--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uidesigner/com.nokia.sdt.series60.componentlibrary/components/containers/CCoeControl.component Tue Mar 24 22:20:21 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,1109 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). -->
+<!-- All rights reserved. -->
+<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available -->
+<!-- under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" -->
+<!-- which accompanies this distribution, and is available -->
+<!-- at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -->
+<componentDefinition xmlns="http://www.nokia.com/sdt/emf/component"
+xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" >
+ <component baseComponent="com.nokia.sdt.series60.ContainerBase"
+ friendlyName="%friendlyName"
+ qualifiedName="com.nokia.sdt.series60.CCoeControl"
+ category="Basic"
+ instanceNameRoot="container"
+ version="1.2">
+ <documentation>
+ <information>%information</information>
+ <wizardDescription>%information</wizardDescription>
+ </documentation>
+ <symbian sdkName="com.nokia.series60" minSDKVersion="2.0"
+ className="CCoeControl" classHelpTopic="" />
+ <designerImages
+ smallIconFile="CCoeControl_sm.png"
+ largeIconFile="CCoeControl.png"/>
+ <attributes>
+ <attribute key="is-top-level-content-container">true</attribute>
+ <attribute key="container-background-color-property-name">backColor</attribute>
+ <attribute key="event-handler-target">true</attribute>
+ <attribute key="base-container-class">CCoeControl</attribute>
+ <attribute key="associated-palette-drawer">Controls</attribute>
+ </attributes>
+ <properties>
+ <property category="Appearance" name="backColor" displayName="%backColor" type="string"
+ editorClass="com.nokia.sdt.symbian.ui.editors.RGBEditorFactoryWithSystemColorCombo"
+ descriptionKey="backColorDescription" />
+ <componentReferenceProperty category="Behavior" scope="children"
+ constraint="com.nokia.sdt.series60.CCoeControlBase" name="initialFocus"
+ descriptionKey="initialFocusDescription" />
+ </properties>
+ <extensionProperties name="default">
+ <componentReferenceProperty category="Behavior"
+ constraint="com.nokia.sdt.series60.MenuBar" name="contextMenu"
+ descriptionKey="contextMenuDescription" />
+ <property category="Behavior" name="exitsApp" type="boolean"
+ default="true"
+ descriptionKey="exitsAppDescription" />
+ </extensionProperties>
+ <implementations>
+ <implementation>
+ <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IVisualAppearance"/>
+ <script file="CCoeControl.js" prototype="CCoeControlVisual"/>
+ </implementation>
+ <implementation>
+ <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.ILayout"/>
+ <script file="CCoeControl.js" prototype="CCoeControlLayout"/>
+ </implementation>
+ <implementation>
+ <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IPropertyExtenders"/>
+ <script file="CCoeControl.js" prototype="CCoeControlPropertyExtenders"/>
+ </implementation>
+ <implementation>
+ <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IQueryContainment"/>
+ <script file="CCoeControl.js" prototype="CCoeControlQueryContainment"/>
+ </implementation>
+ <implementation>
+ <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IComponentInstancePropertyListener"/>
+ <script file="CCoeControl.js" prototype="CCoeControlPropertyListener"/>
+ </implementation>
+ <implementation>
+ <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IComponentInstanceChildListener"/>
+ <script file="CCoeControl.js" prototype="CCoeControlChildListener"/>
+ </implementation>
+ <implementation>
+ <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IComponentEventInfo"/>
+ <script file="CCoeControl.js" prototype="CCoeControlEventInfo"/>
+ </implementation>
+ </implementations>
+ <sourceGen forms="AppUi AknView RootAppUi">
+ <inline scope="prototype">
+ </inline>
+ <templateGroup id="HeaderFile">
+ <!-- contributions as container -->
+ <defineLocation id="HEADER_FILE" domain="cpp" dir="${inc}"
+ file="${instanceName}.h"
+ owned="false"
+ location="">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="InclGuard0" location="HEADER_FILE">
+#ifndef ${instanceName.toUpperCase()}_H
+#define ${instanceName.toUpperCase()}_H
+ </template>
+ <defineLocation id="HEADER_INCLUDES" baseLocation="HEADER_FILE"
+ location="region(Generated Includes)"
+ filter="unique-includes">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+#include <coecntrl.h>
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeHeaderIncludes" location="HEADER_INCLUDES"/>
+ <defineLocation id="EVENT_INCLUDES" baseLocation="HEADER_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ filter="unique-includes"
+ location="region(Event Handler Includes)" />
