodWithOwnedBody" |
236 IsOwned="false" |
237 FunctionLocationId="CONSTRUCTOR" |
238 FunctionName="${className}" |
239 FunctionArgs="" |
240 ReturnType="" |
241 DeclLocation="CONTENT_CLASS_PUBLIC" |
242 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
243 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
244 /** |
245 * First phase of Symbian two-phase construction. Should not |
246 * contain any code that could leave. |
247 */ |
248 </expandArgument> |
249 </expandMacro> |
250 |
251 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethodWithOwnedBody" |
252 IsOwned="false" |
253 IsVirtual="true" |
254 FunctionLocationId="DESTRUCTOR" |
255 FunctionName="~${className}" |
256 FunctionArgs="" |
257 ReturnType="" |
258 DeclLocation="CONTENT_CLASS_PUBLIC" |
259 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
260 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
261 /** |
262 * Destroy child controls. |
263 */ |
264 </expandArgument> |
265 </expandMacro> |
266 |
267 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethod" |
268 IsOwned="false" |
269 IsStatic="true" |
270 FunctionLocationId="NEWL_METHOD" |
271 FunctionName="NewL" |
272 FunctionArgs="MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver" |
273 ReturnType="${className}*" |
274 DeclLocation="CONTENT_CLASS_PUBLIC" |
275 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
276 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
277 /** |
278 * Construct the control (first phase). |
279 * Creates an instance and initializes it. |
280 * Instance is not left on cleanup stack. |
281 * @return initialized instance of ${className} |
282 */ |
283 </expandArgument> |
284 <expandArgument name="FunctionBody"><![CDATA[ |
285 ${className}* self = ${className}::NewLC( aCommandObserver ); |
286 CleanupStack::Pop( self ); |
287 return self; |
288 ]]> </expandArgument> |
289 </expandMacro> |
290 |
291 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethod" |
292 IsOwned="false" |
293 IsStatic="true" |
294 FunctionLocationId="NEWLC_METHOD" |
295 FunctionName="NewLC" |
296 FunctionArgs="MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver" |
297 ReturnType="${className}*" |
298 DeclLocation="CONTENT_CLASS_PUBLIC" |
299 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
300 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
301 /** |
302 * Construct the control (first phase). |
303 * Creates an instance and initializes it. |
304 * Instance is left on cleanup stack. |
305 * @return new instance of ${className} |
306 */ |
307 </expandArgument> |
308 <expandArgument name="FunctionBody"><![CDATA[ |
309 ${className}* self = new ( ELeave ) ${className}(); |
310 CleanupStack::PushL( self ); |
311 self->ConstructL( aCommandObserver ); |
312 return self; |
313 ]]> </expandArgument> |
314 </expandMacro> |
315 |
316 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethodWithOwnedBody" |
317 IsOwned="false" |
318 FunctionLocationId="CONSTRUCTL_METHOD" |
319 FunctionName="ConstructL" |
320 FunctionArgs="MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver" |
321 DeclLocation="CONTENT_CLASS_PUBLIC" |
322 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
323 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
324 /** |
325 * Construct the control (second phase). |
326 * Creates a window to contain the controls and activates it. |
327 */ |
328 </expandArgument> |
329 <expandArgument name="StartFunctionBody"><![CDATA[ |
330 iCommandObserver = aCommandObserver; |
331 CreateWindowL(); |
332 InitializeControlsL(); |
333 ActivateL(); |
334 ]]> </expandArgument> |
335 </expandMacro> |
336 |
337 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethod" |
338 IsOwned="false" |
339 IsConst="true" |
341 FunctionName="CountComponentControls" |
342 FunctionArgs="" |
343 ReturnType="TInt" |
344 DeclLocation="CONTENT_CLASS_PUBLIC" |
345 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
