1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). --> |
3 <!-- All rights reserved. --> |
4 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available --> |
5 <!-- under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" --> |
6 <!-- which accompanies this distribution, and is available --> |
7 <!-- at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". --> |
8 |
9 <componentDefinition xmlns="http://www.nokia.com/sdt/emf/component" |
10 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> |
11 |
12 <component baseComponent="com.nokia.sdt.series60.NonLayoutBase" |
13 friendlyName="%friendlyName" |
14 qualifiedName="com.nokia.sdt.series60.WaitDialog" |
15 category="NotesDialogs" |
16 instanceNameRoot="waitDialog" |
17 version="1.0"> |
18 <documentation> |
19 <information>%information</information> |
20 </documentation> |
21 <symbian sdkName="com.nokia.series60" minSDKVersion="2.0" |
22 className="CAknWaitDialog" classHelpTopic="" |
23 resourceType="AVKON_CONFIRMATION_QUERY" resourceHelpTopic="" /> |
24 <designerImages smallIconFile="WaitDialog_sm.png" |
25 largeIconFile="WaitDialog.png"/> |
26 <attributes> |
27 <attribute key="is-transient-object">true</attribute> |
28 <attribute key="is-non-resizable-or-moveable-layout-object">true</attribute> |
29 </attributes> |
30 |
31 <properties> |
32 <compoundProperty name="location" type="com.nokia.sdt.series60.locationProperty" category="Hidden" |
33 editorClass="com.nokia.sdt.symbian.ui.editors.ReadOnlySummaryEditorFactory"/> |
34 <compoundProperty name="size" type="com.nokia.sdt.series60.sizeProperty" category="Hidden" |
35 editorClass="com.nokia.sdt.symbian.ui.editors.ReadOnlySummaryEditorFactory"/> |
36 <property name="text" type="localizedString" default="Please wait..." category="Data" |
37 descriptionKey="textDescription" |
38 editorClass="com.nokia.sdt.symbian.ui.editors.ScalableTextEditorFactory" /> |
39 <enumProperty name="tone" type="com.nokia.sdt.series60.Query.tone" category="Data" |
40 descriptionKey="toneDescription" /> |
41 <property name="visibilityDelay" type="boolean" category="Behavior" |
42 descriptionKey="visibilityDelayDescription" default="true" /> |
43 <property name="canceledHandlerCode" type="string" category="Hidden"/> |
44 </properties> |
45 |
46 <events defaultEventName="canceled"> |
47 <event name="canceled" category="Basic" |
48 handlerNameTemplate="Handle{title(name)}CanceledL" |
49 descriptionKey="canceledDescription" |
50 /> |
51 </events> |
52 |
53 <implementations> |
54 <implementation> |
55 <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IVisualAppearance"/> |
56 <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IDirectLabelEdit"/> |
57 <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.ILayout"/> |
58 <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IComponentInstancePropertyListener"/> |
59 <script file="WaitDialog.js" prototype="WaitDialog"/> |
60 </implementation> |
61 </implementations> |
62 |
63 <sourceMapping> |
64 <mapResource struct="DIALOG" headers="avkon.rh avkon.rsg eikon.rh"> |
65 <mapBitmaskMember property="." member="flags" includedProperties="" > |
66 <!-- initial blank entry forces bits on --> |
67 <mapBitmaskValue properties="" value="EAknWaitNoteFlags" /> |
68 </mapBitmaskMember> |
69 <mapFixedMember member="buttons" value="R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_CANCEL" /> |
70 <mapResourceMember property="." member="items[0]" struct="DLG_LINE" headers="avkon.rh"> |
71 <mapFixedMember member="type" value="EAknCtNote" /> |
72 <mapEnumMember property="." member="id" uniqueValue="*" |
73 nameAlgorithm="com.nokia.sdt.component.symbian.NAME_ALG_DIALOG_LINE_ID" /> |
74 <mapResourceMember property="." member="control" struct="AVKON_NOTE" headers="avkon.rh"> |
75 <mapFixedMember member="layout" value="EWaitLayout" /> |
76 <mapSimpleMember property="text" member="singular_label" /> |
77 <mapFixedMember member="animation" value="R_QGN_GRAF_WAIT_BAR_ANIM" /> |
78 </mapResourceMember> |
79 </mapResourceMember> |
80 </mapResource> |
81 </sourceMapping> |
82 |
83 <sourceGen> |
84 |
85 <template phase="HeaderIncludes"><![CDATA[ |
86 #include <aknwaitdialog.h> |
87 ]]> </template> |
88 |
89 <template phase="ClassMethods"> |
90 void Execute${instanceName$title}LD( const TDesC* aOverrideText = NULL ); |
91 void Remove${instanceName$title}L(); |
92 </template> |
93 |
94 <template phase="InstanceVariables"> |
95 CAknWaitDialog* ${instanceMemberName}; |
96 </template> |
97 |
98 <template phase="Destroy"> |
99 TRAPD( err_${instanceName$title}, Remove${instanceName$title}L() ); |
100 </template> |
101 |
102 <defineLocation id="ExecuteMethodLocation" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE" |
103 owned="true" |
104 location="function(${className}::Execute${instanceName$title}LD(const TDesC*))"> |
105 <template> |
106 /** |
107 * Execute the wait dialog for ${instanceName}. This routine returns |