+ <template id="RealizeEventIncludes" location="EVENT_INCLUDES" />
+ <defineLocation id="HEADER_FORWARD_DECLARATIONS" baseLocation="HEADER_FILE"
+ location="region(Generated Forward Declarations)">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+class MEikCommandObserver;
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeHeaderFwdDecls" location="HEADER_FORWARD_DECLARATIONS"/>
+ <defineLocation id="CLASS" baseLocation="HEADER_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="class(${className})">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Container class for ${instanceName}
+ *
+ * @class ${className} ${instanceName}.h
+ */
+class ${className} : public CCoeControl
+ {
+ // constructors and destructor
+ ${className}();
+ static ${className}* NewL(
+ const TRect& aRect,
+ const CCoeControl* aParent,
+ MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver );
+ static ${className}* NewLC(
+ const TRect& aRect,
+ const CCoeControl* aParent,
+ MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver );
+ void ConstructL(
+ const TRect& aRect,
+ const CCoeControl* aParent,
+ MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver );
+ virtual ~${className}();
+ // from base class CCoeControl
+ TInt CountComponentControls() const;
+ CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const;
+ TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(
+ const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
+ TEventCode aType );
+ void HandleResourceChange( TInt aType );
+ // from base class CCoeControl
+ void SizeChanged();
+ // from base class CCoeControl
+ void Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const;
+ void InitializeControlsL();
+ void LayoutControls();
+ CCoeControl* iFocusControl;
+ MEikCommandObserver* iCommandObserver;
+ };
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeClass" location="CLASS"/>
+ <defineLocation id="CLASS_METHODS" baseLocation="CLASS"
+ filter="unique-prototypes"
+ location="region(Generated Methods)">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+public: <% contrib.indentAdjust(-1); %>
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeClassMethods" location="CLASS_METHODS"/>
+ <defineLocation id="CLASS_TYPES" baseLocation="CLASS"
+ location="region(Generated Type Declarations)">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+public: <% contrib.indentAdjust(-1); %>
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeClassTypes" location="CLASS_TYPES"/>
+ <defineLocation id="CLASS_IVARS" baseLocation="CLASS"
+ location="region(Generated Instance Variables)">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+private: <% contrib.indentAdjust(-1); %>
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeClassIvars" location="CLASS_IVARS"/>
+ <defineLocation id="BASE_CLASS_LIST" baseLocation="CLASS"
+ owned="false"
+ filter="unique-bases"
+ location="bases()">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeBaseClassList" location="BASE_CLASS_LIST" />
+ <defineLocation id="CLASS_OVERRIDES" baseLocation="CLASS"
+ owned="false"
+ filter="unique-prototypes"
+ location="region(Overridden Methods)">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+protected: <% contrib.indentAdjust(-1); %>
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeClassOverrides" location="CLASS_OVERRIDES"/>
+ <defineLocation id="CLASS_USERHANDLERS" baseLocation="CLASS"
+ owned="false"
+ filter="unique-prototypes"
+ location="region(User Handlers)">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+protected: <% contrib.indentAdjust(-1); %>
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeClassUserHandlers" location="CLASS_USERHANDLERS"/>
+ <template id="IncludeGuardEnd" location="HEADER_FILE">
+#endif // ${instanceName.toUpperCase()}_H
+ </template>
+ <defineLocation id="CHILD_ENUMS" baseLocation="CLASS"
+ owned="false"
+ location="enum(TControls)">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+public: <% contrib.indentAdjust(-1); %>
+enum TControls
+ {
+ };
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <defineLocation id="CHILD_ENUMS_CONTENTS" baseLocation="CHILD_ENUMS"
+ location="region(Generated Contents)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="GetChildEnums" location="CHILD_ENUMS_CONTENTS"><![CDATA[<%
+ // each control must contribute enumerators
+ if (Engine.formMatches(form, ["AppUi", "AknView"])) {
+ var enumContribs = Engine.generateChildContributions("HandleCCoeControlEnums");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(enumContribs, "ChildEnumsContents", "CHILD_ENUMS_CONTENTS");
+ contribs.addAll(enumContribs);
+ }
+ </template>
+ <template id="AddLastChildEnum" location="CHILD_ENUMS">
+// add any user-defined entries here...