346 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
347 /** |
348 * Return the number of controls in the container (override) |
349 * @return count |
350 */ |
351 </expandArgument> |
352 <expandArgument name="FunctionBody"><![CDATA[ |
353 return ( int ) ELastControl; |
354 ]]> </expandArgument> |
355 </expandMacro> |
356 |
357 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethodWithOwnedBody" |
358 IsOwned="false" |
359 IsConst="true" |
360 FunctionLocationId="COMPONENTCONTROL_METHOD" |
361 FunctionName="ComponentControl" |
362 FunctionArgs="TInt aIndex" |
363 ReturnType="CCoeControl*" |
364 DeclLocation="CONTENT_CLASS_PUBLIC" |
365 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
366 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"><![CDATA[ |
367 /** |
368 * Get the control with the given index (override) |
369 * @param aIndex Control index [0...n) (limited by #CountComponentControls) |
370 * @return Pointer to control |
371 */ |
372 ]]> </expandArgument> |
373 <expandArgument name="EndFunctionBody"><![CDATA[ |
374 // handle any user controls here... |
375 |
376 return NULL; |
377 ]]> </expandArgument> |
378 </expandMacro> |
379 |
380 <template id="ComponentControlSwitch1" location="COMPONENTCONTROL_METHOD_BODY"><![CDATA[ |
381 switch ( aIndex ) |
382 { |
383 ]]> </template> |
384 |
385 <template id="GetChildSwitchCases" location="COMPONENTCONTROL_METHOD_BODY"><![CDATA[<% |
386 // each control must contribute switch cases |
387 if (Engine.formMatches(form, ["AppUi", "AknView"])) { |
388 var switchContribs = Engine.generateChildContributions("HandleComponentSwitchDispatch"); |
389 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(switchContribs, "ComponentControlBody", "COMPONENTCONTROL_METHOD_BODY"); |
390 contribs.addAll(switchContribs); |
391 } |
392 %>]]></template> |
393 |
394 <template id="ComponentControlSwitch2" location="COMPONENTCONTROL_METHOD_BODY"><![CDATA[ |
395 } |
396 ]]> </template> |
397 |
398 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethod" |
399 IsOwned="false" |
401 FunctionName="StartContentBuildingL" |
402 FunctionArgs="" |
403 DeclLocation="CONTENT_CLASS_PUBLIC" |
404 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
405 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
406 /** |
407 * When asynchronous, called by the preview popup controller when |
408 * content building should be started. |
409 */ |
410 </expandArgument> |
411 <expandArgument name="FunctionBody"><![CDATA[ |
412 iController->ContentReady(); |
413 ]]> </expandArgument> |
414 </expandMacro> |
415 |
416 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethod" |
417 IsOwned="false" |
419 FunctionName="CancelContentBuilding" |
420 FunctionArgs="" |
421 DeclLocation="CONTENT_CLASS_PUBLIC" |
422 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE" |
423 Realize="true"> |
424 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
425 /** |
426 * When asynchronous, called by the preview popup controller if ongoing |
427 * content building operation should be cancelled. |
428 */ |
429 </expandArgument> |
430 </expandMacro> |
431 |
432 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethod" |
433 IsOwned="false" |
435 FunctionName="SetPopUpController" |
436 FunctionArgs="CAknPreviewPopUpController* aController" |
437 DeclLocation="CONTENT_CLASS_PUBLIC" |
438 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
439 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
440 /** |
441 * Set the pop-up controller member. |
442 */ |
443 </expandArgument> |
444 <expandArgument name="FunctionBody"><![CDATA[ |
445 iController = aController; |
446 ]]> </expandArgument> |
447 </expandMacro> |
448 |
449 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethodWithOwnedBody" |
450 IsOwned="false" |
451 FunctionLocationId="MINIMUMSIZE_METHOD" |
452 FunctionName="MinimumSize" |
