changeset 0 fb279309251b
child 610 bfb3ab3f70f2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project/	Fri Apr 03 23:33:03 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+import org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.makefile.ICommand;
+import org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.makefile.IMacroDefinition;
+import org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.makefile.IMakefile;
+import org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.makefile.ITargetRule;
+import org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.makefile.gnu.IConditional;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
+import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+public class TestMakefileView extends BaseTest {
+	private AcceptedNodesViewFilter viewFilter;
+	private ArrayList<IDefine> macros;
+	private IMakefileViewConfiguration viewConfig;
+	private IPath path;
+	private IMakefileOwnedModel model;
+	/* (non-Javadoc)
+	 * @see
+	 */
+	@Override
+	protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+		super.setUp();
+		this.path = projectPath.append("group/");
+		viewFilter = new AcceptedNodesViewFilter();
+		macros = new ArrayList<IDefine>();
+		viewConfig = new IMakefileViewConfiguration() {
+			public IViewFilter getViewFilter() {
+				return viewFilter;
+			}
+			public Collection<IDefine> getMacros() {
+				return macros;
+			}
+			public IViewParserConfiguration getViewParserConfiguration() {
+				return parserConfig;
+			}
+			/* (non-Javadoc)
+			 * @see
+			 */
+			public String getMakefileStyle() {
+				return "GNU";
+			}
+		};
+	}
+	protected void makeModel(String text) {
+		IDocument document = DocumentFactory.createDocument(text);
+		model = new MakefileModelFactory().createModel(path, document);
+		model.parse();
+	}
+	protected IMakefileView getView(IMakefileViewConfiguration config) {
+		IMakefileView view = (IMakefileView) model.createView(config);
+		assertNotNull(view);
+		return view;
+	}
+	protected void commitTest(IMakefileView view, String refText) {
+		commitTest(model, view, refText);
+	}
+	final String TEST_1 =
+		"# Very special makefile\n"+
+		"SRCS=foo.cpp bar.cpp\n"+
+		"OBJS=$(SRCS:.cpp=.obj)\n"+
+		"\n"+
+		"\n"+
+		"all: test myfile.exe\n"+
+		"\n"+
+		"\n"+
+		"test:\n"+
+		"\techo \"Test happens\"\n"+
+		".PHONY:\n"+
+		"myfile.exe: $(OBJS)\n"+
+		"\tld -o $< $^ -lc\n"+
+		"\n";
+	public void testParseBasic() {
+		// ensure everything's wired up properly to the CDT make core plugin
+		makeModel(TEST_1);
+		IMakefileView view = getView(viewConfig);
+		assertNotNull(view);
+		assertNotNull(view.getMakefile());
+		// basic test 
+		IMakefile makefile = view.getMakefile();
+		assertEquals(2, makefile.getMacroDefinitions().length);
+		assertEquals(9, makefile.getDirectives().length);
+		assertEquals(4, makefile.getRules().length);
+		view.dispose();
+		model.dispose();
+	}
+	public void testEOL() {
+		makeModel("FOO=6\r\n"+
+				"BAR=33\r\n");
+		IMakefileView view = getView(viewConfig);
+		assertEquals("\r\n", view.getEOL());
+	}
+	public void testRewriteBasic() {
+		// test that we can rewrite the document without any changes
+		makeModel(TEST_1);
+		IMakefileView view = getView(viewConfig);
+		assertNotNull(view);
+		assertFalse(view.hasChanges());
+		commitTest(view, TEST_1);
+		view.dispose();
+		model.dispose();
+	}
+	public void testMacroExpansion() {
+		makeModel(TEST_1);
+		IMakefileView view = getView(viewConfig);
+		assertEquals("SRCS", view.getMakefile().expandString("SRCS"));
+		assertEquals("these are foo.cpp bar.cpp, man", view.getMakefile().expandString("these are $(SRCS), man"));
+		assertFalse(view.hasChanges());
+		commitTest(view, TEST_1);
+		view.dispose();
+		model.dispose();
+	}
+	public void testCommandsInvoking() {
+		makeModel(TEST_1);
+		IMakefileView view = getView(viewConfig);
+		ICommand[] commands = view.findCommandsInvoking("ld");
+		assertEquals(1, commands.length);
+		assertNotNull(commands[0].getParent());
+		makeModel("TOOLSDIR=c:\\my\\tools\n"+
+				"MIFCONV=$(TOOLDIR)\\mifconv.exe\n"+
+				"\n"+
+				"all: mytool\n"+
+				"\n"+
+				"foo.mif: foo.svg\n"+
+				"\t$(MIFCONV) -o $@ $^\n"+
+				"\t$(MIFCONV) -o $@.bak $^\n");
+		view = getView(viewConfig);
+		commands = view.findCommandsInvoking("mifconv");
+		assertEquals(2, commands.length);
+		assertNotNull(commands[0].getParent());
+		ITargetRule oldRule = (ITargetRule) commands[1].getParent();
+		assertNotNull(oldRule);
+		// some more tests...