+ </template>
+ </templateGroup>
+ <templateGroup id="SourceFile">
+ <defineLocation id="MAIN_FILE" domain="cpp" dir="${src}"
+ file="${instanceName}.cpp"
+ owned="false"
+ location="">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeMainFile" location="MAIN_FILE"/>
+ <defineLocation id="MAIN_SYSTEM_INCLUDES" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ location="region(Generated System Includes)"
+ filter="unique-includes">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeSystemIncludes" location="MAIN_SYSTEM_INCLUDES" />
+ <template id="ViewAppUiHeaderIncl" form="AknView" location="MAIN_SYSTEM_INCLUDES"><![CDATA[
+#include <aknviewappui.h>
+]]> </template>
+<!-- need to add in two steps to get uniqueness checking -->
+ <template id="ContextMenuEikmenubInclude"
+<% if (properties.contextMenu != "") { %>
+#include <eikmenub.h>
+<% } %>]]></template>
+ <template id="ContextMenuEikcmobsInclude"
+<% if (properties.contextMenu != "") { %>
+#include <eikcmobs.h>
+<% } %>]]></template>
+ <defineLocation id="MAIN_USER_INCLUDES" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ location="region(Generated User Includes)"
+ filter="unique-includes">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+#include "${instanceName}.h"
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeMainUserIncludes" location="MAIN_USER_INCLUDES"/>
+ <template id="IncludeParentHeaderFile" location="MAIN_USER_INCLUDES"><![CDATA[
+#include "${instance.parent.name}.h"
+ <defineLocation id="CONSTANTS" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ location="region(Generated Constants)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeConstants" location="CONSTANTS" />
+ <defineLocation id="CONSTRUCTOR" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ location="function(${className}::${className}())"
+ owned="false">
+ <template>
+ * First phase of Symbian two-phase construction. Should not
+ * contain any code that could leave.
+ */
+ {
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeConstructor" location="CONSTRUCTOR" />
+ <defineLocation id="CONSTRUCTOR_BODY" baseLocation="CONSTRUCTOR"
+ location="region(Generated Contents)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeConstructorBody" location="CONSTRUCTOR_BODY"/>
+ <defineLocation id="DESTRUCTOR" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="function(${className}::~${className}())">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Destroy child controls.
+ */
+ {
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeDestructor" location="DESTRUCTOR"/>
+ <defineLocation id="DESTRUCTOR_BODY" baseLocation="DESTRUCTOR"
+ location="region(Generated Contents)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeDestructorBody" location="DESTRUCTOR_BODY"/>
+ <template id="GetNewlImpls" location="MAIN_FILE"><![CDATA[
+ * Construct the control (first phase).
+ * Creates an instance and initializes it.
+ * Instance is not left on cleanup stack.
+ * @param aRect bounding rectangle
+ * @param aParent owning parent, or NULL
+ * @param aCommandObserver command observer
+ * @return initialized instance of ${className}
+ */
+${className}* ${className}::NewL(
+ const TRect& aRect,
+ const CCoeControl* aParent,
+ MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver )
+ {
+ ${className}* self = ${className}::NewLC(
+ aRect,
+ aParent,
+ aCommandObserver );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+ * Construct the control (first phase).
+ * Creates an instance and initializes it.
+ * Instance is left on cleanup stack.
+ * @param aRect The rectangle for this window
+ * @param aParent owning parent, or NULL
+ * @param aCommandObserver command observer
+ * @return new instance of ${className}
+ */
+${className}* ${className}::NewLC(
+ const TRect& aRect,
+ const CCoeControl* aParent,
+ MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver )
+ {
+ ${className}* self = new ( ELeave ) ${className}();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL( aRect, aParent, aCommandObserver );
+ return self;
+ }
+ </template>
+ <!-- note: this method is declared one-time when the class is created, and the definition
+ is editable by the user. The user has the freedom to modify the parameter list as well.
+ We add '...' here to the function arguments *in the location only* to allow sourcegen to
+ locate the method with added parameters, without regenerating it. -->
+ <defineLocation id="CONSTRUCTL" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="function(${className}::ConstructL(const TRect&, const CCoeControl*, MEikCommandObserver*, ...))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Construct the control (second phase).
+ * Creates a window to contain the controls and activates it.
