changeset 0 fb279309251b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:fb279309251b
     1 FrontEnd.UnterminatedBlock=unterminated {0} block
     2 FrontEnd.UnexpectedTrailingText=unexpected trailing text
     3 FrontEnd.UnexpectedClosingDelimiter=unexpected closing delimiter
     4 FrontEnd.MismatchedClosingDelimiter=expected closing delimiter for {0}
     5 FrontEnd.UnexpectedEndOfFile=unexpected end of file
     6 FrontEnd.UnexpectedToken=unexpected token
     7 FrontEnd.AtTokenX=\ at token {0}
     8 FrontEnd.OpenBlocksHeader=\nopen blocks:\n
     9 FrontEnd.Dump1={0}
    10 FrontEnd.RedundantBlocks=redundant nested block
    11 Lexer.IOError=I/O Error:\ 
    12 BackEnd.UnknownVariable=unknown variable ''{0}''
    13 BackEnd.InvalidBlockSwitch=illegal block nesting of {0} inside {1}
    14 Message.Warning=warning: 
    15 Message.Error=error: 
    16 SourceGenGlobals.UnknownLocation=the location ''{0}'' referenced from component {1} is not defined in this component or any of its parents
    17 ContributionEngine.ContribWithPhaseAndLocation=the contribution ''{0}'' has a phase ''{1}'' but its location was never resolved (component ''{2}'')\ncontents:\n{3}
    18 ContributionEngine.ContribWithoutLocation=the contribution ''{0}'' has no phase or location (component ''{1}'')\ncontents:\n{2}
    19 ContributionEngine.ContribWithIncorrectLocation=the location for contribution ''{0}'' was set incorrectly (don't call #setLocation()) (component ''{1}'')\ncontents:\n{2}
    20 ContributionEngine.ContribWithoutText=the contribution ''{0}'' has no text (component ''{1}'')
    21 ContributionEngine.NoSuchDomain=the location ''{0}'' references a non-existent domain ''{1}'' in component ''{2}''
    22 CppLocationParser.IllegalNode=the node ''{0}'' does not match an expected node in ''{1}'' in location path ''{2}''
    23 CppLocationParser.IllegalArguments=the segment ''{0}'' does not have correctly formatted arguments in location path ''{1}''
    24 CppLocationParser.TooManyArguments=the segment ''{0}'' contains too many arguments (maximum {1}) in the location path ''{2}''
    25 CppLocationParser.MismatchedParens=the segment ''{0}'' contains mismatched parentheses in the location path ''{1}''
    26 CppLocationParser.BadIdentifier=the identifier ''{0}'' is not valid in the location path ''{1}''
    27 CppPatchEngine.UnknownSourceType=Unknown source type
    28 CppPatchEngine.SourceLocNotFound=Source location not found
    29 CppPatchEngine.CannotLocateFile=Cannot locate file
    30 CppPatchEngine.PatchDoesNotMatch=Does not match
    31 CppLocationParser.BadArgCount=the segment ''{0}'' has an invalid number of arguments (expected {1}) in the location path ''{2}''
    32 CppLocationParser.EndOfPath=<end of path>
    33 CppLocationParser.BadFunctionArguments=the function ''{0}'' has an invalid argument list ''{1}'' in the location path ''{2}''
    34 CppLocationParser.BadFunctionArgument=the function ''{0}'' has an invalid argument ''{1}'' in the location path ''{2}''