453 FunctionArgs="" |
454 ReturnType="TSize" |
456 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
457 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
458 /** |
459 * Return the size of the pop-up. |
460 * Modify this method to dynamically size the pop-up. |
461 */ |
462 </expandArgument> |
463 <expandArgument name="StartFunctionBody"> |
464 TSize size; |
465 </expandArgument> |
466 <expandArgument name="FunctionBody"><![CDATA[ |
467 <% include("popupDialogLibrary.js") |
468 var size = new Point(instance.properties.size.width, instance.properties.size.height); |
469 var laf = findExistingLookAndFeel(instance); |
470 if (laf != null) { |
471 size.y -= getPreviewPopUpHeadingHeight(instance, laf); |
472 } |
473 // the frame |
474 size.x -= 12; |
475 size.y -= 12; |
476 %>size = TSize(${size.x}, ${size.y});]]></expandArgument> |
477 <expandArgument name="EndFunctionBody"> |
478 return size; |
479 </expandArgument> |
480 </expandMacro> |
481 |
482 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethodWithOwnedBody" |
483 IsOwned="false" |
484 FunctionLocationId="SIZECHANGED_METHOD" |
485 FunctionName="SizeChanged" |
486 FunctionArgs="" |
488 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
489 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
490 /** |
491 * Handle resizing of the container. This implementation will lay out |
492 * labels, images, etc. to the size they were given in the UI designer. |
493 * This code will need to be modified to adjust arbitrary controls to |
494 * any screen size. |
495 */ |
496 </expandArgument> |
497 <expandArgument name="StartFunctionBody"><![CDATA[ |
498 CCoeControl::SizeChanged(); |
499 LayoutControls(); |
500 ]]> </expandArgument> |
501 </expandMacro> |
502 |
503 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethodWithOwnedBody" |
504 IsOwned="false" |
505 IsConst="true" |
506 FunctionLocationId="DRAW_METHOD" |
507 FunctionName="Draw" |
508 FunctionArgs="const TRect& aRect" |
509 DeclLocation="CONTENT_CLASS_PRIVATE" |
510 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
511 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
512 /** |
513 * Draw container contents. |
514 */ |
515 </expandArgument> |
516 </expandMacro> |
517 |
518 <inline scope="prototype"> |
519 function getBackgroundColorRgb(properties) { |
520 if (properties.backColor.indexOf(',') > 0) |
521 return "( " + properties.backColor + " )"; |
522 else |
523 return " = iEikonEnv->Color( ( TLogicalColor ) " + properties.backColor + " )"; |
524 } |
525 </inline> |
526 |
527 <template id="DrawBodyBgColor" location="DRAW_METHOD_BODY"><![CDATA[ |
528 CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc(); |
529 <%if (properties.backColor == "") {%>gc.Clear( aRect ); |
530 <%} else {%>gc.SetPenStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullPen ); |
531 TRgb backColor${getBackgroundColorRgb(properties)}; |
532 gc.SetBrushColor( backColor ); |
533 gc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush ); |
534 gc.DrawRect( aRect ); |
535 <%}%> |
536 ]]> </template> |
537 |
538 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethod" |
540 FunctionName="InitializeControlsL" |
541 FunctionArgs="" |
543 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE" |
544 Realize="true"> |
545 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
546 /** |
547 * Initialize each control upon creation. |
548 */ |
549 </expandArgument> |
550 </expandMacro> |
551 |
552 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethod" |
553 FunctionLocationId="LAYOUTCONTROLS_METHOD" |
554 FunctionName="LayoutControls" |
555 FunctionArgs="" |
557 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE" |
558 Realize="true"> |
559 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
560 /** |
561 * Layout components as specified in the UI Designer |
562 */ |
563 </expandArgument> |
564 </expandMacro> |
565 |
