--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uidesigner/com.nokia.sdt.series60.componentlibrary/components/view/CAknView_common.inc Tue Mar 24 22:20:21 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+ <!-- This component must have a child of type CBA -->
+ <sourceMapping>
+ <mapResource struct="AVKON_VIEW" headers="avkon.rsg avkon.rh">
+ <select property="[com.nokia.sdt.series60.CAknForm]">
+ <choice value="">
+ <select property="[com.nokia.sdt.series60.CBA]">
+ <choice value="">
+ <!-- no CBA -->
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <select property="[com.nokia.sdt.series60.CBA].info">
+ <choice value="com.nokia.sdt.series60.CBA.Type.CUSTOM">
+ <!-- emit a reference to the resource generated -->
+ <mapReferenceMember property="[com.nokia.sdt.series60.CBA]" member="cba"/>
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <!-- else, emit the builtin -->
+ <mapIdentifierMember property="[com.nokia.sdt.series60.CBA].info" member="cba" />
+ </choice>
+ </select>
+ </choice>
+ </select>
+ <!-- only emit menubar if child is not CAknForm -->
+ <mapReferenceMember property="optionsMenu" member="menubar" />
+ <select property="[com.nokia.sdt.series60.Toolbar]">
+ <choice value="">
+ <!-- no tool bar, default value is 0 -->
+ <mapFixedMember member="toolbar" value="0" />
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <!-- emit a reference to the resource generated -->
+ <mapReferenceMember property="[com.nokia.sdt.series60.Toolbar]" member="toolbar"/>
+ </choice>
+ </select>
+ </choice>
+ <choice/> <!-- don't emit the CBA reference to the view resource, if child is CAknForm -->
+ </select>
+ </mapResource>
+ </sourceMapping>
+ <sourceGen forms="RootAppUi">
+ <inline scope="prototype">
+ </inline>
+ <!-- HEADER FILE -->
+ <expandMacro name="HeaderFileTemplate"
+ LocationPrefix="HEADER"
+ OwnedSystemIncludesRegionName="Generated Includes"
+ RealizeOwnedUserIncludes="false"
+ RealizeOwnedTypedefs="false" />
+ <expandMacro name="AddCppIncludes"
+ Headers="aknview.h" />
+ <!-- we don't make custom types here -->
+ <expandMacro name="ClassTemplate"
+ BaseClassName="CAknView"
+ RealizePublicOwnedTypes="false"
+ RealizePrivateOwnedTypes="false">
+ <expandArgument name="ClassComment"><![CDATA[
+ * Avkon view class for ${instanceName}. It is register with the view server
+ * by the AppUi. It owns the container control.
+ * @class ${className} ${instanceName}.h
+ */
+]]> </expandArgument>
+ <expandArgument name="InitialPublicHeadContent"><![CDATA[
+// constructors and destructor
+static ${className}* NewL();
+static ${className}* NewLC();
+void ConstructL();
+virtual ~${className}();
+// from base class CAknView
+TUid Id() const;
+void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
+]]> </expandArgument>
+ <expandArgument name="InitialProtectedHeadContent"><![CDATA[
+// from base class CAknView
+void DoActivateL(
+ const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
+ TUid aCustomMessageId,
+ const TDesC8& aCustomMessage );
+void DoDeactivate();
+void HandleStatusPaneSizeChange();
+]]> </expandArgument>
+ <expandArgument name="InitialPrivateHeadContent"><![CDATA[
+void SetupStatusPaneL();
+void CleanupStatusPane();
+]]> </expandArgument>
+ </expandMacro>
+ <!-- MAIN FILE -->
+ <!-- make the source file -->
+ <!-- don't automatically generate header #include since we need
+ to inject .hrh first -->
+ <expandMacro name="SourceFileTemplate"
+ LocationPrefix="MAIN"
+ HeaderFileName="" />
+ <expandMacro name="AddCppIncludes"
+ Headers="aknviewappui.h eikmenub.h avkon.hrh" />
+ <!-- forcibly include the app's hrh file since the ::Id() method is not owned -->
+ <template location="MAIN_OWNED_USER_INCLUDES">
+#include "${getProjectName()}.hrh"
+ </template>
+ <template location="MAIN_OWNED_USER_INCLUDES">
+#include "${instanceName}.h"
+ </template>
+ <!-- only define; declared above -->
+ <expandMacro name="DefineMethodWithOwnedBody"
+ DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ IsOwned="false"
+ FunctionLocationId="CONSTRUCTOR"
+ FunctionName="${className}"
+ ReturnType=""
+ FunctionArgs="">
+ <expandArgument name="FunctionComment">
+ * First phase of Symbian two-phase construction. Should not contain any
+ * code that could leave.
