changeset 130 825355d51766
parent 0 fb279309251b
--- a/carbidesdk/	Mon Apr 27 15:07:35 2009 -0500
+++ b/carbidesdk/	Tue Apr 28 11:04:43 2009 -0500
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?NLS TYPE=""?>
-<toc label="Tasks" link_to="sdkTOC.xml#sdkTasks" >
-	<topic label="Adding Items to the Carbide Menu" href="html/tasks/CarbideMenu.htm"/>
-	<topic label="Adding Global Preferences to the Carbide Extensions group" href="html/tasks/CarbideExtensionPreferences.htm"/>
-    <topic label="Adding Plug-in Help" href="html/tasks/CarbideHelp.htm"/>	
-    <topic label="Installing Your Own Carbide Plug-ins" href="html/tasks/carbide_adding_plugins.htm"/>	
-	<topic label="Creating Wizard Templates" href="html/tasks/CreatingWizardTemplates.htm"/> 
-	<topic label="Creating Plugins to Access Carbide Project Information">
-       <topic label="Getting Carbide Project Information" href="html/tasks/sdk_getprojinfo.htm"/>
-       <topic label="Retrieving INF and MMP Project Information" href="html/tasks/sdk_getinfmmpinfo.htm"/>
-    </topic>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?NLS TYPE=""?>
+<toc label="Tasks" link_to="sdkTOC.xml#sdkTasks" >
+	<topic label="Adding Items to the Carbide Menu" href="html/tasks/CarbideMenu.htm"/>
+	<topic label="Adding Global Preferences to the Carbide Extensions group" href="html/tasks/CarbideExtensionPreferences.htm"/>
+    <topic label="Adding Plug-in Help" href="html/tasks/CarbideHelp.htm"/>	
+	<topic label="Creating Wizard Templates" href="html/tasks/CreatingWizardTemplates.htm"/> 
+	<topic label="Carbide Plug-in Overview" href="html/tasks/sdkMainTopic.htm" >
+       <topic label="Getting Carbide Project Information" href="html/tasks/sdk_getprojinfo.htm"/>
+       <topic label="Retrieving INF and MMP Project Information" href="html/tasks/sdk_getinfmmpinfo.htm"/>
+    </topic>
+    <topic label="Installing Your Own Carbide Plug-ins" href="html/tasks/carbide_adding_plugins.htm"/>	
\ No newline at end of file