changeset 819 8121a281245c
parent 470 6eee0076d222
child 1207 e265bbe56eb0
--- a/core/	Tue Jan 26 11:44:24 2010 -0600
+++ b/core/	Tue Jan 26 13:41:56 2010 -0600
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
-<h2>Carbide.c++ Release Notes 2.2.0</h2>
+<h2>Carbide.c++ Release Notes 2.5.0</h2>
 <p>The Carbide.c++  is a comprehensive development tool suite for Symbian OS that is based on the Eclipse framework. The C++ Development Toolkit (CDT), provides the foundation for project and build tools management, as well as the primary interface for the debugger to communicate with the IDE. </p>
 <p>This is a collection of important information concerning last-minute
   changes and other topics that deserve special attention.&nbsp;Please
@@ -35,12 +35,27 @@
 Updating the CDT feature in Carbide.c++/Eclipse will wipe out our
 changes making the tools unusable!</p>
 <p> See the <a href="hints_tips.htm">Tips &amp; tricks</a> page for more helpful information.</p>
-<h3><a name="whatsNew" id="whatsNew2"></a>What's New in 2.2.0 </h3>
+<h3><a name="whatsNew" id="whatsNew2"></a>What's New in 2.5.0 </h3>
 <p>The following features for Symbian  development are provided within Carbide.c++:</p>
-  <li><b>Eclipse 3.5 </b>&#8212; The Eclipse 3.5 project (Galileo) provides the foundation, or integration platform, on which  Carbide.c++  is built. See <a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/whatsNew/platform_whatsnew.html">What's New in 3.5</a> for more information.</li>
+  <li><b>RVCT 4.0 (ARMv5)</b> supported</li>
+  <li><b>SmartInstaller for Qt</b> supported</li>
+<h4><a name="240" id="210222"></a>2.4.0</h4>
+  <li>    <span class="style5"><b>IMPORTANT WINSCW COMPILER</b></span> change - the WINSCW compiler 3.2.5 build 487  provides new name mangling to support critical exception handling. Without this change an exception can cause a program or system crash. For more information visit the <a href="">WINSCW</a> wiki page.</li>
+  <li><b>Qt Tools 1.6</b> now supported.</li>
+  <li>The <b>Run builds concurrently</b> option in the <a href="reference/wnd_build_prefs.htm">Builds</a> preference panel now supports up to 50 concurrent build jobs, up from 4.</li>
+<h4><a name="230" id="21022"></a>2.3.0</h4>
+  <li>P2 update services now supported. Updating Carbide.c++ should be more flexible and easier than before.</li>
+  <li>The official Qt code style is now included in the Code Style preference panel.</li>
+  <li>Single file compiles on Raptor are now supported.</li>
+<h4><a name="220" id="2102"></a>2.2.0</h4>
+  <li><b>Eclipse 3.5 </b>&#8212; The Eclipse 3.5 project (Galileo) provides the foundation, or integration platform, on which  Carbide.c++  is built. See <a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/whatsNew/platform_whatsnew.html">What's New in 3.5</a> for more information.</li>
   <li><b>CDT 6.0 </b>&#8212; The final version of CDT included as part of the Galileo release. See the <a href="">CDT 6.0 News and Noteworthy</a> page for more information.</li>
   <li><b>Java 6.0 </b>&#8212; Due to the above changes Carbide has also updated to use the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6.0. See <a href="">Java SE 6 Release Notes</a> page for more information.</li>
   <li><b>SBSv2 arguments field</b> - added a text field to the <a href="reference/wnd_build_prefs.htm">Build &gt; SBSv2</a> panel to allow parameter passing to Raptor builds.</li>
@@ -48,7 +63,7 @@
 <h4><a name="210" id="210"></a>2.1.0</h4>
-  <li><b>Performance inprovements</b> - the following areas of Carbide have been optimized to improve performance:
+  <li><b>Performance improvements</b> - the following areas of Carbide have been optimized to improve performance:
       <li><b>Importing large projects</b>   - Importing large projects is one of our primary points of performance improvements. When too many project roots were used the more source and include paths were brought into the project, up to an including entire SDKs. Generally, we found that once a project root contains over 15-20K files Carbide became extremely sluggish. We have improved some edge cases where project roots were calculated incorrectly and now include only what's really needed. </li>
       <li><b>Modifying Project Settings and Build Configuration Data</b>-    This is quite a significant improvement as modifying MMP files and switching build configurations are a couple of the most common operations done by end-users and because the time spent processing project and configuration data is done on the main thread, locking the UI. With optimization in one CDT function we were able to bring most project-related and configuration switch changes from 20 seconds to less than 3 seconds. You should also see improvements when saving MMP and INF files (the &quot;Refreshing Configuration Job&quot;). </li>