+		String newRule = oldRule.getTarget() + ": " + oldRule.getPrerequisites()[0] + " foo.h" + view.getEOL()
+		+ oldRule.getCommands()[0];
+		view.replaceDirective(oldRule, newRule);
+		commitTest(view, "TOOLSDIR=c:\\my\\tools\n"+
+				"MIFCONV=$(TOOLDIR)\\mifconv.exe\n"+
+				"\n"+
+				"all: mytool\n"+
+				"\n"+
+				"foo.mif: foo.svg foo.h\n"+
+				"\t$(MIFCONV) -o $@ $^\n");
+	}
+	final String TEST_2 =
+		"ifeq ($(PLATFORM), WINS)\n"+
+		"ZDIR=$(EPOCROOT)\\release\\wins\\z\n"+
+		"else\n"+
+		"ZDIR=$(EPOCROOT)\\release\\$(PLATFORM)\\$(RELEASE)\\$(TARGET)\\z\n"+
+		"endif\n"+
+		"RESOURCE: $(ZDIR)\\sys\\gfx\\foo.mif\n";
+	final String TEST_2_a =
+		"ifeq ($(PLATFORM), WINS)\n"+
+		"ZDIR=$(EPOCROOT)\\release\\wins\\z\n"+
+		"else\n"+
+		"ZDIR=FOO\n"+
+		"endif\n"+
+		"RESOURCE: $(ZDIR)\\sys\\gfx\\foo.mif\n";
+	public void testQueryMacroDefs() {
+		makeModel(TEST_1);
+		IMakefileView view = getView(viewConfig);
+		IMacroDefinition definition = view.getMakefile().getMacroDefinitions("OBJS")[0];
+		assertNotNull(definition);
+		definition = view.getMakefile().getMacroDefinitions("SRCS")[0];
+		assertNotNull(definition);
+		////////
+		makeModel(TEST_2);
+		view = getView(viewConfig);
+		IMacroDefinition[] defs = view.getAllMacroDefinitions("ZDIR");
+		assertNotNull(defs);
+		assertEquals(2, defs.length);
+		assertTrue(defs[0].getParent() instanceof IConditional);
+		assertTrue(defs[1].getParent() instanceof IConditional);
+		assertNotSame(defs[0].getParent(), defs[1].getParent());
+	}
+	public void testQueryTargets() {
+		makeModel(TEST_1);
+		IMakefileView view = getView(viewConfig);
+		ITargetRule rule = view.findRuleForTarget("myfile.exe", false);
+		assertNotNull(rule);
+		makeModel("BLD : do_nothing\r\n" + 
+				"\r\n" + 
+				"CLEAN : do_nothing\r\n" + 
+				"\r\n" + 
+				"LIB : do_nothing\r\n" + 
+				"\r\n" + 
+				"CLEANLIB : do_nothing\r\n" + 
+				"\r\n" + 
+				"RESOURCE :	\r\n" + 
+				"	mifconv $(ICONTARGETFILENAME) \\\r\n" + 
+				"		/c32 $(ICONDIR)\\qgn_menu_Birthdays.svg\r\n" + 
+				"		\r\n" + 
+				"FREEZE : do_nothing\r\n" + 
+				"\r\n" + 
+				"SAVESPACE : do_nothing\r\n" + 
+				"\r\n" + 
+				"RELEASABLES :\r\n" + 
+				"	@echo $(ICONTARGETFILENAME)\r\n" + 
+				"\r\n" + 
+				"FINAL : do_nothing\r\n" + 
+				"\r\n"); 
+		view = getView(viewConfig);
+		rule = view.findRuleForTarget("RESOURCE", true);
+		assertNotNull(rule);
+		ICommand[] commands = view.findCommandsInvoking("mifconv");
+		assertEquals(1, commands.length);
+		assertEquals(rule, commands[0].getParent());
+		view.dispose();
+		model.dispose();
+	}
+	final String TEST_1_a =	
+		TEST_1 + 	// we lose the final newlines
+		"FOO=123  # yup\n";
+	final String TEST_1_b =
+		"virus.exe:\n"+
+		"\tgcc -o $@ doom.c\n"+
+		TEST_1_a; 
+	public void testAddedDirectives() {
+		makeModel(TEST_1);
+		IMakefileView view = getView(viewConfig);