    35 ContributionEngine.ResourceNotNamed=the instance ''{0}'' (component ''{1}'') references a generated resource, but the resource has no name -- check the source mappings
    36 ContributionEngine.CannotLocatePath=cannot locate or resolve the file ''{0}'' in the project; the contents will not be written
    37 CppDomain.PossiblyBadDefiningLocation=C/C++ parser cannot find ''{1}'' in ''{2}''; check the immediate area for syntax errors (id ''{0}'', component ''{3}'') 
    38 CppDomain.CannotLocateEventHandler=Cannot locate event handler at location path: ''{0}'' in ''{1}''
    39 CppDomain.NoDefineLocation=no contributions (<template> or <inline>) found to generate the location ''{0}'' at ''{1}'' in ''{2}''; please check the <defineLocation> element
    40 # note to translators: for these four strings, 
    41 # the "// [[[" and "// ]]]", colon, and newlines must remain 
    42 # but the words may change
    43 CppLocation.OwnedSectionHeader=// [[[ begin generated {0}: do not modify\n
    44 CppLocation.OwnedSectionFooter=// ]]] end generated {0}\n\n
    45 CppLocation.OwnedRegionHeader=// [[[ begin generated region: do not modify [{0}]\n
    46 CppLocation.OwnedRegionFooter=// ]]] end generated region [{0}]\n\n
    47 # note to translators: for these two strings, 
    48 # the "// [[[" and "// ]]]", "[{0}]", and newlines must be retained, 
    49 # but the words may change
    50 CppLocation.SubRegionHeader=\n// [[[ begin [{0}]\n
    51 CppLocation.SubRegionFooter=// ]]] end [{0}]\n\n
    52 CppLocation.OwnedFileHeader=// generated file: do not modify\n
    53 CppDomain.ExpectedFileRoot=the toplevel location for any component should be a file, but instead found ''{1}'' for location ''{0}'' in component {2}
    54 CppDomain.BadEventSymbol=Malformed event handler symbol information: ''{0}''
    55 CppDomain.MissingGeneratedLocationAlert=the location ''{0}'' is missing from file ''{2}'' at path ''{1}''; the regenerated source may not compile correctly
    56 WorkspaceSourceManipulator.CannotReadFile=Cannot read ''{0}'': {1}
    57 WorkspaceSourceManipulator.NoProjectOpen=No project is open
    58 WorkspaceSourceManipulator.NoCppProjectEntry=Cannot find C/C++ entry for ''{0}''
    59 WorkspaceSourceManipulator.FileDoesntExist=File ''{0}'' does not exist
    60 StandaloneSourceManipulator.CannotReadFile=Cannot read ''{0}'': {1}
    61 CppLocationSegment.Class=class
    62 CppLocation.UnknownFilter=unknown filter ''{0}'' in location ''{1}'', ignored
    63 CppLocationSegment.Function=function
    64 CppLocationSegment.Namespace=namespace
    65 CppLocationSegment.Enum=enumeration
    66 CppLocationSegment.ClassBases=base class list
    67 SourceGenSession.GeneratingSourceTask=Generating source...
    68 SourceGenProvider.NoComponentInstance=The binding does not have an associated component instance
    69 SourceGenProvider.NoHandlerSymbolInfo=No symbol bound for event ''{0}'' in component ''{1}'' (either model is unsaved or component is incomplete)