+ * @param aRect bounding rectangle
+ * @param aCommandObserver command observer
+ * @param aParent owning parent, or NULL
+ */
+void ${className}::ConstructL(
+ const TRect& aRect,
+ const CCoeControl* aParent,
+ MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver )
+ {
+ if ( aParent == NULL )
+ {
+ CreateWindowL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetContainerWindowL( *aParent );
+ }
+ iFocusControl = NULL;
+ iCommandObserver = aCommandObserver;
+ InitializeControlsL();
+ SetRect( aRect );
+ ActivateL();
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeConstructL" location="CONSTRUCTL"/>
+ <defineLocation id="CONSTRUCTL_BODY" baseLocation="CONSTRUCTL"
+ location="region(Post-ActivateL initializations)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeConstructLBody" location="CONSTRUCTL_BODY" />
+ <defineLocation id="COUNT_COMPONENT_CONTROLS" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="function(${className}::CountComponentControls())">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+* Return the number of controls in the container (override)
+* @return count
+TInt ${className}::CountComponentControls() const
+ {
+ return ( int ) ELastControl;
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeCountComponentControls"
+ <defineLocation id="COMPONENT_CONTROL" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="function(${className}::ComponentControl(TInt))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+* Get the control with the given index (override)
+* @param aIndex Control index [0...n) (limited by #CountComponentControls)
+* @return Pointer to control
+CCoeControl* ${className}::ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const
+ {
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeComponentControl" location="COMPONENT_CONTROL"/>
+ <defineLocation id="COMPONENT_CONTROL_BODY" baseLocation="COMPONENT_CONTROL"
+ location="region(Generated Contents)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="ComponentControlSwitch1" location="COMPONENT_CONTROL_BODY"><![CDATA[
+switch ( aIndex )
+ {
+]]> </template>
+ <template id="GetChildSwitchCases" location="COMPONENT_CONTROL_BODY"><![CDATA[<%
+ // each control must contribute switch cases
+ if (Engine.formMatches(form, ["AppUi", "AknView"])) {
+ var switchContribs = Engine.generateChildContributions("HandleComponentSwitchDispatch");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(switchContribs, "ComponentControlBody", "COMPONENT_CONTROL_BODY");
+ contribs.addAll(switchContribs);
+ }
+ %>]]></template>
+ <template id="ComponentControlSwitch2" location="COMPONENT_CONTROL_BODY"><![CDATA[
+ }
+]]> </template>
+ <template id="ComponentControlFooter" location="COMPONENT_CONTROL">
+// handle any user controls here...
+return NULL;
+ </template>
+ <defineLocation id="SIZECHANGED" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="function(${className}::SizeChanged())">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Handle resizing of the container. This implementation will lay out
+ * full-sized controls like list boxes for any screen size, and will layout
+ * labels, editors, etc. to the size they were given in the UI designer.
+ * This code will need to be modified to adjust arbitrary controls to
+ * any screen size.
+ */
+void ${className}::SizeChanged()
+ {
+ CCoeControl::SizeChanged();
+ LayoutControls();
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeSizeChanged" location="SIZECHANGED" />
+ <defineLocation id="SIZECHANGED_BODY" baseLocation="SIZECHANGED"
+ location="region(Generated Contents)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeSizeChangedBody" location="SIZECHANGED_BODY"><![CDATA[
+<% var event = instance.events["sizeChanged"];
+ if (event) { %>
+<% } %>
+]]> </template>
+ <defineLocation id="LAYOUT_CONTROLS" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ location="function(${className}::LayoutControls())">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Layout components as specified in the UI Designer
+ */
+void ${className}::LayoutControls()
+ {
+ }
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeLayoutControls" location="LAYOUT_CONTROLS" />
+ <defineLocation id="OFFER_KEYEVENTL" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="function(${className}::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent&, TEventCode))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Handle key events.