+ */
+ </expandArgument>
+ </expandMacro>
+ <!-- only define; declared above -->
+ <expandMacro name="DefineMethodWithOwnedBody"
+ DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ IsOwned="false"
+ FunctionLocationId="DESTRUCTOR"
+ FunctionName="~${className}"
+ ReturnType=""
+ FunctionArgs="">
+ <expandArgument name="FunctionComment">
+ * The view's destructor removes the container from the control
+ * stack and destroys it.
+ */
+ </expandArgument>
+ </expandMacro>
+ <!-- stock template code for one-time non-owned functions -->
+ <template location="MAIN_FILE"><![CDATA[
+ * Symbian two-phase constructor.
+ * This creates an instance then calls the second-phase constructor
+ * without leaving the instance on the cleanup stack.
+ * @return new instance of ${className}
+ */
+${className}* ${className}::NewL()
+ {
+ ${className}* self = ${className}::NewLC();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+ * Symbian two-phase constructor.
+ * This creates an instance, pushes it on the cleanup stack,
+ * then calls the second-phase constructor.
+ * @return new instance of ${className}
+ */
+${className}* ${className}::NewLC()
+ {
+ ${className}* self = new ( ELeave ) ${className}();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+ </template>
+ <!-- only define; declared above -->
+ <expandMacro name="DefineMethodWithOwnedBody"
+ DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ IsOwned="false"
+ FunctionLocationId="CONSTRUCTL_METHOD"
+ FunctionName="ConstructL"
+ ReturnType="void"
+ FunctionArgs=""
+ OwnedRegionName="Generated Code">
+ <expandArgument name="FunctionComment">
+ * Second-phase constructor for view.
+ * Initialize contents from resource.
+ */
+ </expandArgument>
+ <expandArgument name="FunctionBody">
+BaseConstructL( ${resourceName$upper} );
+ </expandArgument>
+ <expandArgument name="EndFunctionBody">
+// add your own initialization code here
+ </expandArgument>
+ </expandMacro>
+ <!-- only define; declared above -->
+ <expandMacro name="DefineMethod"
+ DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ IsOwned="false"
+ FunctionLocationId="ID_METHOD"
+ FunctionName="Id"
+ ReturnType="TUid"
+ IsConst="true"
+ FunctionArgs="">
+ <expandArgument name="FunctionComment">
+ * @return The UID for this view
+ */
+ </expandArgument>
+ <expandArgument name="FunctionBody">
+return TUid::Uid( ${getViewUidConstant(instance, contribs)} );
+ </expandArgument>
+ </expandMacro>
+ <!-- only define; declared above -->
+ <expandMacro name="DefineMethodWithOwnedBody"
+ DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ IsOwned="false"
+ FunctionLocationId="HANDLECOMMANDL"
+ FunctionName="HandleCommandL"
+ ReturnType="void"
+ FunctionArgs="TInt aCommand"
+ OwnedRegionName="Generated Code">
+ <expandArgument name="FunctionComment">
+ * Handle a command for this view (override)
+ * @param aCommand command id to be handled
+ */
+ </expandArgument>
+ <expandArgument name="FunctionBody" />
+ </expandMacro>
+ <template location="HANDLECOMMANDL_BODY"><![CDATA[
+TBool commandHandled = EFalse;
+switch ( aCommand )
+ { // code to dispatch to the AknView's menu and CBA commands is generated here
+<% var handlerContribs = Engine.generateChildContributions("HandleCommandSwitchDispatch");
+ // resolve the contents for switch to this method
+ var switchContribs = Engine.getContributionsForPhase(handlerContribs, "SwitchContents");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(switchContribs, "SwitchContents", "HANDLECOMMANDL_BODY")
+ contribs.addAll(switchContribs);
+ handlerContribs.removeAll(switchContribs);
+ %> default:
+ break;
+ }
+<% // Handle any leftover handler contribs that occur after the switch here.