    70 SourceGenProvider.CannotResolveSymbol=Cannot resolve event binding symbol: ''{0}''
    71 SourceGenProvider.SynchronizingStatus=Synchronizing models...
    72 SourceGenSession.SavingSourceFiles=Saving source files...
    73 SymbianRssParser.UndefinedStruct=undefined struct ''{0}''
    74 SymbianRssParser.UndefinedMember=undefined member ''{0}'' for struct ''{1}''
    75 SymbianRssParser.IllegalCharacter=illegal character code ''{0}''
    76 SymbianRssParser.ParseError=parse error: {0}
    77 SymbianRssParser.ParseErrorUnexpectedToken=unexpected token encountered: ''{0}''
    78 SymbianRssParser.IllegalNameStatement=illegal NAME value, expected four alphabetic characters
    79 SourceGenGlobals.NoSuchDataModel=cannot find referenced view ''{0}'' from Engine.generateViewContributions()
    80 SourceGenProvider.HeadlessEclipse=Cannot navigate to editor in headless Eclipse
    81 SourceGenPlugin.SelectResources=Select the resources to save.  If not saved, they may be overwritten.
    82 SourceGenPlugin.SaveSourcesTitle=Save modified sources?
    83 SourceGenPlugin.SavingEditors=Saving modified editors...
    84 SourceGenGlobals.CannotLoadDataModel=cannot load view ''{0}'' from Engine.generateViewContributions():\n{1}
    85 SourceGenProvider.CannotLocateSource=Cannot find target source file: ''{0}''
    86 SourceGenGlobals.NotRunningUnderPlatform=cannot generate view contributions unless platform is running from Engine.generateViewContributions()
    87 SourceGenProvider.OutsideWorkspaceError=Cannot navigate to editor outside workspace
    88 SourceGenGlobals.InvalidContributionChecker=unknown contribution checking algorithm ''{0}''; valid choices are ''{1}''
    89 SourceGenDocumentChange.DocumentChangeLabel=Changes to ''{0}''
    90 CppLocation.InvalidUniqueFilterUsage=illegal use of 'unique' contribution filter outside class() or bases() (location ''{0}'')
    91 UniquePrototypeContributionFilter.InvalidUniquePrototypeFilterUsage=illegal use of 'unique-prototypes' contribution filter outside class() (location ''{0}'')
    92 UniqueBaseClassContributionFilter.InvalidUniqueBasesFilterUsage=illegal use of 'unique-bases' contribution filter outside bases() (location ''{0}'')
    93 CppDomain.CodeRangesOverlap=problem with source: structural elements of the file seem to overlap; not cleaning up code
    94 CppDomain.SameLocationsError=same location defined under different ids (''{0}'' and ''{1}'' point to ''{2}'' in ''{3}'')
    95 ContributionContext.MissingComponent=cannot generate source for instance ''{0}'' due to missing component ''{1}''
    96 ContributionContext.MissingComponent=Cannot generate source for missing component ''{0}'' referenced by object ''{1}''
    97 SourceGenProvider.ProjectOutOfSyncMessage=The following file(s) in project ''{0}'' are out of sync with the workspace:\n\n{1}\nSources cannot be safely modified in this state.\n\nRefresh project now?