+ */
+TKeyResponse ${className}::OfferKeyEventL(
+ const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
+ TEventCode aType )
+ {
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeOfferKeyEventL" location="OFFER_KEYEVENTL" />
+ <defineLocation id="OFFER_KEYEVENTL_BODY" baseLocation="OFFER_KEYEVENTL"
+ location="region(Generated Contents)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeOfferKeyEventLBody" location="OFFER_KEYEVENTL_BODY"/>
+ <template id="GetChildOfferKeySnippets" location="OFFER_KEYEVENTL_BODY"><![CDATA[<%
+ // allow controls to contribute their own key handling snippets
+ if (Engine.formMatches(form, ["AppUi", "AknView"])) {
+ var handlerContribs = Engine.generateChildContributions("HandleOfferKeyEventL");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(handlerContribs, "OfferKeyEventContents", "OFFER_KEYEVENTL_BODY");
+ contribs.addAll(handlerContribs);
+ }
+ %>]]></template>
+ <template id="OfferKeyEventLCode"
+ form="AknView" location="OFFER_KEYEVENTL_BODY"><![CDATA[
+<% if (properties.contextMenu != "") {
+ var contextMenuId = Engine.getGeneratedResource(lookupInstanceByName(properties.contextMenu));
+ if (contextMenuId != null) {
+ includeProjectHrhFile(contribs);
+ // and continue with contrib code...
+TBool selectKeyPressed = ( aType == EEventKey && aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyOK );
+if ( selectKeyPressed )
+ {
+ CAknView* view = iAvkonViewAppUi->View( TUid::Uid( ${getViewUidConstant(instance.parent)} ) );
+ CEikMenuBar* menuBar = view->MenuBar();
+ // try to display the context sensitive menu bar
+ if ( menuBar != NULL )
+ {
+ // set the menu bar to the context-sensitive menu bar
+ menuBar->SetMenuTitleResourceId( ${contextMenuId.toUpperCase()} );
+ // make sure the Options menubar isn't showing
+ menuBar->StopDisplayingMenuBar();
+ // display the menu bar
+ menuBar->TryDisplayMenuBarL();
+<%if (properties.optionsMenu != "") {
+ var optionsMenuId = Engine.getGeneratedResource(lookupInstanceByName(instance.parent.properties.optionsMenu));
+ if (optionsMenuId != null) {
+ // set the menu bar back to the Avkon View's Options menu
+ menuBar->SetMenuTitleResourceId( ${optionsMenuId.toUpperCase()} );
+<% }} %>
+ }
+ return EKeyWasConsumed;
+ }
+<% }}
+ var event = instance.events["offerKeyEvent"];
+ if (event) { %>
+if ( ${event.handlerName}( aKeyEvent, aType ) == EKeyWasConsumed )
+ {
+ return EKeyWasConsumed;
+ }
+<% } %>
+]]> </template>
+ <template id="OfferKeyEventLFooter" location="OFFER_KEYEVENTL"><![CDATA[
+if ( iFocusControl != NULL
+ && iFocusControl->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType ) == EKeyWasConsumed )
+ {
+ return EKeyWasConsumed;
+ }
+return CCoeControl::OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
+]]> </template>
+ <defineLocation id="DRAW" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="function(${className}::Draw(const TRect&))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Draw container contents.
+ */
+void ${className}::Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const
+ {
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <defineLocation id="DRAW_BODY" baseLocation="DRAW"
+ location="region(Generated Contents)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <!-- moved below templateGroup
+ <useTemplate ids="DrawBodyBgColor"/>
+ -->
+ <defineLocation id="INIT_CONTROLSL" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="true"
+ location="function(${className}::InitializeControlsL())">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Initialize each control upon creation.