566 <templateGroup id="GenerateResourceChanged" ifEvents="resourceChanged"> |
567 <expandMacro name="GenerateVirtualMethodOverrideForEventHandler" |
568 IsOwned="false" |
570 FunctionArgs="TInt aType" |
571 FunctionName="HandleResourceChange" |
573 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
574 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
575 /** |
576 * Handle global resource changes, such as scalable UI or skin events (override) |
577 */ |
578 </expandArgument> |
579 <expandArgument name="StartFunctionBody"> |
580 CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange( aType ); |
581 </expandArgument> |
582 </expandMacro> |
583 <expandMacro name="GenerateUserEventHandlerFunction" |
585 FunctionArgs="TInt aType" |
587 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
588 </expandMacro> |
589 </templateGroup> |
590 |
591 <templateGroup id="GenerateSizeChangedHandler" ifEvents="sizeChanged"> |
592 <expandMacro name="GenerateUserEventHandlerFunction" |
594 FunctionArgs="" |
596 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
597 </expandMacro> |
598 <template id="InvokeSizeChangedHandler" location="SIZECHANGED_METHOD_BODY"> |
599 ${event.handlerName}(); |
600 </template> |
601 </templateGroup> |
602 |
603 <templateGroup id="GenerateDrawHandler" ifEvents="draw"> |
604 <expandMacro name="GenerateUserEventHandlerFunction" |
605 IsConst="true" |
606 FunctionLocationId="DRAW_EVENTHANDLER" |
607 FunctionArgs="const TRect& aRect" |
609 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
610 </expandMacro> |
611 <template id="InvokeDrawHandler" location="DRAW_METHOD_BODY"> |
612 ${event.handlerName}( aRect ); |
613 </template> |
614 </templateGroup> |
615 |
616 <templateGroup id="GeneratePositionChanged" ifEvents="positionChanged"> |
617 <expandMacro name="GenerateVirtualMethodOverrideForEventHandler" |
618 IsOwned="false" |
619 FunctionLocationId="POSITIONCHANGED_METHOD" |
620 FunctionArgs="" |
621 FunctionName="PositionChanged" |
623 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
624 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
625 /** |
626 * Handle position change (override) |
627 */ |
628 </expandArgument> |
629 <expandArgument name="StartFunctionBody"> |
630 CCoeControl::PositionChanged(); |
631 </expandArgument> |
632 </expandMacro> |
633 <expandMacro name="GenerateUserEventHandlerFunction" |
635 FunctionArgs="" |
637 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
638 </expandMacro> |
639 </templateGroup> |
640 |
641 <templateGroup id="HandlePointerEvent" ifEvents="handlePointerEvent handleLongTapEvent"> |
642 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethodWithOwnedBody" |
643 IsOwned="false" |
645 FunctionArgs="const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent" |
646 FunctionName="HandlePointerEventL" |
648 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
649 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
650 /** |
651 * Handle pointer events (override) |
652 */ |
653 </expandArgument> |
654 <expandArgument name="StartFunctionBody"> |
655 CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent ); |
656 </expandArgument> |
657 </expandMacro> |
658 </templateGroup> |
659 |
660 <templateGroup id="HandlePointerEventHandler" ifEvents="handlePointerEvent"> |
661 |
662 <template id="InvokeHandlePointerEventHandler" location="HANDLEPOINTEREVENTL_METHOD_BODY"> |
663 ${event.handlerName}( aPointerEvent ); |
664 </template> |
665 |
666 <expandMacro name="GenerateUserEventHandlerFunction" |
668 FunctionArgs="const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent" |
670 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
671 </expandMacro> |
672 </templateGroup> |
673 |
674 <inline><![CDATA[ |
675 include("../srcgenLibrary.js"); |
676 |
677 if (!Engine.formMatches(form, ["RootAppUi"])) { |
678 |
679 if (Engine.formMatches(form, ["AppUi", "AknView"])) { |