@@ -86,7 +101,7 @@
   <li><b>Executables view improvements</b> &#8212; The <a href="reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view now supports the loading of some additional DLL cases to ensure that the DLLs you want to debug are available during a debug session. In addition,  a Remove button has been added to the view's toolbar that makes it easier for you to remove any executables from the list.</li>
   <li><b>More indexer improvements </b>&#8212; Speed improvements for code completion, syntax coloring, and much more.</li>
   <li><b>Remote Connections view</b> &#8212; A visual list of <a href="reference/trk/view_remote_connection.htm">remote connections</a> and their state for managing multiple and diverse device connections.</li>
-  <li><b>Partial upgrade SIS file support</b> &#8212; Carbide now supports the generation of partial upgrade  SIS/SISX files. This increases debugger turnaround by only generating new files for changes and uploading these smaller executables to the device.</li>
+  <li><b>Partial upgrade SIS file support</b> &#8212; Carbide now supports the generation of partial upgrade SIS/SISX files. This increases debugger turnaround by only generating new files for changes and uploading these smaller executables to the device.</li>
   <li><b>More Program Counter support </b>&#8212; Added a Move to Line command for the debugger that enables you to move the PC to a new line while debugging without executing any intermediate lines or resuming execution.</li>
   <li>Multiple<b> TRK</b> improvements including:
@@ -172,12 +187,13 @@
         <p><span class="code">JVM terminated, Return code = -1 </span></p>
         <p>or when running from eclipse.exe: </p>
         <p><span class="code">Error occurred during initialization of VM  Could not reserve enough space for object heap</span> </p>
-<p>The <a href="hints_tips.htm">solution</a> is to edit your <span class="code">Carbide.c++.1.x.ini</span> (or <span class="code">eclipse.ini</span> if launching Eclipsec.exe) and use a smaller value for the <span class="code">-Xmx </span>parameter to the JVM. </p>
+<p>The <a href="hints_tips.htm">solution</a> is to edit your <span class="code">Carbide.c++.2.x.ini</span> (or <span class="code">eclipse.ini</span> if launching <span class="code">Eclipsec.exe</span>) and use a smaller value for the <span class="code">-Xmx </span>parameter to the JVM. </p>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> In this scenario, Carbide.c++ performance may degrade.</p></td>
       <td style="vertical-align: top;">[4587] Unable to build  GCCE targets on Vista because of makefile error.</td>
-      <td style="vertical-align: top;">There are known tooling issues when building for the GCCE platform under Windows Vista that can prevent a GCCE build from occurring.  If you want to build for GCCE under S60 and UIQ you will need to manually update some files under<span class="style1"> \epoc32\tools\</span>. See the article <a href="">Windows Vista</a> for up-to-date workaround information.</td>
+      <td style="vertical-align: top;"><p>There are known tooling issues when building for the GCCE platform under Windows Vista that can prevent a GCCE build from occurring.  If you want to build for GCCE under S60 and UIQ you will need to manually update some files under<span class="style1"> \epoc32\tools\</span>. See the article <a href="">Windows Vista</a> for up-to-date workaround information.</p>
+      <p><b>UPDATE 2010</b>: SDKs still require patching to enable GCCE builds.</p></td>
     <tr bgcolor="#0071ff">
       <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="vertical-align: top;">
@@ -196,10 +212,6 @@
       <td style="vertical-align: top;">When creating new folders, use File &gt; New &gt; Source Folder. This will add a folder and mark it a source folder. If you need to import copies of existing files (File &gt; Import &gt; File System) or link to existing sources (File &gt; New &gt; Folder with &quot;Link to folder in file system&quot;), then a normal folder will be created, not a source folder. If the folder is not underneath an existing source folder in the project, you will need to manually mark it as a source folder using the C/C++ Project Paths &gt; Source tab. </td>