+ */
+void ${className}::InitializeControlsL()
+ {
+ }
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeInitControlsL" location="INIT_CONTROLSL"/>
+ <template id="SetupFocusChild" phase="PostInitialize"><![CDATA[
+<% var initialFocusChild = instance.properties["initialFocus"];
+ if (initialFocusChild != null && initialFocusChild != "") {%>
+i${titleCase(initialFocusChild)}->SetFocus( ETrue );
+iFocusControl = i${titleCase(initialFocusChild)};
+<% } %>
+]]> </template>
+ <defineLocation id="ResourceChangedOverride" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="function(${handlerClassName}::HandleResourceChange(TInt))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Handle global resource changes, such as scalable UI or skin events (override)
+ */
+void ${handlerClassName}::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType )
+ {
+ ${instance.attributes["base-container-class"]}::HandleResourceChange( aType );
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeResourceChangedOverride" location="ResourceChangedOverride" />
+ <template id="AddEikappuiInclude" location="MAIN_SYSTEM_INCLUDES"><![CDATA[
+#include <eikappui.h>
+]]> </template>
+ <!-- n.b.: ids can be shared for different forms -->
+ <template id="SetupResourceChangedOverride"
+ form="AppUi" location="ResourceChangedOverride"><![CDATA[
+SetRect( static_cast< CEikAppUi* >( iCoeEnv->AppUi() )->ClientRect() );
+]]> </template>
+ <template id="SetupResourceChangedOverride"
+ form="AknView" location="ResourceChangedOverride"><![CDATA[
+<% includeProjectHrhFile(contribs);
+%>SetRect( iAvkonViewAppUi->View( TUid::Uid( ${getViewUidConstant(instance.parent, contribs)} ) )->ClientRect() );
+]]> </template>
+ <defineLocation id="ResourceChangedBody" baseLocation="ResourceChangedOverride"
+ location="region(Generated Contents)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeResourceChangedBody" location="ResourceChangedBody"/>
+ </templateGroup>
+ <useTemplate ids="DrawBodyBgColor"/>
+ <useTemplateGroup ids="HandlePointerEvent HandlePointerEventHandler"/>
+ <useTemplateGroup ids="GenerateFocusChanged"/>
+ <useTemplateGroup ids="GeneratePositionChanged GeneratePrepareForFocusLoss GeneratePrepareForFocusGain"/>
+ <useTemplateGroup ids="HandleLongTapEvent"/>
+<!-- BEGIN EVENT sizeChanged -->
+ <templateGroup id="GenerateSizeChangedForCCoeControl" ifEvents="sizeChanged">
+ <template id="DeclareSizeChangedHandler" phase="UserHandlers">
+void ${event.handlerName}();
+ </template>
+ <defineLocation id="SizeChangedHandlerMethod" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ isEventHandler="true"
+ location="function(${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}())">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Handle the ${event.eventName} event.
+ */
+void ${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}()
+ {
+ // TODO: implement ${event.eventName} event handler
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeSizeChangedHandler" location="SizeChangedHandlerMethod" />
+ </templateGroup>
+<!-- END EVENT sizeChanged -->
+<!-- BEGIN EVENT offerKeyEvent -->
+ <templateGroup id="GenerateOfferKeyEventForCCoeControl" ifEvents="offerKeyEvent">
+ <template id="DeclareOfferKeyEventHandler" phase="UserHandlers"><![CDATA[
+TKeyResponse ${event.handlerName}( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );
+]]> </template>
+ <defineLocation id="OfferKeyEventHandlerMethod" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ isEventHandler="true"
+ location="function(${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}(const TKeyEvent&, TEventCode))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Handle the ${event.eventName} event.
+ */
+TKeyResponse ${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}(
+ const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
+ TEventCode aType )
+ {
+ // TODO: implement ${event.eventName} event handler
+ return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeOfferKeyEventHandler" location="OfferKeyEventHandlerMethod" />
+ </templateGroup>
+<!-- END EVENT offerKeyEvent -->
+<!-- BEGIN EVENT draw -->
+ <templateGroup id="GenerateDrawForCCoeControl" ifEvents="draw">
+ <template location="DRAW_BODY"><![CDATA[
+${event.handlerName}( aRect );
+]]> </template>
+ <template id="DeclareDrawHandler" phase="UserHandlers"><![CDATA[
+void ${event.handlerName}( const TRect& aRect ) const;
+]]> </template>
+ <defineLocation id="DrawHandlerMethod" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ isEventHandler="true"
+ location="function(${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}(const TRect&))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Handle the ${event.eventName} event.
+ */
+void ${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}( const TRect& aRect ) const
+ {
+ // TODO: implement ${event.eventName} event handler
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeDrawHandler" location="DrawHandlerMethod" />
+ </templateGroup>
+<!-- END EVENT draw -->
+<!-- BEGIN EVENT resourceChanged : special case for CCoeControl -->
+ <templateGroup id="GenerateResourceChanged" ifEvents="resourceChanged">
+ <template id="InvokeResourceChangedHandler" location="ResourceChangedBody">
+${event.handlerName}( aType );
+ </template>
+ <template id="DeclareResourceChangedHandler" phase="UserHandlers">
+void ${event.handlerName}( TInt aType );
+ </template>
+ <defineLocation id="ResourceChangedHandlerMethod" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ isEventHandler="true"
+ location="function(${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}(TInt))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Handle the ${event.eventName} event.