680 // clear out any image stuff |
681 resetImagePropertyState(instance); |
682 } |
683 |
684 if (!Engine.formMatches(form, ["RootAppUi"])) { |
685 if (Engine.formMatches(form, [ "AknView", "AppUi" ])) { |
686 // get default and container-specific contributions |
687 // (the argument is a regular expression) |
688 contribs.addAll(Engine.generateChildContributions(form+"|Container")) |
689 } else { |
690 // unknown form -- likely specific to a parent -- so get |
691 // form-specific contributions |
692 contribs.addAll(Engine.generateChildContributions(form)) |
693 } |
694 } |
695 |
696 if (Engine.formMatches(form, ["AppUi", "AknView"])) { |
697 Engine.collateContributionsByPhase(contribs, ["Initialize", "PostInitialize"]); |
698 |
699 // fix up the phases so they point to real locations |
700 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "MainConstants", "CONTENT_HEADER_OWNED_CONSTANTS"); |
701 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "MainSystemIncludes", "CONTENT_MAIN_OWNED_SYSTEM_INCLUDES"); |
702 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "MainUserIncludes", "CONTENT_MAIN_OWNED_USER_INCLUDES"); |
703 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "Destroy", "DESTRUCTOR_BODY"); |
704 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "Construct", "CONSTRUCTOR_BODY"); |
705 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "Initialize", "INITIALIZECONTROLSL_METHOD"); |
706 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "PostInitialize", "INITIALIZECONTROLSL_METHOD"); |
707 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "PostActivateL", "CONSTRUCTL_METHOD_BODY"); |
708 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "LayoutControls", "LAYOUTCONTROLS_METHOD"); |
709 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "HeaderIncludes", "CONTENT_HEADER_OWNED_SYSTEM_INCLUDES"); |
710 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ForwardDeclarations", "CONTENT_HEADER_OWNED_FORWARD_DECLARATIONS"); |
711 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassTypeDeclarations", "CONTENT_CLASS_PUBLIC_OWNED_TYPES"); |
712 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "InstanceVariables", "CONTENT_CLASS_PRIVATE_OWNED_INSTANCE_VARIABLES"); |
713 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassMethods", "CONTENT_CLASS_PRIVATE_OWNED_METHODS"); |
714 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassSource", "CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"); |
715 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassHeader", "CONTENT_HEADER_FILE"); |
716 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "BaseClassList", "CONTENT_CLASS_BASES"); |
717 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "OverriddenMethods", "CONTENT_CLASS_PROTECTED_OVERRIDDEN_METHODS"); |
718 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "UserHandlers", "CONTENT_CLASS_PROTECTED_USER_HANDLERS"); |
719 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "EventIncludes", "CONTENT_HEADER_EVENT_HANDLER_INCLUDES"); |
720 Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "SizeChanged", "SIZECHANGED_METHOD_BODY"); |
721 |
722 // remove duplicate contributions where the location doesn't already have a filter |
723 Engine.removeDuplicateContributionsForLocation(contribs, "CONTENT_HEADER_OWNED_FORWARD_DECLARATIONS"); |
724 Engine.removeDuplicateContributionsForLocation(contribs, "DESTRUCTOR_BODY"); |
725 } |
726 } |
727 ]]> </inline> |
728 |
729 <template phase="ForwardDeclarations"><![CDATA[ |
730 class CAknPreviewPopUpController; |
731 class ${className}; |
732 ]]> </template> |
733 |
734 <template phase="MainSystemIncludes"><![CDATA[ |
735 #include <aknpreviewpopupcontroller.h> |
736 #include <barsread.h> |
737 #include <stringloader.h> |
738 ]]> </template> |
739 |
740 <template phase="MainSystemIncludes"><![CDATA[ |
741 #include "${instanceName$title}.h" |