-      <td style="vertical-align: top;">[3803] Occasionally a module is not expandable immediately after it's been imported in a project. </td>
-      <td style="vertical-align: top;">Workaround: Simply close and reopen the project using the context menu in the Project view.</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
       <td style="vertical-align: top;">[3010] Bad synchronization in MMP editor for Linker definition file.</td>
       <td style="vertical-align: top;">  The templates for Symbian DLL projects do not define a <span class="code">DEFFILE</span> statement, for the case where a <span class="code">DEF</span> file is not needed or imports are not frozen. If you edit the <span class="code">DEF</span> filename through the MMP editor, it is not automatically conditioned for the current target. If you wish to define target-specific <span class="code">DEF</span> file names in the MMP editor, manually insert <span class="code">#ifdef...#endif</span> blocks, or first uncomment the <span class="code">#ifdef...#endif</span> block from the template, so that target-specific filenames will be properly updated.</td>
@@ -236,11 +248,7 @@
       <td style="vertical-align: top;"> If you are in doubt about the contents select the folder in question, then hit F5 to refresh the directory from the file system.</td>
-      <td style="vertical-align: top;">Synergy 6.3 Installations will
-always crash Eclipse file navigation dialogs - The solution for this is
-to un-register cmexplorer.dll then reboot your machine. Un-registering
-this feature will only effect users that use Synergy integration to
-Windows Explorer. This issue is known to be fixed with Synergy 6.4.</td>
+      <td style="vertical-align: top;">Synergy 6.3 Installations will always crash Eclipse file navigation dialogs - The solution for this is to un-register cmexplorer.dll then reboot your machine. Un-registering this feature will only effect users that use Synergy integration to Windows Explorer. This issue is known to be fixed with Synergy 6.4.</td>
       <td style="vertical-align: top;">The un-register command is:<br />
       <br />
       <font size="-1"><span class="code"
@@ -258,10 +266,6 @@
  class="style8">BUILD/IMPORTER</span></div>      </td>
-      <td style="vertical-align: top;">[3804] My application fails to start the first time I try to debug it using TRK. </td>
-      <td style="vertical-align: top;">Workaround: Launch the debug session again. </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
       <td style="vertical-align: top;">[3809]<b> IMPORTANT</b>: You cannot import two projects into Carbide that have the same &quot;Root Directory&quot;.</td>
       <td style="vertical-align: top;"> If a .project file already exists in this location you either need to shorten or lengthen the &quot;Root Directory&quot; or delete the other project in the same location and try to import again.</td>
@@ -312,10 +316,6 @@
       <p> (2) As getting the OS data from crash debugger is time consuming (takes more than one minute in our test), auto-refresh of the data in Symbian OS Data view is disabled for crash debugger. You need to click the &quot;Refresh&quot; button to do a manual refreshing.</p></td>
-      <td style="vertical-align: top;">[2616] If you cast a variable to another type the details pane will still show the original type</td>
-      <td style="vertical-align: top;">No Workaround. </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
       <td style="vertical-align: top;">[2960] The thread run control icons (step over, step in, run) are sometimes disabled after stepping</td>
       <td style="vertical-align: top;"> Click on the top frame of the suspended thread in the Debug view</td>
@@ -370,13 +370,9 @@
 <h3><a name="support" id="support"></a>Technical support </h3>
 <p>The following support services are available:</p>
-<ul><li>Visit the <a href=";forumid=95">Forum Nokia Developer Discussion Board</a> for lively Carbide.c++ discussions </li>
-  <li>Forum Nokia Wiki - visit <a href=""></a> for updated information, downloads and tips </li>
-  <li>Customer feedback - send your comments and suggestions to <a href=""></a></li>
-  <li>Read the <a href="">Carbide.c++ On-device Debugging</a> whitepaper or an introduction to on-device debugging for S60 3rd Edition devices<br />
-  </li>
+<ul><li>Visit the <a href="">Symbian Foundation</a> for Carbide.c++ and Symbian development information </li>
-<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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