    98 SourceGenPatch.PatchWithDescriptionFormat=Patch \#{0}: {1}
    99 SourceGenProvider.UpdateProjectInfoJobName=Update project info
   100 SourceGenPatch.PatchWithoutDescriptionFormat=Patch \#{0}
   101 SourceGenProvider.ProjectOutOfSync=Project out of sync
   102 SourceGenProvider.Error=Error
   103 SourceGenContext.GeneratedFile=// generated file: do not modify\n
   104 SourceGenContext.UnknownAlgorithm=unknown name algorithm ''{0}'' referenced from component {1}
   105 RssEngine.CannotParseInclude=cannot parse include file ''{0}'' due to exception: {1}
   106 RssEngine.CannotUniquifyEnum=cannot synthesize a unique enumerator based on ''{0}'' in file {1}
   108 ModelRssGenerator.GeneratedFile=// generated file: do not modify\n
   109 ModelRssGenerator.Unnamed=Unnamed
   110 ModelRssGenerator.CannotFindHeader=cannot locate header ''{0}'' in includes; check your SDK and include paths
   111 ModelRssGenerator.StdResourcesComment=\n// standard resources\n
   112 ModelRssGenerator.GeneratingSourceTask=Generating source...
   113 ModelRssGenerator.GeneratingRss=Updating resources...
   114 ModelRssGenerator.GeneratingCpp=Updating sources and headers...
   115 ModelRssGenerator.SavingSourceFiles=Saving source code... 
   116 ModelRssGenerator.MissingComponent=cannot generate resources for ''{0}'' due to missing component ''{1}''
   117 ModelRssGenerator.MissingRssInclude=cannot locate an #include for ''{0}''; not synchronizing changes to ''{1}''
   120 ResourceTracker.DidNotFindResource=Did not find resource ''{0}'' in file ''{1}'': this may indicate an #include is missing from the project''s RSS file
   121 ResourceTracker.IllegalResourceMapping=Illegal <resourceMapping> detected, ignoring ({0})
   122 ResourceTracker.DidNotFindInstance=Did not find instance ''{0}'' referenced in <resourceMapping> in design ''{1}''
   124 RssModelTypeHandler.DidNotFindEnum=Did not find enumerator ''{0}'' in file ''{1}''
   125 RssModelTypeHandler.IllegalEnumMapping=Illegal <enumMapping> detected, ignoring ({0})
   126 RssModelTypeHandler.IllegalArrayMapping=Illegal <arrayMapping> detected, ignoring ({0})
   127 RssModelTypeHandler.IllegalElementMapping=Illegal <arrayElement> detected, ignoring ({0})
   128 RssModelGenerator.UpdateDesignCommandLabel=Update design from sources
   130 RssModelLocStringHandler.RewritingIncompatibleLocFile=the loc/lxx file ''{0}'' is not in an expected format; rewriting from scratch
   131 RssModelStringHandlerBase.IgnoringLanguageChanges=ignoring language differences in localization file ({0}); ensure languages are added/removed through the Application Editor
   132 RssModelGenerator.UpdateDesignCommandDescription=Merges changes from generated RSS into open designs.
   133 RssModelStringHandlerBase.IgnoringLanguageChangesAddingLanguage=additional language ''{0}''
   134 RssModelStringHandlerBase.IgnoringLanguageChangesRemovingLanguage=missing language ''{0}''
   135 RssModelLocStringHandler.IgnoringInvalidMacro=the generated macro ''{0}'' is no longer a simple string macro; it will be ignored and overwritten on the next save
   137 RssParser.UnexpectedLxxFileName=unexpected *.lxx file name detected (''{0}''); expected extension ending in ''.l{1}''
   138 RssParser.UnexpectedRlsFileName=unexpected *.rls file name detected (''{0}''); expected extension ending in ''...__{1}.rls''
   139 ContributionEngine.UnsharedEventHandlerWarning=event handler ''{0}'' is used more than once but different method signatures result; this may lead to unexpected runtime behavior or compile errors  
   140 ContributionEngine.EventHandlerOverridesError=event handler ''{0}'' in ''{1}'' maps to a non-event handler method (''{2}'' in ''{3}/{4}''); this is probably not what you want
   141 ContributionEngine.ErrorGeneratedFromComponent={0} generated from component ''{1}''
   143 CppDomain.IgnoringMacOSLineEndingSetting=The workspace line delimiter preference is set to MacOS 9, which is unsupported.  Using native delimiters instead.
   144 CppDomain.AbortingSaveDueToMacOSLineEndings=The file ''{0}'' uses MacOS 9 line delimiters, which is unsupported.  Please convert the file to Win32 or Unix line endings before saving the design.
   145 CppPatchRefactoringEngine.FailedPatchError=\#error "failed to apply patch ({0}), see {1}"
   146 PatchEngine.UnknownPatchClass=Unknown patch class
   147 Patcher.InvalidEmptyPatchLine=Invalid empty patch line: ''{0}''
   148 ParserMessages.DeleteProblemMarkersJobName=Delete parser problem markers
   149 Patcher.InvalidPatchLine=Invalid patch line: ''{0}''
   150 PatchRefactoringEngine.SourceChangesDescription=Source changes
   151 PatchRefactoringEngine.MainFileLocationLabel=<main file>
   152 PatchRefactoringEngine.PrependSourcePatchingLogDescription=Prepend source patching log to ''{0}''
   153 PatchRefactoringEngine.CreateSourcePatchingLogDescription=Create source patching log to ''{0}''
   154 PatchRefactoringEngine.ConflictingPatchDescription=Conflicting patch in ''{0}'' at ''{1}'' ({2})
   155 CppPatchRefactoringEngine.DocumentChangesDescription=Changes to {0}
   156 ContributionEngine.RecursiveGeneration=Recursive sourceGen invocation detected from component ''{0}'' to component ''{1}'' (form ''{2}''); ignoring