--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uidesigner/com.nokia.sdt.series60.componentlibrary/components/app/CAknViewAppUi_common.inc Tue Mar 24 22:20:21 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+ <template location="HEADER_FILE">
+#ifndef ${instanceName.toUpperCase()}_H
+#define ${instanceName.toUpperCase()}_H
+ </template>
+ <template location="HEADER_INCLUDES"><![CDATA[
+#include <aknviewappui.h>
+]]> </template>
+ <template location="FORWARD_DECLARATIONS"/>
+ <defineLocation id="CLASS" baseLocation="HEADER_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="class(${className})">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * @class ${className} ${instanceName}.h
+ * @brief The AppUi class handles application-wide aspects of the user interface, including
+ * view management and the default menu, control pane, and status pane.
+ */
+class ${className} : public CAknViewAppUi
+ {
+ // constructor and destructor
+ ${className}();
+ virtual ~${className}();
+ void ConstructL();
+ // from CCoeAppUi
+ TKeyResponse HandleKeyEventL(
+ const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
+ TEventCode aType );
+ // from CEikAppUi
+ void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
+ void HandleResourceChangeL( TInt aType );
+ // from CAknAppUi
+ void HandleViewDeactivation(
+ const TVwsViewId& aViewIdToBeDeactivated,
+ const TVwsViewId& aNewlyActivatedViewId );
+ void InitializeContainersL();
+ };
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="CLASS"/>
+ <template location="CLASS_METHODS"/>
+ <template location="CLASS_IVARS"/>
+ <template location="HEADER_FILE">
+#endif // ${instanceName.toUpperCase()}_H
+ </template>
+ <!-- most locations provided by base component -->
+ <template location="MAIN_FILE"/>
+ <template location="MAIN_SYSTEM_INCLUDES"/>
+ <template location="MAIN_USER_INCLUDES"/>
+ <template location="CONSTANTS"/>
+ <template location="CONSTRUCTOR"/>
+ <template location="CONSTRUCTOR_BODY"/>
+ <template location="DESTRUCTOR"/>
+ <template location="DESTRUCTOR_BODY"/>
+ <template location="INIT_CONTAINERSL"/>
+ <template location="HANDLECOMMANDL_METHOD"/>
+ <template location="HANDLECOMMANDL_BODY"/>
+ <template location="HANDLERESOURCECHANGEL_BODY"/>
+ <template location="CLASS_USERHANDLERS"/>
+ <defineLocation id="KeyEventOverride_Method" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="function(${className}::HandleKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent&,TEventCode))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Override of the HandleKeyEventL virtual function
+ * @return EKeyWasConsumed if event was handled, EKeyWasNotConsumed if not
+ * @param aKeyEvent
+ * @param aType
+ */
+TKeyResponse ${className}::HandleKeyEventL(
+ const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
+ TEventCode aType )
+ {
+ // The inherited HandleKeyEventL is private and cannot be called
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="KeyEventOverride_Method"/>
+ <defineLocation id="KeyEventOverride_Body" baseLocation="KeyEventOverride_Method"
+ location="region(Generated Contents)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="KeyEventOverride_Body"/>
+ <template location="KeyEventOverride_Method">
+return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+ </template>
+ <defineLocation id="HANDLE_VIEW_DEACTIVATION" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="function(${className}::HandleViewDeactivation(const TVwsViewId&,const TVwsViewId&))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Override of the HandleViewDeactivation virtual function
+ *
+ * @param aViewIdToBeDeactivated
+ * @param aNewlyActivatedViewId
+ */
+void ${className}::HandleViewDeactivation(
+ const TVwsViewId& aViewIdToBeDeactivated,
+ const TVwsViewId& aNewlyActivatedViewId )
+ {
+ CAknViewAppUi::HandleViewDeactivation(
+ aViewIdToBeDeactivated,
+ aNewlyActivatedViewId );
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="HANDLE_VIEW_DEACTIVATION"/>
+ location="region(Generated Contents)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="HANDLE_VIEW_DEACTIVATION_BODY"/>
+<!-- BEGIN EVENT handleKeyEvent override of CAknAppUi -->
+ <templateGroup id="GenerateHandleKeyEventHandlerViewAppUi" ifEvents="handleKeyEvent">
+ <template id="HandlerDecl" phase="UserHandlers"><![CDATA[
+TKeyResponse ${event.handlerName}( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );
+]]> </template>
+ <template id="DispatchToHandler" location="KeyEventOverride_Body"><![CDATA[
+if ( ${event.handlerName}( aKeyEvent, aType ) == EKeyWasConsumed )
+ {
+ return EKeyWasConsumed;
+ }
+]]> </template>
+ <defineLocation id="KeyEventHandler" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ isEventHandler="true"
+ location="function(${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}(const TKeyEvent&, TEventCode))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Handle the ${event.eventName} event.