742 ]]> </template> |
743 |
744 <inline scope="prototype"> |
745 function controllerInstance() { |
746 return instanceMemberName + "Controller"; |
747 } |
748 |
749 function contentInstance() { |
750 return instanceMemberName + "Content"; |
751 } |
752 </inline> |
753 |
754 <template phase="Construct"><![CDATA[ |
755 ${controllerInstance()} = NULL; |
756 ${contentInstance()} = NULL; |
757 ]]> </template> |
758 |
759 <template phase="Destroy"><![CDATA[ |
760 delete ${controllerInstance()}; |
761 ${controllerInstance()} = NULL; |
762 delete ${contentInstance()}; |
763 ${contentInstance()} = NULL; |
764 ]]> </template> |
765 |
766 <template phase="InstanceVariables"><![CDATA[ |
767 CAknPreviewPopUpController* ${controllerInstance()}; |
768 ${className}* ${contentInstance()}; |
769 ]]> </template> |
770 |
771 <inline> |
772 function getStyleArgs(instance) { |
773 var flags = ""; |
774 if (instance.properties.ELayoutDefault) |
775 flags += "CAknPreviewPopUpController::ELayoutDefault"; |
776 if (instance.properties.ELayoutSubMenu) { |
777 if (flags.length != 0) |
778 flags += " |\n\t\t"; |
779 flags += "CAknPreviewPopUpController::ELayoutSubMenu"; |
780 } |
781 if (instance.properties.EPermanentMode) { |
782 if (flags.length != 0) |
783 flags += " |\n\t\t"; |
784 flags += "CAknPreviewPopUpController::EPermanentMode"; |
785 } |
786 if (instance.properties.EFixedMode) { |
787 if (flags.length != 0) |
788 flags += " |\n\t\t"; |
789 flags += "CAknPreviewPopUpController::EFixedMode"; |
790 } |
791 if (instance.properties.EExcludeFrames) { |
792 if (flags.length != 0) |
793 flags += " |\n\t\t"; |
794 flags += "CAknPreviewPopUpController::EExcludeFrames"; |
795 } |
796 |
797 return flags; |
798 } |
799 |
800 function getCommandObserver(instance) { |
801 if (instance.parent.componentId == "com.nokia.sdt.series60.CAknView" || |
802 instance.parent.componentId == "com.nokia.sdt.series60.CAknAppUi") |
803 return "this"; |
804 |
805 return "iCoeEnv->AppUi()"; |
806 } |
807 </inline> |
808 |
809 <inline><![CDATA[ |
810 var mycontrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase("Initialize") |
811 var text = contentInstance() + " = " + className + "::NewL( " + getCommandObserver(instance) + " );\n"; |
812 var styleArgs = getStyleArgs(instance); |
813 text += controllerInstance() + " = CAknPreviewPopUpController::NewL(\n" |
814 if (styleArgs.length == 0 && !instance.properties.asynchronous) |
815 text += "\t\t*" + contentInstance() + " );\n"; |
816 if (styleArgs.length > 0 && !instance.properties.asynchronous) |
817 text += "\t\t*" + contentInstance() + ",\n\t\t" + styleArgs + " );\n"; |
818 if (styleArgs.length == 0 && instance.properties.asynchronous) |
819 text += "\t\t*" + contentInstance() + ",\n\t\t*" + contentInstance() + " );\n"; |
820 if (styleArgs.length > 0 && instance.properties.asynchronous) |
821 text += "\t\t*" + contentInstance() + ",\n\t\t*" + contentInstance() + ",\n\t\t" + styleArgs + " );\n"; |
822 text += contentInstance() + "->SetPopUpController( " + controllerInstance() + " );\n"; |
823 mycontrib.setText(text); |
824 contribs.add(mycontrib); |
825 ]]> </inline> |
826 |
827 <template phase="Initialize"><![CDATA[ |
828 <% if (instance.properties.headingText.length > 0) { |
829 %> { |
830 HBufC* headingText = StringLoader::LoadLC( ${Engine.getGeneratedResource(instance, "headingText").toUpperCase() } ); |
831 ${controllerInstance()}->SetHeadingTextL( *headingText ); |
832 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( headingText ); |
833 }<% } %> |
834 ]]> </template> |
835 |
836 <inline> |
837 function getMicroSecs(aFloat) { |
838 return (1000000.0 * aFloat).toFixed(); |
839 } |
840 </inline> |
841 |
842 <template phase="Initialize"><![CDATA[ |
843 <% if (instance.properties.showDelay != 1.0) { |
844 %> { |
845 TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 ms = ${getMicroSecs(instance.properties.showDelay)}; |