+ var postSwitchContribs = Engine.getContributionsForPhase(handlerContribs, "PostSwitchContents");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(postSwitchContribs, "PostSwitchContents", "HANDLECOMMANDL_BODY")
+ contribs.addAll(postSwitchContribs);
+ handlerContribs.removeAll(postSwitchContribs);
+ // Remaining ones go into this file
+ var includeContribs = Engine.getContributionsForPhase(handlerContribs, "MainSystemIncludes");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(includeContribs, "MainSystemIncludes", "MAIN_OWNED_SYSTEM_INCLUDES");
+ contribs.addAll(includeContribs);
+ %>
+if ( !commandHandled )
+ {
+<% // Handle 'handleCommand' event here. This is a special case for handler
+ // code since the HandleCommandL method is mostly entirely generated.
+ var event = instance.events['handleCommand'];
+ var hasFormChild = findAknFormChild(children) != null;
+ var childWantsExit = childWantsExitBehavior(children);
+ var id = findCbaRightId(children);
+ if (event) {
+%> // dispatch to ${event.eventName} handler
+ commandHandled = ${event.handlerName}( aCommand );
+<% if (!hasFormChild && childWantsExit && id != null && id != "") { %>
+ if ( !commandHandled )
+ {
+ if ( aCommand == ${id} )
+ {
+ AppUi()->HandleCommandL( EEikCmdExit );
+ }
+ }<%
+ }
+ } else if (!hasFormChild && childWantsExit && id != null && id != "") { %>
+ if ( aCommand == ${id} )
+ {
+ AppUi()->HandleCommandL( EEikCmdExit );
+ }
+<% } %>
+ }
+]]> </template>
+ <!-- only define; declared above -->
+ <expandMacro name="DefineMethodWithOwnedBody"
+ DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ IsOwned="false"
+ FunctionLocationId="DOACTIVATEL_METHOD"
+ FunctionName="DoActivateL"
+ ReturnType="void"
+ FunctionArgs="const TVwsViewId& /*aPrevViewId*/, TUid /*aCustomMessageId*/, const TDesC8& /*aCustomMessage*/">
+ <expandArgument name="FunctionComment">
+ * Handles user actions during activation of the view,
+ * such as initializing the content.
+ */
+ </expandArgument>
+ <expandArgument name="FunctionBody"><![CDATA[
+<% var cba = findImmediateChildByComponentId(children, "com.nokia.sdt.series60.CBABase");
+ if (cba && getComponentVersions().getMajor() < 3) {%>
+CEikButtonGroupContainer* cba = AppUi()->Cba();
+if ( cba != NULL )
+ {
+ cba->MakeVisible( EFalse );
+ }
+<% } %>
+]]> </expandArgument>
+ </expandMacro>
+ <!-- only define; declared above -->
+ <expandMacro name="DefineMethodWithOwnedBody"
+ DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ IsOwned="false"
+ FunctionLocationId="DODEACTIVATE_METHOD"
+ FunctionName="DoDeactivate"
+ ReturnType="void"
+ FunctionArgs="">
+ <expandArgument name="FunctionComment">
+ */
+ </expandArgument>
+ </expandMacro>
+ <!-- START EVENT deactivated: placed here since it must precede standard code -->
+ <templateGroup ifEvents="deactivated">
+ <!-- API impl above -->
+ <expandMacro name="GenerateUserEventHandlerFunction"
+ DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ ReturnType="void"
+ FunctionArgs=""
+ FunctionLocationId="DeactivatedHandlerBody" />
+ <template location="DODEACTIVATE_METHOD_BODY">
+ </template>
+ <!--
+ <template phase="UserHandlers">
+void ${event.handlerName}();
+ </template>
+ <defineLocation id="DeactivatedHandlerBody" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ isEventHandler="true"
+ location="function(${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}())">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Handle the ${event.eventName} event.