108 * while the dialog is showing. It will be closed and destroyed when |
109 * Remove${instanceName$title}L() or the user selects the Cancel soft key. |
110 * @param aOverrideText optional override text. When null the text configured |
111 * in the UI Designer is used. |
112 */ |
113 void ${className}::Execute${instanceName$title}LD( const TDesC* aOverrideText ) |
114 { |
115 } |
116 </template> |
117 </defineLocation> |
118 <template location="ExecuteMethodLocation"><![CDATA[ |
119 <% var visibilityDelayOff = (!instance.properties.visibilityDelay) ? "ETrue" : "EFalse"; |
120 %>${instanceMemberName} = new ( ELeave ) CAknWaitDialog( |
121 reinterpret_cast< CEikDialog** >( &${instanceMemberName} ), ${visibilityDelayOff} ); |
122 <% if (properties.tone != "ENoTone") { |
123 %>${instanceMemberName}->SetTone( CAknNoteDialog::${properties.tone} ); |
124 <% } |
125 %>if ( aOverrideText != NULL ) |
126 { |
127 ${instanceMemberName}->SetTextL( *aOverrideText ); |
128 } |
129 ${instanceMemberName}->ExecuteLD( ${resourceName$upper} ); |
130 ]]> </template> |
131 |
132 <defineLocation id="RemoveMethodLocation" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE" |
133 owned="true" |
134 location="function(${className}::Remove${instanceName$title}L())"> |
135 <template> |
136 /** |
137 * Close and dispose of the wait dialog for ${instanceName} |
138 */ |
139 void ${className}::Remove${instanceName$title}L() |
140 { |
141 } |
142 </template> |
143 </defineLocation> |
144 <template location="RemoveMethodLocation"><![CDATA[ |
145 if ( ${instanceMemberName} != NULL ) |
146 { |
147 ${instanceMemberName}->SetCallback( NULL ); |
148 ${instanceMemberName}->ProcessFinishedL(); // deletes the dialog |
149 ${instanceMemberName} = NULL; |
150 }<% if (instance.events['canceled'] != null) {%> |
151 delete ${instanceMemberName}Callback; |
152 ${instanceMemberName}Callback = NULL; |
153 <% } %> |
154 ]]> </template> |
155 |
156 <!-- BEGIN EVENT canceled --> |
157 <templateGroup id="ProgressDialogCanceledEvent" ifEvents="canceled"> |
158 |
159 <template phase="InstanceVariables"> |
160 class CProgressDialogCallback; |
161 CProgressDialogCallback* ${instanceMemberName}Callback; |
162 </template> |
163 |
164 <template id="HandlerDecl" phase="UserHandlers"><![CDATA[ |
165 void ${event.handlerName}( CAknProgressDialog* aDialog ); |
166 ]]> </template> |
167 |
168 <defineLocation id="MProgressDialogCallbackSupport" baseLocation="CLASS" |
169 owned="false" |
170 location="region(MProgressDialogCallback support)"> |
171 <template><![CDATA[ |
172 private: <% contrib.indentAdjust(-1); %> |
173 typedef void ( ${handlerClassName}::*ProgressDialogEventHandler )( |
174 CAknProgressDialog* aProgressDialog ); |
175 |
176 /** |
177 * This is a helper class for progress/wait dialog callbacks. It routes the dialog's |
178 * cancel notification to the handler function for the cancel event. |
179 */ |
180 class CProgressDialogCallback : public CBase, public MProgressDialogCallback |
181 { |
182 public: |
183 CProgressDialogCallback( |
184 ${handlerClassName}* aHandlerObj, |
185 CAknProgressDialog* aDialog, |
186 ProgressDialogEventHandler aHandler ) : |
187 handlerObj( aHandlerObj ), dialog( aDialog ), handler( aHandler ) |
188 {} |
189 |
190 void DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId ) |
191 { |
192 ( handlerObj->*handler )( dialog ); |
193 } |
194 private: |
195 ${handlerClassName}* handlerObj; |
196 CAknProgressDialog* dialog; |
197 ProgressDialogEventHandler handler; |
198 }; |
199 |
200 ]]> </template> |
201 </defineLocation> |
202 <template id="RealizeMProgressDialogCallbackSupport" location="MProgressDialogCallbackSupport"/> |
203 |
204 <template location="ExecuteMethodLocation"><![CDATA[ |
205 ${instanceMemberName}Callback = new ( ELeave ) CProgressDialogCallback( |
206 this, ${instanceMemberName}, &${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName} ); |
207 ${instanceMemberName}->SetCallback( ${instanceMemberName}Callback ); |
208 ]]> </template> |
209 |
210 <defineLocation id="ProgressDialogCanceledHandler" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE" |
211 owned="false" |
212 isEventHandler="true" |
213 location="function(${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}(CAknProgressDialog*))"> |
214 <template><![CDATA[ |
215 /** |
216 * Handle the canceled event. |
217 */ |
218 void ${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}( CAknProgressDialog* /* aDialog */ ) |
219 { |
220 <% var code = instance.properties.canceledHandlerCode; |
221 if (code != "") { |
222 %> ${code} |
223 <% } else { |
224 %> // TODO: implement ${event.eventName} event handler |
225 <% } %> } |
226 ]]> |
227 </template> |
228 </defineLocation> |
229 <template id="RealizeHandler" location="ProgressDialogCanceledHandler"/> |
230 |
231 </templateGroup> |
232 <!-- END EVENT canceled --> |
233 |
234 </sourceGen> |
235 </component> |
236 |
237 </componentDefinition> |