846 ${controllerInstance()}->SetPopUpShowDelay( ms ); |
847 }<% } %> |
848 ]]> </template> |
849 |
850 <template phase="Initialize"><![CDATA[ |
851 <% if (instance.properties.hideDelay != 3.0) { |
852 %> { |
853 TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 ms = ${getMicroSecs(instance.properties.hideDelay)}; |
854 ${controllerInstance()}->SetPopUpHideDelay( ms ); |
855 }<% } %> |
856 ]]> </template> |
857 |
858 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethod" |
860 FunctionName="Show${instanceName$title}L" |
861 FunctionArgs="const TRect& aHighlightRect, const TDesC* aOverrideHeadingText" |
862 DeclPhase="ClassMethods" |
863 DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE" |
864 ClassName="${parentClassName}"> |
865 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
866 /** |
867 * Show the preview pop-up for ${instanceName}. |
868 * Sets the position of the preview pop-up so that it is aligned with the highlight rect. |
869 * This is intented to be used in conjunction with lists and grids if the |
870 * application wishes to implement a popup that follows lists/grids item highlight. |
871 * If fixed mode is used then the value of the highlight rect has no effect. |
872 * @param aHighlightRect Screen-relative rectangle used to calculate pop-up's position. |
873 * @param aOverrideText optional override header text |
874 */ |
875 </expandArgument> |
876 </expandMacro> |
877 |
878 <template location="SHOW_PREVIEW_POPUP_RECT_METHOD"> |
879 if ( aOverrideHeadingText != NULL ) |
880 { |
881 ${controllerInstance()}->SetHeadingTextL( *aOverrideHeadingText ); |
882 } |
883 ${controllerInstance()}->SetPositionByHighlight( aHighlightRect ); |
884 ${controllerInstance()}->ShowPopUp(); |
885 </template> |
886 |
887 |
888 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethod" |
890 FunctionName="Show${instanceName$title}L" |
891 FunctionArgs="const TPoint& aPoint, const TDesC* aOverrideHeadingText" |
892 DeclPhase="ClassMethods" |
893 DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE" |
894 ClassName="${parentClassName}"> |
895 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
896 /** |
897 * Show the preview pop-up for ${instanceName}. |
898 * Sets the position of preview popup left and down from the given point. |
899 * If there is not enough space, the pop-up is opened up and left. |
900 * If fixed mode is used then the value of the point has no effect. |
901 * @param aPoint Popup's position. |
902 * @param aOverrideText optional override header text |
903 */ |
904 </expandArgument> |
905 </expandMacro> |
906 |
907 <template location="SHOW_PREVIEW_POPUP_POINT_METHOD"> |
908 if ( aOverrideHeadingText != NULL ) |
909 { |
910 ${controllerInstance()}->SetHeadingTextL( *aOverrideHeadingText ); |
911 } |
912 ${controllerInstance()}->SetPosition( aPoint ); |
913 ${controllerInstance()}->ShowPopUp(); |
914 </template> |
915 |
916 <templateGroup id="GeneratePreviewPopupObserverEvents" ifEvents="previewPopUpShown previewPopUpHidden"> |
917 <template phase="EventIncludes"><![CDATA[ |
918 #include <aknpreviewpopupobserver.h> |
919 ]]> </template> |
920 |
921 <template phase="BaseClassList">, MAknPreviewPopUpObserver</template> |
922 |
923 <expandMacro name="GenerateMethodWithOwnedBody" |
924 IsOwned="false" |
926 FunctionArgs="CAknPreviewPopUpController* aController, TPreviewPopUpEvent aEvent" |
927 FunctionName="HandlePreviewPopUpEventL" |
928 DeclPhase="ClassPublic" |
929 DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE" |
930 ClassName="${parentClassName}"> |
931 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
932 /** |
933 * Handle preview pop-up events |
934 */ |
935 </expandArgument> |
936 </expandMacro> |
937 |
938 <template id="DispatchPreviewPopUpShown" location="HANDLEPREVIEWPOPUPEVENTL_METHOD_BODY"><![CDATA[<% |
939 var event = instance.events["previewPopUpShown"]; |
940 if (event) { %> |