+		assertEquals(2, view.getMakefile().getMacroDefinitions().length);
+		view.insertTextBefore("FOO=123  # yup\n", null);
+		assertTrue(view.hasChanges());
+		assertEquals(3, view.getMakefile().getMacroDefinitions().length);
+		assertEquals("123=FOO", view.getMakefile().expandString("$(FOO)=FOO"));
+		commitTest(view,
+				TEST_1_a);
+		String target = "virus.exe:\n" + "\tgcc -o $@ doom.c\n";
+		view.insertText(null, target);
+		commitTest(view,
+				TEST_1_b
+				);
+		view.dispose();
+		model.dispose();
+	}
+	public void testOverrideDirectives() {
+		makeModel(TEST_1);
+		IMakefileView view = getView(viewConfig);
+		IMacroDefinition oldDef = view.getMakefile().getMacroDefinitions("SRCS")[0];
+		String newVal = oldDef.getValue() + " more.cpp";
+		String newText = oldDef.getName() + " = " + newVal + "\n";
+		view.replaceDirective(oldDef, newText);
+		IMacroDefinition checkDef = view.getMakefile().getMacroDefinitions("SRCS")[0];
+		assertEquals(newText, checkDef.toString());
+		view.dispose();
+		model.dispose();
+		///////
+		makeModel(TEST_2);
+		view = getView(viewConfig);
+		IMacroDefinition[] defs = view.getAllMacroDefinitions("ZDIR");
+		assertNotNull(defs);
+		assertEquals(2, defs.length);
+		oldDef = defs[1];
+		view.replaceDirective(oldDef, "ZDIR=FOO" + view.getEOL());
+		commitTest(view, TEST_2_a);
+	}
+	public void testUnexpand() {
+		makeModel("ZDIR=$(EPOCROOT)\\release\\winscw\n"+
+				"TARGETDIR=$(ZDIR)\\data\n"+
+		IMakefileView view = getView(viewConfig);
+		String repl = view.unexpandMacros("$(EPOCROOT)\\release\\winscw\\data\\more.mif", 
+				new String[] {  "TARGETDIR", "ZDIR" });
+		assertEquals("$(TARGETDIR)\\more.mif", repl);
+		String repl1 = view.unexpandMacros("1 2 $(EPOCROOT)\\release\\winscw\\data\\more.mif 3 4", 
+				new String[] {  "TARGETDIR", "ZDIR" });
+		assertEquals("1 2 $(TARGETDIR)\\more.mif 3 4", repl1);
+		String repl2 = view.unexpandMacros("$(EPOCROOT)\\release\\winscw\\more.mif", 
+				new String[] {  "TARGETDIR", "ZDIR" });
+		assertEquals("$(ZDIR)\\more.mif", repl2);
+		String repl3 = view.unexpandMacros("$(EPOCROOT)\\release\\foo\\data\\more.mif", 
+				new String[] {  "TARGETDIR", "ZDIR" });
+		assertEquals("$(EPOCROOT)\\release\\foo\\data\\more.mif", repl3);
+		String repl4 = view.unexpandMacros("\\release\\winscw\\data\\more.mif", 
+				new String[] {  "TARGETDIR", "ZDIR" });
+		assertEquals("\\release\\winscw\\data\\more.mif", repl4);
+	}
+	public void testProblems() {
+		makeModel("\n\n)ZDIR@foo{\n"+
+				"^^ placate ^^\n");
+		IMakefileView view = getView(viewConfig);
+		IMessage[] messages = view.getMessages();
+		for (IMessage msg : messages)
+			System.out.println(msg);
+		assertEquals(2, messages.length);
+		assertEquals(IMessage.ERROR, messages[0].getSeverity());
+		assertEquals(IMessage.ERROR, messages[1].getSeverity());
+	}