+ */
+void ${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}( TInt aType )
+ {
+ // TODO: implement ${event.eventName} event handler
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeResourceChangedHandler" location="ResourceChangedHandlerMethod" />
+ </templateGroup>
+<!-- END EVENT resourceChanged -->
+ <inline>
+ if (Engine.formMatches(form, ["AppUi", "AknView"])) {
+ // get the generated files matching this pattern and include them
+ var files = Engine.findGeneratedRssFiles(".*\\.hrh");
+ for (idx in files) {
+ var file = files[idx];
+ var mycontrib = Engine.createContributionForLocation("MAIN_USER_INCLUDES")
+ mycontrib.setText("#include \"" + file + "\"\n");
+ contribs.add(mycontrib);
+ }
+ }
+ </inline>
+ <!-- child contributions -->
+ <inline scope="prototype"><![CDATA[
+ include("../srcgenLibrary.js");
+ Initialize sourcegen, here by removing stored tables used to
+ ensure image-related declarations are only emitted once
+${jsObject}.prototype.initSourceGen = function(contribs, instance, form) {
+ if (Engine.formMatches(form, ["AppUi", "AknView"])) {
+ // clear out any image stuff
+ resetImagePropertyState(instance);
+ }
+ Get child sourcegen, by recursing to children and retrieving
+ contributions for the passed-in form, and optionally any specific
+ to a Container.
+${jsObject}.prototype.getChildSourceGen = function(contribs, instance, form) {
+ if (!Engine.formMatches(form, ["RootAppUi"])) {
+ if (Engine.formMatches(form, [ "AknView", "AppUi" ])) {
+ // get default and container-specific contributions
+ // (the argument is a regular expression)
+ contribs.addAll(Engine.generateChildContributions(form+"|Container"))
+ } else {
+ // unknown form -- likely specific to a parent -- so get
+ // form-specific contributions
+ contribs.addAll(Engine.generateChildContributions(form))
+ }
+ }
+ Finish sourcegen for this CCoeControl by organizing contributions
+ and resolving contributions attached to a phase to their actual
+ locations. All contributions leaving a component should have
+ locations rather than phases unless another parent is known to
+ handle them.
+ Children generate contributions to phases rather than known location
+ ids to add a level of indirection which allows for refactoring in the
+ future. It is not a required practice (and indeed, event handler
+ sourcegen does need to know about MAIN_FILE) but helps reduce coupling.
+${jsObject}.prototype.finishSourceGen = function(contribs, instance, form) {
+ if (Engine.formMatches(form, ["AppUi", "AknView"])) {
+ Engine.collateContributionsByPhase(contribs, ["Initialize", "PostInitialize"]);
+ // fix up the phases so they point to real locations
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "MainConstants", "CONSTANTS");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "MainSystemIncludes", "MAIN_SYSTEM_INCLUDES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "MainUserIncludes", "MAIN_USER_INCLUDES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "Destroy", "DESTRUCTOR_BODY");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "Construct", "CONSTRUCTOR_BODY");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "Initialize", "INIT_CONTROLSL");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "PostInitialize", "INIT_CONTROLSL");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "PostActivateL", "CONSTRUCTL_BODY");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "LayoutControls", "LAYOUT_CONTROLS");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "HeaderIncludes", "HEADER_INCLUDES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ForwardDeclarations", "HEADER_FORWARD_DECLARATIONS");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassTypeDeclarations", "CLASS_TYPES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "InstanceVariables", "CLASS_IVARS");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassMethods", "CLASS_METHODS");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassSource", "MAIN_FILE");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassHeader", "HEADER_FILE");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "BaseClassList", "BASE_CLASS_LIST");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "OverriddenMethods", "CLASS_OVERRIDES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "UserHandlers", "CLASS_USERHANDLERS");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "EventIncludes", "EVENT_INCLUDES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "SizeChanged", "SIZECHANGED_BODY");