941 if ( aEvent == MAknPreviewPopUpObserver::EPreviewPopUpShown && |
942 aController == ${controllerInstance()} ) |
943 { |
944 ${event.handlerName}( aController, aEvent ); |
945 return; |
946 } |
947 <%}%> |
948 ]]> </template> |
949 |
950 <template id="DispatchPreviewPopUpHidden" location="HANDLEPREVIEWPOPUPEVENTL_METHOD_BODY"><![CDATA[<% |
951 var event = instance.events["previewPopUpHidden"]; |
952 if (event) { %> |
953 if ( aEvent == MAknPreviewPopUpObserver::EPreviewPopUpHidden && |
954 aController == ${controllerInstance()} ) |
955 { |
956 ${event.handlerName}( aController, aEvent ); |
957 return; |
958 } |
959 <%}%> |
960 ]]> </template> |
961 |
962 <template phase="Initialize"><![CDATA[ |
963 ${controllerInstance()}->AddObserverL( *this ); |
964 ]]> </template> |
965 |
966 </templateGroup> |
967 |
968 <templateGroup id="GeneratePreviewPopupShownHandler" ifEvents="previewPopUpShown"> |
969 <expandMacro name="GenerateUserEventHandlerFunction" |
971 FunctionArgs="CAknPreviewPopUpController* aController, TPreviewPopUpEvent aEvent" |
972 DeclPhase="UserHandlers" |
973 DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE" |
974 ClassName="${parentClassName}"> |
975 </expandMacro> |
976 </templateGroup> |
977 |
978 <templateGroup id="GeneratePreviewPopupHiddenHandler" ifEvents="previewPopUpHidden"> |
979 <expandMacro name="GenerateUserEventHandlerFunction" |
981 FunctionArgs="CAknPreviewPopUpController* aController, TPreviewPopUpEvent aEvent" |
982 DeclPhase="UserHandlers" |
983 DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE" |
984 ClassName="${parentClassName}"> |
985 </expandMacro> |
986 </templateGroup> |
987 |
988 <!-- BEGIN EVENT handleLongTapEvent --> |
989 <templateGroup id="HandleLongTapEvent" ifEvents="handleLongTapEvent"> |
990 |
991 <template id="EventIncludes" location="CONTENT_HEADER_EVENT_HANDLER_INCLUDES"><![CDATA[ |
992 #include <AknLongTapDetector.h> |
993 ]]> </template> |
994 |
995 <template id="EventInterface" location="CONTENT_CLASS_BASES">, MAknLongTapDetectorCallBack</template> |
996 |
997 <template id="CallDetectorWithPointerEvent" location="HANDLEPOINTEREVENTL_METHOD_BODY"><![CDATA[ |
998 iLongTapDetector->PointerEventL( aPointerEvent ); |
999 ]]> </template> |
1000 |
1001 <expandMacro name="GenerateVirtualMethodOverrideForEventHandler" |
1002 IsOwned="false" |
1004 FunctionArgs="const TPoint& aPenEventLocation, const TPoint& aPenEventScreenLocation" |
1005 FunctionName="HandleLongTapEventL" |
1007 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
1008 <expandArgument name="FunctionComment"> |
1009 /** |
1010 * Implement the HandleLongTapEventL method of MAknLongTapDetectorCallBack |
1011 */ |
1012 </expandArgument> |
1013 </expandMacro> |
1014 |
1015 <expandMacro name="GenerateUserEventHandlerFunction" |
1017 FunctionArgs="const TPoint& aPenEventLocation, const TPoint& aPenEventScreenLocation" |
1019 DefnLocation="CONTENT_MAIN_FILE"> |
1020 </expandMacro> |
1021 |
1022 <template id="DeclareDetectorMember" location="CONTENT_CLASS_PRIVATE_OWNED_INSTANCE_VARIABLES"> |
1023 CAknLongTapDetector* iLongTapDetector; |
1024 </template> |
1025 |
1026 <template id="MainSystemIncludes" location="CONTENT_MAIN_OWNED_SYSTEM_INCLUDES"><![CDATA[ |
1027 #include <AknLongTapDetector.h> |
1028 ]]> </template> |
1029 |
1030 <template id="ClearDetectorMember" location="CONSTRUCTOR_BODY"> |
1031 iLongTapDetector = NULL; |
1032 </template> |
1033 |
1034 <template id="DestroyDetectorMember" location="DESTRUCTOR_BODY"> |
1035 delete iLongTapDetector; |
1036 iLongTapDetector = NULL; |
1037 </template> |
1038 |
1039 <template id="ConstructDetectorMember" location="CONSTRUCTL_METHOD_BODY"> |
1040 iLongTapDetector = CAknLongTapDetector::NewL( this ); |
1041 </template> |
1042 |
1043 </templateGroup> |
1044 <!-- END EVENT handleLongTapEvent --> |
1045 </sourceGen> |
1046 |
1047 </component> |
1048 </componentDefinition> |