+ */
+void ${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}()
+ {
+ // TODO: implement ${event.eventName} event handler
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="DeactivatedHandlerBody" />
+ -->
+ </templateGroup>
+ <!-- END EVENT deactivated -->
+ <template location="DODEACTIVATE_METHOD_BODY"><![CDATA[
+<% var cba = findImmediateChildByComponentId(children, "com.nokia.sdt.series60.CBABase");
+ if (cba && getComponentVersions().getMajor() < 3) {%>
+CEikButtonGroupContainer* cba = AppUi()->Cba();
+if ( cba != NULL )
+ {
+ cba->MakeVisible( ETrue );
+ cba->DrawDeferred();
+ }
+<% } %>
+]]> </template>
+ <!-- only define; declared above -->
+ <!-- any navi container of StatusPane fills this in -->
+ <expandMacro name="DefineMethod"
+ DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ IsOwned="true"
+ FunctionName="SetupStatusPaneL"
+ ReturnType="void"
+ FunctionArgs="">
+ <expandArgument name="FunctionComment">
+ </expandArgument>
+ </expandMacro>
+ <!-- only define; declared above -->
+ <!-- any navi container of StatusPane fills this in -->
+ <expandMacro name="DefineMethod"
+ DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ IsOwned="true"
+ FunctionName="CleanupStatusPane"
+ ReturnType="void"
+ FunctionArgs="">
+ <expandArgument name="FunctionComment">
+ </expandArgument>
+ </expandMacro>
+ <!-- only define; declared above -->
+ <expandMacro name="DefineMethodWithOwnedBody"
+ DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ IsOwned="false"
+ FunctionName="HandleStatusPaneSizeChange"
+ ReturnType="void"
+ FunctionArgs=""
+ OwnedRegionName="Generated Code">
+ <expandArgument name="FunctionComment">
+ * Handle status pane size change for this view (override)
+ */
+ </expandArgument>
+ <expandArgument name="StartFunctionBody">
+// this may fail, but we're not able to propagate exceptions here
+TVwsViewId view;
+AppUi()->GetActiveViewId( view );
+if ( view.iViewUid == Id() )
+ {
+ TInt result;
+ TRAP( result, SetupStatusPaneL() );
+ }
+ </expandArgument>
+ </expandMacro>
+ <template mode="upgrade(1.1,1.2)" location="HANDLESTATUSPANESIZECHANGE_METHOD">
+@@@ Remove call to SetupStatusPaneL() from HandleStatusPaneSizeChange()
+- TInt result;
+- TRAP( result, SetupStatusPaneL() );
++ TVwsViewId view;
++ AppUi()->GetActiveViewId( view );
++ if ( view.iViewUid == Id() )
++ {
++ TInt result;
++ TRAP( result, SetupStatusPaneL() );
++ }
+ </template>
+ <!-- event handling code -->
+ <templateGroup ifEvents="handleCommand">
+ <!-- API half and invocation in HandleCommandL code above -->
+ <expandMacro name="GenerateUserEventHandlerFunction"
+ FunctionLocationId="CommandHandlerMethod"
+ FunctionArgs="TInt aCommand"
+ ReturnType="TBool"
+ DefaultReturn="EFalse"
+ DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE">
+ <expandArgument name="FunctionComment">
+ * Handle the ${event.eventName} event.
+ * @return ETrue if event was handled, EFalse if not
+ */
+ </expandArgument>
+ </expandMacro>
+ </templateGroup>
+ <!-- START EVENT handleStatusPaneSizeChange -->
+ <templateGroup ifEvents="handleStatusPaneSizeChange">
+ <!-- API impl above -->
+ <expandMacro name="GenerateUserEventHandlerFunction"
+ FunctionLocationId="StatusPaneSizeChangeHandlerMethod"
+ FunctionArgs=""
+ DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE">
+ </expandMacro>
+ </template>
+ </templateGroup>
+ <!-- END EVENT handleStatusPaneSizeChange -->
+ <inline>
+ if (!Engine.formMatches(form, ["RootAppUi"])) {
+ this.getHrhFiles(contribs);
+ }
+ </inline>
+ <!-- child contributions -->
+ <inline scope="prototype">
+ include("../srcgenLibrary.js");
+ </inline>
+ <inline>
+ if (!Engine.formMatches(form, ["RootAppUi"])) {
+ // clear out any image stuff
+ resetImagePropertyState(instance);
+ // We expect one container child to supply the contents
+ // for the phases below.