+ * @return EKeyWasConsumed if event was handled, EKeyWasNotConsumed if not
+ */
+TKeyResponse ${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}( const TKeyEvent& /* aKeyEvent */, TEventCode /* aType */ )
+ {
+ // TODO: implement ${event.eventName} event handler
+ return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeHandler" location="KeyEventHandler"/>
+ </templateGroup>
+<!-- END EVENT handleKeyEvent override of CAknAppUi-->
+ <!-- our contributions -->
+ <useTemplate ids="MakeConstructL GenerateHandleCommandBody"/>
+ <useTemplateGroup ids="GenerateHandleCommandEventHandler"/>
+ <useTemplateGroup ids="GenerateForegroundEventHandler GenerateSwitchOnEventHandler"/>
+ <useTemplateGroup ids="GenerateSystemEventHandler GenerateApplicationSpecificEventHandler"/>
+ <useTemplateGroup ids="GenerateHandleStatusPaneSizeChangeHandler GenerateViewEventHandler"/>
+ <useTemplateGroup ids="GenerateInitMenuPaneHandler GenerateOfferKeyToAppHandler"/>
+ <useTemplateGroup ids="GenerateHandleResourceChangeHandler"/>
+ <inline scope="prototype">
+ </inline>
+ <inline scope="prototype"><![CDATA[
+${jsObject}.prototype.getViewContribs = function(contribs, instance) {
+ // gather contributions from views
+ for (i in instance.children) {
+ var view = instance.children[i];
+ if (view.isInstanceOf("com.nokia.sdt.series60.AvkonViewReference")) {
+ var form = "RootAppUi";
+ if (instance.properties.initialDesign == view.name) {
+ form += "|RootAppUi_InitialView";
+ if ((findNaviTabs(instance) != null) && view.properties.inTabGroup)
+ form += "|RootAppUi_SetActiveTab";
+ }
+ var viewContribs = Engine.generateViewContributions(view.properties.filePath, form);
+ if (viewContribs != null)
+ contribs.addAll(viewContribs);
+ }
+ }
+]]> </inline>
+ <inline><![CDATA[
+ // Emit the view uids. We expect the tab group to have emitted zero
+ // or more of these already.
+ for (i in instance.children) {
+ var view = instance.children[i];
+ if (view.isInstanceOf("com.nokia.sdt.series60.AvkonViewReference")) {
+ //println("got view ref: " + view.properties.filePath);
+ var theEnum = findOrCreateViewUidConstant(view);
+ }
+ }
+ this.getHrhFiles(contribs);
+ this.getChildContribs(contribs, form);
+ this.getViewContribs(contribs, instance);
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "HandleKeyEventL", "KeyEventOverride_Body");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "HandleViewDeactivation", "HANDLE_VIEW_DEACTIVATION_BODY");
+ this.finalizeContribs(contribs);
+]]> </inline>
+ <useTemplate ids="IncludeRsgFile" />
+ <!-- contributions as child (to CAknDocument) -->
+ <template phase="MainUserIncludes">
+#include "${instanceName}.h"
+ </template>
+ <template phase="CreateAppUiL">
+return new ( ELeave ) ${className};
+ </template>