+ // remove duplicate contributions where the location doesn't already have a filter
+ Engine.removeDuplicateContributionsForLocation(contribs, "HEADER_FORWARD_DECLARATIONS");
+ Engine.removeDuplicateContributionsForLocation(contribs, "DESTRUCTOR_BODY");
+ }
+]]> </inline>
+ <inline><![CDATA[
+ if (!Engine.formMatches(form, ["RootAppUi"])) {
+ this.initSourceGen(contribs, instance, form);
+ this.getChildSourceGen(contribs, instance, form);
+ this.finishSourceGen(contribs, instance, form);
+ }
+]]> </inline>
+ <template id="IncludeRsgFile" location="MAIN_SYSTEM_INCLUDES"><![CDATA[
+<% if (resourceFileNameBase != null) {%>#include <${resourceFileNameBase}.rsg>
+<% } %>]]></template>
+ <!-- contributions as child -->
+ <templateGroup id="ChildDeclContribs" forms="RootAppUi AknView">
+ <template id="Header" phase="MainUserIncludes"><![CDATA[
+#include "${instanceName}.h"
+]]> </template>
+ <template id="FwdClass" phase="ForwardDeclarations">
+class ${className};
+ </template>
+ <template id="Var" phase="InstanceVariables">
+${className}* ${instanceMemberName};
+ </template>
+ <template id="Init" phase="Construct">
+${instanceMemberName} = NULL;
+ </template>
+ <template id="Delete" form="AknView" phase="Destroy">
+delete ${instanceMemberName};
+${instanceMemberName} = NULL;
+ </template>
+ </templateGroup>
+ <templateGroup id="ChildConstructionContribs">
+ <template id="AddToStack" form="AknView" phase="DoActivateL">
+if ( ${instanceMemberName} == NULL )
+ {
+ ${instanceMemberName} = CreateContainerL();
+ ${instanceMemberName}->SetMopParent( this );
+ AppUi()->AddToStackL( *this, ${instanceMemberName} );
+ }
+ </template>
+ <template id="RemoveFromStack" form="AknView" phase="DoDeactivate">
+if ( ${instanceMemberName} != NULL )
+ {
+ AppUi()->RemoveFromViewStack( *this, ${instanceMemberName} );
+ delete ${instanceMemberName};
+ ${instanceMemberName} = NULL;
+ }
+ </template>
+ <!-- note: RootAppUi form still creates container directly,
+ not using CreateContainerL() -->
+ <template id="AddToStack" form="RootAppUi" phase="Initialize">
+${instanceMemberName} = ${className}::NewL( ClientRect(), NULL, this );
+${instanceMemberName}->SetMopParent( this );
+AddToStackL( ${instanceMemberName} );
+ </template>
+ <template id="RemoveFromStack" form="RootAppUi" phase="Destroy">
+if ( ${instanceMemberName} != NULL )
+ {
+ RemoveFromStack( ${instanceMemberName} );
+ delete ${instanceMemberName};
+ ${instanceMemberName} = NULL;
+ }
+ </template>
+ <!-- new for 1.3: allow overriding constructor (NewL) call -->
+ <!-- owned declaration -->
+ <template id="CreateContainerDecl" forms="AknView" phase="ClassMethods"><![CDATA[
+${className}* CreateContainerL();
+]]> </template>
+ <!-- non-owned definition. No location is needed since we're just spewing text -->
+ <template id="CreateContainerDefn" forms="AknView" phase="ClassSource"><![CDATA[
+ * Creates the top-level container for the view. You may modify this method's
+ * contents and the ${className}::NewL() signature as needed to initialize the
+ * container, but the signature for this method is fixed.
+ * @return new initialized instance of ${className}
+ */
+${className}* ${instance.parent.properties.className}::CreateContainerL()
+ {
+ return ${className}::NewL( ClientRect(), NULL, this );
+ }
+]]> </template>
+ </templateGroup>
+ <template mode="upgrade(1.0,1.1)" location="HEADER_FILE">
+@@@ Make TControls enum public
+- enum TControls
++ public:
++ enum TControls
+ </template>
+ <!-- add function at EOF -->
+ <template mode="upgrade(1.1,1.2)" forms="AknView" phase="ClassSource"><![CDATA[
+@@@ Factor out construction of container to allow user customization
++ /**
++ * Creates the top-level container for the view. You may modify this method's
++ * contents and the ${className}::NewL() signature as needed to initialize the
++ * container, but the signature for this method is fixed.
++ * @return new initialized instance of ${className}
++ */
++ ${className}* ${instance.parent.properties.className}::CreateContainerL()
++ {
++ return ${className}::NewL( ClientRect(), NULL, this );
++ }
+]]> </template>
+ </sourceGen>
+ </component>