+ // gather default and view-specific contributions
+ contribs.addAll(Engine.generateChildContributions("|AknView"))
+ }
+ </inline>
+ <!-- START EVENT activated: handle here to ensure it's the last call -->
+ <templateGroup ifEvents="activated">
+ <!-- API impl above -->
+ <expandMacro name="GenerateUserEventHandlerFunction"
+ FunctionLocationId="ActivatedHandlerBody"
+ FunctionArgs=""
+ DefnLocation="MAIN_FILE">
+ </expandMacro>
+ <template location="DOACTIVATEL_METHOD_BODY">
+ </template>
+ </templateGroup>
+ <!-- END EVENT activated -->
+ <inline>
+ if (!Engine.formMatches(form, ["RootAppUi"])) {
+ // fix up the phases so they point to real locations
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassSource", "MAIN_FILE");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassHeader", "HEADER_FILE");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "MainConstants", "MAIN_OWNED_CONSTANTS");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "MainSystemIncludes", "MAIN_OWNED_SYSTEM_INCLUDES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "MainUserIncludes", "MAIN_OWNED_USER_INCLUDES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "Construct", "CONSTRUCTOR_BODY");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "Initialize", "CONSTRUCTL_METHOD_BODY");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "Destroy", "DESTRUCTOR_BODY");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "DoActivateL", "DOACTIVATEL_METHOD_BODY");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "DoDeactivate", "DODEACTIVATE_METHOD_BODY");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "HeaderIncludes", "HEADER_OWNED_SYSTEM_INCLUDES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ForwardDeclarations", "HEADER_OWNED_FORWARD_DECLARATIONS");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "InstanceVariables", "CLASS_PRIVATE_OWNED_INSTANCE_VARIABLES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassMethods", "CLASS_PUBLIC_OWNED_METHODS");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "SetupStatusPane", "SETUPSTATUSPANEL_METHOD");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "CleanupStatusPane", "CLEANUPSTATUSPANE_METHOD");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "OverriddenMethods", "CLASS_PROTECTED_OVERRIDDEN_METHODS");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "UserHandlers", "CLASS_PROTECTED_USER_HANDLERS");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "EventIncludes", "HEADER_EVENT_HANDLER_INCLUDES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "BaseClassList", "CLASS_BASES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassPublic", "CLASS_PUBLIC");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassProtected", "CLASS_PROTECTED");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassPrivate", "CLASS_PRIVATE");
+ }
+ </inline>
+ <template id="IncludeRsgFile" location="MAIN_OWNED_SYSTEM_INCLUDES"><![CDATA[
+#include <${resourceFileNameBase}.rsg>
+]]> </template>
+ <!-- contributions as child -->
+ <template phase="MainUserIncludes" form="RootAppUi">
+#include "${instanceName}.h"
+ </template>
+ <template phase="ForwardDeclarations" form="RootAppUi"><![CDATA[
+class ${className};
+]]> </template>
+ <template phase="InstanceVariables" form="RootAppUi"><![CDATA[
+${className}* ${instanceMemberName};
+]]> </template>
+ <template phase="Initialize" form="RootAppUi"><![CDATA[
+${instanceMemberName} = ${className}::NewL();
+AddViewL( ${instanceMemberName} );
+]]> </template>
+ <template phase="Initialize" form="RootAppUi_InitialView"><![CDATA[
+SetDefaultViewL( *${instanceMemberName} );
+]]> </template>
+ <template phase="Initialize" form="RootAppUi_SetActiveTab"><![CDATA[
+SetActiveTabByViewId( ${instanceMemberName}->Id() );
+]]> </template>
+ <!-- patch from Carbide.c++ 1.2 by adding the regions -->
+ <!-- note: these patches are kind of ugly.
+ Since we can't unindent the access specifiers, we have to
+ add the patches to the main file. -->
+ <template mode="upgrade(1.0,1.1)" location="HEADER_FILE"><![CDATA[
+@@@ Update class region comments to include public/protected/private section
+- // [[[ begin generated region: do not modify [Generated Methods]
++ // [[[ begin [Public Section]
++ public:
++ // [[[ begin generated region: do not modify [Generated Methods]
+- public:
+]]> </template>
+ <template mode="upgrade(1.0,1.1)" location="HEADER_FILE"><![CDATA[
+@@@ Update class region comments to include public/protected/private section
+- // [[[ begin [Overridden Methods]
++ // ]]] end [Public Section]
++ // [[[ begin [Protected Section]
++ protected:
++ // [[[ begin [Overridden Methods]
+- protected:
+]]> </template>
+ <template mode="upgrade(1.0,1.1)" location="HEADER_FILE"><![CDATA[
+@@@ Update class region comments to include public/protected/private section
+- // [[[ begin generated region: do not modify [Generated Instance Variables]
++ // ]]] end [Protected Section]
++ // [[[ begin [Private Section]
++ private:
++ // [[[ begin generated region: do not modify [Generated Instance Variables]
+- private:
+]]> </template>
+ <template mode="upgrade(1.0,1.1)" location="HEADER_FILE"><![CDATA[
+@@@ Update class region comments to include public/protected/private section
+- // ]]] end generated region [Generated Instance Variables]
++ // ]]] end generated region [Generated Instance Variables]
++ // ]]] end [Private Section]
+]]> </template>
+ </sourceGen>