changeset 1280 7114a2177fac
parent 1277 12fd76372d95
--- a/debuggercdi/	Mon Apr 26 10:29:04 2010 -0500
+++ b/debuggercdi/	Mon Apr 26 10:42:47 2010 -0500
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 DebugRunProcessDialog.AllFilterName=All Files
 DebugRunProcessDialog.AttachAddlMsg=(selected at launch time)
 DebugRunProcessDialog.AttachLabel=&Attach to process:
+DebugRunProcessDialog.AttachProcessRadioTooltip=Attach to a running program at launch time.
 DebugRunProcessDialog.ChangeProcessMsg=Change {0} Process
 DebugRunProcessDialog.DebugConfigureMsg=Configure how to debug the program.  The initial settings reflect the debug capabilities of the selected device and the SIS builder settings.
@@ -24,12 +25,17 @@
 DebugRunProcessDialog.FilePathError=The executable path should end in a filename.
 DebugRunProcessDialog.InstallBeforeLaunchLabel=Install package before launch
 DebugRunProcessDialog.InstallFilterName=Installation Files
+DebugRunProcessDialog.LaunchProjectExecutableRadioTooltip=Launch a program built by the project.
+DebugRunProcessDialog.LaunchProjectExecutableSelectorTooltip=Select one of the executables built from the project.\n\nThis will be copied or installed to the device and then launched.
 DebugRunProcessDialog.LaunchProjectExeLabel=Launch project &executable:
 DebugRunProcessDialog.LaunchRemoteProgLabel=Launch program on &device:
+DebugRunProcessDialog.LaunchRemoteProgramRadioTooltip=Launch a specific program on the device.
+DebugRunProcessDialog.LaunchRemoteProgramSelectorTooltip=Select the device-side program to launch.\n\nThis is an executable installed or copied from the project or a custom path (e.g. used when debugging a DLL).
 DebugRunProcessDialog.ModeLabel={0} method:
 DebugRunProcessDialog.NoExesError=The project builds no executables.
 DebugRunProcessDialog.RunConfigureMsg=Configure how to run the program.
+DebugRunProcessDialog.SISCheckboxTooltip=When checked, Carbide installs a SIS package for the active build configuration.\n\nWhen unchecked, Carbide copies the files built by the current project to the device.\nYou can manually edit these in the advanced settings.
 DebugRunProcessDialog.SISConfigLinkText=Modify SIS builder settings for build configuration
 DebugRunProcessDialog.SISFileExistError=The SIS file ''{0}'' does not exist.
 DebugRunProcessDialog.SISFileLabel=SIS File to Install:
@@ -46,7 +52,7 @@
 DebugRunProcessSection.NoRemoteExeError=No remote executable is selected.
 DebugRunProcessSection.Title={0} process
 LaunchWizard.AdvancedLabel=Edit advanced settings before launch
-LaunchWizard.AdvancedTip=Before finishing the wizard, edit settings in the ''{0} Configurations'' dialog.
+LaunchWizard.AdvancedTip=When finishing the wizard, edit settings in the ''{0} Configurations'' dialog before launching.
 LaunchWizard.EditTip=Click to accept settings and edit advanced settings.
 LaunchWizard.FinishTip=Click to accept settings and launch the program.